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Lady Boy In The Bedroom


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[quote I have had two similar incidents in the past couple of years. One with the "friend" in her bed at 2 AM, on another occasion hiding under her bed. Another GF I caught in various undress with a girlfriend (probably her lesbian lover). That one would have been OK if they included me in a trio, but they had no such intention. As for the present one, I would say her credibility is shot.This was all a bit of a surprise to me, since I thought she was different from "the others". The jury will be out for awhile with her until we have a serious talk face to face. Prospects of a future are not good.

Enough, Enough, - 1stly you have missed the ire in the responses, 2ndly you are paranoid, and last but not yeastly (sic) - if posting this tripe gives you a rise why not go the whole loaf and pick up your next friend in a bakehouse?

Edited by mijan24
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I am gay, and do not understand katoeys, even though some farang think I am practically married to one. Up here in the north, some gayboys start using the female toilet as early as Matayom 1, and some of them wear the girl's uniform in business college. As far as I can determine, they are considered culturally to be girls. They would not have any interest in raping your straight girlfriend.

I notice that one of the only posters who really is married to a ladyboy, has sounded the troll alert.

Now, as to the relationship of the couple in the opening post, it appears to be on shaky grounds due to a jealous boyfriend. Also, as has been mentioned, Thais do not lie as often as we accuse them of it. If they do not mean it as a lie, it is not a lie. Good grief, even I understand that much about the culture here.

Please tell me thats sarcasm ?? I just cant tell any more !!

If so sorry for taking the bait but if not... Ohh dear time for a ticket home or at least elsewhere..

No, there is no sarcasm or irony there, no missing emoticons. It is hard to tell the players, even when you have a program that supposedly lists their roles.

Up here in the north, ladyboys are girls with extra appendages. Not all of them wish to have it cut off, but they play with girls from childhood, as one of the girls. They run around with girls, as one of the girls. Some who are labeled as katoyes or as ladyboys are in fact just very gay Thai men, who have gay sex partners, gay and straight men friends, and nonsexual girlfriends.

I was not being sarcastic or negative about Thais and lying, either. Big black lies are not even little white lies, sometimes.

I definitely think the OP should find a new girlfriend, regardless of whether his has a girlfriend or not.

PeaceBlondie & raro sorry guys I jumped in a little early otherwise I would have included some of your comments in my post - PB you are as usual right on the ball (no pun) - My stepson is a ladyboy and many, many of his friends are "girls" notice I said his - has not gone the full monty - his version $ my thoughts he may well be gay and not a "katoey" - Not my scene but I certainly respect those of different persuasions as long as they recognise it's not my bag.

Time to get back on track -OP, mate get a life.

Edited by mijan24
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yeastly[/b] (sic) - if posting this tripe gives you a rise why not go the whole loaf and pick up your next friend in a bakehouse?

Paranoid? Bull$hit. I guess finding some Thai guy in your girlfriend's bed is OK with you. Or sorry, I'm sure this would never happen to you, since you probably so discerning to have only high quality ladies, who would never think of such a thing. As for posting tripe, why don't you read about whether to unplug the refrigerator or not, or where to find round peas. Talk about posted tripe. The bakehouse is where I go to buy bread & cakes, I don't know what you find there.

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I said from the beginning that this was a trollish post (starting with the provocative headline) and little has been said that changes my mind. When people create threads that reveal a great deal of their personal lives or give a lot of titilating scenarios involving their "beloved" partner, I immediately have to question their sincerity. Your problem, A2396, is not with a ladyboy (despite your headline), it is between you and your lover. We really can't help you with your issues.

By the way, it is very common for ladyboys to have a large number of female friends since they have a lot in common, but it is exceptionally rare that a ladyboy would have a sexual relationship with a woman. You say that you know a ladyboy that went straight and married a woman. I would suggest that the "ladyboy" you are referring to was actually a transvestite instead of a transsexual. There is a big difference.

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Paranoid? Bull$hit. I guess finding some Thai guy in your girlfriend's bed is OK with you. Or sorry, I'm sure this would never happen to you, since you probably so discerning to have only high quality ladies, who would never think of such a thing. As for posting tripe, why don't you read about whether to unplug the refrigerator or not, or where to find round peas. Talk about posted tripe. The bakehouse is where I go to buy bread & cakes, I don't know what you find there.


People with this disorder tend to have Paranoid personality disorder which is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives. excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships with others. They search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appear cold and distant to others. They usually shift blame to others and tend to carry long grudges.

a2396 (OP) I have searched and searched you initial post and still cannot find where you said you "found your girlfriend in bed with a Thai guy" I think it is time for you to put this post to bed before you look more foolish than you do at this time. & there is no doubt in my mind Paranoid fits the bill perfectly please discount this if it's Bull$hit as you have so eloquently indicated.

