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How Many Falangs In Thailand Are Broke?


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It's of no real concern to me but I bet there's an awful lot more people still living in the places you've mentioned relying on pensions who are having a far worse time than the guys you've met here.

Why the obsession with what people are worth/got on TV? I've got more than some but less than others - just like back home!

I see nothing wrong with the OPs questions, he's just being inquisitive about the people around him also living in Thailand, a sort of private survey, so why not?

In my time here, I have met many Farangs literally living on the breadline and quite a few who have no financial means of returning to their home country's and have let their visas expire, living in hope.

There are more of them than we are lead to believe and they are certainly out there in force. Just visit any main Thai city and you will see them.

A friend once told me that it only takes one missed pay packet from having a reasonable standard of living to ending up on the street somewhere.

But for those who are considering living long term in Thailand should be well prepared and plan properly before coming over, so I have little sympathy for the losers, who have gambled on being able to work here or that inflation will never increase and exchange rates will not drop down.

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Well I like having all the luxuries I have in the west, call me greedy but coming here and having a less comfortable life just dosent work for me, I like my wine and cubans way too much, But hey if your happy with nothing go for it, I will be relaxing in air conditioned german comfort on my way to work while your sweating it out on the bus.

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I've met some really poor folks (sadly a lot are teachers or wannabe teachers). This includes a guy who, the last I heard was living on the street and selling Yaa Baa. Another guy who had no money and had overstayed his visa by 6 years--couldn't afford the 20,000 baht to leave or an airline ticket. The best one though is a guy who couldn't believe he didn't get paid for only working 1/2 a month when all he worked was 1/2 a month (started a new job in middle of the month and thought he should get paid for the whole month). He didn't have money for food (any food).

The one thing all these guys have in common is that once they get any money it goes on booze and broads--but it's always their current employers fault they don't get paid enough! Most end up quitting and going from job to job.

They aren't down on their luck--they are nothing less than losers--here or anywhere else.

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And dont forget "asset rich cash poor" I fit this one quite well!

I always worry about money but just plan that in the future I will be ok, am always buying assets land, houses etc etc.

What is the future ? death ?,. i am the opposite, earn it spend it, and i have ,A LOT,. no regrets, i want to be the poorest corpse in the graveyard,. i have a lot of friends that are very wealthy, but, are not happy and have been no where ,for what ?..in fact ill go on to say we have met many people with money, but are tight @ssholes and worry themselves to death working out where to buy the cheapest,. if someone can be happy with nothing through ignorance who are we to criticise,.
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Thailand has either changed since I left 5 years ago or I just wasn't aware of all the destitute foreigners. I met a couple, but it was a rare occurrence. Didn't hang with the English teachers and that might have made a difference. Aren't most English teachers young and if so, wouldn't they be living paycheck to paycheck back home. Some of older posters that teach English on this forum hardly seem broke and are doing it for a little extra income.

Would a person living on 25k bt and paying all his bills be considered broke. Again, I met very few that would fall into this category and I wouldn't consider them destitute. I think I could do it if I had to and still enjoy Thailand. Don't understand why someone would put themselves in this position, but who am I to judge them.

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siam, open your eyes not all here come with good intentions! bad poor dudes are all over the dam_n place, as well as good people. but i bet the ratio bad to good is quite high in los.

From the description of yourself in another thread id bet you would not last long in thailand on 25baht a month sir. The list of why you like thailand involve spending baht and quite a lot of it.

I would think if you need to teach english you need the money, its not just additional incume for wealth building.

Edited by cynthialee
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I will be relaxing in air conditioned german comfort on my way to work while your sweating it out on the bus.

Well, if it's a Mercedes or Audi built between 1998 and 2005, most likely you will be relaxing waiting for a tow truck. Anyone I know, including myself that has owned "german comfort" from that time period rues the day they made the mistake of buying during the Lada era. I won't list the defects I had, suffice to say I had lots. Everytime I see mention of wealth and Mercedes I laugh. Try posers and people trying to impress. People bought Mercedes because it was once a fine reliable vehicle. Today, savy drivers won't be caught dead in one. The only "wealthy" people that still opt for them outside of Germany are found in middle east oil kingdoms and African despot states. Take a hint from the King. He uses a Lexus.

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siam, open your eyes not all here come with good intentions! bad poor dudes are all over the dam_n place, as well as good people. but i bet the ratio bad to good is quite high in los.

From the description of yourself in another thread id bet you would not last long in thailand on 25baht a month sir. The list of why you like thailand involve spending baht and quite a lot of it.

I would think if you need to teach english you need the money, its not just additional incume for wealth building.

You've mistaken me for someone else. I never claimed that I frequently spent a lot of money while in Thailand. I have stated that I enjoy a simple life while in Thailand and America. Please don't take any of my posts out of context and quote one sentance of a previous post to make your point. If you are bored, which is probably the case, please look through some of my posts.

