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If Your Daughter's Boyfriend Beat Her Up?


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These battered women seem to have a tough time untangling themselves from such relationships. I had one friend who attempted suicide over her arrogant jerk of a boyfriend and went right back to him for more abuse later. Still with him, as far as I know.
This is more common than you think, these violent partners have a way of making the partner feel worthless, have no self esteem and that they couldnt find anyone else,so they choose the devil they know, its not an easy situation to change and very sad,.
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if my now 20 yr old was abused by her boyfriend, or hit, i would be talking to her, not her boyfriend. she is the one that has to decide to get out of the situation, not me and hitting hte boyfriend certainly wouldnt help.... and if she stays in the relationship then i would seriously be checking my own and her relationships and suggesting that she take a good hard look at the situation so she doesnt carry on with him or repeat at a future date what has happened now.

if u all think that beating up the boyfriend will help, go ahead. if your daughter doesnt do anything about the situation, u will just be bailing her out again and again from similar situations.

I agree with Bina, unless the girl wants out of the relationship, beating up the boyfriend is no help. You might even find yourself (parent) as the unpopular one. If the girl wants to be out of the relationship that's the first step, she then has to be talked to about what went wrong to prevent the same thing happening again. The stage at where I would turn on the boyfriend is if the relationship was over and he was a creep and kept contacting her or following her. I am sure that then my husband would send an extermination squad after him!

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Id go on an internet forum and tell everyone how hard i am, what a fcuken stupid topic.

How many of you people that have posted break his legs or similar have ever premeditatedly gone round to someones house and beat them up severly so they know know not to come back, easier said then done for most i think.

I was a bouncer for 10 years....I fought people nearly every weekend...I wouldn't hesitate to put the fear of God into someone who beat my daughter.

I once hunted down a junkie who had burgled my home....took weeks....saw him riding in a friends car, smashed the windshield with a 50 lb. rock, pulled the prick out through the hole and beat him unconscious.

Maybe I'm an idiot for doing it...but I did it....and for a few possessions......if it were my daughter?.....find a hole and stay there.

Haha :o !!!! Will you be able to find time between Snake catching on the Mekong delta and counter insurgency operations into Burma?? You Sound like a regular hardman John Rambo. Pull the other one mate it's got bells on it. You must have had a few drinks before writing that post..

The Bar I worked as a bouncer is called Ralph's Diner, in Worcester Massachusetts. Feel Free to call and speak with the owner...ask about Eric.

The junkie's name is William Heffernan, also of Worcester...if you can find the piece of crap...ask him about the guy who let him stay at his house to "kick" heroin, but in thanks for his kindness, ended up stealing all his stuff. Ask if on Elm st. in Worcester, if he got a huge rock thrown through the windshield of his friend's car.

I lived in the real world. Sailed around it as a merchant marine and reached the title of Master. I've got a lot more stories......but I'm not a fukking braggart.

And I don't like being called a liar, Darren


Edited by pumpuiman
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These battered women seem to have a tough time untangling themselves from such relationships. I had one friend who attempted suicide over her arrogant jerk of a boyfriend and went right back to him for more abuse later. Still with him, as far as I know.
This is more common than you think, these violent partners have a way of making the partner feel worthless, have no self esteem and that they couldnt find anyone else,so they choose the devil they know, its not an easy situation to change and very sad,.

Mike, this was a very insightful post. You are absolutely right that many women who get into abusive situations develop such low self-esteem that they somehow think they deserve the abuse they are getting. It is extremely difficult to get women out of these situations. Intervention has to happen quickly or it becomes progressively more dangerous for them the longer they stay in the relationship.

One case that I was personally involved in resulted in a type of justice. When I was a patrol officer, we were constantly going to one residence in response to domestic violence calls. A guy named Anthony Finger was living with a hooker name Tina. About once a week, Anthony would tune up poor Tina. She would never press charges against the guy, even though he had knocked out a couple of teeth and broken her nose. Finally when my partner and I took still another call at the Finger residence, I told Anthony "You know, you better kiss this girl's ass Anthony. Because we have been here so often, if she decides to cap your stupid fuc_king ass, she can claim self defense and walk." I didn't realize that Tina had overhead my conversation. But 8 days later, while Anthony was sleeping, Tina put a bullet behind his right ear. And guess what? She walked. Addition by subtraction.

