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Are Bargirls Unfortunate People?


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In my honest Opinion I think the opposite I think they are strong people like someone told me after a few PM's to each other the bar scene in thailand is totally different than some other places The girls talk to you and make you feel comfortable it's up to both parties if they want to go with each other.

Thier circumstance are unfortunate living in poor areas where their is not much to work or even do!!! So they hear they can make much money then they can help there families but at what cost though. Who knows in the end

I wish we had some Bargirls on this forum I mean Bargirls working now not former BG's We can see how they really feel. After reading Scamp's thread on his GF Ning She seems to have a strong personality, This is an opinion of mine My answer I really don't know the truth Only way you will know that is to be in a bargirl's shoes and live their life for a while.

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Only way you will know that is to be in a bargirl's shoes and live their life for a while.

As opposed to being a smug farang poking fun at them on an internet forum?

I agree. ( IamMaic, i am not referring to you, i know that you are not one of the idiots that continually dwell on Bargirl topics )

This forum is sinking into the same abyss that all Thai related forums end up in.

I can remember George saying that a better quality of post was in order for Thai Visa, hahaha..............George was that a joke?

I will post a new Bargirl thread everyday till i am banned, then i will get a new name and start again , and again , and again till bargirl threads are completely ignored.

Harry Palmer, judging by the ammount of posts you make, you do not have much of a social life, try getting one.

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Only way you will know that is to be in a bargirl's shoes and live their life for a while.

As opposed to being a smug farang poking fun at them on an internet forum?

I agree. ( IamMaic, i am not referring to you, i know that you are not one of the idiots that continually dwell on Bargirl topics )

This forum is sinking into the same abyss that all Thai related forums end up in.

I can remember George saying that a better quality of post was in order for Thai Visa, hahaha..............George was that a joke?

I will post a new Bargirl thread everyday till i am banned, then i will get a new name and start again , and again , and again till bargirl threads are completely ignored.

Harry Palmer, judging by the ammount of posts you make, you do not have much of a social life, try getting one.

You know with all the threads HP has started about bargirls I am beginning to wonder if he has ever been with a bargirl?? he tries to get opinions on this and that has he the nerve to talk to one or even enter a bar??

I never been with a bargirl I never even been to a bar in thailand I am not going to fly 18 to 19 hours and go to thailand and spend time in a bar!!!! I could do that in the US. Sure I've seen them and yeah the girls are beautiful something out there for every man.

I chose to start a relationship with a regular thai girl and when i talk to her about bargirls she feels bad for the girls but she does understand why they do that kind of work and I do also.

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You know with all the threads HP has started about bargirls  I am beginning to wonder if he has ever been with a bargirl??


He's studying to be a godbotherer with The Holy Order of Onanists.

He's not permitted practical experience with bargirls, so he has to ask about them here.

After he graduates you'll find him standing outside dens of iniquity in Nana and Patpong, shaking his tambourine with one hand and his wee-wee with the thumb and forefinger of the other, chanting over and over "Bargirls are bad girls! Masturbation is salvation!"

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I think that the unfortunate people are not the BG's, not the customers who treat them for what they are(whore usage = sex, payment,departure), but the unfortunate ones are those who get sucked into the BG's hidden agendas,deceits and lies as means to HER ends.You know, the typical kind of emotional fraud that results in a Stickman's readers submission.

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I think that the unfortunate people are not the BG's, not the customers who treat them for what they are(whore usage = sex, payment,departure), but the unfortunate ones are those who get sucked into the BG's hidden agendas,deceits and lies as means to HER ends.You know, the typical kind of emotional fraud that results in a Stickman's readers submission.

yes, but in most cases the victims of the lies, deceits are dirty old men who are on holliday to take advantage of girls a 1/4 of their age in a 3rd world country where they have no choice :o

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yes, but in most cases the victims of the lies, deceits are dirty old men who are on holliday to take advantage of girls a 1/4 of their age in a 3rd world country where they have no choice :o

uhhh 1/4 their age ?

lets see 18 x 4 = 72

so most of them are 72 years or older !

never let facts get in the way of your agemda......

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I agree with IamMaiC. It'd be nice to have THEIR opinion - a good balance of:

the black hearts,

the jai dee,

the ones who enjoy their work,

the ones that do not,

the ones that don't like farang,

and the ones that do (to whatever extent)

I still find the subjects interesting and a part of life.

There are people in lurkdom on this board that also look to understand the BGs and their customers.

Who wants to pitch in to get some of these girls to a internet site for a scheduled 2 hour board interview?? What am I talking about??

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I think that the unfortunate people are not the BG's, not the customers who treat them for what they are(whore usage = sex, payment,departure), but the unfortunate ones are those who get sucked into the BG's hidden agendas,deceits and lies as means to HER ends.You know, the typical kind of emotional fraud that results in a Stickman's readers submission.
What is with the pitty for bar girls. Lazy, sleazy, tourist attractions.

We have the same scum here in NY but not too many fools think they are anything but whores.

OK OK The BG's are a little nicer... OK alot nicer.... until you fall for the scam then they are all the same


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What do you think?

Some yes and some no, depends on many circumstances.

I will post a new Bargirl thread everyday till i am banned, then i will get a new name and start again , and again , and again till bargirl threads are completely ignored.

Get a bloody life^^

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Some BG's for sure have brains..I personally know a young 20 year old BG who was smart enough...finally...to refuse an offer of marriage to a farang. The fella chased after her for nearly two years and did all the paperwork to marry her and take her to the states. The dude is an ugy dirt bag who thinks he's Rico Suave. He would have treated her like a prisoner or worse ! Was really glad to hear she smartened up !

