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Hi: I live in Pattaya i am looking for any info and costs, and results.Of great intrest to me is rehab and manageable cost so i guess that lets out bkp any info will be greatly appricated,thanks in advance.

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Hi: I live in Pattaya i am looking for any info and costs, and results.Of great intrest to me is rehab and manageable cost so i guess that lets out bkp any info will be greatly appricated,thanks in advance.

To help you compare costs, this is the quote from Bangkok Pattaya Hospital for a hip replacement.

This is for a full hip replacement as opposed to re-surfacing.

Hip - 96,000

Op - 55,000

Anes - 9500

Room - 5750 (per day)

Nurse - 1300 (per day)

Medication - 11850

They estimated a 5 day stay in hospital.

Having spoken to other people in the waiting room I would recommend you allow 300,000 - 350,000 Baht as a reasonable estimate for this operation here. On todays exchange rates (ie around 60 baht to the pound) this works out at around 5000 - 6000pounds.

In the UK, a similar operation in one private hospital I contacted would cost about 8000-10000 pounds .

Hope this helps.

By the

Good Luck.


Thanks for the info lop. I have bookmarked that link.

I see they are offering the resurfacing operation at a similar price. I don't need any surgery yet, may be able to delay that for years and then may opt for the resurfacing when more is known about the long term success.

From another thread it looks like Yanabill1 is going for his operation around about now.

Wish you a speedy recovery Yanabill1.

Guest Reimar

It's not Pattaya, it's Samut Prakarn but in the Paolo General Hospital at the Srinakarin Road is every Saturday morning Prof. Dr. Opas, a Otho Specialist.

He was a long time in an high Position in the University Hospital in Stuttgard/Germany. He speak English and German very well. Even some other medical Colleagues of him comeing from Germany to get operated from him.

He was saving 8 years ago my right arm after an accident while in two other hospital wouls amputate.

A very good Doctor with an very good reputation and very straight forward, he will never tell a lie.

May you should meet him once to get an advice with open words and no hidings!



I had my right hip replaced twice. Both times surgery was in Switzerland, though; so I cannot comment on how the cost is here in Thailand and which doctor or hospital is the best.

But I can offer some advice on how you experience and feel around this kind of surgery.

I would say the most important piece of information is that a hip replacement is not a final solution. They last about 15 years and then need to be replaced again.

Both my surgery were done under partial and spinal anesthesias, so I heard what was going on during the surgery, but felt no pain. It's butchery, you hear the saw, the hammer, the drill ... a nightmare.

Important is that you put all your efforts in the rehab. Prior to the surgery my leg had shrunk to the size of my wrist, but with a lot of exercise and physical therapy it got bat to "normal".

Today, 8 years after the second replacement, I still have a weaker right leg, but otherwise no problems.

The surgery is pretty much a routine surgery, no complications are likely, so there is nor reason to postpone it if you suffer now.

Anyway, good luck to you. :o

Hi: I live in Pattaya i am looking for any info and costs, and results.Of great intrest to me is rehab and manageable cost so i guess that lets out bkp any info will be greatly appricated,thanks in advance.

To help you compare costs, this is the quote from Bangkok Pattaya Hospital for a hip replacement.

This is for a full hip replacement as opposed to re-surfacing.

Hip - 96,000

Op - 55,000

Anes - 9500

Room - 5750 (per day)

Nurse - 1300 (per day)

Medication - 11850

They estimated a 5 day stay in hospital.

Having spoken to other people in the waiting room I would recommend you allow 300,000 - 350,000 Baht as a reasonable estimate for this operation here. On todays exchange rates (ie around 60 baht to the pound) this works out at around 5000 - 6000pounds.

In the UK, a similar operation in one private hospital I contacted would cost about 8000-10000 pounds .

Hope this helps.

By the

Good Luck.

Thanks for the info it,s just what I was looking for. At the navy hosp.south of pattaya which is quite well known for this type of surg the cost in total is around 150,000B the surg is univ prof assisted by another ortho surgon all first class including the implant metal and poly. the accmmodations are sparten.


