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Retirement Visa Combined Bank/pension Income

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I will help out a friend with his retirement visa. He has a rent of about 360,000 Baht a year, so I will put another 500,000 Baht in his bank account.

How long before his application should this money be in the account? I think the 3 months rule is not in place under this circumstances. Would about 3 weeks be ok?


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The requirement is that the Embassy accepts the money as income/pension and believe most will. If a combined application there has not been the 3 month rule applied from reports but if I had the funds early I would put them there myself.

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Like I said:

500,000 Baht savings in the Bank

12 x 30,000 Baht pension (letter from his embassy).

Will transfer the money about 1 month in advance.



The rule does say that the money has to be in the bank on the day of application in your circumstances.

No mention of how long before.

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Yes. The money must be sourced from outside Thailand. I took that first post to be the usual "friend" when meaning the poster and that it accounted for the "I" and that one person was going to make a bank deposit and would have the other income certified - but now it seems I misread and rather suspect that the old "borrowed money" may be the plan.

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- but now it seems I misread and rather suspect that the old "borrowed money" may be the plan.

This is the reason they brought in these rules. To stop people borrowing the money one day and giving it back the next.

the experiance i had with my mother last year was -

She had a money transfer from Holland over 800K in one time.

Bring the paper from that transfer ( from the bank in Thailand ) with you. and a letter guarantee. not older than one week.

And the normal required papers and it will be oke.

Iff you have the possibillity to do that with 800k you don't have to ge to the Embassy (saves you money), for verrifying your income.

But at the end all toghetter must be 800K ore more. even savings ore income ore a mix of it.

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I think his question is if you are using a combination of income and bank account, does the bank account part have to be seasoned for 3 months just like if you were using 100% bank account?

This is coming from sunbelt asia , they also did the paperwordk for my mother, and it worked. but it is quit easy to do it yourself. we find out ofcource later.

<h1 class="style67 style91">Retirement Visa </h1> Sunbelt Legal Advisors will complete all the required paperwork and accompany you on your trip to Thai Immigration to insure the process is completed properly, and without additional costs or confusion.

To be eligible for an extension of stay permit based on retirement you must be 50 years of age, show funds or pension that equate to 800,000 baht (note: any pension claims MUST be certifed by your embassy to be applicable.), and a provide a valid health certifcate which can be obtained from any Thailand hospital or clinic.

Basic Requirements:

• 50 Years of age or older

• 800,000 Baht in a Thai bank account (90 days)

OR 65,000 Baht pension OR a combination of both.

Immigration Order 7.17

Type Criteria Required Documents 7.21 Retirement

Each time of permission shall be granted for a period not exceeding 1 year.

(1) Foreigner shall obtains VISA for temporary stay and,

(2) Shall not be younger than 50 years old and,

(3) Having evidence showing the monthly income not less than 65,000 Baht or,

(4) Having the records of saving money in the latest 3 months of account book of any Bank in Thailand not less than 800,000 Baht or,

(5) Having annual income combined with the saving money in the Bank not less than 800,000 Baht from on the date submitting the application.

1. Application form

2. Copy of passport of the applicant

3. Evidences of having income, such as pension or interest of saving money, or dividends etc. and/ or,

4. Certified Letter of having a bank account with the Bank in Thailand and the passbook of the account.

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I think his question is if you are using a combination of income and bank account, does the bank account part have to be seasoned for 3 months just like if you were using 100% bank account?

This is coming from sunbelt asia , they also did the paperwordk for my mother, and it worked. but it is quit easy to do it yourself. we find out ofcource later.

<h1 class="style67 style91">Retirement Visa </h1> Sunbelt Legal Advisors will complete all the required paperwork and accompany you on your trip to Thai Immigration to insure the process is completed properly, and without additional costs or confusion.

To be eligible for an extension of stay permit based on retirement you must be 50 years of age, show funds or pension that equate to 800,000 baht (note: any pension claims MUST be certifed by your embassy to be applicable.), and a provide a valid health certifcate which can be obtained from any Thailand hospital or clinic.

Basic Requirements:

• 50 Years of age or older

• 800,000 Baht in a Thai bank account (90 days)

OR 65,000 Baht pension OR a combination of both.

Immigration Order 7.17

Type Criteria Required Documents 7.21 Retirement

Each time of permission shall be granted for a period not exceeding 1 year.

