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Christopher Reeve

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My dad went through similar experiences and he showed the same character, bless all people who have that strength, an honour to be near people like that, still helps me to keep things in perspective and try to live each day to it's fullest.

(I'd apprciate it if you could ignore the fact that I spend so much time on TV :o )

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Broke my neck in a swimming pool accident in Singapore back in 1979. Busted C-1, C-2 and cracked C-3. Was paralyzed on my right side for 9 long months before getting back on my feet. I can relate to Christopher Reeve - big time.

May God rest his soul... :o

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I didn't know he had died until now.

What happened exactly?  Any links?

This has been a sad week, and yes, he was a superman for not giving up after what happened - but what has just happened, did his body give up?

Sad :D

did his body give up?

What do you think............. YES it did :o

Shame on you Scampi.......... :D

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I didn't know he had died until now.

What happened exactly?  Any links?

This has been a sad week, and yes, he was a superman for not giving up after what happened - but what has just happened, did his body give up?

Gentleman Scamp

He had an infection a bed sore of some type and the infection had spread throughout his body he had a heart attack and slipped into a coma according to news reports

actualy wouldn't surprise me if his wife told the doctors to give him something to make him pass away, knowing how active he was even though in a wheel chair i don't think he would want to be in a coma for the rest of his life :o

He was truly SUPERMAN




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Must admit to never liking him as an actor but as a human being and role model after his accident I find it difficult to come up with anyone better.

It is just a shame that he really came to my attention due to the accident.

I am genuinely sad that he is dead

they showed in the states that originally he was not chosen for the part of Superman at first Some other Hollywood Stars were in mind, But the Director wanted an unknown

The things is after his accident he did contemplate suicide but his wife helped him through it and he became a motivational speaker instead this is were he got his income.

I just hope they don't stop the progress into solving the mystery of helping people walk again since he has passed on now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Must admit to never liking him as an actor but as a human being and role model after his accident I find it difficult to come up with anyone better.

It is just a shame that he really came to my attention due to the accident.

I am genuinely sad that he is dead

Very brave.

Another person comes to mind. Simon Weston, Falklands veteran.

No score cards here, just 2 very brave people who never gave up on life.

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