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been there a month ,i think she's probably been a bit cold ,i know i was last month and i wanted to go home to thailand all the time i was rhere

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been there a month ,i think she's probably been a bit cold ,i know i was last month and i wanted to go home to thailand all the time i was rhere

Cold, bit drastic though dont you think??

I meen, tyring to send her back because shes cold.

Iv been cold for 27 years in this s**t hole of a country.

It does seem a little early - I remember returning home from work in Singapore to see a beaming smile on my ex's face as she pulled me into the room to show me her good work - she had used the auto washed to wash all my suits and even my bloody Barbour jacket - I admit I shouted like a loony and she ran and crid on the bed - I had grovel a bit when I realised what I had done as I should have pointed out things to her that we take for granted like do not wash and dry expensive suits and not my beloved Barbour :D

When my mother first came to the US, my dad suggested that they have some sausages and sauerkraut. My mom said she would have it ready when my father returned from work. All day he thought about his dinner waiting for him. When he got home, he smelt the sausages, but no sauerkraut. He asked her what happened to the sauerkraut. She said that when she opened the jar, it had gone bad, so she threw it away. :o

By the way, my mother was from the UK.

thankyou shaggs for the offer, she already has 2 thai freinds here who she sees for 4/5 hours a few times a week, and she is on the phone to friends and family back home everyday. ive learnt her to adjust her driving over here and bought a car for her. i am working again so finance issue isnt a problem. She is from central bangkok with a small family and no kids have been left behind as she hasnt had a kid yet. I just dont understand how she is so homesick??? ive told her she can go, BUT NOT TO COME BACK! (bit ridiculous after 1 month)

However, the occassional "i love you honey" might just about remind you and her, how you both were emotionally before getting married. Just my satang's worth. There is more to just going to bed.

my wife has been here (uk) for 1 month. (she is here on a 2 year settlement visa) we had a massive argument today over various things and as far as i am concerned enough is enough. I want to send her back. I want to book a flight for her to go back but she is refusing to leave. WHAT CAN I DO???

just send her back, I also got depressed when I went uk, but i from oz

it is a kinda miserable place aftyer awhile


"Cold, bit drastic though dont you think??

I meen, tyring to send her back because shes cold.

Iv been cold for 27 years in this s**t hole of a country."

how true :o


You say she's been here for one month. I think the past month is probably not the best time for anyone to come and start a new life in the UK given the state of the weather. People get homesick and dull weather does nothing to help but brings the mood down.


Send her to sunny sheffield, its red hot here :o

Infact ill even take her to the match saturday, where playing bristol city, then a few singhas after in R & R bar then off for a papaya salad.

She will never want to leave sheffield :D

You say she's been here for one month. I think the past month is probably not the best time for anyone to come and start a new life in the UK given the state of the weather. People get homesick and dull weather does nothing to help but brings the mood down.

My Wife landed in the UK on New Years Day 30 degrees to minus -2 in 12 hours, and then my heating broke down, nine years later she is still here, it is not the Weather she has a problem with, but me, unfortunately all my friends and family agree with her. :o

Tommy, trust me, you will feel better in the morning or following weekend, but you will feel better.


there must be someway of withdrawing my sponsorship??? surely she cannot stay if i no longer want to accomodate her and support her???
If you brought her in on a fiance /marriage visa and you dont marry within the alloted time she wont qualify for settlemant, however if she gets assitance from others goes the battered/abused wife route the stupid ( in my opinion ) government will probably let her stay as has been mentioned,.this is the case with a friend of mine from cornwall,after 2 months his wife left him and is now on the game in leeds !,.nice
Can they really boot u out of your place... I thought they put them in safe house. And isnt there some process to evidence first.? ..........

If there is an accusation of abuse, whether emotional or physical, the abused party can apply to the court to have the claimed abuser leave the property. I won't comment further as that's not my area of expertise, but I have a pal who used to prepare such cases and he once successfully got an "ouster" on the basis that the husband verbally abused his wife by saying to her that she'd "had more pricks than a porcupine".


Threw him out of his own house for telling the truth ! oh dear what next :o
I'll have a thousand of 'em.

