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Female Abac Lecturer Committs Suicide


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Abac lecturer jumps to her death from 10th floor

A female lecturer of Assumption University (Abac) jumped to her death from the car park of Empire Building on South Sathorn Road Friday, police said.

Police quoted a security officer of the building as saying he saw Muthita Thailimthong, 23, smoking and walking around on the 10th-floor car park before a while before she climbed over the wall and jumped down at 11 am.

The Nation

Source : http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingne...newsid=30068850

This is pretty bad, she was currently teaching a subject to some friends at this University. :/


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The Thai version talks of love troubles as the probable reason for her suicide.

It also strangely specifies early on in the piece that she was carrying a Prada bag which had a Louis Vitton purse inside and Gucci glasses. Also her Benz was parked downstairs. I couldn't really understand why the piece needed to include this info on brand names except it helps the Thai readers to place her in a social bracket. The report also included her educational qualifications. I understand these pieces of information are very important in the Thai context.

Later on the piece mentions that her family have a brand name bag retailing business which partly explains the inclusion of the earlier info.


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She came from a good, rich family. She studied in the same high school as one of my friend's at Abac.

I saw her a couple of times around Abac before, and friend told me she was a cheerful person.

A waste of life because of a broken heart I guess.

R.I.P. Ploy

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The Thai version talks of love troubles as the probable reason for her suicide.

It also strangely specifies early on in the piece that she was carrying a Prada bag which had a Louis Vitton purse inside and Gucci glasses. Also her Benz was parked downstairs. I couldn't really understand why the piece needed to include this info on brand names except it helps the Thai readers to place her in a social bracket. The report also included her educational qualifications. I understand these pieces of information are very important in the Thai context.

Later on the piece mentions that her family have a brand name bag retailing business which partly explains the inclusion of the earlier info.


I read that her father had requested her to help him with the import brand name business but she had asked for some time of her own first, presumably to teach. Apparently her relationship with her boyfriend had deteriorated after he had caught her lying and still contacting a former boyfriend; she had tried her best to convince the present boyfriend she really loved him but the relationship worsened and they split up.The boyfriend was referred to as Pom from her diaries but I think the father knew nothing about him.

There was no mention of her mother- dead or divorced?

She had also been the leader or cheerleader of her faculty at university so she was popular.

Thai press always go into every detail in crime\ suicide stories, I think in this case it helps give the picture of a wealthy, attractive, clever and popular young woman- hence every reason to live, making the suicide so senseless.

To make sense of it we need more details- maybe the boyfriend was a control freak, not liking her to talk to other men, maybe she was emotionally immature, not used to emotional upsets or problems so didn't know how to react rationally.

Today's papers may shed more light.

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She was a nice friendly and cheerful girl, always willing to smile at you. She was a cheer-leader at Chulalongkorn Univ. and was always interested in helping organizing activities at her faculty, including volunteer work she sometimes did.

I can't read much Thai to understand the comments on the Thai news story, but it seemed that there were a lot of comments.

Besides love, probably also family pressure might have been one of the issues related to the import brand name business.

It was really not a nice way to go, someone who had everything possible to have a good life, just wasted it like this.

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as a Thai lady read from Thai Newpaper...

I quite interested in this news as that lady was graduated from the same faculty as me, but i dont know her in person.

Feel a bit ashamed for what she had done, there is many things more important in her life than a cheating BF.

Maybe her whole life is too perfect, born in good and rich family, got a very good education and also good-looking. She might not stand for and accept to be a loser.

Btw, i wish her rest in peace....

(Sorry, I am new here and my English is as a Thai's saying, maybe it isn't well but i am improving.)

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i can't understand why such a love quarrel ends in suicide and there are many instances here in thailand. why not look for someone else to have relationship with if it does not work anymore? especially this girl, she's pretty that she can easily find someone else. or not?

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A lot of middle-class Thais only have one experience in their formative years-study.

Learn at school,learn extra at the weekends, learn extra in the holidays.

This girl was very successful academically, she graduated with honours; also popular, she had probably never tasted failure.

From a well-odff family, it'sunlikely she had to struggle or face obstacles in her life. Probably never been on a bus in her life.

Then boy meets girl, but things don't work out, she has no idea how to resolve things, probably her first broken heart.

Sense of loss, sense of failure, it's overwhelming for someone who's never had a problem. I read she was on anti depressants.

Maybe loss of face too.

A tragic waste.How devastated her parents must feel.

It makes me so grateful for my youth, apart from learning we had so much fun and variety in life, camping holidays, hitch-hiking around Europe, holiday jobs picking grapes in France,etc.

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A lot of middle-class Thais only have one experience in their formative years-study.


A tragic waste.How devastated her parents must feel.

It makes me so grateful for my youth, apart from learning we had so much fun and variety in life, camping holidays, hitch-hiking around Europe, holiday jobs picking grapes in France,etc.

Sadly not uncommon the world over; the stress of study, the joy of starting work, then stresses of settling down, expectations and feeling directionless. Sadly had a friend commit suicide similar age in NZ; so not a Thai only experience; very tragic; I think you have captured the essence of successful middle class Thais and the pressures they can feel Bannork.

May she rest in peace, and find happiness in the next life.

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Are there organisations like 'The Samaritans' in Thailand? (I believe they do exist for Thai speakers).

I wonder whether the issue of 'face' etc might be a barrier for suicidal people to seek help from others


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Are there organisations like 'The Samaritans' in Thailand? (I believe they do exist for Thai speakers).

I wonder whether the issue of 'face' etc might be a barrier for suicidal people to seek help from others


yes the Samaritans are here, just talked to them recently, tough volunteer job that one for sure.

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I think is a pretty much bad that there are people that actually can judge so easily the life of someone. Life is also much more than been good looking and having money.. Even tho you have it you r life can be very bad and sad one for others reasons, PLUS! She was on psiquiatric medicine and therapy, depression is a sickness.. I don’t think is good to just say that her life was perfect, because is too easy, there are a lot reasons for a person to do that, an maybe what happen with her boyfriend was just the last drop of her glass.. :o

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oh my god

this is my teacher!!!! she just taught me Economics last semester!!!

i love her

she is so young, pretty, smart and so nice to me

i m her best student so she is happy to talk with me

she even make up a class for me since i was aboard for a week

oh my god

oh my god

i can't accept it


oh my god...

who the hel_l is the boyfriend? who the hel_l is that ????

i condemn him!!!!!

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She did jump from the Building where he worked at.

I heard that in one of the parts of the diary, she wrote: "How come yesterday we were holding hands, but today nothing and no feelings."

I can't read Thai, so it's not quite possible to translate.

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