Abusive men don't realize it, but if their woman ever decides to kill them, even if they aren't being beaten up at the time, the women stand a very good chance of walking away without being charged because they can prove a prior history of abuse. Smart men stop beating their women before there is retaliation. But then smart men never beat their women in the first place.

Edited by farang prince
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thank u cm.

why is it that fathers see their daughters (well, some fathers also as some posters did give their duaghter the option to make a decision) as possessions??? if your daughter is 18 and old enough to have a relationship, then she should be old enough to be making other decisions with her life including staying in a bad relationship. u as a parent can only advise. interfering can often push the young adult into more of the wrong decision actions (depending on your relationship with your kid)....

my ex tried preventing my 18 yr old from coming to thailand for two weeks to my and my husband's wedding! (refused to pay for a pre army program, refused to give her pocket money etc)all he got in return was an angry 18 yr old who doesnt check in with him at all anymore, doesnt keep open lines of communication, and all her troubles and tribulations including boy problems and army stuff , she comes to me.... for discussion. i certainly cant tell her what to do; i can only give ideas or possible solutions. and if she still decides to do something stupid, then she has to take the results.

if my daughter was legally mentally unable to decide on her own, the scenario changes (as a good friend's duaghter is)... in which case the boys in question were hauled down to the station to tell them to 'bugger' off as the 18 yr old in question is actually a 12 y old in mind and action. violence is usually a waste of time and energy.



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.....ooooh Ive just noticed a new member .....muhammad10280,...... :D ... :o:D

Thank you for the welcome. Although my reception has not been warm from some peoples.

Why, in the name of god, do they build forum software with revolving doors? :D

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1. If the bf came from an influential Thai family.

2. If the bf came from an uninfluential Thai family.

3. If the bf's parents were expat farangs.

perhaps your answer would be the same for each, or perhaps not.

The bf in question is 18 years old. Your daughter is also 18 years old. Assume your daughter had a black eye and bloody lip.

Then I would get severely punish the boy.

Then I would punish the daughter for bringing shame to the family by having a boyfriend.

How would you punish your own daughter for being hit by her bf?

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Then I would get severely punish the boy.

Then I would punish the daughter for bringing shame to the family by having a boyfriend.

How would you punish your own daughter for being hit by her bf?

Well, let's see. 'muhammad', uh?

Female circumcision?

Arranged marriage?


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.....ooooh Ive just noticed a new member .....muhammad10280,...... :D ... :o:D

Thank you for the welcome. Although my reception has not been warm from some peoples.

That I can well understand.

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1. If the bf came from an influential Thai family.

2. If the bf came from an uninfluential Thai family.

3. If the bf's parents were expat farangs.

perhaps your answer would be the same for each, or perhaps not.

The bf in question is 18 years old. Your daughter is also 18 years old. Assume your daughter had a black eye and bloody lip.

Then I would get severely punish the boy.

Then I would punish the daughter for bringing shame to the family by having a boyfriend.

How would you punish your own daughter for being hit by her bf?


How about some thing like this?

The first true account ever published by a victim of an “honor crime,” Souad's testimony is a shocking, moving, and harrowing story of cruelty…and incomparable courage.


When Souad was seventeen she fell in love. In her Palestinian village, as in so many other villages, sex before marriage is considered a grave dishonor to one's family and is punishable by death. This was her crime. Her brother-in-law was given the task of meting out her punishment. One morning while Souad was washing the family's clothes, he poured gasoline over her and set her on fire.

In the eyes of their community he was a hero. An execution for a “crime of honor” is a duty, and Souad's brother-in-law had the full support of her parents.

Miraculously, she survived, rescued by women of her village, who put out the flames and took her to a local hospital. Horribly burned over ninety percent of her body and still denounced by her family-who strived to “finish the job” even as she lay suffering in the clinic-Souad was able to receive the care she needed only after the intervention of a European aid worker. Now in permanent exile from her homeland, she has decided to tell her story and reveal the barbarity of a practice that continues to this day.

More than five thousand honor killings are reported every year; many more go unreported. BURNED ALIVE is both the dramatic, heartbreaking, and inspiring testimony of one young woman's resolve to survive and build a new life-and a call to action to end a heinous tradition.

