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My Friend Says, "help - Thai Wife Is Selling My Stuff!....."


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hi guys and gals, posting this on behalf of a friend.

This guy met a Thai woman and after a brief romance married her.

They bought land in her name (as any farang must) there was a house on it

but the land document has the land showing no construction.

He paid direct from European account to the sellers account with the money never touching

his Thai account.

Turns out to be a worst case scenario.

Looks like the wife may be schizophrenic.

After coming after him in the night with a knife, he decided to leg it for safety.

She has taken possesion of the house, and also a factory unit with accomodation

and changed the locks etc.

He has a lot of historical personal family documents and such as well as all his

things from before he met her plus a car in his name and a motorbike in his name and one in hers.

He also equipped a hairdressing salon that the wife is now running at a healthy profit.

The wife drinks, plays cards, sleeps around and now has her current boyfriend

living in my friends house.

He hired a legal firm to help him get the stuff back

and went to the house with a van, 3 guys from the lawyers office and 2 local policemen.

The wife turned up with the village head (whom she is blackmailing into helping her after sleeping with

him and is now threatening to tell his wife if he doesn't help)

along with 3 henchmen.

The Lawyer's men and the policemen were useless and really left him to himself

all he was able to get were a few bits and pieces from the factory accomodation.

She has also reported 'his' bank card missing and had his foriegn currency account frozen by the bank on her request

He has these questions.

1. Is the property he owned before they got married still legally his.

2. Does the wife have the right to sell or otherwise dispose of his property without his permission.

3. Does the wife have the right to keep him out of the house

4. As there was only a land document with a dash in the construction box, who owns the house

5. Is the wife allowed to have the new boyfriend and her grandmother live in the house without his permission.

6. Can he report his car stolen as the new boyfriend is driving it about without his permission.

7. Can he get his motorbike back that his wife gave to her policeman brother and other stuff she's givien away

8. Is there any legal way he can get his property back faced with intimidation at the house. particularly the personal family documents (he has a famous relative)

9. The lawyers he hired guaranteed him to get his property gack for 50,000 bht - he's paid half, should he try to get it back?

10 Is Schizophrenia a recognised disease in Thailand? If so, can he get his marriage annulled and all her signitures voided.

11 can he apply to any court here to get her diagnosed against her will?

There is more, much more but you get the gist. It's a real mess, he needs his family papers and his sanity back.

He will be reading here so constructive answers only please - you Know what I mean!



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Wow..think "a mess" is an understatement...

9. The lawyers he hired guaranteed him to get his property gack for 50,000 bht - he's paid half, should he try to get it back?"...by the looks of this he is being scammed by the lawyer as well....how can any "lawyer" guarantee him he will get his property back..!!!

The fact is the property is in her name, if solely in her name...its legally hers..she can do with it what she wants..but not to try and preach too much, but the rule is in Thailand..only "invest" money you are prepared to walk away from...

Would guess he would have a shot at getting the car and bike back seeing as they are in his name, so think you could have these reported stolen.....

3. Does the wife have the right to keep him out of the house...Yes if its in her name and certainly if her brother is a BiB...

Personally think he would have to go the legal route ie..sue for divorce and as some of the posters on this site have proved you can get a 50/50 split on divorce grounds, but dont think this is a quick or cheap process...

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I don't understand why people do this.

If it's not in your name, it's not yours.

If I was crazy enough to end up like this I would burn the house down and make sure I was out of the country that day.

He married a scam artist.

But the be serious he needs the help of someone who won't fleece him. If it's in a village somewhere he is clutching at straws.

It sounds like she has the whole town on the payroll.

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Sorry to quote my old adage:

Never invest more in Thailand than you are prepared to walk away from.

Exactly! If you live by this rule there are no surprises in this dept.

If you really trust your significant other Wife or girlfriend- boyfriend or husband, than invest knowing you can lose. You never can know here in LOS. You can hope you made the right decision & go from there.

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Your friend needs to be aware that this lady is definitely not schizophrenic she is cunning and thinking very clearly. He, however, might want to consider medication for himself and he also might want to relocate rather quickly. Sadly, these situations often end in 'suicide.'

I do wish him the best of luck and please extend my sympathies to him on his situation.

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Gee, I wonder why I get slammed for being "parinoid" in some of my other posts. I can't understand why I might have a suspicious nature, not trusting the local fair ladies. Of course, we must presume that this is all a factual and true story. I really don't understand why anyone in their right mind buys property in another person's name and where they will have no rights to ownership or claim in the event of a divorce. The other mistake was to marry her in the first place.

