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A Forest I Can Live In


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I've always wanted to just live in a forest for some time. Maybe a month or so; just living off the fruits and the land.

Where is a forest where I can do that? What are some of the things I should be concerned about?

Cheers =)

- Derek

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I've always wanted to just live in a forest for some time. Maybe a month or so; just living off the fruits and the land.

Where is a forest where I can do that? What are some of the things I should be concerned about?

Cheers =)

- Derek

Lions and tigers and bears..

There's no place like home..

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You best study up on this or bring along a native that knows how to forage, spefically in Thailand. I know in the states, folks have lost that skill, and have died attempting on doing what you plan. They get out in the forest, start gnawing away on any root and berry they can find and then the end up dead.

Your fantasy died in me at around the age of 12. Read the book "My side of the mountain." and then pretend it was your experience.

If not, good luck....

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You best study up on this or bring along a native that knows how to forage, spefically in Thailand. I know in the states, folks have lost that skill, and have died attempting on doing what you plan. They get out in the forest, start gnawing away on any root and berry they can find and then the end up dead.

Plus there might not be a lot to eat anyway. I've read accounts by people who fled to the join the communists in the jungles in the 70s and they were very hungry a lot of the time.

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Make sure you watch the movie, Into The Wild first

Happy movie with a not so happy ending

My desire to do so is partly inspired by Into The Wild. I loved that guy =)

Albeit I'll be living in a forest, not the middle of nowhere in Alaska.

You best study up on this or bring along a native that knows how to forage, spefically in Thailand. I know in the states, folks have lost that skill, and have died attempting on doing what you plan. They get out in the forest, start gnawing away on any root and berry they can find and then the end up dead.

Your fantasy died in me at around the age of 12. Read the book "My side of the mountain." and then pretend it was your experience.

If not, good luck....

Thanks for the tip. I heard a story from a girl who lived in Hawaii for several months, eating mangos and bananas as they fell off trees.

It sounds like it's not quite as easy in Thailand =)

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Make sure you watch the movie, Into The Wild first

Happy movie with a not so happy ending

My desire to do so is partly inspired by Into The Wild. I loved that guy =)

Albeit I'll be living in a forest, not the middle of nowhere in Alaska.

You best study up on this or bring along a native that knows how to forage, spefically in Thailand. I know in the states, folks have lost that skill, and have died attempting on doing what you plan. They get out in the forest, start gnawing away on any root and berry they can find and then the end up dead.

Your fantasy died in me at around the age of 12. Read the book "My side of the mountain." and then pretend it was your experience.

If not, good luck....

Thanks for the tip. I heard a story from a girl who lived in Hawaii for several months, eating mangos and bananas as they fell off trees.

It sounds like it's not quite as easy in Thailand =)

There's a lot of really wild jungle along Thai/Myanmar border from Kanchanaburi right up Mae sariang way--have a go along there for some real fun.You just might find the 'Japanese gold stash' too--

Sorry--I'm being facetious, and all the jungle food has been eaten by the people who HAVE to be there.

Edited by haybilly
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hey you want to be here in issan perfect for you,im in between buriram and korat,everyone lives off the land here,you can get fish from the ponds,catch rats at night with the locals and birds through the day plenty of insects as well,you can get the material for a tent for 20 baht,wash and bathe in the ponds and lakes,its easy they dont seem to be bothered,plenty of mango trees ect and herbs growing you should be fine,if you get real hungry come round to mine,i can do you a pepperoni pizza in my outdoor brick oven anytime....

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Check this out. It may help. http://www.trekthailand.net/guide/

Sweet! Thanks for the awesome resource =)

hey you want to be here in issan perfect for you,im in between buriram and korat,everyone lives off the land here,you can get fish from the ponds,catch rats at night with the locals and birds through the day plenty of insects as well,you can get the material for a tent for 20 baht,wash and bathe in the ponds and lakes,its easy they dont seem to be bothered,plenty of mango trees ect and herbs growing you should be fine,if you get real hungry come round to mine,i can do you a pepperoni pizza in my outdoor brick oven anytime....

Wow, that sounds awesome. I'm less thrilled about eating rats and insects, but fresh mangos and fresh fish sounds like a real blast =)

Why not do something original, instead of getting yourself killed chasing some Movie/Novel inspired pipe dream? Great movie though wasn't it? If you haven't read the book, check it out.

It definitely was a great movie =)

I'm not too concerned about doing something original or not. My criteria is how much fun/how great an experience it is, regardless of whether someone else's done it before. Else I wouldn't be going to thailand ... And heck, I'd never sleep with another woman in my life =)

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If you have good survivalist skills like f'r instance chubby back-to-nature "bushcraft" expert Ray Mears, you could live free and happily in some forest for the rest of your life. Good luck.

(Portly Ray seems to do all right anyway. I think he eats a few berries and bits of bark for the cameras, and then sneaks off to the nearest McDonalds meself, mind).