(1) Foreigner shall obtains VISA for temporary stay and,

(2) Shall not be younger than 50 years old and,

(3) Having evidence showing the monthly income not less than 65,000 Baht or,

(4) Having the records of saving money in the latest 3 months of account book of any Bank in Thailand not less than 800,000 Baht or,

(5) Having annual income combined with the saving money in the Bank not less than 800,000 Baht from on the date submitting the application.

1. Application form

2. Copy of passport of the applicant

3. Evidences of having income, such as pension or interest of saving money, or dividends etc. and/ or,

4. Certified Letter of having a bank account with the Bank in Thailand and the passbook of the account.

Health certificate not needed.

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I will help out a friend with his retirement visa. He has a rent of about 360,000 Baht a year, so I will put another 500,000 Baht in his bank account.

How long before his application should this money be in the account? I think the 3 months rule is not in place under this circumstances. Would about 3 weeks be ok?


I did the same for my mother. The money must be there when he applies for the visa, that's all.

For the pension it is another form to fill out and they do not require a pension of 800,000 Baht a year.

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I will help out a friend with his retirement visa. He has a rent of about 360,000 Baht a year, so I will put another 500,000 Baht in his bank account.

How long before his application should this money be in the account? I think the 3 months rule is not in place under this circumstances. Would about 3 weeks be ok?


The way Jomtein looks at it (and each office can do it differently) you must have 65K baht per month or more to qualify for income alone. If you must use a bank account you must have a monthly income (X12) plus an amount in the bank to equal 1 million baht. So for example if your monthly income is 40K baht (480K per year) you need a bank account of 520K minimum inplace for at least 3months to qualify.

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The first year I got my retirement visa I had 800,000 which was brought in shortly after I moved here. Other than when I purchased my condo I have never had that much in Thailand since that first year.

The only financial document I have ever needed was the Affidavit (Declaration, Certification, whatever its called) certifying income greater than 65,000 baht per year. This I filled out at my Embassy (U.S. - just ask for financial document for retirement visa) stating my income from America. I have never had to provide any documentation to get this. E.g., I've never provided any statements from any financial institution. I trust that other Embassies provide a similar to their citizens.

It really is quite an easy and painless process.

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Do the funds have to be in Baht or will a foreign Currency Savings Account do?

Foreign Currency Savings Account has worked in the past. The bank will show it converted to Baht in their letter about the account for Immigration.

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I think his question is if you are using a combination of income and bank account, does the bank account part have to be seasoned for 3 months just like if you were using 100% bank account?

This is coming from sunbelt asia , they also did the paperwordk for my mother, and it worked. but it is quit easy to do it yourself. we find out ofcource later.

<h1 class="style67 style91">Retirement Visa </h1> Sunbelt Legal Advisors will complete all the required paperwork and accompany you on your trip to Thai Immigration to insure the process is completed properly, and without additional costs or confusion.

To be eligible for an extension of stay permit based on retirement you must be 50 years of age, show funds or pension that equate to 800,000 baht (note: any pension claims MUST be certifed by your embassy to be applicable.), and a provide a valid health certifcate which can be obtained from any Thailand hospital or clinic.

Basic Requirements:

• 50 Years of age or older

• 800,000 Baht in a Thai bank account (90 days)

OR 65,000 Baht pension OR a combination of both.

Immigration Order 7.17

Type Criteria Required Documents 7.21 Retirement

Each time of permission shall be granted for a period not exceeding 1 year.

(1) Foreigner shall obtains VISA for temporary stay and,

(2) Shall not be younger than 50 years old and,

(3) Having evidence showing the monthly income not less than 65,000 Baht or,

(4) Having the records of saving money in the latest 3 months of account book of any Bank in Thailand not less than 800,000 Baht or,

(5) Having annual income combined with the saving money in the Bank not less than 800,000 Baht from on the date submitting the application.

1. Application form

2. Copy of passport of the applicant

3. Evidences of having income, such as pension or interest of saving money, or dividends etc. and/ or,

4. Certified Letter of having a bank account with the Bank in Thailand and the passbook of the account.

Health certificate not needed.

Actually Lite Beer, I needed a health certificate last week at the immigration office at Phusing (near Lao border) for my 3rd annual extension. This was not required last year but the officer showed me that this rule has been in place since January 2008.

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Actually Lite Beer, I needed a health certificate last week at the immigration office at Phusing (near Lao border) for my 3rd annual extension. This was not required last year but the officer showed me that this rule has been in place since January 2008.