I Was in Flames

I am a girl. A girl must walk fast, head down, as if counting the number of steps she's taking. She may never stray from her path or look up, for if a man were to catch her eye, the whole village would label her a charmuta. If a married neighbor woman, or an old woman, or just anybody were to see her out without her mother or her older sister, without her sheep, her bundle of hay, or her load of figs, they would right away say charmuta. A girl must be married before she can raise her eyes and look straight ahead, or go into a shop, or pluck her eyebrows and wear jewelry. My mother was married at fourteen. If a girl is still unmarried by that age, the village begins to make fun of her. But a girl must wait her turn in the family to be married. The oldest daughter first, then the others.

There are too many girls in my father's house, four of marrying age. There are also two half sisters, born of our father's second wife, who are still children. The one male child of the family, the son who is adored by all, is our brother Assad, who was born in glory among all these daughters. He is the fourth born. I am the third. Adnan, my father, is not happy with my mother, Leila, for giving him all these girls. He is unhappy, too, with his other wife, 1.Aicha, who also has given him nothing but girls. Noura, the oldest daughter, was married late when I myself was about fifteen. Nobody has yet asked for Kainat, the second girl, who is about a year older than me. I did overhear that a man spoke to my father about me, but he was told that I must wait for Kainat's marriage before I can marry. But Kainat may not be pretty enough, and is probably too slow at her work. I'm not really sure why she hasn't been asked for, but if she stays unmarried, she'll be the butt of the village jokes, and so will I.

It is a curse in my village to be born a girl. I have no memory of having played games or having fun as a child. The only freedom a girl can dream about is marriage, leaving your father's house for your husband's and not coming back, even if you're beaten. It is considered shameful for a married daughter to return home because she is not supposed to ask for protection outside her husband's house. If she does return to her father's house, it is her family's duty to bring her back to her husband. My sister was beaten by her husband and she brought shame on our family when she came back home to complain.

She is lucky to have a husband, though. I dream about it. Ever since I heard that a man spoke to my father about me, I have been consumed by impatience and curiosity. I know he lives three or four steps from us. Sometimes I can catch sight of him from the upper terrace where I lay the laundry out to dry. He must have a good job in the city because he never dresses like a laborer. He always wears a suit, carries a briefcase, and has a car. I'd like to see his face close up but I'm afraid the family will catch me spying. So when I go to get hay for a sick sheep in the stable, I walk fast hoping to see him nearby. But he parks his car too far away. From watching, I know about what time he comes out to go to work. So at seven o'clock in the morning, I pretend to be folding the laundry on the terrace or looking for a ripe fig or shaking out the carpets to get a glimpse of him driving off in his car. I have to be quick so I won't be noticed. What I do is climb the stairs and pass through the rooms to get to the terrace. There I energetically shake a rug and look over the cement wall, just slightly glancing to the right. If somebody notices me from afar, they won't guess that I'm looking down at the street.

When I see him, I realize I am in love with this man and this car! I imagine many things on the terrace: I am married to him and, like today, I watch the car go off into the distance until I can't see it anymore. But he'll come back from work at sunset and I will remove his shoes, and on my knees I will wash his feet as my mother does for my father. I will bring him his tea, and I'll watch him smoke his long pipe, seated like a king in front of the door of his house. I will be a woman who has a husband!

And maybe I'll even be able to put on makeup, get into this car with my husband, and even go into town and into the shops. I will endure the worst for the simple freedom of being able to go through this doorway to go out and buy bread! But I will not ever be a charmuta. I will not look at other men. I will continue to walk fast, erect and proud, but will not watch my steps with lowered eyes, and the village will not be able to say bad things about me, because I will be a married woman.

It is from this very terrace that my terrible story began. I was already older than my older sister was on the day of her wedding. I must have been eighteen, or maybe more, I don't know, and I both hoped and I despaired. My memory went up in smoke the day the flames engulfed me, but I have tried to reconstruct what happened.

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1. If the bf came from an influential Thai family.

2. If the bf came from an uninfluential Thai family.

3. If the bf's parents were expat farangs.

perhaps your answer would be the same for each, or perhaps not.

The bf in question is 18 years old. Your daughter is also 18 years old. Assume your daughter had a black eye and bloody lip.

