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If Your Daughter's Boyfriend Beat Her Up?


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1. If the bf came from an influential Thai family.

2. If the bf came from an uninfluential Thai family.

3. If the bf's parents were expat farangs.

perhaps your answer would be the same for each, or perhaps not.

The bf in question is 18 years old. Your daughter is also 18 years old. Assume your daughter had a black eye and bloody lip.

Then I would get severely punish the boy.

Then I would punish the daughter for bringing shame to the family by having a boyfriend.


So what punishment do you have in mind my Muslim brother? :D

I believe you should read my post and read it again and stop bullying this person! He has his opinion! You may disagree! I am not too sure what is your goal by belittling him. Do you think you are helping the matter or forcing him to dislike your kind even more? Sounds like you are trying to pick a fight! Who is the most sophisiticated in the bunch now?


Why you of course... :o

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Is it my imagination or are we getting a lot of these pointless "testosterone" topics lately? Hey, let's dream-up a contrived set of circumstances or totally invent "something-that-happened-the-other-night" and then try and out-do each other with childish, immature reminiscences or macho, "Well, this is what I'd do!"-type comments.

Some trolling can be amusing; this is just tiresome.

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Certainly healthier than actually going out and venting these frustrations, as all that does is fuel the police conspiracy/tourism will come crashing down threads/another murdered foreigner (or local) threads.


Edited by Heng
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Certainly healthier than actually going out and venting these frustrations, as all that does is fuel the police conspiracy/tourism will come crashing down threads/another murdered foreigner (or local) threads.


Well yeah, but I'm just sick of 'em. There ought to be a sand-pit forum where they can argue about whose turn it is with the bucket and spade or compare willy-size or something.

Just my 2 satang's worth. :D

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Is it my imagination or are we getting a lot of these pointless "testosterone" topics lately? Hey, let's dream-up a contrived set of circumstances or totally invent "something-that-happened-the-other-night" and then try and out-do each other with childish, immature reminiscences or macho, "Well, this is what I'd do!"-type comments.

Some trolling can be amusing; this is just tiresome.


Yawn, I was starting to feel the same way ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ... :o

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1. If the bf came from an influential Thai family.

2. If the bf came from an uninfluential Thai family.

3. If the bf's parents were expat farangs.

perhaps your answer would be the same for each, or perhaps not.

The bf in question is 18 years old. Your daughter is also 18 years old. Assume your daughter had a black eye and bloody lip.

1,2,& 3;

Firstly I would ensure the safety of my daughter I would get her out of that situation and away from that cursed soul she had as boyfriend. I would ascertain the situation to find out if it was a pattern or a 1st time isolated incident. If it was not the first time, I would accompany her to America to stay with relatives and have her attended a counseling course for Abused women. In my opinion, if she feels like she needs a man that hits her than it is as much my fault as it is her's for not raising her with more self esteem. Most of all I would give her all my love and acceptance and try my best to correct that potentially deadly thought pattern.

Secondly, with the first part dealt with, I would have the boy kidnapped about 4-6 months later. Masked to conceal my identity, I would spare is wreched life, but make it impossible for him to beat another woman ever again in his life.

Males who beat their women are some of the lowest forms of life on the planet..there is no excuse short of self defense in a life threatening situation or awaking to genital mutilation.

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1. If the bf came from an influential Thai family.

2. If the bf came from an uninfluential Thai family.

3. If the bf's parents were expat farangs.

perhaps your answer would be the same for each, or perhaps not.

The bf in question is 18 years old. Your daughter is also 18 years old. Assume your daughter had a black eye and bloody lip.

1,2,& 3;

Firstly I would ensure the safety of my daughter I would get her out of that situation and away from that cursed soul she had as boyfriend. I would ascertain the situation to find out if it was a pattern or a 1st time isolated incident. If it was not the first time, I would accompany her to America to stay with relatives and have her attended a counseling course for Abused women. In my opinion, if she feels like she needs a man that hits her than it is as much my fault as it is her's for not raising her with more self esteem. Most of all I would give her all my love and acceptance and try my best to correct that potentially deadly thought pattern.

Secondly, with the first part dealt with, I would have the boy kidnapped about 4-6 months later. Masked to conceal my identity, I would spare is wreched life, but make it impossible for him to beat another woman ever again in his life.

