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Segway Does It Again


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> This would really do well in Thailand.

Yes, right up until you get to that phone booth next to the concrete street light/electricity pole with a foot long drop off from the sidewalk. :o And it doesn't seem to be airconditioned, while likely costing more than one of Honda's two-wheeled finest. :D



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  • 3 years later...

Quite how some posters can extrapolate cultural relativism, neo colonialism and anarchy from my post ( #28 ) is really quite mystifying. I would have thought that the facts speak for themselves.

Incidentally, Jonniebkk, in the context you intended ' cite ' is the correct spelling, not ' site ' . I suppose being a member of a former subject race you could be excused for using ' tonite ' on the grounds that this solecism is so widely practised in your country that it may well have become proper usage.

Muslim, in adjectival form, is not necessarily subject to the convention of a capital letter according to my lexicon but let's not get too pedantic, eh what?

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Incidentally, Jonniebkk, in the context you intended ' cite ' is the correct spelling, not ' site ' .

I am sorry but can you please quote the passage wherein the allegedly incorrect word usage appeared. I don't recall in what context I used the term from memory.

I suppose being a member of a former subject race you could be excused for using ' tonite ' on the grounds that this solecism is so widely practised in your country that it may well have become proper usage.

You have really lost me here...as for my race, which you no not of what you speak, we have never been subject by anyone in recorded history. As for my nationality, well, we were once subjects of the British crown, but became somewhat rebellious about 250 years ago, and other than some trouble in 1812, have not had any further mischief from The Crown since then :o

Muslim, in adjectival form, is not necessarily subject to the convention of a capital letter according to my lexicon but let's not get too pedantic, eh what?

As to my use of "tonite" instead of the standard "tonight," it is my small effort to make the spelling of English simpler by making said spelling more phonetic.

Also, the more common spelling of "practised" used by both subject and non-subject peoples is "practiced."

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As to breaking the law in another country and paying for it....what a joke! How many tens of thousands of farang break the law each and every day in Thailand by going with prostitutes??

"Prostitution has been technically illegal in Thailand since 1960, when a law was passed under pressure from the United Nations"

I don't reckon I will be packing my toothbrush on this one just yet.

Not all farangs in Thailand go to prostitutes, just the ones who give foreigners a bad name.

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As to breaking the law in another country and paying for it....what a joke! How many tens of thousands of farang break the law each and every day in Thailand by going with prostitutes??

"Prostitution has been technically illegal in Thailand since 1960, when a law was passed under pressure from the United Nations"

I don't reckon I will be packing my toothbrush on this one just yet.

Not all farangs in Thailand go to prostitutes, just the ones who give foreigners a bad name.


Not all Thais in Thailand go to prostitutes, just the ones who give Thais a bad name... :o

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Take a look at the new Concept Centaur at http://origin.www.segway.com/centaur/

This would really do well in Thailand. What do you think? I would rename it the Beach Dragon.

I hear earlier there was someone renting Segways in Bangkok. I wonder if he is a dealer. Does onyone know?

Now what would the caddies do here in Thailand if you were to use the X2 Golf model, guess you'd have to get the caddie one as well.

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I use a Segway almost daily around Bangkok.

A Segway delivered to Thailand costs almost 400,000 baht! I expect the Centaur to cost a bit more.

People must have more money than brains if they'll spend 400,000 on one of those. You can buy a motorbike for less than one tenth of that . . . . . Even at 40,000 it would be overpriced.

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Link not working

Do you mean this one?:

Take a look at the new Concept Centaur at http://origin.www.segway.com/centaur/

This would really do well in Thailand. What do you think? I would rename it the Beach Dragon.

I hear earlier there was someone renting Segways in Bangkok. I wonder if he is a dealer. Does onyone know?

Have a look at the date of the post! :o

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There is obviously something completely wrong with this thread.

  • Post #4 includes a quote from someone who didn't post any previous comment.
  • Post #5 quotes from Post #28 . . . . .
  • Post #8 also quotes from someone who didn't post any previous comment.

The whole thing needs deleting I think.


Edited by grtaylor
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The confusion arises from a mod deleting posts in another thread and depositing them here. Perhaps this thread is now a trashcan?

It wasn't in this thread originally (or even after it was posted). Either one of the admins moved it by hand or there is some database corruption in the forums. I've emailed Huski about it, but no reply.

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Wow, what an interesting topic! Segway prostitutes maybe!

ahhh, thanks for explaining all these disjointed posts and whatnot. I was confused when I saw the mention of race and then prostitution. I was thinking the prostitutes were having a race on segways. Then I saw the entries on the special ramps and realized I had it wrong. It's all about doing tricks from segways, right?

But umm, that sort of brings us back to prostitution doesn't it?

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