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I think that Yakult has all the right things like lactobilius and bifidius and is also quite cheap?

The problem is that it contains a fair amount of sugar, and I am diabetic:

"Standard Yakult contains 18g of sugar for every 100g, but comes in 65 mL bottles. This concentration is higher than the level defined as “HIGH” by the UK Food Standards Agency (described for concentrations of sugar above 15g per 100g). As a comparison Coca-Cola and orange juices are in the range of 10g of sugar per 100g, but with a serving size usually higher than 250 ml the total sugar quantity is higher"

How many bottles should I take a day, I wonder, and will the benefits out way the negatives of having to consume sugar?

Type 1 or 2 diabetes?

Lower fat intake would help control diabetes better (i.e. 10% or less calories from fat, ditto for protein and carb should be 80% or higher, thus the basis for "The 80/10/10 Diet"

along with scientific data based on decades of research in "The China Study" book.) High fat intake is the main reason people eventually get type 2 diabetes as fats in blood interferes the body's ability to regulate the blood sugar level.

Agree to eat foods that are low in glycemic index which are most WHOLE ripe fresh fruits are. High fructose corn syrup which is added to most processed foods (including sodas and juices) nowadays are very high in glycemic index which is not good.

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P.S. Naam.. dont have the bypass surgery.. read up on vitamin c and heart complaints. You do not have to go through that procedure at all.

They linked cardio vascular disease and scurvy years ago.. I would bet my house that if you take 4000 mgs of Vitamin C every day for 4 weeks, you will be clear of any cardio vascular disease.. A 2 time Noble Prize winning Dr, the late Dr Pauling and Dr Rath proved that in the 90's.

Webtv, for what it's worth... i have consulted three top cardiologists and their independent diagnosis based on a CT-scan was "no alternative to double, most probably a triple bypass. after yesterday's last katheter procedure the verdict was "for you it is not 5 minutes to 12 BUT YOU HAVE ONLY ONE MINUTE left!" i therefore refrain to comment on any Vitamin C cure. but thanks anyway for your efforts and advice as i am convinced you meant well.

Hi Mobi,

I'm not sure if Giardia can be checked or found during a colonoscopy as the giardia parasite attach itself in the small intestines and a colonoscopy just views into the large intestine.

The diagnosis for giardia is found in the stool of the person involved and in some cases they do an endoscopy and take samples of the tissue from inside the intestine.

I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy as well in 1 1/2 week, checking the colon after 2 times hospital for diverticulitis.

Hang in there !


Hi LaoPo,

Well in the past 8 months I've taken two courses of antibiotics for Guardia, had two stool tests, and as well as a colonoscopy, two gastroscopies, which do examine the small intestine, so I think we can rule out Guardia.

I shall certainly mention tropical sprue as a possibility when I see my new Doc next week.

I still have diarrhoea - the Ulsanic seems to be losing it's effect, but hopefully I'll last until Thursday.


As an insulin-dependent diabetic (and if I recall correctly, a fairly "brittle"one) you should definitely not take Yukalt.

I am pretty sure that I have seen unsweetened plain home-made yogurt at Villa markets in Bkk, so maybe they have in Pattaya too. It was in clear plastic contaners in the dairy section.

It is quite easy to make your own yogurt once you have somne to start with. Basically all you do is add some of the existing yogurt to milk, stir, cover with a clean cloth and then leave it in a warm place (which, in Thailand, usually just means ambient temperature!)

Also another poster mentioned finding it available in a hospital pharmacy. On your way ion to see the doctor, you could stop ioff at the pharmacy and just ask if they have lactobacillus (it will be refrigerated if they do) and if yes, ask the doctor to prescribe it. (It does not legally need a script, it's just very hard to find commercially).

Preobiotics are very unlikely to be a cure but may help and certainly will not hurt.

And from here on out, any other posts that divert this thread from the specific health concern it is about to generalized debating about pros and cons of medical science, alternative treatments or whatver will also be deleted as off topic.

