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Confirmation On End Of Contract

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My contract is not being renewed. I am going to begin looking for new employment.

A colleague of mine e-mailed me the following:

'It appears that there is a new regulation requiring you to get a confirmation from the school (your employer) on when your contract ends and you then need to take this to one of the bodies as this is the end of your contract and then the seven days runs from then.'

My colleague informs me that this will 'protect my visa'. Apparently the 'bodies' to which he refers are the Immigration Department or the Work Permit Department (I think the formal name is the Department of Labour).

Anyone know anything about this?? Do I need to get confirmation from the school that my contract has ended?

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The seven day clock begins ticking from when they cancel your work permit, if I remember it right. Also, some schools won't tell you they've cancelled it until a few days later which will shorten your grace period of remaining in the country. I don't think you need to inform the Labor Dept about the end of your contract as the school will take care of that. Just make sure you know EXACTLY when they cancel your workpermit so you can be prepared. Good luck!

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It's the school's job to cancel the work permit unless you demand to take it to the Dept Of Labor and cancel it yourself. If the school is legitimate, they should cancel the work permit at the end of the contract. You'll have a investigate and make sure they don't cancel it before and leave you in a tight spot.

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My contract is not being renewed. I am going to begin looking for new employment.

A colleague of mine e-mailed me the following:

'It appears that there is a new regulation requiring you to get a confirmation from the school (your employer) on when your contract ends and you then need to take this to one of the bodies as this is the end of your contract and then the seven days runs from then.'

My colleague informs me that this will 'protect my visa'. Apparently the 'bodies' to which he refers are the Immigration Department or the Work Permit Department (I think the formal name is the Department of Labour).

Anyone know anything about this?? Do I need to get confirmation from the school that my contract has ended?

You don't need a confirmation that your contract has ended. Employer nor employee have to confirm that. It simply ends. When the employer likes you she will offer you a new contract. Most foreign teachers in Thailand have a contract for one year. When your contract will not be renewed you have to look for another job. The moment your work permit, thus your visa-extension is cancelled, you've seven days to leave the country and apply for a new non-immigrant B. Some, really some teachers manage to get a new work permit within 3 days, valid for 4 days in case they have a new job, but that's rare! These teachers don't have to leave the country.


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You have to get a "work release form" from your previous employer to do the paperwork to transfer your work permit promptly. They're required to give it to you, but there's no short time limit for them to do so.

Basically, this means you have to be on good terms with your old employer - and that they have to be competent - when you leave to go to your new employer or they can flush your work permit and your visa and you have go back to square one with the paperwork.

Good luck.

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My contract is not being renewed. I am going to begin looking for new employment.

A colleague of mine e-mailed me the following:

'It appears that there is a new regulation requiring you to get a confirmation from the school (your employer) on when your contract ends and you then need to take this to one of the bodies as this is the end of your contract and then the seven days runs from then.'

My colleague informs me that this will 'protect my visa'. Apparently the 'bodies' to which he refers are the Immigration Department or the Work Permit Department (I think the formal name is the Department of Labour).

Anyone know anything about this?? Do I need to get confirmation from the school that my contract has ended?

There is some very good information here regarding a discussion of severance pay in such situations:


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My contract is not being renewed. I am going to begin looking for new employment.

A colleague of mine e-mailed me the following:

'It appears that there is a new regulation requiring you to get a confirmation from the school (your employer) on when your contract ends and you then need to take this to one of the bodies as this is the end of your contract and then the seven days runs from then.'

My colleague informs me that this will 'protect my visa'. Apparently the 'bodies' to which he refers are the Immigration Department or the Work Permit Department (I think the formal name is the Department of Labour).

Anyone know anything about this?? Do I need to get confirmation from the school that my contract has ended?

There is some very good information here regarding a discussion of severance pay in such situations:


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My contract is not being renewed. I am going to begin looking for new employment.

A colleague of mine e-mailed me the following:

'It appears that there is a new regulation requiring you to get a confirmation from the school (your employer) on when your contract ends and you then need to take this to one of the bodies as this is the end of your contract and then the seven days runs from then.'

My colleague informs me that this will 'protect my visa'. Apparently the 'bodies' to which he refers are the Immigration Department or the Work Permit Department (I think the formal name is the Department of Labour).

Anyone know anything about this?? Do I need to get confirmation from the school that my contract has ended?

There is some very good information here regarding a discussion of severance pay in such situations:


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Jumbo, I think the consensus was that you need to search hard and fast for a new job, while staying in good graces with your current school. If you find yourself at the end of the visa without a new job, run out of the country (and if you at least have a job offer on paper, get a non-immigrant visa with that). However, I am not an expert.

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