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Moving To Los In The Spring.

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Hi I'm Bud and my wife is Bung. We have been browsing this site for a while and with our move in the spring thought we would log on and as a few questions. I'll give you a little background. We have been married for 35+ years and have lived most of that time in the U.S. We have decided on 3 areas to possibly live in Korat, KK or Udorn. My wifes sister has offered us land between Bua Yai and Chaiyabuhm but neither of us are sure that we want to build there. Also my wife is very westernized, i.e. must have AC, hates to sit on the floor(will have to have american type furniture), bath tub and american toliet. So we will be looking for european type homes. Now a couple of questions. I will have more as we get closer to our move.

1. I love to fish. I have fished in Udorn and Khon Kaen are there good fishing holes in Korat?

2. I will be visiting the Thai Embassy in D.C. and will more than likely have more questions then than I do now. We have always had joint checking and savings accounts. When they talk about the money in the bank. Will it have to be under my name. We had a joint account in Udorn in the early 70s and had no problems.

gone fishin



Can't really help you out too much Bud, but I do want to say that penzman and I talked extensively over a beer about going fishing, er hang on, penz is that right? now I am starting to think it was the other way around, we drank extensively over a chat, yeah that's it and we decided to go fishing.

Then we both realised neither of us knew how or even where to go, funnily enough my town is known as a fishing village!!! oh well, next time.


Good luck on your move!!!



You Kan always try you hand on Srinakarin Reservoir in Kanchanaburi Province… Only 130 kms long, and 3-4 hours from Bangkok to the beginning of this great place.

The Beginning. :D


The middle part.


Welcome to Thailand. :wub:

Kan Win


Happy Days

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