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Bus Said I Was Too Fat


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As far as flying is concerned, cost is directly proportional to weight. Why should someone who weighs 100kgs including luggage pay the same as someone with a combined weight of 200 kgs? They should weigh the passenger with their luggage, and set a threshold at say 120 kgs. If you are over that you pay extra, and people of normal proportions pay less. Then a 2nd threshold at which you have to pay for 2 seats.

With all the green revolution and carbon footprint nonsense of recent years I am surprised that this has not been introduced already. Normal sized people are already having to shell out for the increased healthcare burden associated with obesity, why should we subsidise their air travel as well? Maybe this would incentivise a few of them to lose weight, also reducing their healthcare costs.

I know that overweight people will never see it from the rest of the world's point of view. My mother has recently become rather obese, but at 69 years old I say what the hel_l. She recently flew over for a visit and was complaining that the seats were to small. When trying to explain, in a tactful way, that maybe it was her who is too large rather than the seats too small, she just could not comprehend it.

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As far as flying is concerned, cost is directly proportional to weight. Why should someone who weighs 100kgs including luggage pay the same as someone with a combined weight of 200 kgs? They should weigh the passenger with their luggage, and set a threshold at say 120 kgs. If you are over that you pay extra, and people of normal proportions pay less. Then a 2nd threshold at which you have to pay for 2 seats.

With all the green revolution and carbon footprint nonsense of recent years I am surprised that this has not been introduced already. Normal sized people are already having to shell out for the increased healthcare burden associated with obesity, why should we subsidise their air travel as well? Maybe this would incentivise a few of them to lose weight, also reducing their healthcare costs.

I know that overweight people will never see it from the rest of the world's point of view. My mother has recently become rather obese, but at 69 years old I say what the hel_l. She recently flew over for a visit and was complaining that the seats were to small. When trying to explain, in a tactful way, that maybe it was her who is too large rather than the seats too small, she just could not comprehend it.

So well put.

One other thought is that a person who cannot fit through a hoop, the same width of a cattle class seat, should be charged for 2 seats.

Could be a problem for ppl booking online, they would never admit to being too large.

Many short persons are obese, but do not reach your 120kgs. Certainly wide enough to need 2 seats.

Some athletes could be all muscle and still fit in Ok, despite being o/weight.

Possibly a reduced rate for excess backside seats.

If 2 seats are paid for, then 2 meals etc.....LOL.... make 'em even more obese.


Just a thought, if you flew on Air Asia which on occassions offers fares of "0 Baht" and just pay taxes.

Would an empty seat have to have taxes levied, or would it be free?

Just wundrin'.

Edited by Zpete
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As far as flying is concerned, cost is directly proportional to weight. Why should someone who weighs 100kgs including luggage pay the same as someone with a combined weight of 200 kgs? They should weigh the passenger with their luggage, and set a threshold at say 120 kgs. If you are over that you pay extra, and people of normal proportions pay less. Then a 2nd threshold at which you have to pay for 2 seats.

With all the green revolution and carbon footprint nonsense of recent years I am surprised that this has not been introduced already. Normal sized people are already having to shell out for the increased healthcare burden associated with obesity, why should we subsidise their air travel as well? Maybe this would incentivise a few of them to lose weight, also reducing their healthcare costs.

I know that overweight people will never see it from the rest of the world's point of view. My mother has recently become rather obese, but at 69 years old I say what the hel_l. She recently flew over for a visit and was complaining that the seats were to small. When trying to explain, in a tactful way, that maybe it was her who is too large rather than the seats too small, she just could not comprehend it.

So well put.

One other thought is that a person who cannot fit through a hoop, the same width of a cattle class seat, should be charged for 2 seats.

Could be a problem for ppl booking online, they would never admit to being too large.

Many short persons are obese, but do not reach your 120kgs. Certainly wide enough to need 2 seats.

Some athletes could be all muscle and still fit in Ok, despite being o/weight.

Possibly a reduced rate for excess backside seats.

If 2 seats are paid for, then 2 meals etc.....LOL.... make 'em even more obese.

Good idea! and we can reduce the amount of Oxygen and space that a small person can use! "Sorry you have walked as far as we can allow you since you paid less for your ticket! Oh BTW, time to stop breathing!" We could even stack the seating for small people in the passenger compartment! Reduce the meals, less water, even smaller bags of whatever they use now instead of peanuts (due to the random peanut allergy on board the plane!)

I am a 'normal' sized guy for my ethnic background, but having broad shoulders makes cattle class less than comfy for me at times, not to mention having long legs!

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I would pay for the 2 seats, so I can be more comfortable and keep my bag next to me, 212 baht will not break the bank :o

My friend, welcome to Thaivisa, where everything is a rip off and everyone is out to screw you, and don't even bring up the new airport......

