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The Price Of Living In Thailand


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Ive just spent 4 months in the UK where I hardly spent a penny - Not because im a cheap Charlie but because retail goods and the general price of living seems far cheaper now-a-days.

I have recently noticed that electrical items and sundries etc have increased in price significantly! Price of Xbox 360 live 19000 baht and in UK 12500 baht. Mobile phones, washing machines, LCD TV's, Sun Glasses, Super market food etc etc, all cheaper in England. I can only assume that customs charges on imported goods are subject to high duty and taxes.

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Very tough question to respond to because it so much depends on life style, needs and wants. I am finding it pretty easy to live on retirement income, not a fancy retirement but Social Security norma. plus a small retirement from employment. It gets tougher as the baht gets stronger but for sure we are able to do everything we want to do in rural environment. Not interested in a lot of night life etc, and rural life is just fine. So the simple fact for us is that retirement is very comfortable in Thailand where it would be a very tough challenge to retire with same life style in USA.

We have managed to build a home, pretty good sized lot of about 3 rai, buy about 20 rai of farm land, prepare it for rice and rubber and plant rubber on about 8 rai. All of this is done on retirement income and is pay as you go. No way could that happen for me in USA.

So it is entirely dependant on what your wants and needs are if the prices are too high in Thailand.

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anything imported is crazy high priced compared to the usa, i have no idea about uk prices. but like a new car is twice as expensive which would make it very hard for me to rationalize buying one. stuff made here is cheap because labor is ridiculously cheap.

It's never made any sense importing vehicles into Thailand. 'Home grown' vehicles are similarly priced to those in Europe, although the specification might not be as impressive.

Food prices, both here and elsewhere in Asia, are rocketing...and the root cause of this is the price of oil...OPEC and the greedy oil traders have a lot to answer for . :o


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anything imported is crazy high priced compared to the usa, i have no idea about uk prices. but like a new car is twice as expensive which would make it very hard for me to rationalize buying one. stuff made here is cheap because labor is ridiculously cheap.

Cars being twice as expensive on the has got nothing to do with import tax as the vast majority of models people have in Thailand are built in Thailand, yes if you import a car from outside the country you will be reamed on the tax, same as anywhere else in the world which has a motor industry....

So your second point is a bit moot..."stuff made here is cheap because labor is ridiculously cheap" as related to local cars as they are built here working to your logic should be cheaper...

Thailand has less selection on luxury comsumer goods...has less people with the means to buy those luxury consumer goods incomparision with UK/US....therefore less competion which equals higher price...

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Cars are definitely assembled here, but I was told the parts are made overseas. Even if that is so, I agree that car prices are crazy compared to the States or the UK. The good news is, that labor is cheap so you pay a lot initially but you can keep the cars running for years on end.

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anything imported is crazy high priced compared to the usa, i have no idea about uk prices. but like a new car is twice as expensive which would make it very hard for me to rationalize buying one. stuff made here is cheap because labor is ridiculously cheap.

Cars being twice as expensive in Thailand on the whole has nothing to do with import taxes...the vast majority of models are built in Thailand...yes if you import a car you will be reamed with inport tax because Thailand has a car industry and high taxes are a means done to protect that industry same a lot of other countries with motor industries...

Related to cars, your second point is moot as based on your logic "stuff made here is cheap because labor is ridiculously cheap" then locally built cars should be cheap...which they are not...

"Luxury" Comsumer goods are more expensive in Thailand because: There is less choice, a smaller population of people with the means to buy those goods, as a result, less or no competition, therefore higher prices than UK or US, which has bigger populations of people with means to buy those goods, more choice...result more compatition...lower prices...

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I just happend to notice a Thai marketer selling stingray wallets on eBay for the equivalent of 700 bht. I paid over 2,000 bht for one recently at a local department store in Thailand. Maybe the quality not the same, but that is quite a price difference. Definaltely many imported things exxpensive. Cars? Forget it. This is a place where I came to live on less money. If I wanted to own a car, I'd just as soon go home. Local food is probably still the best bargain here & some clothing.

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The last time I was in the States, I noticed that prices seemed to be lower there than here in Thailand. I even had a few friends as me to bring things from the states because it was a lot cheaper there--they had checked on the internet! I was surprised.

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So I just did a check on car prices, of the same model, from Car Prices UK and the Thailand Toyota website:

Toyota Yaris: prices shown are bottom of the range and top of the range

UK price

GBP 8,295 to 14,095

UK price in Baht

THB 560,000 to 884,463

Toyota Thailand Price

THB 524,000 to 699,000

Actually looks like UK is more expensive . . . . .

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Ive just spent 4 months in the UK where I hardly spent a penny - Not because im a cheap Charlie but because retail goods and the general price of living seems far cheaper now-a-days.