Yeah well fair enough. but these threads tend to go like this:

1. Someone posts a serious problem (eg. cancer).

2. Proponents of 'alternative medicine' suggest the ill person abandon conventional medical treatment, which despite its Evil Corporate Shortcomings represents the state of the art in medicine by any rational measure, and adopt some unproven therapy which has to be taken on faith instead. Frequently, while citing illogical, irrational or just plain wrong arguments to support their 'case'.

3. Those of us with less faith or more background in health and/or biology raise objections. Some of these people are seriously ill and are being given potentially fatal advice!

So what to do? Let the threads be derailed? Allow the faith healers to go unchallenged and dish out what I can only describe as disgracefully irresponsible (often lethal) advice? Or post a reply pointing out the flaws in their alternative nut-job cure of choice? I agree that the 'debates' are off topic and almost always unproductive but frankly, it's the faith healers that derail these threads and if there has to be moderation, that's where it has to start.


I'm sure people mean well and believe what they are saying about miracle vitamins, etc. BUT, when you are dealing with health problems, the best you can do is to stick with professionals. Chronic problems may require specialists in those particular areas.

I'm sure people mean well and believe what they are saying about miracle vitamins, etc. BUT, when you are dealing with health problems, the best you can do is to stick with professionals. Chronic problems may require specialists in those particular areas.

Yes, it's a bit OTT when someone with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and enlarged prostate is told to abandon all the medication which probably kept him alive for the past few years and start taking some miracle vitamins.

And as for advising Naam to abandon his bi pass surgery is just plain ridiculous.

But this is an open forum, and we all contribute to it, knowing the pitfalls and the nut cases who may contribute. Hopefully we are all intelligent enough to sort the "wood from the trees", and be selective in accepting the advice of those who post here. I for one have benefited greatly from this forum in many ways, mainly thanks to Sheryl, and a few others who have contributed expert and well considered advice and internet links.

Frankly, if anyone takes the word of some of these nuts who advocate BS alternative medications, they are almost as nutty as the posters themselves.

IMHO, it is better to let one and all contribute, no matter how uniformed or outrageos they may be, rather than try to stifle debate by over moderation.


This is, as you may well imagine, by far the biggest difficulty I face in moderating this forum.

Forum-specific rules have been drafted and are being reviewed by other Mods and Admin. They'll ber finalized and posted shortly in the hopes of providing a framework for allowing for freedom of opinion and choice on the one hand while preventing the dispensing of dangerous advice or (worse, IMO) misinformation on the other.

I realize these are long overdue but it has taken quite some time and thought to develop them as the line between modern medicine, recognized forms of alternative/complementary treatments and outright quackery are not always that easy to draw; people do sometimes make an informed (and not necessarily wrong) choice to avail of non-allopathic treatments either in addition to or instead of allopathic ones, there is a place for discussion of home remedies etc etc. All of this needed to be kept in mind in formulating rules that would provide grounds for Moderator intervention when public welfare was in jeopardy while still allowing for freedom of opinions and right of people to opt for alternative/complementary treatments if they so chose.

I'll know the new rules are good if they manage to make all sides to this debate somewhat unhappy. ((my usual yardstick for figuring out where the proper balance lies in such polarized situations... :o )

That said, and forthcomuing rules notwithstanding, Mobi is absolutely right that it is ultimately the responsility of readers to decide what advice to take and from whom. Moderators aren't perfect and are also not online 24/7 to catch everything that may slip through.


Back to the subject in hand. :D

My chronic diarrhoea has calmed down, but still not so good. Still very gassy, and uncomfortable , especially in the mornings.

I now have a new problem, which may or may not be connected.

