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Please Note that I added this topic to the General topic forum as I am not sure of the best forum for answering this specific request.

I am building a home. Expect to be at the roofing stage within 2 weeks.

What I have noticed in my travels to and from the work site is the number of roof tiles that are well worn. Paint peeling from the tiles. Have also noticed some roof tiles that were installed within the last 2-3 years and they look terrible today.

I would like to know from those living in Thailand and have built a home here, the specific brand, make, manufacturer of roofing tile that you have "above your head" and Are you happy with the wear and tear? Price is not a concern as long as I can expect a reasonable (5-10-15 plus years) wear and tear!

Have looked at many types and sizes of roof tiles and have tried to find the website for all of them. But if a website exists, information is lacking and/or in Thai. Have sent emails to some of the websites but no return answer was or is forthcoming!

Any and all help is appreciated.



Hi, please don't post the same topic in multiple forums, thanks

I am moving this to the DIY forum where all the experts hang out



My roof is the cheap unpainted corrugated asbestos cement roof tiles that are 120 cm long and about 50 cm wide....its been there for 6 years and I expect it will last for 15 if not 20 or more.....its not so good looking...is the natural grey color but now somewhat mottled...the preferred brand around here has for its trademark five overlapping rings that looks like the olympic games trademark....I don't know if it really matters though.


My roof is the cheap unpainted corrugated asbestos cement roof tiles that are 120 cm long and about 50 cm wide....its been there for 6 years and I expect it will last for 15 if not 20 or more.....its not so good looking...is the natural grey color but now somewhat mottled...the preferred brand around here has for its trademark five overlapping rings that looks like the olympic games trademark....I don't know if it really matters though.


Yes, Chownah I have noticed them as well. They look "crappy" :o but they do last. It appears that the "painted" ones are the exact same tile but the paint starts to peel within a matter of 2-3 years. My wife prefers someting that looks nice - "painted". I tell her that we do not live on the roof so what does it matter what it looks like!

Thanks for the input.


When it comes to roof tiles and roofing systems I would only go with the C Pack Monier sytem they make a good product that lasts, does not leak and is available in all colors, they also offer the correct roof rails, screws and insulating sheets. Get one of their catalogs from your friendly building supply company and see how the entire system goes together without nails, bits of wire and leaking cement that hold the ridge tiles on (or not as the case may be with cement)

If you contact the building supplies people they will arrange for a representitive to visit you and discuss your needs, I believe they also have their own dedicated roofing contractors that will do the job if you require and give you a guarantee.

IMHO they are the brand leader yet still manage to be one of the lowest priced tiles around.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


If you decide to get the 150cm x 50 cm roofing tile be sure to get the thicker type as they make the good & the crap. 3 Days ago I went up on my new roof (granted I made a mistake & didn't walk on the support beam) & went thru 3 panels.Earlier in the day I put my knee thru the tile in the front. I learned 2 things How to walk correctly on the larger tile- DO not walk in the middle & walk on the support beams (where the hooks are in a row) & Buy the more expensive of the tiles -they are much heavier guage & only 6-7 Baht more a sheet.

Thee type Rimmer is talking about I believe are the shorter pieces & are real strong. After the school of hard knocks & a lot of cussing, the next time I go up on the front or back I am going to rip out the old tile(& if I have to )the sheet rock & do it right.

It just goes to show "If you want something done right do it yourself" Had I had a clue the contractor got the cheap material I would have paid the extra! I was to engulfed in putting in the septic tank to inspect. It pays to make sure your contractor is doing the job right. I built 50% of the house & rebuilt another 20%. Next Bungalow I am going to do myself!

You can get the larger tiles colored but they will fade some in time.

P.S. I am pretty fit only 64 kilo's & 5'4" Th edges break easily on the cheaper long tiles also--- Even if your thin!

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