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Squirrrel 101

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I saved a squirrel from the cats this morning, much to the dismay of our bloodthirsty killers.

One leg is damaged (broken?), other than that the squirrel looks ok and is now sheltered in the cat basket (what a bitter irony! :o )

We are thinking about keeping it as a pet in an appropriate cage as the damaged leg will make it easy prey for any predators. Now I have no clue as to how to look after a squirrel and what they eat (we tried muesli for a start).

Anyone out there with advise?



Edited by raro
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I saved a squirrel from the cats this morning, much to the dismay of our bloodthirsty killers.

One leg is damaged (broken?), other than that the squirrel looks ok and is now sheltered in the cat basket (what a bitter irony! :D )

We are thinking about keeping it as a pet in an appropriate cage as the damaged leg will make it easy prey for any predators. Now I have no clue as to how to look after a squirrel and what they eat (we tried muesli for a start).

Anyone out there with advise?



They eat ignition wire. :o

Both my neighbours had to replace their vehicle ignitions at 20K a throw as squirrels had been at them. They know it was squirrels as they were caught in the act.

Good luck with your Dr Doolittle act :D

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Thanks for advise, Mobi...will head off to the next junkyard and get me some wires. :o

In the meantime, the squirrel became a main attraction at the raro home.....



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We have a plague of squirrels.

So far I have noticed they like:

semi ripe mango

rose apples

they like to chew up bark and coconut husk

and they love the seeds off a tree in the north called Dton Keelek

All courtesy of my garden!

So I am guessing a mixed fruit and grain diet should do them nicely :o

I think they also steal eggs from birds nests - so you can throw in a couple of fried eggs :D

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sad story, the squirrel passed away on Thursday, possibly too young to eat the food Mrs. raro provided.

So Mrs. raro dug a grave in tears and in the very moment she wanted to place the dead squirrel in the grave, one of the cats walked by, saw the hole and took a crap in the grave....it is a cruel world out there....

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Well, given the number of cats surrounding the basket in that second photo perhaps he died of fright!

All kidding aside, he probably died from shock from the attack, could have had internal injuries as well, you never know. Tell Mrs Raro not to blame herself, it is unlikely it was her fault.

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well, the reason for keeping the squirrel in a cage was to protect it from the cats. After the first time they catched it I locked the cats up for a while in the guest room and released the squirrel in the jungle behind the house. Half an hour later I released the cats...it took them 5 minutes to come back with the squirrel. Hence the decision to keep it in a cage.

I agree that Mrs. raro's idea buying a replacement squirrel yesterday was not one of her best ones. It is now spending its life in a cage that became the main attraction of our predators...out of reach but it must feel like on death row...

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Well, given the number of cats surrounding the basket in that second photo perhaps he died of fright!

Squirrrels are too sensitive animal(exotic pets). They can not stand with stressful. They get shocked easily. :o:D

Edited by BambinA
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  • 3 weeks later...
Raro, admire your actions, but if you have a new squirrel do not keep it in a cage surrounded by cats, it's cruel.

good luck explaining this to Mrs. raro.... :o

While I can't explain it to Mrs. Raro, or for that matter anyone who didn't have the privelidggdgge of growing up in the Confederate States of America,

there are a lot of things you can do with a squirrel dead or alive, and I don't mean those weird things that Grichard Reare is at times accused of doing with his hamster..


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Lots of Thai people eat squirrel, I am sure Mrs Raro is well aware of that fact :o

I ain't said nothing about eatin'. Haven't y'all heard of squirrel a hoop, marco squirello, squirbles, that world famous surf and turf vermin canape, squirrel and tuna pie. Well maybe that last one is 'bout eatin'.

Hope my friend Mrs. Raro was out playing with the critter while this was viewable.


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Lots of Thai people eat squirrel, I am sure Mrs Raro is well aware of that fact :D

I ain't said nothing about eatin'. Haven't y'all heard of squirrel a hoop, marco squirello, squirbles, that world famous surf and turf vermin canape, squirrel and tuna pie. Well maybe that last one is 'bout eatin'.

Hope my friend Mrs. Raro was out playing with the critter while this was viewable.



don't worry...at this time of the day there is no sight of Mrs. raro....

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