I have recently noticed that electrical items and sundries etc have increased in price significantly! Price of Xbox 360 live 19000 baht and in UK 12500 baht. Mobile phones, washing machines, LCD TV's, Sun Glasses, Super market food etc etc, all cheaper in England. I can only assume that customs charges on imported goods are subject to high duty and taxes.

There's no question that the price/cost relationship model is changing - take a look in the health care section of this forum at a post on health care costs comparing UK and Thailand, oddly enough I am very seriously considering going back to the UK for private, self paid health care in the form of angioplasty surgery and this is based solely on costs of care not quality. Yes the cost of goods has increased by way of the changes to the exchange rate but if you strip that factor out and make a comparison you will find that the difference in price between the two countries on many items is narrowing considerably and that some things are actually far more expensive.

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It's a mistake to estimate cost of living based on 'big ticket items' that one only buys relatively infrequently.

But likewise it is also a mistake to make a calculation on the relative cost of living without factoring in the 'Social Wage' that comes with living in one's home country - This is particularly so as age inevitably brings with it a need for the welfare and medical support that is available back home but which either need to be paid for (cash/insurance) or are simply not available in Thailand.

I think when these costs are factored in the minimum income requirements to obtain a Thai retirement visa begin to reflect real costs.

Those who manage to make the raw monthly income requirement being more or less set up in Thailand for all but the worst disasters of old age health and welfare. While those that need to have a significant portion of their cash savings in Thailand in order to maintain a retirement visa based on a the lower income requirement are taking a gamble that they will not need to spend their cash lump sum on an emergency. Trip up on that one and it's 'Homeskee'.

I would therefore conclude that the cost of permanent and secure retirement is Thailand is in truth about the same as the cost of secure and permanent retirement in Thailand - For early retirement, if you can't afford to retire early back home, then it is only by beating the health odds that you can really afford to retire in Thailand.

Adding the exchange rate odds back into that equation (they were always there - but for many forgotten about) and the odds begin to stack up - A hard look at real and all costs becomes a good idea - like it always was.

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Ive just spent 4 months in the UK where I hardly spent a penny - Not because im a cheap Charlie but because retail goods and the general price of living seems far cheaper now-a-days.

I have recently noticed that electrical items and sundries etc have increased in price significantly! Price of Xbox 360 live 19000 baht and in UK 12500 baht. Mobile phones, washing machines, LCD TV's, Sun Glasses, Super market food etc etc, all cheaper in England. I can only assume that customs charges on imported goods are subject to high duty and taxes.

There's no question that the price/cost relationship model is changing - take a look in the health care section of this forum at a post on health care costs comparing UK and Thailand, oddly enough I am very seriously considering going back to the UK for private, self paid health care in the form of angioplasty surgery and this is based solely on costs of care not quality. Yes the cost of goods has increased by way of the changes to the exchange rate but if you strip that factor out and make a comparison you will find that the difference in price between the two countries on many items is narrowing considerably and that some things are actually far more expensive.

You lucky stiffs in the UK get free health care, more or less. Try that in USA. Not to mention 3 dollar mangos, etc, etc. Food costs are rising worldwide with USA peobably setting the standard.

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Ive just spent 4 months in the UK where I hardly spent a penny - Not because im a cheap Charlie but because retail goods and the general price of living seems far cheaper now-a-days.

I have recently noticed that electrical items and sundries etc have increased in price significantly! Price of Xbox 360 live 19000 baht and in UK 12500 baht. Mobile phones, washing machines, LCD TV's, Sun Glasses, Super market food etc etc, all cheaper in England. I can only assume that customs charges on imported goods are subject to high duty and taxes.

There's no question that the price/cost relationship model is changing - take a look in the health care section of this forum at a post on health care costs comparing UK and Thailand, oddly enough I am very seriously considering going back to the UK for private, self paid health care in the form of angioplasty surgery and this is based solely on costs of care not quality. Yes the cost of goods has increased by way of the changes to the exchange rate but if you strip that factor out and make a comparison you will find that the difference in price between the two countries on many items is narrowing considerably and that some things are actually far more expensive.

You lucky stiffs in the UK get free health care, more or less. Try that in USA. Not to mention 3 dollar mangos, etc, etc. Food costs are rising worldwide with USA peobably setting the standard.

Was that suppose to read "peso" or "probably" ?.... :o

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Ive just spent 4 months in the UK where I hardly spent a penny - Not because im a cheap Charlie but because retail goods and the general price of living seems far cheaper now-a-days.

I have recently noticed that electrical items and sundries etc have increased in price significantly! Price of Xbox 360 live 19000 baht and in UK 12500 baht. Mobile phones, washing machines, LCD TV's, Sun Glasses, Super market food etc etc, all cheaper in England. I can only assume that customs charges on imported goods are subject to high duty and taxes.

