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taken when we leaving out of kao sarn road during the songkran holidays.

i was just passing by her and then took a shot, after that she was gone.

except this.


thank you little angel.



I think you are getting a little carried away with effects. Yes, sometimes they work, but in this instance I feel they've failed.

This shot just didn't need the manipulation you've applied. As a straight record of a little girl enjoying Songkran it should have been kept original.

The inclusion of a "border" is also a bad idea. and inner borders are weak. Borders of this type seldom work - if you must introduce a border or a frame try something along the lines that I've adopted.

In all, I feel that you are "wasting" a very fine cameras ability by your extreme manipulation - slow down! You have an eye for a shot as you've previously demonstrated - keep the manipulation appropriate would be my 2 cents worth.

Hope you're not offended - keep them coming

p.s. my reverse manipulation (as best as I could extract) is attached.


@The Vulcan, thanks.

i guess sometimes i really needed to be told.

i did use too much post-processing and lost that beautiful simplicity of the original image.

as some say, "simplicity is beautiful"


by they way, did you do your border in P.S.?

thanks so much for the practical ideas.



I use Photoshop Elements- To create the border I've shown you go to:-

"Image - Resize canvas" (I usually resize UP by c. 1/2")

This provides a layer and then you select "Styles and Effects - Drop Shadow"

Click on it and there it is.

You then flatten the layer to conclude

note. The default border is actually opposite to the one I've shown - if you prefer this side merely flip horizontally at resize - implant border and flip back.

Hope this makes sense

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