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Well i came back to BKK yeseterday after my week long Issan trip.

I flew back to Don Muang via NOK AIR.

I got the airport bus 34 baht to suvarnami,guy selling tickets at DM was a nice guy,outside area.bus driver helped me to Suvarmi.

Anyway heres where my story begins,when i arrived,i went downstairs to arrivals and couldnt find Bells bus service so i saw what said

"Government s bus service to Pataya 106 baht",so i went to the woman who i admit is as fat as me.

I looked at the seat bookings in front of here and she had only filled about 60% of the seats.

Anyway she said we are leaving in 15 mins,you beter pay now,so i went to pay,she said thats 212 baht because you are too fat.

I said to her,"im as fat as you dear",she agreed with me and said even she has to book 2 seats.

I said i have just travelled on all buses in isssaan and aeroplanes without 2 seats.

Anyway i then pointed to the seat diagram she had in front of her and she had a lot of seats available however she says most farang have 2 seats.

i told her i would get a cab so i did.

The point is,yes i think if your a bloke who is very obese,ok 2 seats but should she charge normal fat people double.


bladdy unselfish not too.

and was your cab cheaper than 200 bath??

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if you are fat enough to take up some of someone else's space that they pay for .. then charging you for 2 seats is reasonable

I echo your opinion!

I have been on occasion unfortunate enough to have to sit in airplanes next to very obese persons. This is very uncomfortable as they take up part of the small amount of space allotted to you as well!

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I also think fatties should pay more. I also hate those blokes who are such men they have to spread their legs as wide as possible, infringing on my space. It's immature but I have to spread mine so we have a little "leg wrestling" competition until the fool gets the point.

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Sorry OP but this the funniest thing I read on TV for ages.

Best thing you can do is stop eating and drinking crap and get some exercise. This incident was a wakeup call that Obese = Early Grave.

Best of luck to you

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I've also always wondered... you are charged for being 1 kilogram overweight with your 21 kilo luggage on the plane, but you're only 58 kilograms, so your total weight is 79 kilograms using the plane's fuel.

Whereas an obese person weighing 130 kilograms with luggage within the 20kg limit is using up 150 kg which is almost double your total weight using the plane's fuel. Yet YOU have to pay a fine for being "overweight" and he doesn't.

Just wondering, is this fair? :o

Same here. I am quite small and lightweight. Whenever I have excess luggage I try to convince the check-in staff using the same arguments as you. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

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However asian size of things can get a little out of the norms for large westerners.. I could lose a bit of weight I admit.. But at a hair under 6ft 4 (105kgs) and fairly broad at the shoulders and long of leg etc I am just kinda an all round big framed guy, even if I lost a few kilos in the middle it doesnt shrink my shoulders and bones, it wouldnt make the agony of knees in the back of the plane seat and more pleasant. Back in the west I am a large guy but not freakishly so, here unless around other westerers I am clearly in the very top percent or so.

Now considering I already get dual priced over 4 and 5 ft Thais in many elements, shouldnt the price of my ticket actually be enough to allow me a seat ?? I dont have rolls of fat hanging over the armrests but public transport, flying economy, even things like beds, doorways, some Thai furniture, etc etc leaves you feeling like Gandalf popping in on the little people.

I would kind of feel that buying a transport ticket is the price to transport me to my destination, if your gonna have a ticket for the 6ft and under crowd and a premium price then give me a premium seat (which I do buy when I can and its not a killer).

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"she said thats 212 baht because you are too fat"


God that is so to the point it's unfortunately quite funny.

Really though there are contries now where you could litigate her fat ass off for that comment.

Yes - and the main litigant of them all - the USA - could well do with a dose of common sense like this. Can you picture (or even vaugely imagine) all those people in the queue steping up onto the scale at the airport? Never happen of course.

But I agree with the others. There I am Mr. 80 kilos or whatever, being badgered by the check-in girl becuase my suitcase is 4 or 5 kilos over the limit, but they have no issue with the tubby guy or gal behind me who tips the scale at 120 kilos!

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Yes - and the main litigant of them all - the USA - could well do with a dose of common sense like this. Can you picture (or even vaugely imagine) all those people in the queue steping up onto the scale at the airport? Never happen of course.

Yes I could, would be good exercise for some of them. Mind you, I suppose they would find it too much effort and request it be lowered to ground level. Other than that, the idea of charging for total weight as part of a plane ticket price formula is a great idea. On a bus, as in so many things in life though, size is more important.

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It is only fair that fat people should pay more - more fuel - more wear and tear - inconvenience to othere passengers waiting fro the fatty to struggle in and out of their seat/seats.

A 200k package obviously and quite rightly costs more to ship than a 100k package.

Also, people seated next to fat people should be compensated as they often smell :o

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