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German Infected 450 Thai Woman With Aids


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I agree with all the above, the German should be strung up and quarted, maybe taken for a short ride into the jungle and used as target practice. And then again he just might be getting even, like some one mentioned at the begining of the post. I do hope that the powers to be get rid of him.

Now on a brighter note will some one like to instruct me on how to add "smilies and other animated cartoons on these forum pages. Much appreciated.

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A number of points.

1. I know a Thai lady who was infected with HIV four years ago. The donor was her Thai boyfriend, who knew he was HIV+ at the time. He is now dead.

2. I'm no doctor, but have looked at the web sites on this subject to advise my friend. 4 years ago, her CD4 count was 365. Two years later, it had dropped to 40 - I believe most doctors would have diagnosed her with AIDS at that stage.

3. Change of ARV drugs. Last count had improved to over 650. Good news.

4. HIV is not a death sentence as long as the person gets good medication.

5. She pays 30 Baht a month for her medication. Better than 3,000 a month when first diagnosed. Also, free condoms.

6. I totally agree with the poster who condemns the German for not being willing to pay a pittance for his wife's medication.

7. Quite a few years ago, a British doctor finally got a lot of the girls on Soi Cowboy to have a free HIV test. I believe 70% were positive. With correct education, the figure had dropped to 30% two years later.

8. I remember newspaper articles in the UK purporting to quote British girls on holiday in Spain and Greece. After sleeping with a man (unprotected), they would quietly leave the hotel room and leave a minature coffin somewhere, with the message "welcome to the HIV club".

9. This German, if found guilty, deserves everything he gets - hopefully in a Thai prison. I'm sure there are many lifers who are HIV positive themselves not to worry about what they do to his pathetic body.


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despite  all  the  talk,  did  he  or

  did  he  not , and  what  punishment

  he  deserves ,  if    guilty .


  the  bottom  line is, 

      " wear  a  codom "

    there  is  no  second  chance . :o

I think you'll find that in this case the victims were women.

I'm not being sarcastic because, as we all know, female condoms do exist.

But I doubt very much that they exist in the deepest darkest depths of sunny Isaan.

(btw, has the local village idiot really been banned?)

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I agree,he should be punished. but what about the fact that all these girls went with him for money and in most cases parents know about it.

How do you know the parents knew?

you are right, I do not know, I guess.

How long are you living in Thailand??

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He know he was infected, so it was done with "Malice of Forethought"

more likely done with malice of foreskin !! :o

this is a horrible story which if true doesnt really reveal anything new about human nature and is not at all surprising,in the same way that the calls for his torture,mutilation and slow death are totally stupid and yet utterly predictable and understandable.

a man afflicted with a fatal disease contracted in all probability from a girl somewhere has nothing to lose by behaving like this. he is living under a dark cloud and this combined with other probable personality/psychological defects has resulted in his spree of passing on his infection to as many as possible without a thought for the consequences.

in european countries a man or woman knowingly infecting someone else with a dangerous or fatal disease can be prosecuted , last year a scotsman was imprisoned for a few years for knowingly infecting 2 women with hiv.

i wouldnt be surprised if there were hundreds of men in thailand/cambodia/phillipines/anywhere

knowingly behaving in a similar way. having a last fling. and getting their own back at a world they perceive to have failed them.

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The small news clipping makes an odd story with many holes.

Imaging a onelegged foreigner cruising around a smallish community of 30.000 , and proposing to groups of schoolgirls to pay them for sex. How long do you think he would last? Long enough to infect 450? Only noticed and arrested for overstaying after victimising a policeman's daughter? And not charged with underage sex?

Is Thailand that strange a place? :o

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"Local hospital staff had posted more than 2000 warnings about the German, urging girls to have blood tests. In response to the appeal, 66 girls had tested positive out of a town of 30,000 people.

"We don't know how many people he has infected, but it's somewhere in the vicinity of 400 to 500," a health official said."

I havent read the thread and Im surprised I missed it.

Wow, what to say to this - kill him, hang him, shoot him and then kick him a couple of times.

unbelieveble :o

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I can't beleive exist a person so evil and such monster !

I hope really he will die with long and slow death, with pain and loneliness.

I hope they never leave him free


Don't let people like this destroy the beautiful Thailand


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The small news clipping makes an odd story with many holes.

Imaging a onelegged foreigner cruising around a smallish community of 30.000 , and proposing to groups of schoolgirls to pay them for sex. How long do you think he would last? Long enough to infect 450? Only noticed and arrested for overstaying after victimising a policeman's daughter? And not charged with underage sex?

Well, the term 'school girl' doesn't automatically/always mean a real student nowadays.

There are plenty of fake students out there that register for only one class just to get the credentials (pin, id card, etc.) to up their value as prostitutes. I've only seen this at the university level (and going out on the town, if you even look somewhat well off... you'll often get approached by Heidi Fleiss type agents for these girls), I'd assume there is something similar at the matayom and lower levels, and probably Issan/skanky 'pseudo-student' types for the falang market as well. And naturally prostitutes and freelancers don't exactly advertise their sexual histories and mistakes. One could very well go unnoticed for a long time if one used just a bit of common sense on who to proposition.

