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Farang Woman

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So I am a gorgeous sexy smart farang woman living in Chiang Mai, and the lack of interesting available men is killing me. Oh the gay ones are marvellous as usual, and the over 60s make me laugh but where are the ones that are interested in spending a few hours with one of their own? For under 1000 bht any man can get his pleasure but what do the women do? I will have no fingernail or toe nails left if I have another manicure/pedicure, my hair is so well groomed from the desire to be touched, even the pain of a thai massage is no longer working, so where do the men with an interest and passion for life hang out? Or am I deluded to think that such creatures exist?, is this town full of lazy boys who like to drink.

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So I am a gorgeous sexy smart farang woman living in Chiang Mai, and the lack of interesting available men is killing me. Oh the gay ones are marvellous as usual, and the over 60s make me laugh but where are the ones that are interested in spending a few hours with one of their own? For under 1000 bht any man can get his pleasure but what do the women do? I will have no fingernail or toe nails left if I have another manicure/pedicure, my hair is so well groomed from the desire to be touched, even the pain of a thai massage is no longer working, so where do the men with an interest and passion for life hang out? Or am I deluded to think that such creatures exist?, is this town full of lazy boys who like to drink.

You should try to quench your thirst/fire in the Chiang Mai forum :o

Reason for edit: it looks better with an emoticon.

Edited by adjan jb
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So I am a gorgeous sexy smart farang woman living in Chiang Mai, and the lack of interesting available men is killing me. Oh the gay ones are marvellous as usual, and the over 60s make me laugh but where are the ones that are interested in spending a few hours with one of their own? For under 1000 bht any man can get his pleasure but what do the women do? I will have no fingernail or toe nails left if I have another manicure/pedicure, my hair is so well groomed from the desire to be touched, even the pain of a thai massage is no longer working, so where do the men with an interest and passion for life hang out? Or am I deluded to think that such creatures exist?, is this town full of lazy boys who like to drink.

"Once you've had Asian you don't go back" :o

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This is the ladies forum, so are you looking for other women's advice on this or are you more interested in a CM perspective? If more interested in CM then let me know and I can move your post to the CM forum

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I am over Thai guys myself, but have just met a great guy who is Filipino but who grew up in NY and travels every other month to Thailand... it is possible to meet western guys here who are not interested only in Thai girls.

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I can’t speak for other guys, and I’m not in Chiang Mai either.

However, in my periods between girlfriends I have not cared if I meet Western or Thai girls. I am just interested in someone I get along very well with, have fun with, communicate very well with and of course be attracted to physically and mentally with the right chemistry to make things work.

Now, I have my ‘speck’ as the Thai like to refer to it. This was the same in the UK and it remains so here. I’ve never chosen to date only Asians, and I’ve not been specific about dating only Thai women having also dated Korean and Japanese ladies while I’ve been living in Thailand. However I’ve never met a western woman that I have considered dating, this is not to say that there aren’t any, just that I’ve not met any in the correct forum whereby I can get chatting with them. I’m not the type of guy to walk up to a lady and randomly start flirting, I’ve only ever been introduced to a girl who has later become a girlfriend, they have been friends of a friend or friends of friend’s girlfriend. If western women fell into similar circles I guess I’d have met a lot more. Perhaps not meeting the right guys is also a case of the circles in which you are socialising ?

I think guys would like to meet an attractive intelligent lady that can bring something to the table, and nationality is not such a big issue, but there don’t seem to be many western ladies out there (certainly around the 30 y/o age mark).

Edited by richard_smith237
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I would still feel the same way for my wife if she came from the west.

I met a nice western woman when I first came to Thailand, but it as just a holiday thing. I think that when you are ready the teacher will appear :o

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so where do the men with an interest and passion for life hang out? Or am I deluded to think that such creatures exist?, is this town full of lazy boys who like to drink.

As an expat I often miss the sheer fun and intellectual challenge of an opinionated, argumentative female companion. The constant refrain of 'up to you' and 'mai pen lai' gets a bit boring after a while.

The trouble is that many farang ladies come here fully armed with unshakeable beliefs about the lifestyles and general moral worth of farang men. It can be a bit tiring to have to defend oneself and try and give some insight into the prevalent culture here.

On top of that, most Thai women are brought up to defer to men and take care of the elderly. When one visits villages, the old are not shunned and separated from life but incorporated and fussed over and taken care of by the young women.

Its not a big step for these girls to transfer those caring skills to an older farang partner. The financial rewards are by village standards, astronomic. Its a good career move for many girls to target and latch onto a farang of any age.

All this makes it doubly hard for farang women to snag a decent farang man. They are hunted down by Thai girls with an armament of attractions.

My own teelac starts the day like this.

She gets up quietly, sweeps and mops the floor tiles, bathroom and balcony and generally cleaning up. She fills and empties the washing machine then irons for my days needs. Next she makes my porridge with banana slices which I eat in bed. After that I lay down and she shaves me until my face is smooth as the Thai Lady Guild of Beauticians deems acceptable. (Very smooth, requiring a couple of soapings and tremendous attention to detail). Wipes me down, checks other areas of concern, trims etc and when necessary gives a full pedicure and manicure. After this daily maintenance procedure she gets in the shower with me, soaps me and washes my hair. Dries me off and offers any performs any other personal services I may require. All done with a happy, smiling demeanour.

Thai ladies seem to delight in 'taking care' of their men. Its a cultural thing that is ingrained in them. You can always tell which expats have a live-in by the state of their nails and general maintenance. It also seems to work as a sign to other ladies that this particular walking wallet is already spoken for....rather like western wedding rings.