Males who beat their women are some of the lowest forms of life on the planet..there is no excuse short of self defense in a life threatening situation or awaking to genital mutilation.


Would you wear a color coordinated cape with the mask. How about gloves... :o

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Some gutless wonders on this thread *shakes head in disbelief*

MANY Gutless wonders really. I mean ok if you were born female testosterone is not generally a good thing, that’s why they have estrogen :o But seriously, what’s wrong with standing up for you and yours? Be it with your words, your fists, whatever the situation calls for. I think so many people here are just adverse to conflict. And for whatever reason they would prefer to somehow run from or otherwise avoid every uncomfortable situation that comes around, or just bend over and take it when it comes in hopes of it being over quickly. That’s their choice sure, but to knock those of us that still swing a pair is just silly.

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1. If the bf came from an influential Thai family.

2. If the bf came from an uninfluential Thai family.

3. If the bf's parents were expat farangs.

perhaps your answer would be the same for each, or perhaps not.

The bf in question is 18 years old. Your daughter is also 18 years old. Assume your daughter had a black eye and bloody lip.

1,2,& 3;

Firstly I would ensure the safety of my daughter I would get her out of that situation and away from that cursed soul she had as boyfriend. I would ascertain the situation to find out if it was a pattern or a 1st time isolated incident. If it was not the first time, I would accompany her to America to stay with relatives and have her attended a counseling course for Abused women. In my opinion, if she feels like she needs a man that hits her than it is as much my fault as it is her's for not raising her with more self esteem. Most of all I would give her all my love and acceptance and try my best to correct that potentially deadly thought pattern.

Secondly, with the first part dealt with, I would have the boy kidnapped about 4-6 months later. Masked to conceal my identity, I would spare is wreched life, but make it impossible for him to beat another woman ever again in his life.

Males who beat their women are some of the lowest forms of life on the planet..there is no excuse short of self defense in a life threatening situation or awaking to genital mutilation.


Would you wear a color coordinated cape with the mask. How about gloves... :o

Hehe, no I'm just a Man, not a superhero. Thanks for the compliment however.

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But seriously, what’s wrong with standing up for you and yours? Be it with your words, your fists, whatever the situation calls for. I think so many people here are just adverse to conflict. And for whatever reason they would prefer to somehow run from or otherwise avoid every uncomfortable situation that comes around, or just bend over and take it when it comes in hopes of it being over quickly. That’s their choice sure, but to knock those of us that still swing a pair is just silly.

They're cowards, Huey. That's what it is.

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I was in the US Special Forces, operational in the Gulf. But a man doesn't need those credentials to stand up for his family, or friends, that are being physically abused.

I'm astounded that there are people out there who doubt a man, when he says what his response would be to his daughter being abused. It says more about them than anyone else, in my opinion.

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As the only member who has apparently had this happen to his 18 year old daughter, let me recap a few very active things I positively did. I stopped work, phoned the other father at his place of work to immediately go home for a serious emergency; I ran home, put the pregnant young lady on the back of the bike, and we went over to the boy's home where he received the talking-to of his life, by four very angry parents. Twenty-four years later, he has not struck her again. He is the best stay-home parent I know. Also, he runs triathalons, and rides a BMW boxer classic.

VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER. Nor should violence be the question.

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Being attacked or assaulted by a stranger on the street is not the same thing as when a member of your family is involved in a domestic violence situation. In the first case it is clear that violence may well be necessary to protect yourself and your loved ones. The second case requires an altogether different approach. It requires a considered response, one that is likely to actually solve the problem and not inflame it.

The ability to determine the appropriate response to the various situations in life we encounter is the measure of our morality, intelligence, and wisdom. It is this ability that allows us to call ourselves civilized.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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I was in the US Special Forces, operational in the Gulf. But a man doesn't need those credentials to stand up for his family, or friends, that are being physically abused.

I'm astounded that there are people out there who doubt a man, when he says what his response would be to his daughter being abused. It says more about them than anyone else, in my opinion.


Like i said your not fooling anybody.

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I was in the US Special Forces, operational in the Gulf. But a man doesn't need those credentials to stand up for his family, or friends, that are being physically abused.