There's no question that the price/cost relationship model is changing - take a look in the health care section of this forum at a post on health care costs comparing UK and Thailand, oddly enough I am very seriously considering going back to the UK for private, self paid health care in the form of angioplasty surgery and this is based solely on costs of care not quality. Yes the cost of goods has increased by way of the changes to the exchange rate but if you strip that factor out and make a comparison you will find that the difference in price between the two countries on many items is narrowing considerably and that some things are actually far more expensive.

You lucky stiffs in the UK get free health care, more or less. Try that in USA. Not to mention 3 dollar mangos, etc, etc. Food costs are rising worldwide with USA peobably setting the standard.

"Lucky stiffs" in the UK do get free health care, I live in Thailand and am not entitled to free health care back in the UK, fair enough I suppose. The point I tried to make in my post earlier was that some of the costs in Thailand, i.e some health care costs are now comparable or in excess of those charged in the UK.

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hahaa now i have to worry about getting a copy honda.

You may joke but there is a significant trade in copied "original car parts in Thailand - talk to any dealership about the problem. Take your car in for insurance work and the dealer has to supply a photo to the insurance company of all parts used, in their original boxes, set in front of the vehicle that will receive them.

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Two days ago I went to my favorite watering hole up on the mountain. I met a Brit who was on holiday. He offered me a cigarette which I accepted. It was fine but nothing special. I told him that he would enjoy the cheap cigarettes here and he told me that he only smokes that particular brand. He told me that he paid about 5 pounds a pack at duty free. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! By that time I had had a few 35 baht Archa beers and he then told me how much petrol was in the UK. The UK is CHEAP?????????

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Ive just spent 4 months in the UK where I hardly spent a penny - Not because im a cheap Charlie but because retail goods and the general price of living seems far cheaper now-a-days.

I have recently noticed that electrical items and sundries etc have increased in price significantly! Price of Xbox 360 live 19000 baht and in UK 12500 baht. Mobile phones, washing machines, LCD TV's, Sun Glasses, Super market food etc etc, all cheaper in England. I can only assume that customs charges on imported goods are subject to high duty and taxes.

There's no question that the price/cost relationship model is changing - take a look in the health care section of this forum at a post on health care costs comparing UK and Thailand, oddly enough I am very seriously considering going back to the UK for private, self paid health care in the form of angioplasty surgery and this is based solely on costs of care not quality. Yes the cost of goods has increased by way of the changes to the exchange rate but if you strip that factor out and make a comparison you will find that the difference in price between the two countries on many items is narrowing considerably and that some things are actually far more expensive.

You lucky stiffs in the UK get free health care, more or less. Try that in USA. Not to mention 3 dollar mangos, etc, etc. Food costs are rising worldwide with USA peobably setting the standard.

Was that suppose to read "peso" or "probably" ?.... :o

Probably. Sorry, I'm not a good proof reader. To much in a hurry.

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hahaa now i have to worry about getting a copy honda.

You may joke but there is a significant trade in copied "original car parts in Thailand - talk to any dealership about the problem. Take your car in for insurance work and the dealer has to supply a photo to the insurance company of all parts used, in their original boxes, set in front of the vehicle that will receive them.

yeah, that is why i didn't think they manufactured cars in Thailand, although I do remember now having heard about the Japanese complaining about business regulations last year. There must be an awesome number of Cops/Generals driving around in brand new cars which were "misplaced".

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hahaa now i have to worry about getting a copy honda.

You may joke but there is a significant trade in copied "original car parts in Thailand - talk to any dealership about the problem. Take your car in for insurance work and the dealer has to supply a photo to the insurance company of all parts used, in their original boxes, set in front of the vehicle that will receive them.

Original manufacturer car parts? I haven't been able to get a body shop to put those on in a decade. They always use aftermarket parts in my neck of the USA. Oh and they are not cheap either. :o

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So I just did a check on car prices, of the same model, from Car Prices UK and the Thailand Toyota website:

Toyota Yaris: prices shown are bottom of the range and top of the range

UK price

GBP 8,295 to 14,095

UK price in Baht

THB 560,000 to 884,463

Toyota Thailand Price

THB 524,000 to 699,000

Actually looks like UK is more expensive . . . . .

USA Prices


13,029.00 USD = 409,647.40 THB

2009 Toyota Camry

22,084.00 USD = 694,149.59 THB

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Elecrical consumer Goods do seem to be cheaper here in the UK. probably due to the competition as already stated.

Western Food can be cheaper in the UK if you know where to shop.

Thai Food is very expensive in the UK

Our food costs are on the whole much cheaper in Thailand as the wife & kids tend to have a local Thai diet and we don't eat so much there

the greatest difference and its a HUGE difference is costs associated with Housing; House prices, Rents, Council Tax, water Rates........