For active people, at the current time, I am convinced that hip resurfacing is usually a much better choice than total hip replacement (THR) for people with good bone quality. I consider myself somewhat of an expert on the subject as I have done much research on the subject and have had my own hip resurfaced so I would suggest you check out this alternative to a THR. Although they do hip resurfacing at Bumrungrad, I would not suggest having it done there or in the US as it is a very difficult operation and most doctors are fairly new to the procedure and not experienced enough by having at least a thousand surgeries under their belt yet. Currently of the four top hip resurfacing surgeons in the world, 2 are in England, 1 is in Belgium, and 1 is in Chennai India. The total cost of a hip resurfacing by Dr Bose in India ( whom I consider the very best of the group) is approximately 240,000 Baht which includes everything including hospital stay. As opposed to a THR ,with a hip resurfacing, there is virtually no bone loss and you can return to running marathons, triathalons, tennis, rugby, wild sex :o or any other sport you want with absolutely no restrictions. If anyone is serously considering hip resurfacing and has any questions or needs more info, please feel free to pm me. I can also direct you to forum web sites on the subject of hip resurfacing versus THR.

For active people, at the current time, I am convinced that hip resurfacing is usually a much better choice than total hip replacement (THR) for people with good bone quality. .

I am considering resurfacing and like you, going to India for the operation. I don't really have any plans yet though. Since I was diagnosed a year ago the pain has not got any worse and I decided to take the generally accepted advice of waiting until its absolutely necessary until having the operation. I was put off by the attitiude at BPH and thought (perhaps mistakenly) that the Thais may not be the best people to do the work.

Important is that you put all your efforts in the rehab. Prior to the surgery my leg had shrunk to the size of my wrist, but with a lot of exercise and physical therapy it got bat to "normal".

You say your leg had shrunk. Why was this ? I am currently exercising a lot, mostly walking for an hour a day and have noticed the same thing. My normal exercise regime would be squash and football so switching to just walking is new to me.

I see from some web-sites that they recommend other sorts of exercise such as swimming. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks for the info it,s just what I was looking for. At the navy hosp.south of pattaya which is quite well known for this type of surg the cost in total is around 150,000B the surg is univ prof assisted by another ortho surgon all first class including the implant metal and poly. the accmmodations are sparten.

Sounds a good option - Wish you speedy recovery.

  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you for all your support.I had the surg,done at the naval hosp. So of pattaya with great results.Am up and walking and home in 8 days almost pain free,I feel like a new 70 yr old.Total cost 150,000b everything! amazing Thailand.


Congratulations, yanabill1!

I do have a question about the naval hospital itself. I thought I read someplace (maybe in the Pattaya forum?) that farang civilians were no longer being taken as new patients there. Have you been a patient of theirs for a period of time, or was this your first treatment there? Or, are you Thai and/or part of a Thai family with naval connections, perhaps?

Congratulations, yanabill1!

I do have a question about the naval hospital itself. I thought I read someplace (maybe in the Pattaya forum?) that farang civilians were no longer being taken as new patients there. Have you been a patient of theirs for a period of time, or was this your first treatment there? Or, are you Thai and/or part of a Thai family with naval connections, perhaps?

There's confusion around here regarding which Navy hospital. Evidently there's also one inside the Sattahip Navy base proper. That one is probably not open to the public and we're not talking about that one w/ regard to farang health care.

What we're talking about here is the Queen Sirikit Navy Hospital, not inside the base, somewhat outside Sattahip. It is open to the public. (Search the forum threads to find directions.) It offers competent but spartan healthcare. Not too much English is spoken; it's a very Thai environment with all that implies. One of the main problems is all the waiting time in big rooms crowded with mostly poor Thais and some military personnel. Every time you go there, you have to get there early in the morning (before 8) and you'll eventually be seen at maybe 10 or 11.

There's confusion around here regarding which Navy hospital. Evidently there's also one inside the Sattahip Navy base proper. That one is probably not open to the public and we're not talking about that one w/ regard to farang health care.

What we're talking about here is the Queen Sirikit Navy Hospital, not inside the base, somewhat outside Sattahip. It is open to the public. (Search the forum threads to find directions.) It offers competent but spartan healthcare. Not too much English is spoken; it's a very Thai environment with all that implies. One of the main problems is all the waiting time in big rooms crowded with mostly poor Thais and some military personnel. Every time you go there, you have to get there early in the morning (before 8) and you'll eventually be seen at maybe 10 or 11.

