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Apple Announced It Latest "horse"

Guest Reimar

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Guest Reimar

3G IPhone to be in June!

The 3G iPhone will be announced June 9, the likely date of Apple CEO Steve Jobs' keynote at the company's Worldwide Developers Conference, analysts said in research notes on Thursday.

The 3G iPhone will be the "first of an impressive wave of new products" from Apple, wrote Citi analysts Richard Gardner and Yeechang Lee. They also expect an updated Mac laptop and iPod lines. The Apple conference is scheduled for June 9-13 in San Francisco.

In addition to a 3G iPhone release in early June, the 2.5G model could have a "minor casing change" and a price drop to between US$299 and $349, compared to the current $399, wrote Shaw Wu, an analyst with American Technology Research, in a research report.

Those predictions are consistent with a February prediction Gardner made that 3G iPhones will be announced by midyear. The 3G iPhone release will help Apple meet its target of shipping 10 million iPhones in 2008, Gardner wrote at the time.

Apple is confident it will sell 10 million iPhones this year, officials said during a conference call on Wednesday to discuss the company's second-quarter earnings.

When asked about the possible release of a 3G iPhone, Apple Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer declined comment. Apple has new products in the pipeline that the company is excited about, Oppenheimer said.

Apple sold more iPhones than expected during the quarter and iPhone inventories were not enough to meet the strong demand, company officials said. Apple acknowledged that aggregate iPhone inventories were low in the U.S. and Europe, which in the past has led to speculation that Apple is reducing current iPhone supplies to prepare for the release of the 3G iPhone.


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Still not available in Singapore or hearabouts through the network providers though - I heard Singtel were negotiating and promising customers in Thailand, Singapore, Ido etc based on their ownership.

I nearly bought one in the UK the other week in the Apple Store but it stated you could only have it serviced in country of purchase should anything go wrong.

I have the 32 Gig iPod Touch - if the 3G with 32 Gig comes out in Singapore later in the year I will probalbly get it.

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"I thought the current one was EDGE."

mine keeps flashing up "Edge not availible" so the phones got it, im on true and i think true are getting it soon, they just bin busy what with sonkran and voting etc!!!

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Any speculation/rumors if there are any other imminent hardware changes for the iPhone?

In particular, I'm holding off until the camera is a bit less basic. I'd like a flash, a zoom feature and video recording function. A $299 price tag does make it more tempting, though...

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The title of this post is wrong, Apple didn't announce anything. An analyst thinks that the 3G iphone will be announced june 9, that's all. With the amount of speculation going on about the future iPhone that's a pretty significant difference. Apple doesn't sell horses either - though if they did it would be white and have a single button :o

The 3G iPhone must come soon, all circumstantial evidence points to it. O2 UK is supposedly out of iPhones, for example. It is expected that the 3G iPhone will be sold world-wide and unlocked in most if not all markets.

The other huge development will be the official release of the iPhone SDK, along with an app store which will link developers with customers. You can expect thousands of applications to be released in a very short period of time.

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"I thought the current one was EDGE."

mine keeps flashing up "Edge not availible" so the phones got it, im on true and i think true are getting it soon, they just bin busy what with sonkran and voting etc!!!

Funfun... You can stop that from popping up by going into settings/general/network roaming and turn off data roaming :o

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