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Everything goes right I'll be in BKK soon.

How about a gang bang!!?

Followed by my dream date, buying Bedix a cocktail in a remote bar on the edge of Samut Sakorn at closing time.

I know I'm a hopeless romantic but I can dream can't I? :o

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Paranoid? Bull$hit. I guess finding some Thai guy in your girlfriend's bed is OK with you. Or sorry, I'm sure this would never happen to you, since you probably so discerning to have only high quality ladies, who would never think of such a thing. As for posting tripe, why don't you read about whether to unplug the refrigerator or not, or where to find round peas. Talk about posted tripe. The bakehouse is where I go to buy bread & cakes, I don't know what you find there.


People with this disorder tend to have Paranoid personality disorder which is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives. excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships with others. They search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appear cold and distant to others. They usually shift blame to others and tend to carry long grudges.

a2396 (OP) I have searched and searched you initial post and still cannot find where you said you "found your girlfriend in bed with a Thai guy" I think it is time for you to put this post to bed before you look more foolish than you do at this time. & there is no doubt in my mind Paranoid fits the bill perfectly please discount this if it's Bull$hit as you have so eloquently indicated.

Before you start name calling people you don't know and have little knowledge about, you might have taken time to read all my posts in this topic. I did not say I found the lady mentioned in the origional post with a man in her room. BUT, I did find two other previous girlfriends with a Thai guy in their apartment (of which I was paying for) (on one occasion in her bed and another occasion hiding under her bed) the other one had the BF hiding on the balcony, with the curtains closed. The third GF had a probable lesbian lover in her bed, missing various articles of clothing. Of course, these people were referred to as "friends", by the GF's in question. I did not see anything in the GF's room first mentioned in my post. I HEARD something suspicious and she lied about it to me at first & later admitted that what I heard was correct, I might therefore have some reason for concern. Particularly, since this type of stuff is rather common here, as some other posters have also pointed out. --and don't tell me I have made stupid choices in women. These were not bar girl/beer girl sluts, but average run-of-the-mill Thai ladies.

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Before you start name calling people you don't know and have little knowledge about, you might have taken time to read all my posts in this topic. I did not say I found the lady mentioned in the origional post with a man in her room. BUT, I did find two other previous girlfriends with a Thai guy in their apartment (of which I was paying for) (on one occasion in her bed and another occasion hiding under her bed) the other one had the BF hiding on the balcony, with the curtains closed. The third GF had a probable lesbian lover in her bed, missing various articles of clothing. Of course, these people were referred to as "friends", by the GF's in question. I did not see anything in the GF's room first mentioned in my post. I HEARD something suspicious and she lied about it to me at first & later admitted that what I heard was correct, I might therefore have some reason for concern. Particularly, since this type of stuff is rather common here, as some other posters have also pointed out. --and don't tell me I have made stupid choices in women. These were not bar girl/beer girl sluts, but average run-of-the-mill Thai ladies.

Wait I am getting this correct?

ex-GF 1) You caught fooling around TWICE (once in bed, once under the bed)?

ex-GF 2) You caught fooling around (BF on balcony)

ex-GF 3) You caught fooling around (with another woman)

GF 4) You suspect is fooling around with what you previously described as a lady boy, but is infact just a guy without a GF?

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Paranoid? Bull$hit. I guess finding some Thai guy in your girlfriend's bed is OK with you. Or sorry, I'm sure this would never happen to you, since you probably so discerning to have only high quality ladies, who would never think of such a thing. As for posting tripe, why don't you read about whether to unplug the refrigerator or not, or where to find round peas. Talk about posted tripe. The bakehouse is where I go to buy bread & cakes, I don't know what you find there.


People with this disorder tend to have Paranoid personality disorder which is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives. excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships with others. They search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appear cold and distant to others. They usually shift blame to others and tend to carry long grudges.

a2396 (OP) I have searched and searched you initial post and still cannot find where you said you "found your girlfriend in bed with a Thai guy" I think it is time for you to put this post to bed before you look more foolish than you do at this time. & there is no doubt in my mind Paranoid fits the bill perfectly please discount this if it's Bull$hit as you have so eloquently indicated.

Before you start name calling people you don't know and have little knowledge about, you might have taken time to read all my posts in this topic. I did not say I found the lady mentioned in the origional post with a man in her room. BUT, I did find two other previous girlfriends with a Thai guy in their apartment (of which I was paying for) (on one occasion in her bed and another occasion hiding under her bed) the other one had the BF hiding on the balcony, with the curtains closed. The third GF had a probable lesbian lover in her bed, missing various articles of clothing. Of course, these people were referred to as "friends", by the GF's in question. I did not see anything in the GF's room first mentioned in my post. I HEARD something suspicious and she lied about it to me at first & later admitted that what I heard was correct, I might therefore have some reason for concern. Particularly, since this type of stuff is rather common here, as some other posters have also pointed out. --and don't tell me I have made stupid choices in women. These were not bar girl/beer girl sluts, but average run-of-the-mill Thai ladies.

