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Pvc Pump Tubes, High Pressure Waterguns Banned For Songkran


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It's the same on every Songkran thread, a group of whingeing old gits on one side, and a party of generally younger (with a few exceptions) funloving people on the other. It is the biggest holiday of the year in the country that you have decided to visit/ live in, if you don't like it bugger off somewhere else, but stop your bloody moaning.

How would you whiners react to a Thai who came to the UK/ US and constantly moaned about Christmas?

Luckily I still have my pipe squirter from last year, and will be on the lookout for any sad faced moany old grouches to give a good dousing.

It was probably a member of this forum, last year a mid 60's farang squared up to me and threatened me that he had just left his appartment and not to soak him (at about 4pm on 2nd Rd, Pattaya). Naturally I gave him a little squirt on the back as he walked away, and he came back and threatened me again. This time he got a bucket over his head and ran away saying he was going to get the police. What a loser, if he had kept his mouth shut he might have got away with it.


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Your .....wrong ....... louissmith...the insanity started when you tourist started comming over to throw water in a rude way. before that songkran was a polite holiday to honor the elders in a gentle way and the Thais saw it as an opportunity to milk your tourist $ and make fools of you....5555, .......................

I came here in 1988 and I didn't see any tourist riding around in pickup trucks throwing water and few if any even owned one. Nice try to try and blame this on us tourist but just go where there aren't any tourist and its still madness in the streets.

Well done Louis.

I have been joining in and enjoying Song Kran since the mid 80's in all locations in Thailand. The Thais have driven it all the way and it is a great time to both have fun and include yourself in a very old Thai tradition.

Admittedly it has changed over the past 20 years but the 50 gallon water tanks and pickups were definitely Thai origin and not "beer belly farang" in any way. I have been soaked by Thais in this manner in places where they have yet to see a farang other than me!

Song Kran is fun, treat it that way and you will all have a good time.

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It's the same on every Songkran thread, a group of whingeing old gits on one side, and a party of generally younger (with a few exceptions) funloving people on the other. It is the biggest holiday of the year in the country that you have decided to visit/ live in, if you don't like it bugger off somewhere else, but stop your bloody moaning.

How would you whiners react to a Thai who came to the UK/ US and constantly moaned about Christmas?

Luckily I still have my pipe squirter from last year, and will be on the lookout for any sad faced moany old grouches to give a good dousing.

It was probably a member of this forum, last year a mid 60's farang squared up to me and threatened me that he had just left his appartment and not to soak him (at about 4pm on 2nd Rd, Pattaya). Naturally I gave him a little squirt on the back as he walked away, and he came back and threatened me again. This time he got a bucket over his head and ran away saying he was going to get the police. What a loser, if he had kept his mouth shut he might have got away with it.


AGREED - See you there! :D:D

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Your .....wrong ....... louissmith...the insanity started when you tourist started comming over to throw water in a rude way. before that songkran was a polite holiday to honor the elders in a gentle way and the Thais saw it as an opportunity to milk your tourist $ and make fools of you....5555, .......................

So the farang are to blame for the Songkran festival going nuts. Makes sense that a small minority would have caused this, nothing to do with the Thais of course. Mind you bloody farnag are also to blame for AIDS, drugs, prostitution, pollution, inflation, stirring up the Muslims in the south, the crash of '97 and the coup. :o

Oh, forgot the bed bugs on the trains too.

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Heh heh- no water guns eh?

That's ok- we've already got the 50 gallon drum that we'll put in the back of the pick-up. How will the poor pedestrians fight back if the powers that be take away they're little squirt guns?! It's gonna be a massacre! Ha ha ha!!! :o

:D Easy...get a shotgun....and about 50 rounds of double-00 buckshot. Aim at the driver.

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just put the 1166 hotline into my mobile phone memory. Will duly report any watergun selling.

Yes, I hate Songkran with a passion and if I can bring any watergun seller 6 months behind bars, I'll do it with pleasure.

(snip) .....

Last Songkran I survived without any drop of water hitting me. This year again, will stock up frozen pizza and try to survive indoors.

Unless you can see the water gun sellers from inside your bunker, I guess they'll be safe from you trying to have them jailed. :D:D:o

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What's happened? Thailand instigating safety regulations? That's new!

Next they will prohibit hanging off the back of a songtaew.

Inforcing drivers to stop for pedestrians at "zebra" crossings,

Place barriers around huge potholes.