I find this rather hard to believe as it is the first time I've heard of it. Any other reports?

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Actually Lite Beer, I needed a health certificate last week at the immigration office at Phusing (near Lao border) for my 3rd annual extension. This was not required last year but the officer showed me that this rule has been in place since January 2008.

I find this rather hard to believe as it is the first time I've heard of it. Any other reports?

The certificate cast me all of 30 baht from a doctor at the private hospital in Si Sa Ket. Actually when he was told what it was for he simply asked me to wait 2 minutes and the nurse came out, I paid the money got the certificate and left.

The immigration office at Phusing is a one man show but extremely helpful and quite laid back. So I would recommend anyone requiring these services who live in the Si Sa Ket/Ubon area to use his services. Despite his happy and laid back nature he was very insistent re the medical requirements this year. Fortunately, I had called him the previous day and he forwarned me about this requirement.

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I think his question is if you are using a combination of income and bank account, does the bank account part have to be seasoned for 3 months just like if you were using 100% bank account?

This is coming from sunbelt asia , they also did the paperwordk for my mother, and it worked. but it is quit easy to do it yourself. we find out ofcource later.

<h1 class="style67 style91">Retirement Visa </h1> Sunbelt Legal Advisors will complete all the required paperwork and accompany you on your trip to Thai Immigration to insure the process is completed properly, and without additional costs or confusion.

To be eligible for an extension of stay permit based on retirement you must be 50 years of age, show funds or pension that equate to 800,000 baht (note: any pension claims MUST be certifed by your embassy to be applicable.), and a provide a valid health certifcate which can be obtained from any Thailand hospital or clinic.

Basic Requirements:

• 50 Years of age or older

• 800,000 Baht in a Thai bank account (90 days)

OR 65,000 Baht pension OR a combination of both.

Immigration Order 7.17

Type Criteria Required Documents 7.21 Retirement

Each time of permission shall be granted for a period not exceeding 1 year.

(1) Foreigner shall obtains VISA for temporary stay and,

(2) Shall not be younger than 50 years old and,

(3) Having evidence showing the monthly income not less than 65,000 Baht or,

(4) Having the records of saving money in the latest 3 months of account book of any Bank in Thailand not less than 800,000 Baht or,

(5) Having annual income combined with the saving money in the Bank not less than 800,000 Baht from on the date submitting the application.

1. Application form

2. Copy of passport of the applicant

3. Evidences of having income, such as pension or interest of saving money, or dividends etc. and/ or,

4. Certified Letter of having a bank account with the Bank in Thailand and the passbook of the account.

Health certificate not needed.

Actually Lite Beer, I needed a health certificate last week at the immigration office at Phusing (near Lao border) for my 3rd annual extension. This was not required last year but the officer showed me that this rule has been in place since January 2008.

No new rule that we know of.

The requirement was dropped in October 2006.

But if that is what they want from you. :o And say Thank You.

Edited by Lite Beer
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i have been here for one retirement year visa and one renewal. my wife the same. we filed individually at first. now we are both over 50 and we want to file as a married couple. we have a letter from the us embassy showing 65k per month monies coming in. does anyone see a problem with us changing from 800,000 baht each in the bank from the past 2 times we filed to filing as married with the 65k rule? pleaaseeee reply.

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Not sure that you last statement was clear.

If both you and your wife want to get extension of stays based on retirement, then you will both need 65K/month.

If instead, one of you gets a retirement visa they would need the 65K/month. The other could then get an extension based on being the spouse of a person on an extension of stay in Thailand.

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The only financial document I have ever needed was the Affidavit (Declaration, Certification, whatever its called) certifying income greater than 65,000 baht per year. This I filled out at my Embassy (U.S. - just ask for financial document for retirement visa) stating my income from America. I have never had to provide any documentation to get this. E.g., I've never provided any statements from any financial institution. I trust that other Embassies provide a similar to their citizens.

It really is quite an easy and painless process.

Question please. From a reading above, I take it... that you asked for a "financial document for retirement visa" and filled it out yourself and then the Embassy certified that Affadavit as valid.

And that is all you needed to do? If I have it right, one can pretty much state any amount for monthly income and get the paper necessary to qualify for Extenstion with out meeting the bank account requirement. With no need for supporting documents to prove monthly income.

Thanks in advance for your reply.

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