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Leaving Current Job Before Securing Next Job.

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Hi all,

I am in a dillema. Current working conditions are no good at all and I really want to leave, bad. In fact, I would like to leave tommorow if it's possible. Thing is, I have not secured my next job yet. I have been sneaking out during lunch time rushing for interviews and it's really hurting my interview game arriving in that rushed mentality. And to top it off, I can't really do as much interviews as I would like because of my cramped time. I am fairly confident that I would be able to land a job in max 2-3 weeks. Resources aren't a problem, at least for 3 months. My main concern is, what shall I say when they ask "Are you currently working?" if I were to leave my current role now and be jobless. Shall I lie and say yes? Will they check minor details like this for a junior position?

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I'd hang on to the job you have, an income is an income, and not having a job weakens your barganning position - It also raises more questions in the mind of the interviewer.

Plan your interviews better, arange for two in one day and then book leave or take a day off without pay or if all else fails call in sick.

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I know that would be the ideal situation, but things aren't so ideal right now. Thing is, I am just after junior positions, and I can always say that I am still working currently. This won't be that big a deal right? It's not like they will check if I am still working or anything like that. Or perhaps I can say that I have left my job already but have a few offers currently and am exploring a few others before committing to one. Doesn't sound too bad?

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I know that would be the ideal situation, but things aren't so ideal right now. Thing is, I am just after junior positions, and I can always say that I am still working currently. This won't be that big a deal right? It's not like they will check if I am still working or anything like that. Or perhaps I can say that I have left my job already but have a few offers currently and am exploring a few others before committing to one. Doesn't sound too bad?

If you leave now they will cancel your WP, so the new company will easily find out you've been fibbing.

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I don't think it's to your advantage to lie. If you have a solid reason for leaving, that doesn't ring of negativity such as 'I hated my old boss' then it's not that strange to leave a job and look for a new one. It seems much worse if they checked and found out you were lying.

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