I'm astounded that there are people out there who doubt a man, when he says what his response would be to his daughter being abused. It says more about them than anyone else, in my opinion.


Like i said your not fooling anybody.

Amazing how so many on this forum criticise Thais for being lawless. Realistically though, what people are posting here is what they wish they would do, not what they would actually do. A bit like the poster above using the nickname John_Rambo and being in Special Forces in Iraq. John Rambo is complete fiction and so are the things he does in movies.

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I was in the US Special Forces, operational in the Gulf. But a man doesn't need those credentials to stand up for his family, or friends, that are being physically abused.

I'm astounded that there are people out there who doubt a man, when he says what his response would be to his daughter being abused. It says more about them than anyone else, in my opinion.


Like i said your not fooling anybody.

Neither are you lukey, fathering children with a jelly like spine like yours, is partialy resposible for creating weak insecure males that think its ok or empowering to beat women. And women without the self confidence or self worth to demand better.

Somone else spoke about these insidents requireing a more calculated responce. I totaly agree, however calculated and violent are not mutaly exlusive. Getting away from the name calling jealously for a moment, seriously I had a experiance with a woman beater. When I was just 19 my first love was shot by her jelous X boyfriend. She left him because he beat her and he went to jail for gun possession the very next week. 2 years later when he came out he approached her at her home to patch things up. When she refused he shot her and fled. My father and I tried to find him but he dissapeared for almost 3 years when they arrested him in New York for another murder. Again over a woman, this time she ran away back to her native Ghana. When he realised she had fled he called her in Ghana and said if you do not return, I will kill your brother. She never returned and true to his word he shot her brother. Fortunetly he was caught and extridited back to PA and put on trial for not only the murder of my Girlfriend and this other woman's brother, but for 5 other women!!! The patteren was the same, control, beat, and when they ran, kill. Had somone, a father, a brother, a lover, someone killed him or cut his arms off the first time no less than a half dozen lives could have been saved.

Should we respect the lives of thouse who have no respect for the lives of their fellow man?

Too Deep of a argument for me, however I know if it was my daughter I would do my best to ensure that this male (I refuse to grace such filth with the term Man), would never harm another woman ever again, nor breed.

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Huey let me get one thing straight here. I have not at any point on this thread said how i would react in this situation. I have my opinion on this matter and believe me it is not far from your own, However i am not an avatar commando and i found this thread and the OP's question recieved far too many chest beating comments to actually lower myself to reply to it. Its not tough and it really does'nt impress anybody with half a brain all this BS that plenty of guys like yourself have come out with. You don't know me fella. If you did and you knew me and my career history i think you would refrain from callin me a coward. I however am not in the game of giving it bigtime on TV behind my laptop. Yourself and John Rambo can carry on dreaming. Remember John Rambo and his adventures are Fictitious.

Rant over.

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Huey let me get one thing straight here. I have not at any point on this thread said how i would react in this situation. I have my opinion on this matter and believe me it is not far from your own, However i am not an avatar commando and i found this thread and the OP's question recieved far too many chest beating comments to actually lower myself to reply to it. Its not tough and it really does'nt impress anybody with half a brain all this BS that plenty of guys like yourself have come out with. You don't know me fella. If you did and you knew me and my career history i think you would refrain from callin me a coward. I however am not in the game of giving it bigtime on TV behind my laptop. Yourself and John Rambo can carry on dreaming. Remember John Rambo and his adventures are Fictitious.

Rant over.

I call it like I see it. The Avatar one chooses is just that a simple avatar. If I have my favorite football team logo on it dose it mean I'm on the team? Ofcourse not, The man just happens to like Rambo movies (who dosn't?) Anyway as for dreaming, man I wish I was, expecialy in the case of my last post, the fact that I have had now 12 years to think about what I would do in such a instance is sad enough.

That being said if your reaction wouldn't be so different than mine, why is it that you think people like John and I are dreaming yet your responce in such a dreadful situation would be sincere? Are you the only person capable of such actions? Are you the only one with the financial means and mettle to see such a grim task forward? Once again its not something that anyone wants, but should it happen, most men would like to belive that they would do something constructive about it. I think (correct me if I'm wrong) I'm the only one who mentioned counseling and emotional help for the victim, which is the #1 priority.

Vengence is just a responsible clean up, not the goal.

