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couldn't find the answer on the cia web site..........maybe my maths is no good!

Ive heard the average earings are 7500 per month......thats made by someone in the service industry (shop worker, food vendor etc)........working out at 40 baht per hour....

is this a fair estimate?

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couldn't find the answer on the cia web site..........maybe my maths is no good!

Ive heard the average earings are 7500 per month......thats made by someone in the service industry (shop worker, food vendor etc)........working out at 40 baht per hour....

is this a fair estimate?

For a builder it is about 250 baht a day, so your figure is not too far of the mark.

The minimum is about 4000 a month so i am led to believe.

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couldn't find the answer on the cia web site..........maybe my maths is no good!

Ive heard the average earings are 7500 per month......thats made by someone in the service industry (shop worker, food vendor etc)........working out at 40 baht per hour....

is this a fair estimate?

7-11 employees make 23 baht an hour part time - 27 baht an hour FT

Laborers get less than 200 a day working out to about 20 baht an hour

IT security specialists make over 65k a month :o you figure it out :D

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Per hour how much does the average Thai earn? In England its about a tenner per hour......how much here????



A tenner per hour, yeah right. :o

The average wage is boosted by those that are earning a dam_n sight more than a significant amount of people, just go out to some of the rural areas and you will get a much better idea.

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Per hour how much does the average Thai earn? In England its about a tenner per hour......how much here????



Ever wondered how much people get paid in Thailand? Here is an idea. At the moment, $1 is about 40 baht.

Agriculture, hunting and forestry (3,019 baht)

Fishing (2,968 baht)

Mining and quarrying (7,646 baht)

Manufacturing (6,420 baht)

Electricity, gas and water supply (17,841 baht)

Construction (4,706 baht)

Wholesale and retail trade, repair business (6,760 baht)

Hotels and restaurant (5,680 baht)

Transport, storage and communication (11,752 baht)

Financial intermediation (19,325 baht)

Real estate, renting and business activities (9,571 baht)

Public administration and defence (11,375 baht)

Education (14,883 baht)

Health and social work (10,804 baht)

Other community and social work (6,311 baht)

Private households with employed persons (4,068 baht)

Extra-territorial organisations and bodies (5,753 baht)

Unkown (12,341 baht)

Source: National Statistical Office, first quarter, 2005

Source and more info:


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Yard/construction/cement workers etc seem to be chargeing around 280-300 baht a day & this is in the Rangsit area.

Feel free to hop on over to your nearest construction site and quiz the folks about how much they are being paid. If you can find Thai workers at all you will find that 200 is the average :o

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According to the "Restaurants And Stores Are Always Packed Thread" you are jealous and Thais get paid much more than what you all perceive. This is because you are all Farang Refugees, and it pisses you off to see Thais having something better than what you have.

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According to the "Restaurants And Stores Are Always Packed Thread" you are jealous and Thais get paid much more than what you all perceive. This is because you are all Farang Refugees, and it pisses you off to see Thais having something better than what you have.

LOL ... I think the jealousy might be on the part of some guy in Germany sitting in a chair dreaming about actually being able to live in Thailand :o

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At the moment, $1 is about 40 baht.

Nearer 30 at the moment I think.

Hey Paul, please, please, please tell me where you go to exchange money... I need to go there ASAP :o

geeze guys .. READ ... that post was a quote from another source and is dated (not in pay amounts but in the exchange rate)

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Hourly rate at it’s worst.

The Thai national minimum pay rate is set at around 170 baht per day.

A Thai national working a twelve hour day at that rate of pay which is not uncommon is therefore being paid the meager amount of 14.16 baht an hour.

Last year I asked my Thai wife how much a day does it cost to pay locals to pick mama's corn crop and for working from dawn to dusk the rate was 110 baht a day or 9.16 baht an hour.

Thai’s employed to collect the rice crops in Esarn are paid around 120 baht an hour which is considered too much by poor farmers and because of that they ship in workers from over the border who do the same work for 80 baht a day or 6.66 baht an hour.

Yet these same people when asked to do some work for a local farang won’t get their arse out of bed for less than 500 baht a day.

