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Ok enough! I made the original recommendation on the basis that I was happy with Jon & Omer's work, and I personally know other people who would recommend them. On the cost issue they are not the cheapest but no way near the dearest. As usual people spout cheap prices but in reality its bullshit and at the end of the day you get what you pay for. As for what colours are used..... please!

To N47HAN - I would not worry about who you identify as potential customers in this thread, in their opinion your products would either be far too 'expensive', the wrong colour or could be be bought for the fraction on the price from Joe Bloggs down the road!

Please remember that some people have to work to make a living and take pride in that work. Ok the other web guys are just back stabbing which is to be expected, they would like your custom, but also please note only one has included an actual web link. Those of you who do not know what the hel_l you are talking about just remember it may be your business under the spotlight next week.

I am not regretting the recco , as it happens i had received a quote from some company for 15K and was puzzled have they could create 400+ pages on the site and a further 100 or so on pdf download for such a small sum.

100k value for money ?, before i gave the work to these guys I enquired with a couple of buisiness owners i know that also have had there sites done ( not by these guys) from companies here in Phuket , they told me that the figure was about right.

Overall i have noted the small changes the majority of people seem to say ( i.ethe background shade ) and a few other minor issues about the google search stuff etc.

But dont really have a doubt that these guys would be happy to help even after reciving my money.

So one question i would like to ask the previous posters if they could post a link to what they consider to be "good" website so i may get some ideas ?

Thx all

to be fair, as i have stated i was quite happy with these guys. Both pleasant and have various works complete allready ( some of wich are to some developers that are actually customers of ours anyway).

All opinions are valid wrong or right they are still opinions.

A few tweaks here and there and i would be very happy .

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The original topic was taxin searching someone for his website.

Why now the website of N47HAN has to be judged?

By the way after reading the original post of DD18 some weeks ago i called Omer and i had a chat with him (i am in phuket from few months and i was searching some contacts). He sounded to me a professional and nice guy.

Why N47HAN don't you try to speak with him; if you are not happy with the template or something else maybe you can find an arrangement.


I have to agree a little with regards to the "I could have done it cheaper" comments, its not really what PSD/N47HAN wants to hear.

On the other hand, the more I read the comments on this thread the more convinced I am that we have actually been a little soft on the people who built the PSD site. "Expensive", "Overpaid" and even my own comments on paying for man hours I take it back. The be end in all this is simple, you were ripped off !!

Its not the 1st time I have seen people get ripped off on websites, I see it all the time people paying 80-100k for a website that should only have been 20k at the most. Just recently it happened to a friend of mine.

These people do it coz they can get away with it, in the world of IT you have so many scamsters out there who take advantage of people simply because they are not in the know. IT is and always will be a very secretive industry, the trick is to never give away those secrets and retain that illusion that its very difficult, time consuming and requires skills, when very rarely does it actually involve any.

This is why so many IT people prefer to be "freelance", its so they can prey on the vulnerable and not have to work for a company were its more difficult to scam people.

Sorry to all the freelancers out there, im sure your not all like this but still, thats my 2 bahts worth on the whole thing. :o

Ok enough! I made the original recommendation on the basis that I was happy with Jon & Omer's work, and I personally know other people who would recommend them. On the cost issue they are not the cheapest but no way near the dearest. As usual people spout cheap prices but in reality its bullshit and at the end of the day you get what you pay for. As for what colours are used..... please!

To N47HAN - I would not worry about who you identify as potential customers in this thread, in their opinion your products would either be far too 'expensive', the wrong colour or could be be bought for the fraction on the price from Joe Bloggs down the road!

Please remember that some people have to work to make a living and take pride in that work. Ok the other web guys are just back stabbing which is to be expected, they would like your custom, but also please note only one has included an actual web link. Those of you who do not know what the hel_l you are talking about just remember it may be your business under the spotlight next week.

LOL, funny post, made me laugh... enough! (squeaky voice) .. mate - no back stabbing done, just trying to be objective, honest and helpful. :D

The original topic was taxin searching someone for his website.

Why now the website of N47HAN has to be judged?

By the way after reading the original post of DD18 some weeks ago i called Omer and i had a chat with him (i am in phuket from few months and i was searching some contacts). He sounded to me a professional and nice guy.

Why N47HAN don't you try to speak with him; if you are not happy with the template or something else maybe you can find an arrangement.

Because N47HAN was recommending the services, was trying to save Taxin from falling into the same hole. :D

I have to agree a little with regards to the "I could have done it cheaper" comments, its not really what PSD/N47HAN wants to hear.

On the other hand, the more I read the comments on this thread the more convinced I am that we have actually been a little soft on the people who built the PSD site. "Expensive", "Overpaid" and even my own comments on paying for man hours I take it back. The be end in all this is simple, you were ripped off !!

Its not the 1st time I have seen people get ripped off on websites, I see it all the time people paying 80-100k for a website that should only have been 20k at the most. Just recently it happened to a friend of mine.