Mate, you're either having some seriously bad luck (so bad that it's nearly improbable to be luck alone) or you're doing something wrong (possible) AND your choice of woman is still poor (likely). There are plenty of dodgy girls out there who are not bargirls...plenty of low-end officeworkers or department store workers who love to play the field, get what they can, want money, get drunk and flirt regularly. Maybe she was one of these? For a start, most girls who LET you pay for their room are lacking in the self-respect department, and from there on it can be a slippery slope.

How many other guys on here have had decent, educated girls do the dirty on them in this manner? I'm curious. The amount of nice, honest, genuine officegirls here who would never accept money or help is huge. You need to search them out. If the make-up is too much, tattoo, miniskirt, dyed hair form a sexy girl for you, think ahead. If it looks like a duck it probably is a duck.

I hate to be cliche, but if you want to increase the chances of finding a good gf who's going to appreciate you and behave herself, she'll probably still be living with her parents. It doesn't mean she's a virgin.

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1. .... I did not say I found the lady mentioned in the origional postwith a man in her room.

2. BUT, I did find two other previous girlfriends with a Thai guy in their apartment (of which I was paying for) (on one occasion in her bed and another occasion hiding under her bed) the other one had the BF hiding on the balcony, with the curtains closed.

3. The third GF had a probable lesbian lover in her bed, missing various articles of clothing. Of course, these people were referred to as "friends", by the GF's in question.

4. I did not see anything in the GF's room first mentioned in my post. I HEARD something suspicious and she lied about it to me at first & later admitted that what I heard was correct, I might therefore have some reason for concern. Particularly, since this type of stuff is rather common here, as some other posters have also pointed out.

5. --and don't tell me I have made stupid choices in women. These were not bar girl/beer girl sluts, but average run-of-the-mill Thai ladies.

:D :D

well.....what can I say; I didn't say you made odd choices....but......never mind.



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a2396, I have taken part in this tawdry tale too much to decide if the topic should be closed. I love it when you or another poster started going on about your ex-girlfriends #1, #2, #3, and soon to be #4. Do you see the pattern here? You are not stupid, but the stories you tell us do not portray you as wise, or a good judge of character.

Speaking of the title, "Ladyboy in the Bedroom," how many rooms does this girl live in: only one, a studio/bedsit? As others have pointed out, we have no evidence the other man is ....not another man-man. They call them ladyboys because the boys are ladies, not men. Ahh well, maybe another moderator will close the tread.

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Paranoid? Bull$hit. I guess finding some Thai guy in your girlfriend's bed is OK with you. Or sorry, I'm sure this would never happen to you, since you probably so discerning to have only high quality ladies, who would never think of such a thing. As for posting tripe, why don't you read about whether to unplug the refrigerator or not, or where to find round peas. Talk about posted tripe. The bakehouse is where I go to buy bread & cakes, I don't know what you find there.


People with this disorder tend to have Paranoid personality disorder which is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives. excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships with others. They search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appear cold and distant to others. They usually shift blame to others and tend to carry long grudges.

a2396 (OP) I have searched and searched you initial post and still cannot find where you said you "found your girlfriend in bed with a Thai guy" I think it is time for you to put this post to bed before you look more foolish than you do at this time. & there is no doubt in my mind Paranoid fits the bill perfectly please discount this if it's Bull$hit as you have so eloquently indicated.

Before you start name calling people you don't know and have little knowledge about, you might have taken time to read all my posts in this topic. I did not say I found the lady mentioned in the origional post with a man in her room. BUT, I did find two other previous girlfriends with a Thai guy in their apartment (of which I was paying for) (on one occasion in her bed and another occasion hiding under her bed) the other one had the BF hiding on the balcony, with the curtains closed. The third GF had a probable lesbian lover in her bed, missing various articles of clothing. Of course, these people were referred to as "friends", by the GF's in question. I did not see anything in the GF's room first mentioned in my post. I HEARD something suspicious and she lied about it to me at first & later admitted that what I heard was correct, I might therefore have some reason for concern. Particularly, since this type of stuff is rather common here, as some other posters have also pointed out. --and don't tell me I have made stupid choices in women. These were not bar girl/beer girl sluts, but average run-of-the-mill Thai ladies.