Aha! The plot thickens. Thanks for pointing out the *two* hospitals. Do you know which of the two is/was always so highly recommended? I recall reading several glowing recommendations about the physicians and facilities at one of them, and I always thought it was the Queen Sirikit Hospital. However, you describe it as "competent but spartan," so I'm still confused.

Aha! The plot thickens. Thanks for pointing out the *two* hospitals. Do you know which of the two is/was always so highly recommended? I recall reading several glowing recommendations about the physicians and facilities at one of them, and I always thought it was the Queen Sirikit Hospital. However, you describe it as "competent but spartan," so I'm still confused.

You're right in thinking it's Queen Sirikit, and I told you already that we are talking about Queen Sirikit. Since no farang goes to the other hospital, as I told you, why would anybody be recommending it? So don't thank me, I really should not have mentioned it.

All things are relative, you see, which does make life confusing. Relative to Banglamung Hospital, Queen Sirikit is luxurious. Relative to Bumrungrad, the gold standard, it's definitely spartan, as you can see instantly by just glancing at the chairs in the waiting rooms, never mind the absence of Starbucks. Is a hard plastic chair more spartan than a cushioned chair? I think most of us would agree that it is. And then there's . . . well, everything else to compare as well.

A competent doctor can certainly get a glowing recommendation from patients who've been successfully treated, and many have been so at Queen Sirikit. There are no public records on individual doctor success rates in Thailand. But generally--just as an off-the-cuff measure--we think that doctors who have been trained in the West are the best, and Queen Sirikit surely has far fewer of them than the well-known international hospitals. Even so, all hospitals have doctors of greater and less competence. Not all recommendations for doctors at Bumungrad, Bangkok, St. Louis, or BNH will be glowing. What do you expect?

I could say much more on all this, but I think the more I say, the more the plot will thicken for you, and I'm already bored. If you need fast, easy, comfortable, high-tech service, and English--a thin plot, so to speak--then go to one of the int'l hospitals and pay the premium.

So why don't you just pay a vist to Queen Sirikit and decide for yourself. If you want to be seen that day, get there very early in the morning, say 7. Otherwise, you'll likely be given an appt. to come back early on some other day.

Congratulations, yanabill1!

I do have a question about the naval hospital itself. I thought I read someplace (maybe in the Pattaya forum?) that farang civilians were no longer being taken as new patients there. Have you been a patient of theirs for a period of time, or was this your first treatment there? Or, are you Thai and/or part of a Thai family with naval connections, perhaps?

I have been going there about 2 yrs i heard the same thing by rumor but i heard that they were being pressured by the private sector. hard to believe that anyone in thailand would turn down money


Hi Yanabill1, in your opinion what is the level of spoken english like? Would it be a realistic option for someone who speaks little thai and has no thai person to take with them?

Hi Yanabill1, in your opinion what is the level of spoken english like? Would it be a realistic option for someone who speaks little thai and has no thai person to take with them?

the dr speaks exll english.it would be difficult with out some who speaks thai to nagavate the hosp and departments altho I did it just depends on you and your leval of motivation and paitence

Hi Yanabill1, in your opinion what is the level of spoken english like? Would it be a realistic option for someone who speaks little thai and has no thai person to take with them?

I should add the name of the dr.ORTHO SURG DR NARMMON i spent my life in the medical field and i personally view him as motivated and well quilifed.

Hi Yanabill1, in your opinion what is the level of spoken english like? Would it be a realistic option for someone who speaks little thai and has no thai person to take with them?

the dr speaks exll english.it would be difficult with out some who speaks thai to nagavate the hosp and departments altho I did it just depends on you and your leval of motivation and paitence

Yes, that's exactly how it is, though the level of English among the docs themselves varies (once you finally get to the doc), it is usually good enough for the essential information. It helps if your own English is comprehensible--thick regional accents and dialects exacerbate the communication problem.

Patience, as yanabill1 says, and motivation, are key.