That’s true; a good friend of mine living in Esarn cannot get any of the local villagers who are mostly unemployed to paint his boundary wall unless he stumps up 500 baht a day.

Edited by nam-thip
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Yard/construction/cement workers etc seem to be chargeing around 280-300 baht a day & this is in the Rangsit area.

Feel free to hop on over to your nearest construction site and quiz the folks about how much they are being paid. If you can find Thai workers at all you will find that 200 is the average :o

Why should a Thai worker kill himself on a building site for a wage that isnt enough to support a family. If they stopped illegal immigration of manual workers then the Thai worker would earn a fairer wage, not one that is artificially kept low. Or are Thai builders just too lazy.

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Yet these same people when asked to do some work for a local farang won't get their arse out of bed for less than 500 baht a day.

That's true; a good friend of mine living in Esarn cannot get any of the local villagers who are mostly unemployed to paint his boundary wall unless he stumps up 500 baht a day.

Fair play to the villagers, its called a fair days wages for a fair days work.

If your friend is too lazy or unable to paint it himself and asks someone for a quote, are they only allowed to work for what he deems to be a fair wage or should they be allowed to make their own judgement on what a days hard labour is worth.

When i used to work on building sites i wouldnt get out of bed for less then a hundred pound a day, that was about 80% more then the average person doing my job got at the time.

Edited by howtoescape
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Yet these same people when asked to do some work for a local farang won’t get their arse out of bed for less than 500 baht a day.

That’s true; a good friend of mine living in Esarn cannot get any of the local villagers who are mostly unemployed to paint his boundary wall unless he stumps up 500 baht a day.

I find that very difficult to believe, even 200-300-400 will attract workers with no jobs on.

He can't be very popular is all I can think of.

Edited by Maigo6
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I never agree with Go6 ---

but in this case that just must be wrong .. or the guy must have really bad breath. A trip to the local headman telling him you need workers at baht 200 a day (and 200 for the headman) will give results the next day.

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So for the majority of Thais on about 40 baht per hour, Thailand is a bloody expensive place. A bottle of beer is an hours wage, a mango is an hours wage, 2km by taxi is an hours wage, a swensens ice cream is two hours wage, spray on deoderant is three hours wage, cinema with popcorn and coke is five hours wage.....

If I was on 40 baht an hour like most other people I would find parting with my cash quite difficult. I wouldn't fancy paying 6-7 pound for a bottle of beer or 30 quid for a cinema ticket in England.


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['emperor_tud' post=1880312' date='2008-03-19 18:41:18]
Average Thai Wages per Month

Source: National Statistical Office, First Quarter, 2005

Fishing 2,968

Agriculture, hunting and forestry 3,019

Private households with employed persons 4,068

Construction 4,706

Hotels and restaurants 5,680

Other community and social work 6,311

Manufacturing 6,420

Wholesale and retail trade, repair business 6,760

Mining and quarrying 7,646

Real estate, renting and business activities 9,571

Health and social work 10,804

Public administration and defense 11,375

Transport, storage and communication 11,752

Education 14,883

Electricity, gas and water supply 17,841

Financial intermediation 19,325

Source: Board of Investment

Housekeeper 6,532

Driver 8,528

Office staff 15,222

Public relations staff 16,635

Sales/marketing staff 23,785

Researcher (Thai) 24,722

Engineering 26,051

Executive Secretary 32,296

PC Programmer 22,000-35,000

Web Designer 25,000-35,000

System Analyst 40,000-45,000

Office Manager 47,994

Webmaster 45,000-60,000

Personnel/HRD director 71,222

Plant manager 73,396

IT Manager 90,000-150,000

Source: Board of Investment

Minimum Daily Wage, by Location

Bangkok 170

Phuket 168

Phang Nga 145

The vast majority of Thais are employed in the agriculture, farming and manufacturing sectors.

No idea where the estimates of $7000 - $9000 a year come from, as that's at least 10,000THB per month over average countrywide. Seems like an average for Bangkok to me.

Some interesting stats from another thread.


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