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Fridays Funny


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The Pope decided to do something really special to celebrate the millennium in a religious way. He decided to re-translate the bible from the original Dead Sea Scrolls. So he got the scrolls under his arm, told his arch-bishops and assistants what he was going to do, and went off and locked himself away in his office.

A couple of hours later the bishops were milling around outside the office, when all of a sudden they heard "Oh S**t !! - Oh <deleted> ! - Oh ! dam_n !! - dam_n, dam_n, dam_n, s**t ! " ...and this went on for a while, and got louder.

Concerned for the Holy Father's soul, they tapped on the door quietly, and opened it to see the Pope in tears, tearing up the scrolls.

"Holy Father - what are you doing ? What has happened ?" they pleaded.

"Oh S**t !! - Oh <deleted> ! - Oh ! dam_n !! - dam_n, dam_n, dam_n, s**t ! " he carried on. "2000 years this has gone on for," he moaned.

" What, what, oh Holy Father ?" they cried.

"2000 years they have been translating these scrolls, and after all that time, there's an "r" in it," he cried.

"An "r" in what ?" they asked.

In "celebrate".

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