But one really nice thing about Queen Sirikit is that unlike a for-profit hospital, say, BPH, it isn't trying to rip you off at every turn. You get the feeling that they are sincerely trying to help you without padding the bill everywhere and overcharging for everything. There's no double-tier pricing and the fees are eminently reasonable and fair. The staff is as hard-working and professional as Thais can be. Me, I'll be going back.

Hi Yanabill1, in your opinion what is the level of spoken english like? Would it be a realistic option for someone who speaks little thai and has no thai person to take with them?

I should add the name of the dr.ORTHO SURG DR NARMMON i spent my life in the medical field and i personally view him as motivated and well quilifed.

P.S. the dr. sees pt. tues and thur in clinic 9a to 12

Hi: I live in Pattaya i am looking for any info and costs, and results.Of great intrest to me is rehab and manageable cost so i guess that lets out bkp any info will be greatly appricated,thanks in advance.


I have found your post and the responses very interesting. I have practiced medicine and surgery in the US for 3O years and I operate a company that helps people find cost effective medical care in various parts of the world. Over the years I have seen a lot of good outcomes and a lot mediocre outcomes and occasionally some very bad ones. Everyday I get a 2-3 e-mails like yours and the very first thing that comes to my mind when I open these e-mails is what is the diagnosis?

There are more medical and surgical treatment failures and mediocre results because of incorrect diagnosis than any other reason. In your case you want the most experienced person you can find to tell you exactly what is wrong (or at least know it them self). In your case someone has told you that you need a hip replacement I presume. You need to know much more and there is no way you can shop for a price until you know what the problem is because you have no idea what will be required to fix it. The example would be someone in a reply post mentioned hip resurfacing as an affordable option. It could be a very good fix for you, but, it is also true that it is not be the right fix for everyone who "needs a hip replacement" so what it costs is not relevant.

The point is that not every hip that needs replacement is the same. There are thousands of orthopedic surgeons world-wide and they are not the same and a price quote will not introduce you to anyone of then. Regardless of what you may think or anyone may tell you there is really no such thing as a "routine, standard, surgery every case has it's unique features and different practitioners have different strengths. You want the guy who is good at fixing your particular bad hip

My suggestion is find the someone who is well trained and experienced who will give you a detailed evaluation, there are very good hospitals in Bangkok and in Pattaya, pick one. On another note there are guys with great training from Universities in Thailand and almost most every famous school in the world including Harvard, John Hopkins, and UCLA practicing in Bangkok. Because of the hierarchy of medicine (in every country) these young guys with the latest training are usually mid way down any list of doctors you will see coming after all the professors, favorite sons etc. Do your home work when you look at the available doctors and shop for doctors specifically, not hospitals! If someone tells you Dr X is the best, don't be afraid to ask how they are measuring "best" you will likely find that opinions not facts are given.

Once you have a detailed diagnosis, and a treatment plan then you can shop for prices knowing exactly which ones will be relevant for you. It's all about matching things up the correct diagnosis, treatment, surgeon, and price. Then you can do the same thing with rehab which is equally as important and just as specific.

Good Luck!

Feel free to contact me

  • 2 weeks later...

Just to add one final comment,It is now 24 days since my surg.I am back on my motorbike,shopping and doing all of my normal activities.On a scale of 1-10 i,m a 7. This has been a virtual no pain experence and a true gift and blessing.I wish that I had done this 4years ago

Just to add one final comment,It is now 24 days since my surg.I am back on my motorbike,shopping and doing all of my normal activities.On a scale of 1-10 i,m a 7. This has been a virtual no pain experence and a true gift and blessing.I wish that I had done this 4years ago

Congrats. That's good to hear. I can imagine that you went into the op w/ some trepidation, yet it's turned out great! BTW, did you get post-op physical therapy at Queen Sirikit or what?


One final note,it is now 25 days since my surg,on a 1-10 I,m 8 I had virtually no pain and little discomfort.I am back doing everday things riding motorbike shopping ect.In the U.S. hip replacement is an industry consuming many months and dollars.If I had known the true scope of this procedure without all of the medical hype I woul have had this done 5years ago,I am 70 and look forward to another good 10 years.Thanks for all your support. P.S. My walking(stride) is near perfect,limp free and NO pain.

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