Then I would get severely punish the boy.

Then I would punish the daughter for bringing shame to the family by having a boyfriend.

How would you punish your own daughter for being hit by her bf?


How about some thing like this?

The first true account ever published by a victim of an "honor crime," Souad's testimony is a shocking, moving, and harrowing story of cruelty…and incomparable courage.


When Souad was seventeen she fell in love. In her Palestinian village, as in so many other villages, sex before marriage is considered a grave dishonor to one's family and is punishable by death. This was her crime. Her brother-in-law was given the task of meting out her punishment. One morning while Souad was washing the family's clothes, he poured gasoline over her and set her on fire.

In the eyes of their community he was a hero. An execution for a "crime of honor" is a duty, and Souad's brother-in-law had the full support of her parents.

Miraculously, she survived, rescued by women of her village, who put out the flames and took her to a local hospital. Horribly burned over ninety percent of her body and still denounced by her family-who strived to "finish the job" even as she lay suffering in the clinic-Souad was able to receive the care she needed only after the intervention of a European aid worker. Now in permanent exile from her homeland, she has decided to tell her story and reveal the barbarity of a practice that continues to this day.

More than five thousand honor killings are reported every year; many more go unreported. BURNED ALIVE is both the dramatic, heartbreaking, and inspiring testimony of one young woman's resolve to survive and build a new life-and a call to action to end a heinous tradition.

I Was in Flames

I am a girl. A girl must walk fast, head down, as if counting the number of steps she's taking. She may never stray from her path or look up, for if a man were to catch her eye, the whole village would label her a charmuta. If a married neighbor woman, or an old woman, or just anybody were to see her out without her mother or her older sister, without her sheep, her bundle of hay, or her load of figs, they would right away say charmuta. A girl must be married before she can raise her eyes and look straight ahead, or go into a shop, or pluck her eyebrows and wear jewelry. My mother was married at fourteen. If a girl is still unmarried by that age, the village begins to make fun of her. But a girl must wait her turn in the family to be married. The oldest daughter first, then the others.

There are too many girls in my father's house, four of marrying age. There are also two half sisters, born of our father's second wife, who are still children. The one male child of the family, the son who is adored by all, is our brother Assad, who was born in glory among all these daughters. He is the fourth born. I am the third. Adnan, my father, is not happy with my mother, Leila, for giving him all these girls. He is unhappy, too, with his other wife, 1.Aicha, who also has given him nothing but girls. Noura, the oldest daughter, was married late when I myself was about fifteen. Nobody has yet asked for Kainat, the second girl, who is about a year older than me. I did overhear that a man spoke to my father about me, but he was told that I must wait for Kainat's marriage before I can marry. But Kainat may not be pretty enough, and is probably too slow at her work. I'm not really sure why she hasn't been asked for, but if she stays unmarried, she'll be the butt of the village jokes, and so will I.

It is a curse in my village to be born a girl. I have no memory of having played games or having fun as a child. The only freedom a girl can dream about is marriage, leaving your father's house for your husband's and not coming back, even if you're beaten. It is considered shameful for a married daughter to return home because she is not supposed to ask for protection outside her husband's house. If she does return to her father's house, it is her family's duty to bring her back to her husband. My sister was beaten by her husband and she brought shame on our family when she came back home to complain.

She is lucky to have a husband, though. I dream about it. Ever since I heard that a man spoke to my father about me, I have been consumed by impatience and curiosity. I know he lives three or four steps from us. Sometimes I can catch sight of him from the upper terrace where I lay the laundry out to dry. He must have a good job in the city because he never dresses like a laborer. He always wears a suit, carries a briefcase, and has a car. I'd like to see his face close up but I'm afraid the family will catch me spying. So when I go to get hay for a sick sheep in the stable, I walk fast hoping to see him nearby. But he parks his car too far away. From watching, I know about what time he comes out to go to work. So at seven o'clock in the morning, I pretend to be folding the laundry on the terrace or looking for a ripe fig or shaking out the carpets to get a glimpse of him driving off in his car. I have to be quick so I won't be noticed. What I do is climb the stairs and pass through the rooms to get to the terrace. There I energetically shake a rug and look over the cement wall, just slightly glancing to the right. If somebody notices me from afar, they won't guess that I'm looking down at the street.