Many people teach for a little extra cash and to help people like yourself coherently comunicate in English.

Edited by siamamerican
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The broke falangs sold their computers, have no baht to go to internet shops, no friends, thus we will not hear from them. Question cannot be accurately answered.

That's a fair point :o

Your not kidding,

When I go to visit my friends business in khal san. I see so many dead beats trying to sell of there stuff. I always see a lot of travelers and some long term people arguing with the bar keep or guesthouse workers about they can not pay there 300 per night room bill. <deleted> I think to my self, how did they get here if they cant pay for 300 per night room!!

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Why critisise the guy for his lifestyle??????

I have a wonderful life in Thailand but one should never kick someone when down.This is my second post on this forum and i feel upset how people can say these things.Luckily this is not a real cross section of non thai people,well at least i hope it isnt.

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Why critisise the guy for his lifestyle??????

I have a wonderful life in Thailand but one should never kick someone when down.This is my second post on this forum and i feel upset how people can say these things.Luckily this is not a real cross section of non thai people,well at least i hope it isnt.

ß it says 4 not 2

Ok I realized you did 2 more after this. forgive !

Edited by RakJungTorlae
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Why critisise the guy for his lifestyle??????

I have a wonderful life in Thailand but one should never kick someone when down.This is my second post on this forum and i feel upset how people can say these things.Luckily this is not a real cross section of non thai people,well at least i hope it isnt.

ß it says 4 not 2

Ok I realized you did 2 more after this. forgive !

If he posts on another thread, his post count will change on this one, so he could be telling the truth

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i thought only the broke ones comes to thailand to live? due to the lower standard of living. :o

....just kidding :D

Whoa there, come back !,. you arent far off the ball there, many come to thailand to live because it is cheap is correct, . but then they become complacent and start wanting it even cheaper, then it is the slippery slope to balloon chasing, see it all the time,.. my friend larry ( we will call him that as thats his name ! ) will walk beach road 6 nights a week and come home alone 5 of them because he didnt get a movie star for 300 baht ! :D
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:o What do movie stars go for ( im assuming thai ones and female of course )?

If your friend larry gets a movie star at 300 baht 1 out of every 6 attempts your freind larry is doing pretty dam good one would think :D:D:D:D

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:o What do movie stars go for ( im assuming thai ones and female of course )?

If your friend larry gets a movie star at 300 baht 1 out of every 6 attempts your freind larry is doing pretty dam good one would think :D:D:D:D

You havent seen what he consides a movie star ! :D
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I will go for number 6 now to realy confuse your minds.

You lied it says your up to 10. lets see if you can go for 20 now. can I ask you a simple question? why do you want to be a prick?

I thought i was copying you rak as you looked the most equipped member

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I will go for number 6 now to realy confuse your minds.

You lied it says your up to 10. lets see if you can go for 20 now. can I ask you a simple question? why do you want to be a prick?

I thought i was copying you rak as you looked the most equipped member

If you notice my post in regards to your 2 post comment I edited shortly after realizing you posted 2 more after. I recall typing “Forgive”. So dose this word leave me open not to be forgiven? Did you misinterpret it some how? If you where copying me then you simply would of said.. “No worry’s mate”. But you have not copied me in anyway and left your self looking like a prick. Now take a few mins and think to your self. If this was a public area face to face, what do you think could possibly happen?

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I will go for number 6 now to realy confuse your minds.

You lied it says your up to 10. lets see if you can go for 20 now. can I ask you a simple question? why do you want to be a prick?

I thought i was copying you rak as you looked the most equipped member

If you notice my post in regards to your 2 post comment I edited shortly after realizing you posted 2 more after. I recall typing "Forgive". So dose this word leave me open not to be forgiven? Did you misinterpret it some how? If you where copying me then you simply would of said.. "No worry's mate". But you have not copied me in anyway and left your self looking like a prick. Now take a few mins and think to your self. If this was a public area face to face, what do you think could possibly happen?


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I will go for number 6 now to realy confuse your minds.

You lied it says your up to 10. lets see if you can go for 20 now. can I ask you a simple question? why do you want to be a prick?

I thought i was copying you rak as you looked the most equipped member

If you notice my post in regards to your 2 post comment I edited shortly after realizing you posted 2 more after. I recall typing "Forgive". So dose this word leave me open not to be forgiven? Did you misinterpret it some how? If you where copying me then you simply would of said.. "No worry's mate". But you have not copied me in anyway and left your self looking like a prick. Now take a few mins and think to your self. If this was a public area face to face, what do you think could possibly happen?

I have spent a couple or 3 minutes to think what would happen face to face,and is this based on you calling me a prick or based on discussing this post.

Your turn to to take a few minutes to tell me.

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