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Looking For Some Intellectual People In Pattaya


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I do stay about 12 weeks/year in Pattaya ( this year: May - June). I am realy interested in having contact with people, somewhat above the average level of brain-using.

(if you think, that I am a snob: please stop reading, and dont waste your and my time time with rude comments!)

I did study social science and do like to have conversations about many topics (politics, science(social science), even computer, philosophy ...). In fact nearly about everything but I NEED a minimum level !

I am not interested in drinking large quantities of alcohol, nor am I interested in your daily experience with your lady of the night! To have a drink sometimes is ok for me, but I dont like the normal abusing of this drug (and others), and drinking all the time,because there is no idea what else to do with the live ! I am not interested in semidirectional hearing all the (sad) stories of you live. I am interested in real dialogues (BOTH are listening to what the other is saying) !

What I like to do in Pattaya:

Sitting in a bar/caffee

- and reading a book or newspaper

- or just watching the people (sometimes making pictures with camera)

- or having a good conversation

- going to local markets (watching people, eating! )

- excursions: to others places (cities, countries (Cambodia, Laos), islands. Doesnt have to be a long trip. Just a daytrip to a nearby town can be interesting

About me: age 50, born in the heart of Europe ( ;-) ) ,male

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Come get involved with Pattaya City Expat Club. Meets weekly at HJ Beans on Beach road at Amari hotel location. 100+- expats from all over the world who have gotten past or never even gotten into the bars and the exploits of themselves and the bargirls. We have many different interest groups meeting during the month where you can share thoughts and ideas over a cup of coffee or even water. We have a DVD lending library of over 300 books, a book exchange section, a weekly speaker, open forum for questions and answers. I personal host a weekly fun golf outing and a monthly freshwater fishing group.

If you are interested in more info go to www.pattayacityexpatsclub.com

see you there

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At our TV Friday night-outs we enjoyed some high-level conversations...it is not just the booze-up as it looks like (although for some of us it ends like this... :o ) but there are indeed interesting people attending that might be worth your time. Check it out!

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You are in luck, since we on the forum are so lucky as to have a resident intellectual, the one and only Mr. Naam (formerly Doctor Naam).

Mr. Naam can discuss any topic with a high degree of professionalism, insight and flair, anything from energy conservation to ..... well anything.

Mr. Naam is however a very soft spoken and humble person, who will need some time to warm to you, but once going, he is unbeatable.

I wish you all the best in your deep conversations with the good Herr Doctor!

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There is an inconsistency here.....If you have a "high level" of intellect one assumes that you can read and would have taken some time to read at least a few of the postings on this site....if you had, you wouldn't have posted this thread so you are hoist on your own petard and I suspect no more than a troll!

Edited by wilko
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You are in luck, since we on the forum are so lucky as to have a resident intellectual, the one and only Mr. Naam (formerly Doctor Naam). Mr. Naam can discuss any topic with a high degree of professionalism, insight and flair, anything from energy conservation to ..... well anything. Mr. Naam is however a very soft spoken and humble person, who will need some time to warm to you, but once going, he is unbeatable. I wish you all the best in your deep conversations with the good Herr Doctor!

it should be added that Mr. Naam is not very interested to meet people of his own nationality in Thailand and discuss

quote: "social science and/or philosophy"

if he has the urge to discuss these topics on a high level Mr. Naam prefers to discuss them with his dog whilst sharing with him bavarian weisswurst and sweet mustard :o

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You are in luck, since we on the forum are so lucky as to have a resident intellectual, the one and only Mr. Naam (formerly Doctor Naam). Mr. Naam can discuss any topic with a high degree of professionalism, insight and flair, anything from energy conservation to ..... well anything. Mr. Naam is however a very soft spoken and humble person, who will need some time to warm to you, but once going, he is unbeatable. I wish you all the best in your deep conversations with the good Herr Doctor!

it should be added that Mr. Naam is not very interested to meet people of his own nationality in Thailand and discuss

quote: "social science and/or philosophy"

if he has the urge to discuss these topics on a high level Mr. Naam prefers to discuss them with his dog whilst sharing with him bavarian weisswurst and sweet mustard :o



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You are not an "intellectual".

1. How can you stay 12 weeks in a two month visit: Quote: "May-June"

2. Quote "I am realy": Most intellectuals would check their spelling before posting.

3. Yes, you are a snob: Some of my most profound conversations have been with uneducated, yet highly intelligent persons.

4. Don't mention Quote: "computer, philosophy" in the same breath.

5. You need a Quote: "minimum level"; in What exactly: Are you unable to communicate with humans who 'fall outside' your expectations? Shame on you!

6. You don't like alcohol or sexual promiscuity: That is your decision. Why are you holidaying in Pattaya?

7. You like reading. You like watching people. You like going to markets and watching people eating. Are you a voyeur?

I suspect that you are either a fifty year old troll, (in both meanings of the word) or else a hopeless loner seeking out non-drinking, eunuch males for ulterior ganymedes pleasure.

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2. Quote "I am realy": Most intellectuals would check their spelling before posting.

I too noticed his atrocious spelling, but then with a name like "Dieter" from the heart of Europe I figured he's German so we should overlook his English spelling.

