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What is the best remedy to avoid ear wax?


A couple of drops of warm olive oil in the ear.


Ear wax is a natural substance produced by the body to protect the outer ear canal. The most common cause of an "overproduction" of the body of ear wax is overuse of common cotton earbuds or overly agressive cleaning. The body "interprets" the over agressive cleaning as irritation and will produce more wax to protect the ear canal.

Use of a few drops of a drop such as Cerumol will soften wax but needs to be used with caution as it can cause extensive damage to the inner ear if used in presence of a perforated ear drum.

Ear wax is a natural substance produced by the body to protect the outer ear canal. The most common cause of an "overproduction" of the body of ear wax is overuse of common cotton earbuds or overly agressive cleaning. The body "interprets" the over agressive cleaning as irritation and will produce more wax to protect the ear canal.

Use of a few drops of a drop such as Cerumol will soften wax but needs to be used with caution as it can cause extensive damage to the inner ear if used in presence of a perforated ear drum.

Quick question on cleaning the ears.

The old saying is to use Q-tips.

But some say that the Q-tips actually push the wax into the ear, even though some wax is collected.

So, are Q-tips good or bad for ear cleaning? Are they even necessary?

So, are Q-tips good or bad for ear cleaning? Are they even necessary?

Fantastic product ideal for cleaning ears - I believe the packet carries a warning to to use in the ear?

This bag of Nuts contains nuts.


When I was doing a lot of sea swimming/snorkeling I used to suffer frequent outer ear infections, "coral ear" and excessive wax production.

For prevention, I used to use drops called "aqua-ear", alchohol based, I believe. Followed by olive oil drops.

If the wax built up enough to affect my hearing, the doc used to syringe/flush my ears with warm water - weird sensation.

The doc said never to use cotton buds, in fact he said "never insert anything into your ear further than you can insert your own elbow!"

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