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hi guys and gals, posting this on behalf of a friend.

This guy met a Thai woman and after a brief romance married her.

They bought land in her name (as any farang must) there was a house on it

but the land document has the land showing no construction.

He paid direct from European account to the sellers account with the money never touching

his Thai account.

Turns out to be a worst case scenario.

Looks like the wife may be schizophrenic.

After coming after him in the night with a knife, he decided to leg it for safety.

She has taken possesion of the house, and also a factory unit with accomodation

and changed the locks etc.

He has a lot of historical personal family documents and such as well as all his

things from before he met her plus a car in his name and a motorbike in his name and one in hers.

He also equipped a hairdressing salon that the wife is now running at a healthy profit.

The wife drinks, plays cards, sleeps around and now has her current boyfriend

living in my friends house.

He hired a legal firm to help him get the stuff back

and went to the house with a van, 3 guys from the lawyers office and 2 local policemen.

The wife turned up with the village head (whom she is blackmailing into helping her after sleeping with

him and is now threatening to tell his wife if he doesn't help)

along with 3 henchmen.

The Lawyer's men and the policemen were useless and really left him to himself

all he was able to get were a few bits and pieces from the factory accomodation.

She has also reported 'his' bank card missing and had his foriegn currency account frozen by the bank on her request

He has these questions.

1. Is the property he owned before they got married still legally his.

2. Does the wife have the right to sell or otherwise dispose of his property without his permission.

3. Does the wife have the right to keep him out of the house

4. As there was only a land document with a dash in the construction box, who owns the house

5. Is the wife allowed to have the new boyfriend and her grandmother live in the house without his permission.

6. Can he report his car stolen as the new boyfriend is driving it about without his permission.

7. Can he get his motorbike back that his wife gave to her policeman brother and other stuff she's givien away

8. Is there any legal way he can get his property back faced with intimidation at the house. particularly the personal family documents (he has a famous relative)

9. The lawyers he hired guaranteed him to get his property gack for 50,000 bht - he's paid half, should he try to get it back?

10 Is Schizophrenia a recognised disease in Thailand? If so, can he get his marriage annulled and all her signitures voided.

11 can he apply to any court here to get her diagnosed against her will?

There is more, much more but you get the gist. It's a real mess, he needs his family papers and his sanity back.

He will be reading here so constructive answers only please - you Know what I mean!



I think your friend is screwed............ all that he is able to do now, is maybe pay someone off. does he not have any connections with Mafia or maybe even the army, high up connections. for a fee these guys will get his stuff back and warn her off. its best if your friend knows someone who can hook him up with a connection, he should not try and do it himself as they may jut take him for a ride also.

if not, I think he should get out now while he is still alive as I cannot imagine the police in that village helping him.

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If they are legally married and she is sleeping around, he should use that angle against her. If it can be proven that one's wife is sleeping around (proof in a Thai court in this instance usually means photographic proof or a statement by a policeman who opened the door and saw the participants in a bedroom in a state of undress) then he can file for divorce AND look at suing all parties her were sleeping with his wife. He does not actually need to file, but the lawyer's threats of such will usually get these people out of the scene quickly AND will allow him to get what he wants in terms of a divorce agreement. This is a very common ploy used by Thai lawyers in cases where the wife is sharing her bed with other men.

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The only question that has a good answer is Q1. Any assets acquired before the marriage are his. Any acquired during the course of the marriage are the property of the marriage estate i.e. they are joint owned.

All other questions are irrelevant. A law is only useful if it’s enforceable and in LOS there ain’t no one around to enforce them.

Advice: Make friends with lady wife just long enough to recuperate any vital documents such as passport, birth certificate, bank stuff, then get the hel_l out. Forget the moped, the car, the house, get his sorry but back to farangland. Mental note on the plane: Don’t <deleted> around with deranged b1tches from the third world.

(Moderators: apologies for the language but I was going for a post in the gangster rap genre which, given the nature of the thread, seemed appropriate.)

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Thanks for your answers so far . . . I'm NOT a troll I have 191 posts so far - but can understand why someone might think so

this is a friend and not 'a friend' ie me!

thanks Ade100 for your answer, it's sort of where I was trying to give the advice from.

It's so sad.