For the past week I have been experiencing mild skin irritations all over my body, and in particular my genital areas. I have never had this before and am meticulousness in my bodily hygiene. Skin cream or medicated talcum powder seems to keep it under control but it won't go away. Sometimes I detect slight rashes, but not what you would call anything significant. I even get itching in my hair, which I wash every day. Mild scratching makes the itching go away, but later it will come back at ad hock spots on my body.(Arms, legs, stomach, back, head, anywhere.) I have never been allergic to any medicines, but am wondering if this is some kind of allergy. I take so many meds that it is impossible to try and ascertain which one may be causing this. The latest meds for my stomach, Pariet and Mucosta do not have any contra indications of rashes or itching, although they state that patients with an allergy to penicillin may experience problems - but I'm OK with penicillin, or was OK.

Or is it just a progression of my general stomach condition?

Or is it to do with stopping all alcohol consumption for the past few days?

Or nothing to do with any of the foregoing - just a new problem to add to the rest? :o

Any ideas experts? (and please don't tell me to take vitamins :D )


Mobi, I really feel sorry for you. You and I sound like that Paul Simon lyric, "Everything put together, sooner or later falls apart." :o

I have heard that the skin is the largest organ in the entire body. Surely, it has the largest surface area, and can be prone to infections, abrasions, etc. My skin surely ain't what it used to be. Hey, not to be psychological, but it could even be psychosomatic, or brought on by your agony over 8 months of continued stress. I would treat the symptoms as needed, not try to relate it to all your other conditions, and try to get more rest. Good luck.



Almost certainly a drug reaction and hardly surprising given how many you are on!

Which, of course, makes it a bit hard to figure out which one is to blame. Although recently added meds are the most likely suspect it is not impossible to develop an allergy to a medication you have been on for some time. In addition, the interaction of different medications in combination may produce adverse effect that none of them singly would and the knowledge base on drug interactions is very limited.

Pariet (generic: rabeprazol) is a proton pumop inhibitor in the same general class as omeprazole. Some people are indeed allergic to it and an itching rash is a common manifestation of this. On the other hand, you have almost certainly taken drugs in this class before in the course of attempts to treat this condition.

Rash, itching and other more serious problems are known side effects of Mucosta (generic: rebamipide) which you likely have not ever taken before. So this is the most probable culprit.

I would stop taking it immediately.

I very much hope Dr. Varocha will have some insights to offer on your problem. Before you see her, please try, if you can, to think back to the timing of symptoms (or worsening of symptoms) relative to what medications you were on or started. In addition to tropical sprue, an area I do not think has been adeuqatekly explored here is the posisbility of adverse drug reactions . In aprticular, see if you can figure out if the diarrheas flared uop or worsened after starting ramipril.


Mobi IMHO your problems have been going on too long,without any light at the end of the tunnel,too many different drugs.

No one can tell you what to do next,it has to be your decision.But if it was me i would get myself back to my home country find a reputable naturopath/homeopath and go to them and discuss the original problem,they will then go to the source of the problem and not treat the symptom.A positive decision by you will help with the stress.


The rashes are very slight, appearing when I have an itch, and after a while they disappear again, only to reappear somewhere else.

They are quite unlike my wife's food allergy rashes which are very pronounced and fierce and last for hours until the antihistamine kicks in. (in case you are wondering, I have finally persuaded her to come with me on Thursday and I have made an appointment for her at the allergy clinic, as it is progressively getting worse. What a pair we are!!)

Sheryl, I shall stop the muscota and see what happens. Thinking about it, I am pretty sure my original stomach problems pre dated the ramipril.

On the subject of probotics and lactobacilius, I happened to be in Pattaya Int'l Hospital today as I wanted a Doc to check out my eye. (I was punched in the eye a few days ago, and ever since I see weird, squirly, worm type images in front of the damaged eye.) Anyway, while I was there I enquired at the pharmacy if he had any lactobacilius. He said he had, and the cost was 30 Baht a tab but I needed a doctor's script.

So I went back to the Doc and asked for a script. He said the hospital didn't have any and that I could get it from Big C, and it is called Yakult. I said, yes they did, as I had already spoken to the pharmacist, and that being a diabetic I couldn't take Yakult as it was full of sugar. He said, Oh, you've been investigating this haven't you? :o

He called the pharmacist, and then told me he never knew the hospital stocked this kind of thing! :D

It's great fun in Thailand isn't it? :D

So I got two week supply - 3 tabs per day, and we'll see what happens.