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You are in luck, since we on the forum are so lucky as to have a resident intellectual, the one and only Mr. Naam (formerly Doctor Naam). Mr. Naam can discuss any topic with a high degree of professionalism, insight and flair, anything from energy conservation to ..... well anything. Mr. Naam is however a very soft spoken and humble person, who will need some time to warm to you, but once going, he is unbeatable. I wish you all the best in your deep conversations with the good Herr Doctor!

it should be added that Mr. Naam is not very interested to meet people of his own nationality in Thailand and discuss

quote: "social science and/or philosophy"

if he has the urge to discuss these topics on a high level Mr. Naam prefers to discuss them with his dog whilst sharing with him bavarian weisswurst and sweet mustard :o


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I too noticed his atrocious spelling, but then with a name like "Dieter" from the heart of Europe I figured he's German so we should overlook his English spelling.

Interesting. I figured he was somebody with weight-loss issues! :o

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Hi all,

Why can not some of you guys here on this forum give this guy Dieter a break? Like me, he is from a non-English speaking country, and it really pisses me off reading about silly comments from some of you about spelling or gramatical errors. It is really not to your advantance to show how how stupid you are. Instead, stay focused and you might learn something.

This guy Dieter is simply trying to find someone in Pattaya to exchange views with while visiting the Pattaya, and for whatever reason he likes to visit the place, has nothing to do with that wish of his.

Do good and good will come to you, do bad and bad will come to you.


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The guy goes regularly to Pattaya looking for intellectually stimulating conversation of a "minimal level".

I'd suggest he starts at the Dog's B*ll*cks he should find a fairly minimal level of intellect there and he can work his way up to the level that satisfies his needs.

Or maybe he could search out the Pattaya Mass Debating Society.

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it should be added that Mr. Naam is not very interested to meet people of his own nationality in Thailand and discuss

quote: "social science and/or philosophy"

if he has the urge to discuss these topics on a high level Mr. Naam prefers to discuss them with his dog whilst sharing with him bavarian weisswurst and sweet mustard :o

It is interesting you should say that Mr Nam, as although we don't do a lot of intellectual at the Mobi Mansion - just the occasional discussion with my Issan relations and staff on Einstein's theory of relativity.

I do however enjoy a healthy debate with my dogs on world events. I get the Chinese perspective from my two Shih Tsus, and their thoughts on the upcoming Olympics, and then I enjoy debating possible effect of global warming with CFookie, my ever panting Golden retriever.

But as I doubt Mr Dieter speaks either Issan or Doggy, he wouldn't get a lot out of it.

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C'mon people. Dieter (rhymes with tweeter) is a German first name.

"When I was just starting out in the barbarian hero business," said Cohen, "every bridge had a troll under it. And you couldn't go through a forest like we've just gone through without a dozen goblins trying to chop your head off." He sighed. "I wonder what happened to 'em all?"

"You," said the horse.

"Well, yes. But I always thought there'd be some more. I always thought there'd be some more edges."

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Come get involved with Pattaya City Expat Club. Meets weekly at HJ Beans on Beach road at Amari hotel location. 100+- expats from all over the world who have gotten past or never even gotten into the bars and the exploits of themselves and the bargirls. We have many different interest groups meeting during the month where you can share thoughts and ideas over a cup of coffee or even water. We have a DVD lending library of over 300 books, a book exchange section, a weekly speaker, open forum for questions and answers. I personal host a weekly fun golf outing and a monthly freshwater fishing group.

If you are interested in more info go to www.pattayacityexpatsclub.com

see you there

I agree, it could be a very good place for the OP to start. Pattaya CITY Expats Club - not the other one.


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Hi all,

Why can not some of you guys here on this forum give this guy Dieter a break? Like me, he is from a non-English speaking country, and it really pisses me off reading about silly comments from some of you about spelling or gramatical errors. It is really not to your advantance to show how how stupid you are. Instead, stay focused and you might learn something.

You used plural, so have to assume I'm one of the guys you're referring to as there were only 2 who mentioned his spelling. Perhaps you were too stupid to notice I was defending his spelling by pointing out he is probably German.

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Hey; you sound like the type of person we need in our club...........the PPDWC (Pattaya Paint Drying Watchers Club). We meet every Tuesday at a secret location (so we don't get inundated with non-intellects) which changes every week.

Next weeks meeting will be extremely interesting. We are going to set up an experiment involving 2 types of paint (latex and alkyd) and vary the humidity and temperature in the incubators. We will watch (and drink tea) until they are dry. Now the fun part can begin.

We will attempt to model the variables to predict drying times; one model for alkyd and one model for latex. The hypothesis is that humidity will affect drying time for alkyd more than for latex and temperature will affect drying time for latex more than for alkyd.

We are hoping that maybe a 3rd degree polynomial will suffice to describe the model. :o

Don't know if I will be able to sleep until then.

Edited by candoman89
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Come on guys, give poor Dieter a break...I know, the OP was a bit unfortunate in its wording, but some of the insults above were a bit too harsh.... :o

...not that I had a good laugh, though.... :D

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