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Skinny Bitch: The Book


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Before anyone gets all jammed up, there is a disclaimer in the book: "We conceived of the title to get attention and sell books. We are not bitches and have no desire to promote bitchiness. There is nothing uglier than a women who's nasty".

Skinny Bitch (the book) arrived this week. It's a short read but powerful. Trust me, I will NEVER consume milk products again. Ever. Milk, cheese, mayo, icecream have all been downfalls of mine for weight gain so I'm not stressed.

But, now all I have left in the house to eat is fruit and natural, sugarless peanut butter. And beer. Beer is a no no in the book, but without beer it's just peanut butter and a couple of old apples ...

So the question is this ... is there anywhere in Bangkok to shop for natural food?

Soy milk is everywhere, but I need things like soya meat products, whole wheat flour and organic anything.

I'm headed to Villa as I believe that'll be my best bet. Any other suggestions?

PS: If you get a kick out of cussing, you are going to LOVE Skinny Bitch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lemongrass in Ramkhamhaeng (one hundred something) in front of Mobaan Samakorn (soi 112)has all the organic stuff you had asked for. A mile from there ;you also can try the organic vegetables' counters in Tops ,they are excellent.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Apologies for letting this one slide. I went to the UK shortly after posting, then forgot about it.

An update: It's been quite awhile now since I read the book but it's still with me. Unless it's eating out somewhere (and in a product I can't avoid) I still do not consume milk or butter. Mayo only with tuna. Occasionally I'll have nachos with sharp cheddar sprinkled over top, but that's it for dairy products (I can't get their milk description out of my head!)

About three or four months ago complications from asthma kicked in and gave me even more reasons to adjust my diet.

This is what I eat at home. Going out is potluck obviously (but usually Thai)...

Breakfast: Allbran or oatmeal with soya milk (sugar free), two cups of green tea

Mid-morning snack: Fruit, nuts or nothing

Lunch: A dish of steamed rice that includes one or all of... avocado, tomato, fish (salmon)

Mid-afternoon snack: Fruit (sometimes in a green smoothy), nuts or nothing

Dinner: Veg and a carb. Sometimes chicken or fish. No red meats

Dessert: Sometimes a bowl of mixed fruit, sometimes small bar of dark chocolate (70%), sometimes nothing

Alcohol, eggs and fried foods have been (mostly) gone for months. After months of abstaining, I had beer on Tuesday night (ran out of Alka-seltzer). But there is no real desire to repeat the experience (odd, as I'm a whooping it up party hard lass!)

As long as it's not fried, anything Thai (as hot as they can make it) is ok on my stomach. Onions are out. Strange.

I haven't bothered to weigh myself (my new scales are wonky), but from what I can get into now, it looks like a weight loss of around 9 kilos. Significant.

Due to stomach and breathing problems (and the termite people poisoning the spare bedroom where I keep the exercise machine), all I've been able to add is more walking. But it's working, especially as I gain more energy to walk more (I'm trying out different tricks to get my breathing increased).

I haven't really sourced more soya products as I was happy with that I was eating. I know a varied diet is necessary, so I will hunt down the stores shared here and see what I can find.

Good luck to anyone reading the book as it can be life changing. I'm a visual person. If you are too and want to lose weight, give it a shot. It might just work for you too.

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Trust me, I will NEVER consume milk products again. Ever. Milk, cheese, mayo, icecream have all been downfalls of mine for weight gain so I'm not stressed.

Is the elimination of the above for you only or do you recommend it for others who want to lose weight?

What does the book say about these things above?


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