These people do it coz they can get away with it, in the world of IT you have so many scamsters out there who take advantage of people simply because they are not in the know. IT is and always will be a very secretive industry, the trick is to never give away those secrets and retain that illusion that its very difficult, time consuming and requires skills, when very rarely does it actually involve any.

This is why so many IT people prefer to be "freelance", its so they can prey on the vulnerable and not have to work for a company were its more difficult to scam people.

Sorry to all the freelancers out there, im sure your not all like this but still, thats my 2 bahts worth on the whole thing. :D

Well said... apologies for helping take your original thread off at a complete tangent! :D

Some good web sites, pure class :o (might take some time to load):

Take it easy...




:o Those sites are awful ! But still made me laugh. Funny :D

I can assure you I will not be falling into the same hole as PSD.

The positive thing that has come out of this thread is that the people who built the PSD site have been exposed on here for all to see, although to the unfortunate expense of PSD.

You guys obviously know your stuff and it would seem his money would have been much better spent had he come to one of you. But surely the people that come to his site aren't web designers but building contractors and project managers etc, therefor perhaps your criticism is a bit too in depth. They won't see what you see. ........................We live and learn.

A toast to the honesty of this post! :o

I looked at the site and quite liked it....! Know nothing about links and search engines - but now he knows and may pass this on to the designers..... tips and hints are far better and more honest then this... "what? would you only have come to me..." phishing...


Hi everyone

A good website is not about the design, it has a lot more to do about the search engines and what their spiders look for.

Any very good website designer should be able to place your homepage at lest on the first page of a search-engine. Top is mosly taken if the keyword is in a domain name.

Some text on some websites appear strange, because the webmaster is incorporating your keywords on a homepage. A really good webmaster can make you fifty home pages with fifty keywords and upload them to the web so that only the spiders can find them, not the public, as it would be reported for spamming and would be banned.

A website like this is very powerful tool in a competitive market and would take a webmaster about a month to complete, sometimes longer. So a website for 100,000 Baht might impress your mates, but it is not dong a lot around search engines. I have checked most websites on this thread and think they are simple to make and suggest the price is right.

Please don't PM me as I have work for the next six months.

Well what can I say?



I think Nathan has done pretty well to keep an open mind on this thread and not rise to some of the one-upmanship amongst web designers that has resulted in his website being unfairly slated.

In my opinion the website needs a couple of improvements and was over-priced but all these guys saying they could have got it done for 10-15k are like the guys who claim people lose 50% on a Chevy or Ford in the first couple of years – I’ve never seen these bargains, they exist only on Thai-Visa.

If it was my website I would focus on getting the search engine side of things sorted (major priority) and maybe adjust the colours a bit which isn’t such a big deal. It sounds like he has a decent relationship with the people who did it so it shouldn’t be a problem. People go to this type of website to get a price on something, get a phone number etc., not to admire the quality of the coding…


^ Yes not a chance that site would be built for 10-15 K, I don't know anybody decent that works that cheap.

As for what colours are used..... please!

The colour scheme is important on a website. For example, a lot less members would use this site regularly if it had a red background and all text was in white.

one thing i know from having built my own sites and worked on others is that it takes 2 to tango.

coders cannot design well (that's me),

designers are hopeless coders.

get a good one of each if you want a good looking and efficient site.

the best designers have been brought up on print advertising.

and keep it clean and simple.

do not throw in awful animated gifs of all sizes like the way they are messing up this forum.

Animated gifs are great for forums.... Here is a new one for the Thai Visa Forum.




You might think that this has not got a thing to do with Phuket, But I live in Phuket and I am a webmaster.

So I have posted a few gifs for Phuket forum. Hope the Mods don't mind?

Just right click and save target as?..... Will post more if requested.
















Many members may not be aware of our core buisiness.

However it happens to be Pvc windows.

In Phuket , Pattaya Changmai , Samui etc,etc.....

Just googled

pvc windows pattaya number 1 and 2 on google

Pvc windows phuket number 2

changmai 1 and 3


guess these guys are not doing so bad for me on the spider stuff !

still had no links to the "better" websites that have been designed ?

For the record good or bad I honestly cannot complain about either the design ( wich was pretty much my idea so cant blame them for that )

or the service i have received.

You may all read the previous posts and decide for yourselves . I guess only time will tell .

Thanks for all the comments though guys , a few changes have been agreed due to your inputs.


Many members may not be aware of our core buisiness.

However it happens to be Pvc windows.

In Phuket , Pattaya Changmai , Samui etc,etc.....

Just googled

pvc windows pattaya number 1 and 2 on google

Pvc windows phuket number 2

changmai 1 and 3


guess these guys are not doing so bad for me on the spider stuff !

still had no links to the "better" websites that have been designed ?

For the record good or bad I honestly cannot complain about either the design ( wich was pretty much my idea so cant blame them for that )

or the service i have received.

You may all read the previous posts and decide for yourselves . I guess only time will tell .

Thanks for all the comments though guys , a few changes have been agreed due to your inputs.