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As it happens I was in the company of a bargirl yesterday (bargirl sounds so much nicer than prostitue) and in the due course of the conversation I asked her how long she'd been on the joband what she used to do before. To which she replied she used to be a hairdresser and a waitress.

So why did she change?

hairdressing: she'd work long hours for 6-8,000 baht a month

waitress: long hours for 3,000 baht a month

she laughed and said "Now I can get that in a day!"

Unlike some of those mentioned above, she had no intention of marrying a farang and living in the US or Europe and I think that shows something better than those who want a man to take care of them but lose their independence in a foreign country.

Unfortunate is not a word that quickly springs to mind with this girl.

Perhaps she is unfortunate in that she doesn't have better opportunities to make her life better but she's pretty smart with what she's got.

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The dude is an ugy dirt bag who thinks he's Rico Suave. He would have treated her like a prisoner or worse ! Was really glad to hear she smartened up !

I was watching an episode of "real TV" here in the states and it showed the courtroom video somewhere in california, well their were some sheriff's deputies in the room then you here gunshots, many many gunshots.

The host of the program then goes into the story of what's going on, It was the breakup(divorce) of a american man and a filipino girl. they had come into the courthouse to start the proceedings for the divorce.

They The man and the woman had married a year earlier, after a short courtship maybe a month I think. But the family could see problems and was wondering if they should let their daughter marry this man. She could have a better life they thought.

When they finally came to the states the problems began luckily she had an aunt that lived nearby that she could go to for help The girl told her aunt that her husband wanted sex many times a day. She wasn't even a bargirl, She didn't like living like this He also wanted her to cook and clean everything and she was not aloud out of the house unless he went with her. He wanted a slave :o

On the show they finally showed a picture of him and her, He was slim but not very handsome, she on the other hand was very beautiful, They showed a video of them getting married He said "I Love you" many times to her. and she said the same.

Until that fateful day that was shown at the beginning of the program, The host later said he emptied an entire clip of bullets into her!!!! then he shot her aunt who survived and then killed himself. Very Sad. I know i'm off topic but i needed to say this

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Unlike some of those mentioned above, she had no intention of marrying a farang and living in the US or Europe and I think that shows something better than those who want a man to take care of them but lose their independence in a foreign country.

:o And you know coz she told you.

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Bar girls are aliens from the planet zork in the outer reaches of our galaxy. Teams of zorkians regularly travel to earth in spaceships and eventually land on the top of the nation tower in bangna, which everyone thinks is a helicopter pad.

Zorkians are 75 percent plasma, but one of the elevators at the nation (the third one from the left facing 7-eleven) been transformed into metamorphic trangressional transformation pod and by the time they reach the ground floor, the jelly-blob-like zorkians have taken on the appearance and characteristic of a cutey bar girl.

They then make their way into central bangkok by asking passers-bye "I want go now, you give money me taxi". They then meet up with Zorkians who have lived here a while, at designated locations, for last minute briefings.

They then proceed to carry on with their mission, which is ... well, I guess there is no need to bore you with details.

Zorkians are very intelligent and sophisticated. You probably would have noticed this mr crush being the man of the world that you are. They fight no wars, have eradicated all diseases and have slowed the ageing process to a crawl.

The average age of a zorkian bar girl is 753 human years. So while others ignorant of the zorkian presence may be distainful of an old fart parading with a young lady, the opposite is in fact the case, with most zorkian girls being upwards of 700 years your senior.

Being mainly plasmic, zorkian bg's are not adapted to dancing and tend to grab on to the nearest stable and just shuffle around when required to dance.

a word of warning. Be very careful not to make a zorkian bg angry, because they will sometimes suck your brains out. It has happened to me - twice.

Well I hope I have contributed to this lively debate. Thank you.

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Bar girls are aliens from the planet zork in the outer reaches of our galaxy. Teams of zorkians regularly travel to earth in spaceships and eventually land on the top of the nation tower in bangna, which everyone thinks is a helicopter pad.

Zorkians are 75 percent plasma, but one of the elevators at the nation (the third one from the left facing 7-eleven) been transformed into metamorphic trangressional transformation pod and by the time they reach the ground floor, the jelly-blob-like zorkians have taken on the appearance and characteristic of a cutey bar girl.

They then make their way into central bangkok by asking passers-bye "I want go now, you give money me taxi". They then meet up with Zorkians who have lived here a while, at designated locations, for last minute briefings.

They then proceed to carry on with their mission, which is ... well, I guess there is no need to bore you with details.

Zorkians are very intelligent and sophisticated. You probably would have noticed this mr crush being the man of the world that you are. They fight no wars, have eradicated all diseases and have slowed the ageing process to a crawl.

The average age of a zorkian bar girl is 753 human years. So while others ignorant of the zorkian presence may be distainful of an old fart parading with a young lady, the opposite is in fact the case, with most zorkian girls being upwards of 700 years your senior.

Being mainly plasmic, zorkian bg's are not adapted to dancing and tend to grab on to the nearest stable and just shuffle around when required to dance.

a word of warning. Be very careful not to make a zorkian bg angry, because they will sometimes suck your brains out. It has happened to me - twice.

Well I hope I have contributed to this lively debate. Thank you.

:o:D marvelous :D:D

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hairy Palmer told me. that's how I know. he says he was actually taken back to Zork and had all these medicial experiments done on him.

He said it was ok but they forgot to put a few of his organs back inside him before they stitched him up. Next thing ya know he's back on earth discontentdly wandering around the streets of some murky city somewhere feeling a little lighter.

I think this esplains a lot.

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