Charged with underage sex? With a prostitute, I'd say almost never. There are busts all the time in the Thai/Asian oriented massage parlours that employ large numbers of 16 and 17 year olds. The customers never get in trouble as far as I know. But if these same guys tried to pull girls in front of some Triam Udom Suksa secondary school, it'd probably be a quick trip to jail.


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this is a horrible story which if true doesnt really reveal anything new about human nature and is not at all surprising,in the same way that the calls for his torture,mutilation and slow death are totally stupid and yet utterly  predictable and understandable.

Let me predictably and understandably add myself to the list of the totally stupid and call for his torture, mutilation and slow death.

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QUOTE ( @ --)
this is a horrible story which if true doesnt really reveal anything new about human nature and is not at all surprising,in the same way that the calls for his torture,mutilation and slow death are totally stupid and yet utterly predictable and understandable.

Let me predictably and understandably add myself to the list of the totally stupid and call for his torture, mutilation and slow death.

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As this German has been condemned already and we read about the different ways to torture and kill him we might come up with as many constructive ideas how to prevent the spreading of HIV.

For myself I regard it as essential that people get a possibility to "value" their lives. Many lose their lives because not realizing how precious life can be - as long as one has the chance of prosperity, education and hope to live a "decent" life.

On the other hand even "industrialized" countries cannot eradicate the spread of HIV 100%. Maybe we have to live with this "curse of evolution" and try to do our best to help people see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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And to Mr Rod Angry Kalashnikov............. do you still claim to be a Buddhist these days, after this recent spate of hate mail? :o

Genghis Khan was Buddhist.


Are you trying to compare Rod with Ghengis, or just trying to suggest that Mr Khan was a role model for Buddhists?

Explain your point. :D

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Are you trying to compare Rod with Ghengis, or just trying to suggest that Mr Khan was a role model for Buddhists?

Explain your point. :o

Very well. If you cannot grasp the point then I shall attempt to explain it to you.

Because he sees the world through different eyes, your lack of understanding of the Buddhist way of life caused you to sneer at a man and question his faith.

Like most outsiders who think they know a great deal about us, you mistakenly believe all Buddhists to be placid and peaceful clones of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and you mistakenly believe anger and hatred to be emotions reserved for non-Buddhists.

I simply pointed out that Genghis Khan, one of the most feared men who ever lived, was Buddhist.

To expand the point and bring it into the Twenty-First Century; Gurkha, the feared warriors from the mountains of Nepal, are predominantly Buddhist.

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He condemned himself with his own words. There is no doubt of his guilt.
Sure, but as it is, we live in a society ruled by law, and the online lynchmob is not the one to decide his fate.

As for Buddhists, few are enlightened and not all try to or succeed in following Buddhas teachings, I have no problem with that. But I think Buddha recommended against the expression of one's illusory passion of hate in words and deeds?

A serious seeker and practisioner of Buddhism should be glad to be reminded of this.

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It seems quite bizarre that a one-legged elderly German could blatently go on a mission of having sex with "450" teen age girls in a smallish community, without parents, authorities getting wind of what he was doing early on. What happened to the village grape-vine? Methinks something else was going on there..........

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He condemned himself with his own words. There is no doubt of his guilt.

Sure, but as it is, we live in a society ruled by law, and the online lynchmob is not the one to decide his fate......

I guess you are German Stroll, but the fact that this guy is also German should not be the reason you are defending him, and neither should it be used by anybody else to make generalisations about Germans. This guy is just one sick son-of-a-bitch and could be of any nationality.

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.....I simply pointed out that Genghis Khan, one of the most feared men who ever lived, was Buddhist.

To expand the point and bring it into the Twenty-First Century; Gurkha, the feared warriors from the mountains of Nepal, are predominantly Buddhist.

Hmmm - very interesting - but Napoleon and Hitler were Christians - you would think THEY represented christianity?

Sorry, but I also don't understand your point - which is anyway not important (I mean that I don't understand), unless we're going to start a new thread :o

Cheers, Axel

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Like most of the members here, I'm disgusted by how selfish, thoughtless and wretched some people can be. Motherf##k#ngc#nt... Another example of the species. We've seen it before and surely, we will see it again.

I was a little surprised about the hospitals putting up notices warning potential preys of this so called man. If what was reported was true, couldn't they have done more than this. A one legged farang in the province couldn't be that difficult to find???

A lesson must be learnt here, whether its' better protecting ourselves when having promiscuous relationships or dealing with people out there who deliberately hurt and ruin the lives of others. I'm sure the NGO's are outraged and will try to change things, but can we, the common people (sorry, not meant for everyone, I myself have never been involved in any sort of community work even though I would like to) do something about this. The answer would be yes,.. but ask me and I wouldn't know where to start. No, I correct myself. In the relationships area, I can control the situation. This goes the same for everyone else. You can protect yourself!! It's the part of others taking advantage and ruining lives that we must do more.

We must change the laws to make the intentional spreading of AIDS absolutely illegal and help those who haven't a clue about the disease, also for those who do but are forced into a situation.

Imagine if this had happened to your daughter, or sister, or niece....

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