When I see him, I realize I am in love with this man and this car! I imagine many things on the terrace: I am married to him and, like today, I watch the car go off into the distance until I can't see it anymore. But he'll come back from work at sunset and I will remove his shoes, and on my knees I will wash his feet as my mother does for my father. I will bring him his tea, and I'll watch him smoke his long pipe, seated like a king in front of the door of his house. I will be a woman who has a husband!

And maybe I'll even be able to put on makeup, get into this car with my husband, and even go into town and into the shops. I will endure the worst for the simple freedom of being able to go through this doorway to go out and buy bread! But I will not ever be a charmuta. I will not look at other men. I will continue to walk fast, erect and proud, but will not watch my steps with lowered eyes, and the village will not be able to say bad things about me, because I will be a married woman.

It is from this very terrace that my terrible story began. I was already older than my older sister was on the day of her wedding. I must have been eighteen, or maybe more, I don't know, and I both hoped and I despaired. My memory went up in smoke the day the flames engulfed me, but I have tried to reconstruct what happened.

Yes! Indeed! Very sad story!

I am stupefied everytime I must read or hear such a story!

What to do about the people who commit such a crime? Although, to be fair, if we are going to judge them, we should understand that we are comparing their culture and ours (Western cultures)! I think it is rather unfair to do so since their culture has not been evolving at the same pace than ours! What were we like 100 years ago? 500 years ago? Does anyone remember how black Americans were treated? How Algerians, East Indians, Congolese, American Indians,... were treated? And what about the Inquisition?

And, BTW, seeing how well things are going in the West, males are well on their way of getting a similar treatment, redefining the expression "what goes around, comes around"! Let's hope not, though! Times have changed! Times are changing, but so slowly!

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1. If the bf came from an influential Thai family.

2. If the bf came from an uninfluential Thai family.

3. If the bf's parents were expat farangs.

perhaps your answer would be the same for each, or perhaps not.

The bf in question is 18 years old. Your daughter is also 18 years old. Assume your daughter had a black eye and bloody lip.

Then I would get severely punish the boy.

Then I would punish the daughter for bringing shame to the family by having a boyfriend.


So what punishment do you have in mind my Muslim brother? :o

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1. If the bf came from an influential Thai family.

2. If the bf came from an uninfluential Thai family.

3. If the bf's parents were expat farangs.

perhaps your answer would be the same for each, or perhaps not.

The bf in question is 18 years old. Your daughter is also 18 years old. Assume your daughter had a black eye and bloody lip.

Then I would get severely punish the boy.

Then I would punish the daughter for bringing shame to the family by having a boyfriend.


So what punishment do you have in mind my Muslim brother? :o

I believe you should read my post and read it again and stop bullying this person! He has his opinion! You may disagree! I am not too sure what is your goal by belittling him. Do you think you are helping the matter or forcing him to dislike your kind even more? Sounds like you are trying to pick a fight! Who is the most sophisiticated in the bunch now?

Edited by rethaired
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Punishing an 18 year old daughter for having a boyfriend?

Who knows after the beating she may want to leave the relationship but would probably be scared to, but would she even share those feelings with you if you punished her?

Respect her, listen to her and then share your insights and experience with her, guiding her to make the best decisions for her life.

As for him, I'd also pursue GH's line of reasoning, establish communication with his parents and if that did not resolve matter to our satisfaction, pursue legal action.

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So, after you beat this guy, then what? You feel better and you have avenged your daughter, now what? I understand that you want to teach him a lesson and if you want to beat him up that's your choice. Where does it go now?

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I believe you should read my post and read it again and stop bullying this person! He has his opinion! You may disagree! I am not too sure what is your goal by belittling him. Do you think you are helping the matter or forcing him to dislike your kind even more? Sounds like you are trying to pick a fight! Who is the most sophisiticated in the bunch now?
I think 'we' are.

The reactions you are talking about are perfectly normal when confronted by uncivilized muslim morons who think a daughter should be punished simply for having a boyfriend.

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How many of teh psoters here- the ones claiming they will beat up the boyfriend- have had a street fight within the last year or two?

My sport was boxing and as young man I had numerous bar brawls.