If this isn't a troll it is someone with serious issues and we shouldn't be sarcastic or try to be humorous. He (or she) may leave the village for a tall building in the city if he (or she) has a life so pitiful that they would resort to Q & A on TV. This sounds like a professional victim where every relationship is going to end up in disaster. If this is real the person has to "man up" and not act like a child. Take control of your relationships and your life. We are only here a short time (no pun intended) and should not wallow in our own misery just for the heck of it. I do know people who are never happy and seem to prefer being the martyr or the victim. This may be the case here. Advice: Get a life. Thailand is a great place to rebound!

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Thais do not lie as often as we accuse them of it. If they do not mean it as a lie, it is not a lie. Good grief, even I understand that much about the culture here.

Please tell me thats sarcasm ?? I just cant tell any more !!

If so sorry for taking the bait but if not... Ohh dear time for a ticket home or at least elsewhere..

Why should tht be sarcasm? That was possibly the first sensible post in this thread!

I also see that the jealousy of the OP is part of the problem. If it rally was a ladyboy (s)he would never ever think about having sex with a girl. Ladyboys actually like to hang out with girls and vice versa girls like to have them around as they are considered girls. I see no problem about this.

A lie is a false statement made knowingly..

If you think that making false statements on purpose is not lieing.. you have been here too long.

Personal responsibility, honesty and integrity are not negotiable.. They should be absolutes.

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I hope your books are better than your advice Andrew.

Back to the OP . . what on earth are you hoping to get from this forum by posting this? It's a personal situation - only you know the ins and outs. Make the decision yourself, rather than taking advice from people who, if they are anything like me, find other people's personal lives a subject of great boredom.

On the contrary, I think it makes a nice afternoon read.

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You all say there are plenty more fish in the sea but the OP may actually think his girlfriend is special and can't simply be replaced just like that like you all seem to suggest. Maybe he likes the one he's got!

I say lighten up. There are worse things to lie about. She probably just thought you'd get jealous as she wanted to hang out with her friend rather than you, whether he/she's a ladyboy or not.

You've never ever told her a single lie then?

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Paranoid? Bull$hit. I guess finding some Thai guy in your girlfriend's bed is OK with you. Or sorry, I'm sure this would never happen to you, since you probably so discerning to have only high quality ladies, who would never think of such a thing. As for posting tripe, why don't you read about whether to unplug the refrigerator or not, or where to find round peas. Talk about posted tripe. The bakehouse is where I go to buy bread & cakes, I don't know what you find there.


People with this disorder tend to have Paranoid personality disorder which is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives. excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships with others. They search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appear cold and distant to others. They usually shift blame to others and tend to carry long grudges.

a2396 (OP) I have searched and searched you initial post and still cannot find where you said you "found your girlfriend in bed with a Thai guy" I think it is time for you to put this post to bed before you look more foolish than you do at this time. & there is no doubt in my mind Paranoid fits the bill perfectly please discount this if it's Bull$hit as you have so eloquently indicated.

Before you start name calling people you don't know and have little knowledge about, you might have taken time to read all my posts in this topic. I did not say I found the lady mentioned in the origional post with a man in her room. BUT, I did find two other previous girlfriends with a Thai guy in their apartment (of which I was paying for) (on one occasion in her bed and another occasion hiding under her bed) the other one had the BF hiding on the balcony, with the curtains closed. The third GF had a probable lesbian lover in her bed, missing various articles of clothing. Of course, these people were referred to as "friends", by the GF's in question. I did not see anything in the GF's room first mentioned in my post. I HEARD something suspicious and she lied about it to me at first & later admitted that what I heard was correct, I might therefore have some reason for concern. Particularly, since this type of stuff is rather common here, as some other posters have also pointed out. --and don't tell me I have made stupid choices in women. These were not bar girl/beer girl sluts, but average run-of-the-mill Thai ladies.

If this isn't a troll it is someone with serious issues and we shouldn't be sarcastic or try to be humorous. He (or she) may leave the village for a tall building in the city if he (or she) has a life so pitiful that they would resort to Q & A on TV. This sounds like a professional victim where every relationship is going to end up in disaster. If this is real the person has to "man up" and not act like a child. Take control of your relationships and your life. We are only here a short time (no pun intended) and should not wallow in our own misery just for the heck of it. I do know people who are never happy and seem to prefer being the martyr or the victim. This may be the case here. Advice: Get a life. Thailand is a great place to rebound!

And then again Grant, you might be right, especially about LOS being a gr8 place to rebound! But for this Guy/girl, I think it's too late!! :o

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I'd say it's time to close this topic. Some good comments and observations were made. Some have understood the point I was trying to make, that relationships here are rife with lying and deception.That has been my experience and that of many other foreign men I know who are living here. People who are NOT residing in Thailand will have a totally different frame of reference. After 4 pages of comments, things have detiorated into name calling, finger pointing, and slurs against my character and judgement. My best wishes to the majority of you gents who have had such good luck with the ladies that things, such I have discussed here, have never and would never happen to you. SO, topic closed please?

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