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If Life Was Only A Little More Like This


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It sure is nice to read a feel good story every now and then.

The world (read us?) have become so fixated on negative stories making the news that I wonder how we get out of bed each morning...

Rubbish in = Rubbish out...

Thanks ray23, reading something like that reminds me of my own humanity.

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Whether the story is true or not, the underlying message is one of hope. Some say that patronising someone with a disability is actually what happened. Perhaps it did, but in some way don't we all tell little white lies to make others happy?

Darling, you look fantastic.

Thanks boss, your wisdom was what I needed in that instance.

Well done mate, you beat me fair and square. What a great game.

Seriously babe, that dress does not make you look like a truck at all.

Who hasnt let a 5 year old beat them at checkers? Should we pile drive a toddler into the floor so that he will realise that he is not special and that the world is a jungle? Whilst the lesson is well learned, the method is definately questionable. Sometimes sacrificing your own ego to make another person smile reaps unimaginable rewards. If you are really that adamant that such acts are patronising, the next time you are called 'handsome' as you walk around in Bangkok please make sure you pull up the young lady who said it. Make sure she is fully aware how bloody patronising she is, and dont let up until you have made her cry.

I am sure Shae was fully aware that he did not really hit 'a winner' (he was cogniscent enough to ask to play, so he must be aware of the world around him and his own limitations) but he did enjoy the sense of being a serious winner for once in a world where his playing field is different to others. Whether the story is true or not, the feel good message may, just may cause someone to be kind to someone in need today. For me, that is enough.

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I think the point that is being missed is, that while people may be imperfect, baseball is not. The answers to most of lifes problems can be found in baseball if one cares to look. In the case of young Shea, the "suicide squeeze" and "hit by pitch remedies spring immediately to mind. There are no limitations in baseball.

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What a ridiculous bullshit story. Shay didn't hit a grand slam, he weakly hit a ball a few feet and then some guy threw the ball into the stands. This is not a triumph, it is pity and any self-respecting person would be insulted if others took pity on them.

The post says something about making your day a "Shay day." So in order to do this I should what???? patronize the handicapped? Should Shays' teachers give him high grades even if he is stupid? Should he be given jobs he is not qualified for? How about "Shay the lifeguard" day at the beach.

I got news for the dumb fuc_king sap who wrote this original made-up story, competition is GOOD; It allows the cream to rise to the top and in the end we all benefit. When you let retards do things they are not qualified for you get people like George Bush running your country.

a bit harsh, but yeah I get what you mean!

but I think the story is there just to remind people that we are not all so lucky in life. it cost nothing to be nice to someone, there is no need to give the game away though.

the begining of the story sounds as if some kids are playing in the park, towards the end, these kids are playing major league with 100,000 people in the stands.

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Stories like this can be true. The SCC cricket club in Bangkok allows a disabled boy called 'Sledge' to play for them. That team has a heart of gold, and know what a club is all about.

wot a load of <deleted>

Wanna see the pics?

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wot a load of <deleted>

Bored by any chance KW


how did you guess??

Stories like this can be true. The SCC cricket club in Bangkok allows a disabled boy called 'Sledge' to play for them. That team has a heart of gold, and know what a club is all about.

wot a load of <deleted>

Wanna see the pics?

go on then.....

they are probably self portraits aint they?


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wot a load of <deleted>

Bored by any chance KW


how did you guess??

Stories like this can be true. The SCC cricket club in Bangkok allows a disabled boy called 'Sledge' to play for them. That team has a heart of gold, and know what a club is all about.

wot a load of <deleted>

Wanna see the pics?

go on then.....

they are probably self portraits aint they?


Sigh, is that the best you've got?

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I've read the version where while Shay is running the pitcher has an epileptic seizure. Shay is the only one who notices so he runs to him and helps him. The crowd then lifts him up cheering him as a hero. All the young girls give him kisses and he is given the key to the city. In fact, the town is later renamed Shay.

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What a ridiculous bullshit story. Shay didn't hit a grand slam, he weakly hit a ball a few feet and then some guy threw the ball into the stands. This is not a triumph, it is pity and any self-respecting person would be insulted if others took pity on them.

The post says something about making your day a "Shay day." So in order to do this I should what???? patronize the handicapped? Should Shays' teachers give him high grades even if he is stupid? Should he be given jobs he is not qualified for? How about "Shay the lifeguard" day at the beach.

I got news for the dumb fuc_king sap who wrote this original made-up story, competition is GOOD; It allows the cream to rise to the top and in the end we all benefit. When you let retards do things they are not qualified for you get people like George Bush running your country.

There are so many word's for a thing like yourself, I do not know where to start.

Nice story Ray.

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I've read the version where while Shay is running the pitcher has an epileptic seizure. Shay is the only one who notices so he runs to him and helps him. The crowd then lifts him up cheering him as a hero. All the young girls give him kisses and he is given the key to the city. In fact, the town is later renamed Shay.

I'll bet this story took place in the borough of Queens. Hence the name Shay Stadium.

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passing on a feel-good, true story is always welcome. especially if it inspires, uplifts spirits. at the way the world is now, we all could use every positive story that comes our way.

but playing on the sympathies of people however is not nice. so many urban legends (see www.snopes.com as someone has linked earlier) on the internet, and after a while, you get a bit callous too. like the story of the "boy who cried wolf", when the real story comes along, people would be too confused to realize its sincerity.

but as long as that story made you feel good, maybe it doesnt really matter after all.

now, i'm confused.... :o trust your instincts...

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