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What Time Do You Get To The Bar? In Los


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'Beer O'clock' at 6.14pm


"Beer O'clock" in Britain is 6.14pm, new research has revealed.

That is the time the average drinker makes it to the bar after work, according to a survey.

The research also found Britons spend longer in the pub than their continental neighbours.

The survey of drinking habits across Europe found drinkers in this country spent an average of four hours and 27 minutes in the pub.

On average British drinkers leave the pub around 10.30pm.

Spanish drinkers have their first drink at 5.45pm, and the French start drinking around 6pm.

In France they spend an average of around and two hours 35 minutes drinking and in Holland three hours and 30 minutes.

The research, by SAB Miller, also found Brits were more likely to go to the pub on Friday than on any other day.

And it revealed one in ten workers in Britain have a pint at lunchtime, compared with more than 20% of Danes and 18% of Spaniards.

It found around half the alcohol consumed in the UK was drunk in beer. The French drink only 15% of their alcohol in beer, and the Czechs nearly 65%.


In Ban Phu Toei (Petchabun) I like to be settling down for my first Leo (large bottle - now 45 baht!!!) at 6 pm. What time do I leave? usually cannot remember.

Other TV members?

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Cannot remember as its been over 5 years since I visited a bar. I have more important things to do and remember. However I am also of the belief that its cheaper and more comfortable having a drink at home and not go through the hassle of being pestered by the bar staff and witness the antics of the visiting morons

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Cannot remember as its been over 5 years since I visited a bar. I have more important things to do and remember. However I am also of the belief that its cheaper and more comfortable having a drink at home and not go through the hassle of being pestered by the bar staff and witness the antics of the visiting morons

As a moron I'll say that I go to bars to meet people. The purpose of the alcohol is to act as a social lubricant.

I never drink at home as the effect of alcohol in that setting I find unpleasant. I've also always thought it was probably quite a risk factor for alcoholism drinking at home.

The antics of visiting morons is at least as entertaining as what ever is usually on the TV and the pestering bar staff are easily dealt with if you simply communicate with them.

Sitting at home drinking while looking down on those who are out socialising is a funny definition of "more important things to do"

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Cannot remember as its been over 5 years since I visited a bar. I have more important things to do and remember. However I am also of the belief that its cheaper and more comfortable having a drink at home and not go through the hassle of being pestered by the bar staff and witness the antics of the visiting morons

As a moron I'll say that I go to bars to meet people. The purpose of the alcohol is to act as a social lubricant.

I never drink at home as the effect of alcohol in that setting I find unpleasant. I've also always thought it was probably quite a risk factor for alcoholism drinking at home.

The antics of visiting morons is at least as entertaining as what ever is usually on the TV and the pestering bar staff are easily dealt with if you simply communicate with them.

Sitting at home drinking while looking down on those who are out socialising is a funny definition of "more important things to do"

You misunderstand, I never suggested I look down on the bar hoppers. I am quite satisfied with my own company and have no need to imbibe to socialise. After living in this part of the world for over 30 years, I have witnessed many colleagues and friends end up as alcoholics, and guess what without exception, these were social drinkers who preferred the bright lights rather than their own homes. i guess its horses for courses, and my horse prefers a healthy bank balance of his own rather than the bank accounts of the bar owners or the hasslers. But I can honestly say I cannot remember the last hang over I suffered.

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Now that most of our local boozers stay open till midnight (at weekends) tend to find that I go down a bit later..9-30/10-00pm for a couple o wet ones..

Last night was a really good one with the pub bursting at the seams...good crak.//conversation..with everyone talking and waiting for the London Mayor Election results which we finally got at midnight.....mobile phones all ringing at same time. :D ....remember leaving sometimes after 1-00am......incid... Boris won..... :D

Also since its Bank Holiday Weekend....... :o ......roll on summer.....

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