Make sure you "really" know how to drive before giving you a license.

ets etc etc

Anyone care to add to the list?


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Hey it's April, it's Hot and it's only Water. Put your valuables in a zip lock plastic bag and go out and enjoy the fun. Too many party poopers on this thread. Here are some pics of Songkran at Pattaya last year. No one through water on my camera but make sure you carry it in a plastic bag when not in use as collateral damage is possible.


I enjoyed your pics so much that I sent them to my friends back home....thanks

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PVC water guns? erm.. arent all water pistols made from PVC plastic!!!! and what determines whether it is high pressure or not? !!!

"big C" is selling pump action guns!!! and my local 7-11 also has them!! so what determines whether a pump action gun is high pressure?

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I hate Songkran.

I do not need to have pissed up, fat arsed, shaven headed, tattoed massived bellied farang wanke_rs trying to kill me. I am now not in Thailand and will not return until this shit is over. Ten years ago it was a pleasant celebration of the Thai New Year and a relief from the heat.

Unfortunately the new millenium and globalism has ushered in a massive destructive element to previous pleasures. Phuket, Samui, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Hua Hin, Koh Pangnan, Koh Tao, Songkran and, to a certain extent, Loy Kratong have been taken over by commercialism and vandalism.

Sad, sad , sad.

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The fun thing is the water not hurting people :o . Just pouring water and small buckets is enuough I think. But Thai people are going wild When I was last time in Khon Kean, so I signed up for duty as well. Nissan pickup truck two large oil canisters a few small buckets and around town for hours. I almost died becuse we had so much fun all Thai people all like "10" Farangs all over Khon Kean. :D



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As a matter of fact, there are more nuances to the story than the majority of posters in this thread have experienced. Again, this year I'll flee from the madness in Chiang Mai to enjoy the Songkran holidays in Long - a large village/small city about 30 km from Phrae, the capital of the province of same name.

There'll be a lot of water splashing but they don't wear neither pumpguns nor canons, nor drive around and throw water by the barrel in the neighborhood. Certainly, I'll get some sprinkles - but somehow I've managed to make the natives respect that farlangs of my kind don't consider it polite to get more than just those few sprinkles.

Edited by rishi
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This will be my 5th Songkran and I am staying in the house this year. The last 4 years have taken there toll. 1 day is enough but 1 week you must be f&^%ing joking. Some posters here have hit the nail on the head.

The immature thai males groping thai girls because they dont have the know how to communicate with the opposite sex any other time of the year. Fueled with cheap booze they find there balls and fight 10 onto 1 and then they come back the next day and do it all again.

My friend best described the Thai mentality, if the Songkran Festival ran for 360 days on the 361st day they would be sad but for the next 4 days they would be excited because it was coming again.

Best described as infantile. Even my half thai/farang kids hated it last year, that reaction must come from my gene pool.

Please Scotty beam me to the 17th

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PVC water guns? erm.. arent all water pistols made from PVC plastic!!!! and what determines whether it is high pressure or not? !!!

"big C" is selling pump action guns!!! and my local 7-11 also has them!! so what determines whether a pump action gun is high pressure?

They are talking about the blue water pipes with a plunger, they will shoot 50ft or more in the right hands, but are better at close range for knocking the glasses off whiney old farts' faces. :o

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I for one don't want to be the first farang in Thailand to be busted with camo shorts and a water gun. :o This holiday in Bangkok was once thought to have powerful meaning to the Thai people. Now it is an all out war. This is the one holiday that a young Thai can take out all the pent up dislike of farangs in general. They like nothing better than to throw disease laden wanter on any white face. A some ice and they like it all the better. Farangs are considered the people that have stuff and this is their chance to ruin whatever property the uninformed thoughtlessly carry with them.

Then there are the farangs that plan a three day water gun war where their antics would land them in jail for assault in any developed country. These are for the most part tattooed drunks with shaved heads that for the most part were unable to finish comprehensive school before their first stint in jail. They can be further recognized by aiming first at women breasts or crotch then at anyone who ventures into the kill zone with something dry. They do their best work when they run out onto the roadways and open unlocked car doors of vehicles stopped in traffic and soak the everyone inside.