Might have something to do with your other domain name that links to your site. (pvcwindowsphuket)

Domain names that have the actual product (and key area) in the URL is always a bonus. But then again, you may be the only company on the net that sells PVC windows in phuket, so naturally you will be up there. The fact that your 2nd for "pvc windows phuket" is a surprise, my guess is that you have probably been beaten by phuket.com

If I started a site now saying www.tiddlywinksinphuket.com and someone searched for "Tiddlywinks in Phuket", there is a very high chance of me being the 1st on Google. :D (or 2nd)... :o

Many members may not be aware of our core buisiness.

However it happens to be Pvc windows.

In Phuket , Pattaya Changmai , Samui etc,etc.....

Just googled

pvc windows pattaya number 1 and 2 on google

Pvc windows phuket number 2

changmai 1 and 3


guess these guys are not doing so bad for me on the spider stuff !

still had no links to the "better" websites that have been designed ?

For the record good or bad I honestly cannot complain about either the design ( wich was pretty much my idea so cant blame them for that )

or the service i have received.

You may all read the previous posts and decide for yourselves . I guess only time will tell .

Thanks for all the comments though guys , a few changes have been agreed due to your inputs.


Might have something to do with your other domain name that links to your site. (pvcwindowsphuket)

Domain names that have the actual product (and key area) in the URL is always a bonus. But then again, you may be the only company on the net that sells PVC windows in phuket, so naturally you will be up there. The fact that your 2nd for "pvc windows phuket" is a surprise, my guess is that you have probably been beaten by phuket.com

If I started a site now saying www.tiddlywinksinphuket.com and someone searched for "Tiddlywinks in Phuket", there is a very high chance of me being the 1st on Google. :D (or 2nd)... :o

TIDDLYWINKS , now theres a word i havent heard in 30+ years ! oh memories of such a classis game :D

Weve just had our site revamped ( www.psdphuket.com )

Finflix and simple biz are the guys Jon and Omar , based in Chalong.

Good service and price in my opinion ( actually got their number from a post regarding exactly this a few weeks back )

Jon Cully is the web designer 0874 983630 .

Have a look at our site see what u think and give them a call.


I am NOT affiliated in anyway to these guys , just a happy customer

Then why would you say " Have a look at OUR site " ? and " ...our site revamped " :o

Weve just had our site revamped ( www.psdphuket.com )

Finflix and simple biz are the guys Jon and Omar , based in Chalong.

Good service and price in my opinion ( actually got their number from a post regarding exactly this a few weeks back )

Jon Cully is the web designer 0874 983630 .

Have a look at our site see what u think and give them a call.


I am NOT affiliated in anyway to these guys , just a happy customer

Then why would you say " Have a look at OUR site " ? and " ...our site revamped " :o

OUR site refers to my companies site ? If you care to see a post i made several weeks ago asking for reccomendations then you might understand ? :D

  • 9 months later...
ok so now youve got me thinking....

I would say i didnt scrape on cost ?

What you see there now cost me 100,000THB !

The total page number is in the region of 400 with maybe a hudred or so more pages on downloadable pdf formats ?

Value for money guys ? yes / no ?

I honestly thought it looked ok.

But more important thoughts than mine are potential clients , and thats all of you !

Honest and straight opinions greatly received and if it means spending more than so be it . We do deal with the major developers and architects in Thailand so it is Very Important that the web-site is clear concise informative easy to navigate and creates a good impression.

As i said guys honest opinions very much appreciated !

well, the thing is that there are many different aspect to a site;







I find your site overal very poor, but then again, 400 pages and those PDF's are worth money.

so not to worry, it's not all wasted, but still, as well the design as the development are very low quality

You guys obviously know your stuff and it would seem his money would have been much better spent had he come to one of you. But surely the people that come to his site aren't web designers but building contractors and project managers etc, therefor perhaps your criticism is a bit too in depth. They won't see what you see. As someone who knows nothing about web design, to me it looks fine and I wouldn't hesitate to purchase his products from it. It's just a shame it would appear he could have got the same results for a much cheaper price elsewhere. We live and learn.

well, there's more to it then that ... what about getting those contractors to actually find the site, that's just 1 issue ... he doesn't use any mod_rewrite ... there's no order form etc.

lot's of stuff wrong, or at least missing on this site ...


I too, along with N47HAN am patiently waiting for one of the "experts" to link to a site that IS a good designed website.

It appears that it is easy to be a critic here but no one (except GmB) has shown what they consider to be a good website.

C'mon experts. We'd love to see your best.


Anybody familiar with setting up an E-commerce site?, need a programmer... Looking for somebody willing to pay $, send me PM.

I too, along with N47HAN am patiently waiting for one of the "experts" to link to a site that IS a good designed website.

It appears that it is easy to be a critic here but no one (except GmB) has shown what they consider to be a good website.

C'mon experts. We'd love to see your best.

I too, along with N47HAN am patiently waiting for one of the "experts" to link to a site that IS a good designed website.

It appears that it is easy to be a critic here but no one (except GmB) has shown what they consider to be a good website.

C'mon experts. We'd love to see your best.

Maybe that is because the TV MODS dont like links to websites being placed on the threads ? Like, people taking advantage of free advertising... :o

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