No one has tackled the genuine schizophrenia question and it diagnosability in LOS

Thanks again


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have your friend create an account and answer questions directly. if his ego is too hurt to do that, i dont think he deserves advice.

OK, but one, English isn't his first language and two, I don't think he's been able to recover his computer yet, three, he's still

in the bewildered stage of events and hurting, and four, what must one do to gain the right - in the world the way you see it - to deserve advice?

Farang13 I posted specifically :

He will be reading here so constructive answers only please - you Know what I mean!

Please keep answers appropriate to the original request



what is the proof or even suspicion that she is schizo based on?

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Whether it's the OP or a friend, if it's true it's yet another cautionary tale for all you guys thinking of investing your all in an unknown.

IMO, he should have been asking for advice (or at least read some of the tales of woe in this forum) before he began this

misadventure, not at the unhappy end.

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Legal marriage or Thai one, no matter. Your friend will be able to get minimum 50%. Make sure, if Thai marriage, he can prove money came from outside Thailand. Make sure lawyer puts a legal block on any land/house, this can be done through the court. The court then instructs the land office to 'red' mark the property, and it cannot be sold or transferred without court authority.

Regarding car/motorcycles. Lawyer should be able to write a letter to her and tell her not to allow anyone else to used said vehicles, should she still allow it,then the vehicles will be reported as stolen (now becomes a criminal matter instead of civil)

Papers/personal belongings, he should arrive with legal backup and someone with a video camera and demand their return. Thais do not like being filmed when doing wrong.

Schizo, well i'm afraid all Thais females are schizo. They have one side that the Thails see and another side for farangs.

Best of luck, and tell him not to give up. The law is there, it just takes time to wade through it.

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Legal marriage or Thai one, no matter. Your friend will be able to get minimum 50%. Make sure, if Thai marriage, he can prove money came from outside Thailand. Make sure lawyer puts a legal block on any land/house, this can be done through the court. The court then instructs the land office to 'red' mark the property, and it cannot be sold or transferred without court authority.

Regarding car/motorcycles. Lawyer should be able to write a letter to her and tell her not to allow anyone else to used said vehicles, should she still allow it,then the vehicles will be reported as stolen (now becomes a criminal matter instead of civil)

Papers/personal belongings, he should arrive with legal backup and someone with a video camera and demand their return. Thais do not like being filmed when doing wrong.

Schizo, well i'm afraid all Thais females are schizo. They have one side that the Thails see and another side for farangs.

Best of luck, and tell him not to give up. The law is there, it just takes time to wade through it.

I agree there is a dual envioronment here with many things, one for Thai and one for Farang. If you are ever able to get a view of the Thai only side, you might get ahead of the game. As for the house, I thought when it was purchased, that there is some sort of statement that the purchase money did not come from the foreign husband. Anyone know about this? Anyway, who is going to force her to sell the house? Maybe the vehicles he can get back, if they don't trash them. His personal stuff she can take to the landfill and how can he prove what he had and did not have? A sorry state of affairs.

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proof of schizo?

Ok there are shrinks here that board certified in Thailand and America that I know of. No one else would be qualified that judgement. Can you force to be evaluated not without a court order or her permission.

Did you or your friend read the Thai Law site that I posted for you? Your answers are in there.

Now here is some reality for you, divorces are very emotional events in any ones life Thai or German. My best guess is no one is using proper judgement at the moment. Another good reason to let the lawyer handle things.

This is not the first time something like this happened here nor will it the last they have laws to cover this. He has to follow them or make things worse.

My experience here is the courts do follow the law, but it is not a place for amatures. You have to know not only Codified Law but Case decesions as well. The cases where I have seen farrangs take in the shorts are the ones who gave everything away rather then deal wiht it. That is not Thai courts, they always push for the two parties to make an agreement and settle the case. Just like they do in the states. If that can't be done, then the courts will follow the Law.

I've seen guys enforce the lease if it was filed properly and be succesful. I have seen guys get 50% of the assets, by fighting for them properly. As I said I have seen guys get screwed as well, but in each case those guys believed they didn't stand a chance and never gave the system a chance. That is a personal choice.

The first step is to read those Laws and then he can ask the right questions. They are in English and if he can not understand them then it's his responsiblity to get them translated to a languge he understands.

So if you want answers they are there. I will say it agian if doesn't trust his attorney then get a new one. The proper thing to do in the first place would be to get a court order to recover the property. They took a shot at intimidation didn't work. Thats life.