Wow! talk about Mr Paranoid! Where do all you people live? Where do you all celebrate Songkran? I've had nothing but great fun last 8 years in Samsen Road usually outside Ad Here Blues Bar, Baghdad Cafe and Musashi Bar and have seen nothing but fun and jolly times, nobody tried to destroy my property at any time, just have a whole lot of fun. Poor Poor Farangs, what a joke

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if you dont like songkrang ,stay in ,its that easy

Why should normal sane people have to flee the country or become prisoners in their homes for a week. If you care to note the overwelming concensous is that sonkran has been bastardized in to an excuse for lunatics to attack and assault people.

People who promote such behaviour are psychos - but obviously psychos dont know they are psychos

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if you dont like songkrang ,stay in ,its that easy

Why should normal sane people have to flee the country or become prisoners in their homes for a week. If you care to note the overwelming concensous is that sonkran has been bastardized in to an excuse for lunatics to attack and assault people.

People who promote such behaviour are psychos - but obviously psychos dont know they are psychos

I'm not a psyco, at least I'm not sure :o

The overwhelming concensus????

Get real, this is a whining thread that most people can't be bothered to post on.

I would estimate that for every moaning old git on this thread there at least 50 who embrace Songkran with a smile, and go out for some FUN. Remember that? Fun?

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if you dont like songkrang ,stay in ,its that easy

Why should normal sane people have to flee the country or become prisoners in their homes for a week. If you care to note the overwelming concensous is that sonkran has been bastardized in to an excuse for lunatics to attack and assault people.

People who promote such behaviour are psychos - but obviously psychos dont know they are psychos

I'm not a psyco, at least I'm not sure :o

The overwhelming concensus????

Get real, this is a whining thread that most people can't be bothered to post on.

I would estimate that for every moaning old git on this thread there at least 50 who embrace Songkran with a smile, and go out for some FUN. Remember that? Fun?

I can confirm that people who enjoy assaulting peolpe with water and ice can be considered psychopathic.

Oh, such fun.

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I just registered to this Thaivisa,but most things I read are against Thailand,may I remind the farangs here that we are still a guest in Thailand,and that you should behave that way if you not happy here and want to back to Texas to fight the tomatowar why you don't go back and sty there or stay in the philippines.

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I just registered to this Thaivisa,but most things I read are against Thailand,may I remind the farangs here that we are still a guest in Thailand,and that you should behave that way if you not happy here and want to back to Texas to fight the tomatowar why you don't go back and sty there or stay in the philippines.

Welcome TJAN, great first post.

Don't let this thread taint your view of Thai Visa, any thread about Songkran brings out all the old whining gits. Have a look around the forum and you will find the majority of us are happy, most of the time :o

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I just registered to this Thaivisa,but most things I read are against Thailand,may I remind the farangs here that we are still a guest in Thailand,and that you should behave that way if you not happy here and want to back to Texas to fight the tomatowar why you don't go back and sty there or stay in the philippines.

This forum is made up of various nationalities and multiple slants on general life in Thailand , I do not believe the majority of posters are 'Anti-Thai' , just ordinary folk doing what ordinary folk do in many parts of the world . Taking these posts as anti anything will drive you up the wall and you will miss out on some of the irony and hidden humour sequestered in the ramblings of otherwise normally sane individuals , relax and enjoy . Some excite , some inform and some incite , read between the lines and you will survive more often with a smile on your face than feel the need to just tell all to "Go Home " expats are needed here to keep things a little in perspective and the economy of Thailand rolling merrily along .

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One fact that on-one can dispute is the totally ridicules pointless deaths that will occur over the Songkran week, + with all those badly injured (mostly down to others stupidity) who will most probably never work again what has Songkran become…A terrible mess

Not to mention try to do any work here for a FULL week ..all gov etc offices are closed down

Anyone remember the Western imbecile last year with the gun’s water tank backpack filled with a mixture of ACID & water…oh what fun :o

Songkran is ridicules in it present form; there should be designated areas; been said for years now…by Thais recognizing that RESPECT plays No part in the celebration anymore


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I would estimate that for every moaning old git on this thread there at least 50 who embrace Songkran with a smile, and go out for some FUN. Remember that? Fun?

Talking about fun: Kindly re-read my post on this thread and explain me the fun part of getting water splashed over the head while riding a motorcycle at 80 km/h. That is just the tip of the iceberg, there were many more incidents. And yes, I try to avoid any Songkran activities as much as possible to keep myself and those who try to splash water on me out of touble.

Whether or not I fit into the moaning old git faction others should decide. All I can say is that the pure thinking of songkran makes my blood pressure rise... :o

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