The sticker or the bird? :o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Can they really boot u out of your place... I thought they put them in safe house. And isnt there some process to evidence first.? ..........

If there is an accusation of abuse, whether emotional or physical, the abused party can apply to the court to have the claimed abuser leave the property. I won't comment further as that's not my area of expertise, but I have a pal who used to prepare such cases and he once successfully got an "ouster" on the basis that the husband verbally abused his wife by saying to her that she'd "had more pricks than a porcupine".


I heard that it was more pricks than a second hand dartboard. :o


more than possible that TGF just needed anybody to fall in love with her, to quickly marrying and getting out of the country, any western country, to be sure of having a better life ... argue ... false report ... get the house/appartment, get monthly money....

happend before....

new way of smuggling people into the country?



If she's very homesick, how about an agreement of a trip back to Thailand for you both at some point not too far in the future? Say within 3 - 4 months. Only needs to be for 10 days.

Then she has something to look forward to.

"I still cant get my head around the bond and the control family seem to have"

The family ties and filial piety are very hard for a lot of us in the western culture to get their heads around - I know it, see it and have experienced it but ..... I admire it and respect it but do not partake in it - my colleagues in Singapore understand we are different us Ang Moh's


Maybe it would be a good idea for you to take up shags offer rather than your wife and talk to him??? - he has been there and has the t-shirt. I am from Durham as well and could never imagine taking a Thai wife back there unless we had been together a long time and probably a good few years in Asia where I live - visit no problem though as they would love her to death

Good advice, and I think one that the OP should take on board. Until he provides a few more details it all seams a little raw at present to make such a decision to try and boot her out.

It does seem a little early - I remember returning home from work in Singapore to see a beaming smile on my ex's face as she pulled me into the room to show me her good work - she had used the auto washed to wash all my suits and even my bloody Barbour jacket - I admit I shouted like a loony and she ran and crid on the bed - I had grovel a bit when I realised what I had done as I should have pointed out things to her that we take for granted like do not wash and dry expensive suits and not my beloved Barbour :o


Don't argue with a Thai lady - she will always win. She may be a little girl a long way from home but she will know how to hold her corner.

Buy her a copy of Thasiland Fever in fact buy one for yourself as well. Its cheaper than a divorce and offers help and advice in both English and Thai.

Please remember these ladies are a long way from home, firends etc etc.

They need your help to adjust.

Chok Dee

If she's very homesick, how about an agreement of a trip back to Thailand for you both at some point not too far in the future? Say within 3 - 4 months. Only needs to be for 10 days.

Then she has something to look forward to.

my wife has been here (uk) for 1 month. (she is here on a 2 year settlement visa) we had a massive argument today over various things and as far as i am concerned enough is enough. I want to send her back. I want to book a flight for her to go back but she is refusing to leave. WHAT CAN I DO???

How stupid can you be??/ if its like canada we sign a contract when they come here... and welll we stuck !!!!!!!!!!!! should have tought of your move outside of a bar :o

guess if you were looking for a little Asian slave didnt work out too good hheheheh I bet she gonna take you to the cleaners s sorry no sympathy here


khunmarc that post above this you just left is appaling, you are an insensitive arsehol_e trying to feed off someone elses misfortune, you wanke_r

Last time we had an argued i got a slap around the head from the wife. Can we go the domestic violence route and save the £750 ILR fees. :o


Your wife would have to go first to a doctor so he /she could see evidence of a battering and other injuries and then to the police to make a statement. That done to a womens refuge who would refer her to a lawyer who could make representations on her behalf to the IND. Photo's help too. Men who do this are scumbags.


Wow. Tragic! Please don't take this in the wrong way. Have you thought of gifting her to one of you friends. Try the one drooling over your ex-sweetheart, your good fortune and relationship luck. Just ask for expense money and payment to cover the future bond expense. Your problems are solved and it will be quite a story down at the pub or what ever you call it. You'll thank me later. :o

OP last seen April 23rd....4 days ago.


A lot of people who live under bridges on TV recently, maybe another one?

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