Can be virtually Nil in Thailand and 80% of your wages in UK.

A packet of cigarettes here in the UK is the equivalent of two days wages in our Thai Village, no probs as I dont smoke.

One of the biggest cost here in the UK is the Cost of sunshine, as a comodity its virtually unobtainable and virtually free in Thailand ;-)

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Some of us then have to consider the choices;

Stay in Europe so that we can avail of health service and possibly other social services when we get older. Thereby maybe prolonging our lives.


Risk moving to Thailand, hoping we have enough money to cope with possible future medical problems.

Live in grey, cold rainy countries with little or no respect for old people but maybe live longer


Move to Thailand, put up hammock in shade, get a few books, meet other TV members in your area etc. etc.

Over simplified for brevity.

Decisions, Decisions.!!!!!!

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hahaa now i have to worry about getting a copy honda.

You may joke but there is a significant trade in copied "original car parts in Thailand - talk to any dealership about the problem. Take your car in for insurance work and the dealer has to supply a photo to the insurance company of all parts used, in their original boxes, set in front of the vehicle that will receive them.

Original manufacturer car parts? I haven't been able to get a body shop to put those on in a decade. They always use aftermarket parts in my neck of the USA. Oh and they are not cheap either. :o

In the U.S. You are entitled to OEM parts. All insurance companies are obligated to replace the part with the same part that is replaced. If your Chevy -Toyota Ford or whatever had a Original mfgr. part they are obligated to replace it with the original part (not a knockoff part) .Always ask for the old part -to see the new box(where it came from) & the honest shops will also show you a bill of lading as well. Of course they will stick you with the after market parts if you do not request before the work starts. This way the Insurance co. & the body shop can make some extra cash. I have been in the Auto body industry close to 30 years in California & Hawaii. My shops you automatically receive OEM parts unless you want after market to save a buck.30% of the time when the insurance companies try to dupe the customer it backfires on them as the Mexican fenders sometimes do not fit(and need to be replaced twice at a loss to the ins. co.) Windshields from Mexico are almost always seconds & have a sealed chip which could break on install, so I always left that with the customer, so they never have to re haggle with the insurance companies- That we all have grown to hate!

Edit: a lot of trucks you see are comprised of 3 or 4 different outer parts to save money on the overall cost in Thailand.

There are shops that will make a truck bed at a fraction of the cost & this will also add to their coffers by doing the labor instead of farming it out. The U.S. is most definitely more for buying a vehicle. Even if you find it cheaper the duties & shipping are a real boon to bringing your ride here, but then again why would you. I sure do not need a nice sportscar here!

And a hot rod or a race car would be a waste of time.

Edited by Beardog
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The following is an approximation of what I spent in USA vs what I spend in LOS. Some things I have left out, such as health care, direct housing costs, since I had employer paid health insurance in USA and owned my own house (a very modest one). First figure is USA cost, second figure Thailand. Costs are per month in BHT. Food is for 2 people.

Auto Insurance - 3,000 0

House Insurance 5,200 0

Electric ---------3,600 700 - 1,900

Water ------------900 246

Property tax -----4,500 0

Gasoline (Car) ---3,600 500

Food & related items ---12,000 9,000-

Subscription fees (lady & Mama) 0 13,000

Total -- 32,800 (USA) 24,646 (Thai)

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My cost of living increases significantly when mates come over for their extended holidays for a month a more. My diet changes from Mostly Thai street food and smallish Thai restaurants to Bullys, the German resteraunt soi 11 , the British pub etc. These guys eat like back home and don't like Thai food

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I have been banging this (often unpopular) drum in a few threads here and on Phuket info.. Thailand is not cheap for those that dont wish to live a Thai lifestyle. If you want to live a relatively normal middle class western lifestyle with western quality of goods and services, they cost more here than they do in the west. If you downsize and live in a little 15k a month Thai home, badly wired, badly plumbed, badly tiled in ugly cheap thai style, exist on rice and local dishes, etc etc then sure you can live much cheaper, but your not comparing apples and apples often. When I see a relatively well off 50 year old guy riding around on a mio when back in the west he would be driving a beemer then you have to accept theres trade offs.

This is why I have been saying for a long time that Phuket trying for the 'high net worth' residents is a tough sell.. For a high net worth type lifestyle its actually far more expensive here than back in the west. Sure getting a maid is cheap but it takes a lot of cheap laundry to make up the many 100k USD difference that driving an SL Merc costs.

I am not in the high net worth spending brackets, but after a few years living here Thai style I have got bored with that way of living and have attempted to upgrade to only what I would consider a 'normal' life, I accept I cant (and the roads would have no use for) own the kind of cars I used to, but even minor upgrades to living standards start becoming many multiples over basic existence.

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