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Make sure you watch the movie, Into The Wild first

Happy movie with a not so happy ending

My desire to do so is partly inspired by Into The Wild. I loved that guy =)

Albeit I'll be living in a forest, not the middle of nowhere in Alaska.

You best study up on this or bring along a native that knows how to forage, spefically in Thailand. I know in the states, folks have lost that skill, and have died attempting on doing what you plan. They get out in the forest, start gnawing away on any root and berry they can find and then the end up dead.

Your fantasy died in me at around the age of 12. Read the book "My side of the mountain." and then pretend it was your experience.

If not, good luck....

Thanks for the tip. I heard a story from a girl who lived in Hawaii for several months, eating mangos and bananas as they fell off trees.

It sounds like it's not quite as easy in Thailand =)

Lived in Maui 11 years. Not that easy. Unless your paying your camping fees & moving by the 3rd day the heat will visit you & kick you out of the park, If your caught on a multiple of times from the same cop you lose your tent & belongings -3rd time out you lose the farm & go to see the Judge in the morning or after the weekend. If your not present & you have no posted permit you forfeit all your gear while you are out. The other way trespassing or if your in someones prize crop worse. Used to be you could set up a hui & party down now it is a lot redder there. Although there are some remote spots the heat stays out of. I camped for almost 3 months while moving to Thailand & it was not that easy, besides mango's & bananas , your going to need a ton of TP. after 1 month of camping(& I love camping out) I was tired of getting sandblasted. Having to hide from the cops lights & looking forward to moving to Thailand as I already tied up loose ends. Maybe Lanai might work!

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I can direct you to a fella who has a bamboo hut next to a river deep in the forest of the North. he will let you stay there for free and provide you with weekly food runs in exchange for watching the property and taking care of some of the plants. pm for info

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I can direct you to a fella who has a bamboo hut next to a river deep in the forest of the North. he will let you stay there for free and provide you with weekly food runs in exchange for watching the property and taking care of some of the plants. pm for info

And what type of plants might these be? :o

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I can direct you to a fella who has a bamboo hut next to a river deep in the forest of the North. he will let you stay there for free and provide you with weekly food runs in exchange for watching the property and taking care of some of the plants. pm for info

And what type of plants might these be? :o

555555555555555555 - pretty flowers, poppies. Everyone's seen The Beach.

Tigers, snakes, scorpians, mossies, poisonous insects, criminal gangs - sh!t these are realities in Thailand. People that live lin these areas know how - even they die - and have some immunity to stings, bites and malaria etc, you don't. This is serious, its not a week in Yellow Stone Park or something, there's no parkies to keep an eye on you. If you are determined, take your own drug store and stay with a hill tribe in the mountains (rain forrest covered) - its a halfway house to the deep jungle near Myanmar (and less chance or running into the Wa) - for the money and because they are generally nice people, they will help keep you safe - don't go it alone, or you'll die alone.

Edited by wolf5370
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Take my word for it, you would be hard pressed to find enough to eat foraging in the forest. If it looks edible, it probably is NOT. The Thais prowl the national forests carrying their black powder guns and kill anything that moves. A Thai friend of mine always told me that if it walks, crawls, swims or flies, we eat it.

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Erm I think thats a national park - illegal to camp there (wonder if its illegal to camp wild in LoS). Pretty much everywhere in the UK is either owned or illegal to camp in. So, as with everything in the UK, find the owner, pay an extortionate amount of dosh to pitch a tent and use their chemical toilets and cold showers.

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Hey,what about lumphini park in bangkok.You could live on monitor lizzards & fish food,& the odd pidgeon,plus theres a mcdonalds & burger king just across the road. :o

Seriously though i also want to see the film,Into the wild,& i'm really into the Ray Mears,& Nick Middleton programs.I liked the one where he made a solar still in the desert,& drank from a cup that was water evaporated from his own urine in the morning.

I very much doubt theres any true untouched inland wilderness in los though. :D

One of many of Prince Phillip's many gaffes was to say if it runs,swims or flies,then the Cantonese will eat it. :D:D

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Chiang Mai's Night Safari occupies a rather large area with plenty of edible wildlife that goes missing on a regular basis, they probably won't notice another zebra here or an ocelot there.

And the good news is that whenever you tire of your adventure, Pizza Hut, Major Cineplex etc. is but a few kilometers away. Just make sure you wipe your mouth from any telltale signs of your exotic barbecue first, there may be animal activists in Black Canyon.

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Erm I think thats a national park - illegal to camp there (wonder if its illegal to camp wild in LoS).

Sure it is illegal to camp out in wild, but if you ask nicely, a Park Ranger will let you. Having said that, you must each day report back to him/her where you are.

Be more adventurous join the Thai Army in Kanchanaburi and camp out with the Rangers :o near the Burma border, in the Jungle or perhaps in the Jungles of Phrae up north of Thailand.

Happy Camping, and stay safe to tell your stories.

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

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