The tabs are called



Name of the tabs?

be sure when you see doc to mentione that you recently started on Mucosta but developed a rash.

I did a bit more digging as it is a new drug and I had little knowledge of it. It is not approved for use in US or for that matter in a number of other places altho it has been used for a while in Japan. Hence data on its side effects is rather scant. Definitely includes rah and itching, as well as (in some patients) disturbance in liver function and blood counts. What I haven't been able to determine is the frequency of those effects.

It is aparently chemically related to a class of antibiotics known as quinolones (but not identifical to gthem) e.g. cipro. Should keep this in mind in case you ever are prescribed those drugs as there could be some cross-sensitivity.

Drug reactions worsen in severity with repeat exposure. And take some time to subside when the drug is stopped.


Name of the tabs?

be sure when you see doc to mentione that you recently started on Mucosta but developed a rash.

I did a bit more digging as it is a new drug and I had little knowledge of it. It is not approved for use in US or for that matter in a number of other places altho it has been used for a while in Japan. Hence data on its side effects is rather scant. Definitely includes rah and itching, as well as (in some patients) disturbance in liver function and blood counts. What I haven't been able to determine is the frequency of those effects.

It is aparently chemically related to a class of antibiotics known as quinolones (but not identifical to gthem) e.g. cipro. Should keep this in mind in case you ever are prescribed those drugs as there could be some cross-sensitivity.

Drug reactions worsen in severity with repeat exposure. And take some time to subside when the drug is stopped.

I stopped the Mucosta, and already I seem to be a lot better. No irritations for a while now. I'll see how I am tomorrow.

The pills are INFLORAN BERNA, and were given to me in a block of ice and I have to keep them refrigerated. Actually, they are capsules.

Sheryl & Mobi- could Mobi's recent rash problems be related to a fungal infection?

Mobi- take the eye problem seriously!!

Of course, from a distance and not having even seen the rash, only heard it described, anything is possible, but I very much doubt it.

What he describes is classic for a drug reaction, and the timing of onset (shortly after starting a new drug of a type he has never taken before, and one known to cause rashes in a certain percentage of peopel at that) makes this the most likely explanation.

The clincher will be if it disappears after stopping the drug.


"Touch wood", we seem to have achieved a little victory.

Thank you Sheryl, it looks like the Mucosta was the culprit as the itching is much better today. I'll give it another 24 hours and I'll know for sure.

BTW I seem to have permanent diarrhoea now. The Ulsanic seems to have stopped protecting me. Only a few more days and I'll see the new specialist.

The eye is worse, but I missed my appointment. Maybe I'll go to my favourite hospital - Bangkok Pattaya this afternoon.


maybe the best thing u can do...... is the cheapest and most inexpensive thing too

stop eating anythng and rest for 5 to 7 days

I bet the problem will very quickly end......

everyone is running you all around doing this or that but the dog here knows best in this case and we should learn from him

stay safe and simple and don't do crazy things

take it easy and "fast" (that's the term used)... on just water and I bet u its solved


Several sweeping and factually inaccurate statements removed from the above post.

Please note that the OP is an insulin dependent diabetic and as such the advice to totally fast would be (in his particular case) not be a safe option. To do this safely he would need to be hospitalized, on IV fluids and his blood sugar continually monitored.


I spoke too soon - the itching is back. Hardly any signs of rashes, just constant itching - anywhere from the scalp to my ankles and everywhere in between. One itch stop and another starts. Very annoying. I have stopped both the new meds now, (Pariet and Mucosta).

I went to Pattaya Int'l this morning about my eye, but the specialist wasn't there , so very reluctantly, I went to Bangkok Pattaya.

I have to say I was most impressed with my treatment there. The specialist was excellent - spoke perfect English, has worked abroad, and spent a lot of time with me to check my cornea, my eye pressure and to diagnose my problem.

