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Have been using the CPAP machine for a few months. Have got over the fitting problems. It works extremely well and has improved my quality of health. I was falling asleep at work, now have the energy to get thru the day.

Loosing weight is also a possible outcome from the use of the machine and help with diabetes.

I had my doubts before but highly recommend if needed. I have never had this type of improvement from operations.



  • 3 months later...
I have been a loud snorer for many years. This was particularly so if I slept on my back, or had been drinking excessively, but I found that if I lie on my side on a shallow pillow, this would usually alleviate the problem.

But my snoring has gradually got worse, and in the past few weeks it has given me cause for concern. I snore so badly that it continually wakes me up, and I always have a sore throat from the effects of the snoring. I can't remember the last time I had a decent night's sleep. It is also so bad that my wife can no longer sleep all night with me as she also can't sleep from the noise. She tells me that often I stop breathing and she is scared that I have died, and has to shake me to start breathing again. I understand this condition is apnea, and can be quite dangerous.

Most of the private hospitals offer a 'snoring clinic' but I am unsure whether their treatment will work.

Anyone had any experience or knowledge of this, or can recommend a good hospital/treatment?



i have put a commercial link few mins ago , i have just read that commercial links are forbidden , have a good night :)

  • 4 weeks later...
It's going pretty well.

I took me a long time to get used to it but I just persevered - after all at that price I wasn't about to give up in a hurry. My biggest problem was that the mask seemed to give me discomfort on the area above my upper lip. However it seems to be fine now.

I rarely take it with me when I travel, although it does come in a handy, light traveling bag.

It may be my imagination as I have yet to get a definitive reaction, but I believe that using the mask has also led me to sleep better even when I don't use it. I don't seem to sleep with my mouth open any more, which helps with the snoring and apnea. I've not read anything about this, so maybe others will have some comments on this notion?

Hi Mobi. I am resurrecting this thread because it looks like my time has come to get a CPAP. I have gone through the same sleep therapy lab tests that you have at Bamrungrad. I don't have apnea, by do have hypopnea and, in any event, I am not getting the right amount and quality of sleep as I used to (hence, my seeking help at Bamrungrad). I have been through both sleep tests (amazing that we can sleep with all those wires attached - Frankenstein did come to mind).

The good doctor at Bamrungrad, like you, showed me the THB 80,000 CPAP machine (DeVilbiss) and said I could buy it cheaper offshore, but wouldn't get the same service. While this is true, the THB 50,000 difference in price does make me think, so what.

The company that apparently supplies these machines in Thailand is E for L, which according to their website has been in Thailand for over 25 years. I will be talking to them, but do wonder where you ended up buying your machine, how much did it cost (as of last year) and are you happy with it now that it is a year down the line?

Thanks in advance.

My dad uses a CPAP machine and swears by that thing. It took him a while to get used to sleeping with it on, but now he sleeps like a baby.

***edit*** a non-snoring baby :)

I wonder if you can buy this CPAP machine in Thailand, if so what's the cost.

Thank, I could use it.


my sleep apnea is still really bad and I am tired all the time. because of my allergies I haven't been able to use the cpap machine, i just cant breathe through my nose. I am not sure what to do as allergy medicine doesn't clear my nose and then i have problems breathing with the machine. i am tired all the time and wake up with headaches so I have to do something but i am not sure what. surgery is iffy from what i understand :)

my sleep apnea is still really bad and I am tired all the time. because of my allergies I haven't been able to use the cpap machine, i just cant breathe through my nose. I am not sure what to do as allergy medicine doesn't clear my nose and then i have problems breathing with the machine. i am tired all the time and wake up with headaches so I have to do something but i am not sure what. surgery is iffy from what i understand :)

I don't have this problem, but from researching this (today) I did read something where CPAP machines can be used to breath through your mouth instead of your nose for those similar to you. I think the masks are developing as we speak and at least one is used for people with similar issues that you have.

Perhaps Sheryl will pop on to this thread with her usual great advice. If not, perhaps PM her.


What a fasinating thread!

My good friend here in Australia had a similar snoring/breathing problem as you many years ago.

I understand you don't have a weight problem but the thing is, my friend lost a lot of weight, cut down drastically his drinking, excercised, ate healthy foods, in other words he completely changed his lifestyle.

These days he still snores but nowhere near as loud as he used to. His wife can sleep with him again and his breathing problems went away.

Mobi have you tried changing your lifestyle? of coarse this isn't the solution but it certainly worked for my friend.

Good luck mate, please keep us informed of your progress.


CPAP machines can use either a nasal or a full face mask, for someone who mouth breathes, full face mask is indicated

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