None of them were easy, and I still have few scars. Fear (mine) was the dominant emotion until it was over.

What if the boyfriend is larger and swifter than you? Bottom line I suspect most of you would

1. not have the guts to confront and fight anyone, even a kid.

2. if you were drunk enough to actually have a go, the chances are you would be beaten up anyway.

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How many of teh psoters here- the ones claiming they will beat up the boyfriend- have had a street fight within the last year or two?

My sport was boxing and as young man I had numerous bar brawls.

None of them were easy, and I still have few scars. Fear (mine) was the dominant emotion until it was over.

What if the boyfriend is larger and swifter than you? Bottom line I suspect most of you would

1. not have the guts to confront and fight anyone, even a kid.

2. if you were drunk enough to actually have a go, the chances are you would be beaten up anyway.

I'd have to agree with you on this one mate. There's a few fellas round here hiding behind hard man avatars. How many guys giving us the tough man advice would actually practice what they preach?? Very few i would imagine. From my experience in Thailand the vast majority of the expat males i've met can barely get out of a bar without weazing. Keep bragging about the bars you bounced in your younger days. My monies on the 18 year old Thai guy.

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How many of teh psoters here- the ones claiming they will beat up the boyfriend- have had a street fight within the last year or two?

My sport was boxing and as young man I had numerous bar brawls.

None of them were easy, and I still have few scars. Fear (mine) was the dominant emotion until it was over.

What if the boyfriend is larger and swifter than you? Bottom line I suspect most of you would

1. not have the guts to confront and fight anyone, even a kid.

2. if you were drunk enough to actually have a go, the chances are you would be beaten up anyway.

If you are upset, you don't think about the size, or speed, of someone you are confronting.

There are a couple of former colleagues who can attest to that, and I've only been in 2 fights in my life. The guy who tried to restrain me was significantly taller and bigger than I was, and fit as well - but it was he who found himself on his backside after I flipped him. Those of you who have experienced those rare moments when adrenaline gets the better of you will know exactly what I am talking about.

Had I not been in an angry mood, I guarantee you this is one person I would never fight.

Being a boxer does not make you any better as a fighter when you're pissed off (and I'm not talking about alcohol). Needless to say, I agree with Rambo. Those of you who think you need alcohol to get up the courage better not even waste your time.

Edited by onethailand
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:o Things are getting a bit personal over here .

not strange actually regarding what the thread is all about .

I agree. The OP seemingly likes to open controversial -absolutely useless- threads....let's see how long it takes before he gets warned or banned.

My opinion? He's a professional troll or at least loves to stir it up... :D


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I believe you should read my post and read it again and stop bullying this person! He has his opinion! You may disagree! I am not too sure what is your goal by belittling him. Do you think you are helping the matter or forcing him to dislike your kind even more? Sounds like you are trying to pick a fight! Who is the most sophisiticated in the bunch now?
I think 'we' are.

The reactions you are talking about are perfectly normal when confronted by uncivilized muslim morons who think a daughter should be punished simply for having a boyfriend.


Thank You... :o

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I believe you should read my post and read it again and stop bullying this person! He has his opinion! You may disagree! I am not too sure what is your goal by belittling him. Do you think you are helping the matter or forcing him to dislike your kind even more? Sounds like you are trying to pick a fight! Who is the most sophisiticated in the bunch now?
I think 'we' are.

The reactions you are talking about are perfectly normal when confronted by uncivilized muslim morons who think a daughter should be punished simply for having a boyfriend.


Thank You... :o

There are two ways to handle such a situation:

1) react (maim, get maimed, maim innocent bystanders, kill, kill youself, kill innocent victims and as infinitum, until the last men drops) or

2) think of the consequences of a visceral, primitive, emotional reaction and then react appropriately, avoiding as many casualties as possible over a century or more.

YOU prefer #1! So, I guess hitting someone is perfectly acceptable. What would you do if you were to find out that your GF had strayed. Bit her up?

Anyway, I am sorry you feel this is the right way of handling such a situation.

Let's agree to disagree (unless of course you want to step outside). :D

Have you ever seen the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird" ?

This video might give you another perspective on what some Muslims are like. Not all, mind you! But, then, all cultures and races have exemplary individuals, but not all are exemplary!

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