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Tt&t P2p Torrents


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Hi All,

I know that there have been other threads dealing with this and related topics, but does anyone have a good combination of software and int configs to get good download/upload speeds using the TT&T (CAT & HI-net) adsl connection.

My average over the past week has been UP: 1.3KB/s and DOWN:3.7KB/s.

I've had a max speed of 115.3 KB/s but that must have lasted for about 1 nanosecond! (Speeds measured by Bandwidth Monitor Pro which I'm told is pretty accurate).

I'm guessing (cause neither TT&T nor Hinet give out any information) that the required ports are being blocked. Does anyone know a work-around?

Many tahnks for any replies.


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Tried different ports... unlikely to help you... though I'm on True so give it a go. You know port 80 is gonna be open so use that just to test temporarily.

I've recently been able to increase my speed by entering my IP in BitTornado's advanced settings. Now I get a green light. The problem is that True use a transparent proxy, so it was the proxy's IP that was being reported to the tracker not mine.

So now I can get 35-40 on a good day... but still not the 60 + that I used to get.

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my2b here ...

your download speed depends on the upload too, so if you have a 128 upload, don't take more than 2 files at the same time, and for a 512 no more than 4.

also, if you can regulate the upload speed, set it up a 3 or 5 k less then the max upload speed, this will ease the download ... and you can surf the web faster as well during a download :o

hope it can help


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