It seems that my cornea is still fine, but something else in my eye (can't recall what he said) has deteriorated, due to my diabetes, and that the "punch" in the eye just made it worse. He has prescribed drops, but would not prescribe another, effective drug as he said it would play havoc with my sugar levels. He said I may not get better, and may have to live with the problem. He said he has the same condition, but mine is much worse.

Anyhow, he checked my eye pressure, which is up a bit, and urged me to see another specialist who is an expert in glaucoma. He said I may nee to change my eye drops (beta blockers), as I have been taking the same ones for many years.

I will also see him again next week, to check the progress on my eye damage (floating images in front of my eye).

He is either a wonderful con man, or a pretty good doctor - he really seemed to care, and the charges were very reasonable, considering I was there for hours and had all kinds of medical checks and numerous drops inserted in my eyes.

He also told me something I never knew before. I know that daily exercise is good for my heart and general health, but I never knew it had a direct effect on the condition of my eyes. (Something to do with aerobics and the oxygen in my body).

I did have a big argument there a few years back, so it is possible that they have my file marked as a 'trouble maker' and are treating me with kid gloves.

Who knows? :o

  • 3 weeks later...
Mobi? Mobi?

We're waiting................ :o

Sorry, sorry, to all my medical fans out there :D

I haven't posted because there really isn't that much of an update.

I saw my new Doctor at Bangkok Hospital on 27Th November, but she was so busy she didn't even examine me. I took a copy of all my medical records from Bumrungrad (which must have run to well over 50 pages) and flicked through it in about 2 minutes flat and she gave me virtually no time to give her some background to my condition.

She then pronounced that I have IBS, and told me I took too much medication. She said stop the Salofalk (she said it's VERY expensive), and the Mucosta and Pariet, and she prescribed some new meds; namely, Nexium and Colofac, and to continue with the Ulsanic.

Net result in reduction in meds: One.

She told me to make an appointment for one month hence, which, when I looked at the appointment card later, was for Christmas Day!

Oh and she bad mouthed my previous consultant at Bumrungrad.

She may be a good doctor, but she was certainly arrogant, and extremely patronising.

Anyway, I did as I was told. As a result, the itching seems to have pretty much stopped now, (I didn't have a chance to tell her about that) and the diarrhoea also cleared up for quite a while.

In fact for about ten days I was semi-constipated, but during the last couple of days I have had some mild diarrhoea, and everything is getting much "looser", yet again.

This may be a coincidence, but I have realised that I seem to be much better when on a diet of farang food, as I was for the ten day period, and not so good when eating Thai food. The specialist (old one), did not see anything wrong with Thai food, and even said that spicy food would be OK. So who knows? Maybe a coincidence, but I've been eating mainlyThai food for years.

I always feel quite bad in the mornings, with a lot of gas and discomfort.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do next, but will decide in the New year.

I'm sure people mean well and believe what they are saying about miracle vitamins, etc. BUT, when you are dealing with health problems, the best you can do is to stick with professionals. Chronic problems may require specialists in those particular areas.

Yes, it's a bit OTT when someone with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and enlarged prostate is told to abandon all the medication which probably kept him alive for the past few years and start taking some miracle vitamins.

And as for advising Naam to abandon his bi pass surgery is just plain ridiculous.

But this is an open forum, and we all contribute to it, knowing the pitfalls and the nut cases who may contribute. Hopefully we are all intelligent enough to sort the "wood from the trees", and be selective in accepting the advice of those who post here. I for one have benefited greatly from this forum in many ways, mainly thanks to Sheryl, and a few others who have contributed expert and well considered advice and internet links.

Frankly, if anyone takes the word of some of these nuts who advocate BS alternative medications, they are almost as nutty as the posters themselves.

IMHO, it is better to let one and all contribute, no matter how uniformed or outrageos they may be, rather than try to stifle debate by over moderation.

The thing is Mobi pain and fear can cloud better judgement.

It's also about the intent of the person who is posting.

So I think we need some censorship when it comes to direct advice.

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