Tell your firend to go take care of business, of course the other alternative is to bitch on a forum. I don't mean to be rude. If he or you need to vent that is perfectly normal and this is a great place for it. But it will not reslove legal problems.

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hi guys and gals, posting this on behalf of a friend.

This guy met a Thai woman and after a brief romance married her.

They bought land in her name (as any farang must) there was a house on it

but the land document has the land showing no construction.

He paid direct from European account to the sellers account with the money never touching

his Thai account.

Turns out to be a worst case scenario.

Looks like the wife may be schizophrenic.

After coming after him in the night with a knife, he decided to leg it for safety.

She has taken possesion of the house, and also a factory unit with accomodation

and changed the locks etc.

He has a lot of historical personal family documents and such as well as all his

things from before he met her plus a car in his name and a motorbike in his name and one in hers.

He also equipped a hairdressing salon that the wife is now running at a healthy profit.

The wife drinks, plays cards, sleeps around and now has her current boyfriend

living in my friends house.

He hired a legal firm to help him get the stuff back

and went to the house with a van, 3 guys from the lawyers office and 2 local policemen.

The wife turned up with the village head (whom she is blackmailing into helping her after sleeping with

him and is now threatening to tell his wife if he doesn't help)

along with 3 henchmen.

The Lawyer's men and the policemen were useless and really left him to himself

all he was able to get were a few bits and pieces from the factory accomodation.

She has also reported 'his' bank card missing and had his foriegn currency account frozen by the bank on her request

He has these questions.

1. Is the property he owned before they got married still legally his.

2. Does the wife have the right to sell or otherwise dispose of his property without his permission.

3. Does the wife have the right to keep him out of the house

4. As there was only a land document with a dash in the construction box, who owns the house

5. Is the wife allowed to have the new boyfriend and her grandmother live in the house without his permission.

6. Can he report his car stolen as the new boyfriend is driving it about without his permission.

7. Can he get his motorbike back that his wife gave to her policeman brother and other stuff she's givien away

8. Is there any legal way he can get his property back faced with intimidation at the house. particularly the personal family documents (he has a famous relative)

9. The lawyers he hired guaranteed him to get his property gack for 50,000 bht - he's paid half, should he try to get it back?

10 Is Schizophrenia a recognised disease in Thailand? If so, can he get his marriage annulled and all her signitures voided.

11 can he apply to any court here to get her diagnosed against her will?

There is more, much more but you get the gist. It's a real mess, he needs his family papers and his sanity back.

He will be reading here so constructive answers only please - you Know what I mean!



Seems like a nice girl, !,.if he didnt see this coming from a bar girl ( and ill wager a grand on it that she is, ) then hes very naive,unfortunatly hes really got his work cut out here,all the vultures will be hovering ( read lawyers also ) . some will say fight but after reading this with a cop and and a schizo involved id say bite the bullet and move on,.lives are lost over greed and jealousy in thailand which these types of people are consumed with,.and heres a tip for any one contemplating a relationship with a like wise sort, you wont know your "girlfriend "until you see her in a temper, if she comes at you with anything you can bet your life that it WILL happen again and WILL get worse, ( and yes i have been a recipient ), there are a lot of members here that will offer advice similar but unfortunatly to quote an old UK saying most of the people you warn will "cock a deaf un ,Its buyer beware, as with these sorts thats all you are doing, buying or in most cases renting one,.
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Legal marriage or Thai one, no matter. Your friend will be able to get minimum 50%. Make sure, if Thai marriage, he can prove money came from outside Thailand. Make sure lawyer puts a legal block on any land/house, this can be done through the court. The court then instructs the land office to 'red' mark the property, and it cannot be sold or transferred without court authority.

Regarding car/motorcycles. Lawyer should be able to write a letter to her and tell her not to allow anyone else to used said vehicles, should she still allow it,then the vehicles will be reported as stolen (now becomes a criminal matter instead of civil)

Papers/personal belongings, he should arrive with legal backup and someone with a video camera and demand their return. Thais do not like being filmed when doing wrong.

Schizo, well i'm afraid all Thais females are schizo. They have one side that the Thails see and another side for farangs.

Best of luck, and tell him not to give up. The law is there, it just takes time to wade through it.

Am i the only one with a thai wife that is not a schizo ? . been married 7 years never seen her in a temper,is this not normal ? :o
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