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School holiday just upon us and I have been told today that in all probability there will be a 'Farang' seminar/conference this May for all of us to attend. 2 Thai teachers from my school have to travel to Bangkok this week to deliver the applications for this teacher licence by hand, wait 2-3 days for it to be processed and then return (you can imagine they are pleased)!

One of the teachers has been told we will then have to attend this seminar anything up to 4 days in early May, if you don't then the new licence will be cancelled! Cost is 8000 baht per person plus you have to find all associated costs of travel and stay, which will amount to half my salary I'd imagine. Logistics, benefits anyone?

You could say this is hear say, but if not this year it is definetly coming. Another hoop, a ton of money in expenses and little thought that has obviously gone into it and the headaches it is going to give 1000's of schools who want a teacher after this date? What will happen to them?

It's not definite as I said, but I wouldn't put it past them doing it this year!

Ahh just as I'm about 2 take a holiday, presented with this tosh................

Sorry all, just thought I'd mention it.


Cost is 8000 baht per person plus you have to find all associated costs of travel and stay, which will amount to half my salary I'd imagine.

You must earn at lot! Anyways, have fun at the Thai Language, Culture and Ethics course. Learn to speak and understand the Thai language a bit, do some traditional Thai dances on stage, learn to wai properly and discuss with your colleagues what a good teacher is. At night go with your colleagues to the local bars and have some fun. It's all big fun. :o



We got our licences the same day we applied. Good for two years. Temporary, I think, we we were told means we'll have to do the class/test within that time frame.

We got our licences the same day we applied. Good for two years. Temporary, I think, we we were told means we'll have to do the class/test within that time frame.

By the replies and after reading my OP I was a touch ambiguous. The seminar is for ALL farang not just me and my colleague. ALL farang at all Gov schools etc!


At our school, we've been told we have two years for the teachers to complete the course.

We were originally told this too but believe it has changed (AGAIN!) in the past week!

And after our Thai Culture course we were told 3 years! Go figure...in the meantime we were told thatr a school writes a letter asking for the TCT to give us permission to teach until that time elapses..

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