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1. If the bf came from an influential Thai family.

2. If the bf came from an uninfluential Thai family.

3. If the bf's parents were expat farangs.

perhaps your answer would be the same for each, or perhaps not.

The bf in question is 18 years old. Your daughter is also 18 years old. Assume your daughter had a black eye and bloody lip.

1,2,& 3;

Firstly I would ensure the safety of my daughter I would get her out of that situation and away from that cursed soul she had as boyfriend. I would ascertain the situation to find out if it was a pattern or a 1st time isolated incident. If it was not the first time, I would accompany her to America to stay with relatives and have her attended a counseling course for Abused women. In my opinion, if she feels like she needs a man that hits her than it is as much my fault as it is her's for not raising her with more self esteem. Most of all I would give her all my love and acceptance and try my best to correct that potentially deadly thought pattern.

Secondly, with the first part dealt with, I would have the boy kidnapped about 4-6 months later. Masked to conceal my identity, I would spare is wreched life, but make it impossible for him to beat another woman ever again in his life.

Males who beat their women are some of the lowest forms of life on the planet..there is no excuse short of self defense in a life threatening situation or awaking to genital mutilation.


Would you wear a color coordinated cape with the mask. How about gloves... :o

Hehe, no I'm just a Man, not a superhero. Thanks for the compliment however.


Hey Huey,

If you look back at my posts on this topic you know I'm yanking your chain.

Like I said, I would try to talk first. depending on the response "clock him" as required.

I'm getting older so "mixing it up" is not always the first and best choice.

In the old days you never got the chance to finish saying the words "fck y". You would be looking at the sky wondering what happened.

That was then and this is now. At 56 still do a little sparring with friends who train and compete light bag/ heavy bag 2 to 3 times a week. Still have a "crackling short inside right."

Hope I never have to use it again.

When unwarrented violence is the lowest form of human consciousness.

When it is needed it should be measured according to time and circimstance... :D

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As the only member who has apparently had this happen to his 18 year old daughter, let me recap a few very active things I positively did. I stopped work, phoned the other father at his place of work to immediately go home for a serious emergency; I ran home, put the pregnant young lady on the back of the bike, and we went over to the boy's home where he received the talking-to of his life, by four very angry parents. Twenty-four years later, he has not struck her again. He is the best stay-home parent I know. Also, he runs triathalons, and rides a BMW boxer classic.

VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER. Nor should violence be the question.


I honestly don't get it but I will try one more time. Violence is sometimes the answer for some situations. I thought we could agree to disagree.

If you are such a pacifist why not pour gasoline on yourself and ignite to show us how strongly you're commited to nonviolence.

Some of us do not want your opinion shoved down our throats, or anything else for that matter.

" He runs triathalons, and rides a BMW boxer classic." What the hll does that have to do with "the price of tea in China." Your defeating your own case.

Does that make him a better person?

Anyway it's been interesting and entertaining so far. Now it's becomming ridiculous.

Some of us were born "hel_l raisers" some "pansies" and some everywhere in between.

Sorry, some of us strongly disagree with your viewpoint... :D:o

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Huey and Ron Jambo. My original point was that the guys who spout off about the violence they are capable of are generally the same guys who could barely muster a fart when the time for a good ol scrap eventually doe's arise.This was said to me by an old and bold guy i once worked with and i have witnessed it first hand on multiple occassions and it was'nt outside a kebab house on a friday night after chucking out time. My opinion still stands chaps and my money's still on the 18 yr old Thai guy kicking some has beens asses.

Edited by lukey1979
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Huey and Ron Jambo. My original point was that the guys who spout off about the violence they are capable of are generally the same guys who could barely muster a fart when the time for a good ol scrap eventually doe's arise.This was said to me by an old and bold guy i once worked with and i have witnessed it first hand on multiple occassions and it was'nt outside a kebab house on a friday night after chucking out time. My opinion still stands chaps and my money's still on the 18 yr old Thai guy kicking some has beens asses.


Your opinion must be the correct one. Absolutely... :o

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Very simple. If it were my daughter, I'd kick his ass, no ifs, ands or buts.

Could not agree anymore.

How can you ask this question?? your telling me you would not do the same?

Come on, be realistic,



Thank You,

Has been hard ass... :o

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