All these services are carried out without request. My natural inclination was to do these things for myself but I find it makes for better harmony if I let her just get on with it.

Can a farang woman compete?

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I think it's a taste thing, I always liked Asian girls, after studying here in 2005 I no longer wanted a farang woman.

I moved back here and met a wonderful well educated well groomed Thai lady at my work and now we are married. I also love the culture here. We plan to move back home and I would like to move in with my parents to take care of them. If I told any girls back home that I wanted to do this I would be hard pressed to find one to say yes!

There is nothing wrong with farang women, and it is certainly easier to find higher educated girls compared to Thai girls. But hey, I like vanilla but my friend likes chocolate :shrug:

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So I am a gorgeous sexy smart farang woman living in Chiang Mai, and the lack of interesting available men is killing me. Oh the gay ones are marvellous as usual, and the over 60s make me laugh but where are the ones that are interested in spending a few hours with one of their own? For under 1000 bht any man can get his pleasure but what do the women do? I will have no fingernail or toe nails left if I have another manicure/pedicure, my hair is so well groomed from the desire to be touched, even the pain of a thai massage is no longer working, so where do the men with an interest and passion for life hang out? Or am I deluded to think that such creatures exist?, is this town full of lazy boys who like to drink.

There must be some farang orientated social clubs - probably more sporting related that anything else where you can meet some men. Here's one.


I met my wife here in BKK (NZ'er) 6 odd years ago through a similar network. There are plenty of us guys about who for one reason or another, would be on the look out for a smart farang woman.

Also check out where the international school teachers hang out.

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All these services are carried out without request. My natural inclination was to do these things for myself but I find it makes for better harmony if I let her just get on with it.

Can a farang woman compete?


I'm not in the services profession, sweetie, so "competition" is not even issue, and this topic is for trolls. :o

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I'll try again as TV swallowed my post first time around - mid sentance!!!

I agree with Brit. Sheer numbers. You also have to remember that a lot of the Farang men that come here are joining (or coming here with) their partners - often as a result of a holiday romance. A lot are retirees too - hence your over 60's comedians. You need to have a young-ish farang that is coming here without a partner (or to join one), that isn't here just for his for-rent-jollies, that has enough of an open mind to realise that a life partner isn't the same thing as a maid (ABCD22), and hasn't been here long enough to have met one of the many girls he could meet in the meantime (remember too that if all this was true, he'd probably be lonely too by now!).

Try meeting up with your local expat groups etc, you may get in the right circles to meet a few.

Good luck.

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So I am a gorgeous sexy smart farang woman living in Chiang Mai, and the lack of interesting available men is killing me. Oh the gay ones are marvellous as usual, and the over 60s make me laugh but where are the ones that are interested in spending a few hours with one of their own? For under 1000 bht any man can get his pleasure but what do the women do? I will have no fingernail or toe nails left if I have another manicure/pedicure, my hair is so well groomed from the desire to be touched, even the pain of a thai massage is no longer working, so where do the men with an interest and passion for life hang out? Or am I deluded to think that such creatures exist?, is this town full of lazy boys who like to drink.

Do you mind me asking how old you are, or better still - What age group you are interested in?

My Canadian friend is back in a couple of months, and longs for a farrang lady friend. :o

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Generally speaking, I think most of the guys who come to live in Thailand long term are interested in Thai/Asian women or else come on expat packages with their wives in tow...or just holiday makers out for a quickie..which might suit your needs anyway?? Maybe try Thai out..they're not all alcoholic wife beaters you know :o:D

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You need to have a young-ish farang that hasn't been here long enough to have met one of the many girls he could meet in the meantime

These young-ish farangs that haven't been here long enough to have met a Thai girl are only available at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Sole distributor in Thailand. No branches, no affiliated stores. Beware of people who might try to take you somewhere else!

Suvarnabhumi Airport

2nd Floor: Arrivals, Transfer Service Counter, Baggage Claim, Immigration, Customs, Counters for Transportation and Accommodation.


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Hi happyhappyjoyjoy, not sure what age range you are in or looking to date, but i think most of the western male expat age group in Chiang Mai tends to be in the older/retired bracket. Even in the 50+ bracket the dating scene may be slim for western ladies, as already pointed out, many men here have an interested in dating Thai ladies.

However, I have been living in Chiang Mai for around 18months and although I was not looking I have had men of different nationalities and age-ranges from time to time show interested in me (i am a western female also), and thats from interactions during the day-time, as i dont go out to clubs or bars (where im sure you will meet a lot more potential dates). So i guess if you put yourself out there, and are as you describe yourself, im sure you will find a guy soon enough. But...you mention only western men. Of course if you have a preference for western men, thats fair enough, but if you do not discount other cultures it will open up a lot more opportunities. Good luck :D

Can a farang woman compete?

Oh my word! I think the question really should be "would a farang woman (as well as many other cultures as well as other Thai women)want to compete with that?" :o

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Definitely appreciate that you are happy with your current situation, and so more power to you.

But from my perspective, this sounds a bit like a woman taking care of her new born babe. Although I'm pretty sure I can afford to pay whatever you're paying for this service, I wouldn't at all like someone behaving like this in an adult relationship with me. I'd have to pass.

But I do hope it goes well for you and teelac. Check back with us in five-ten years or so and let us know.

Cheers, Misty

She gets up quietly, sweeps and mops the floor tiles, bathroom and balcony and generally cleaning up. She fills and empties the washing machine then irons for my days needs. Next she makes my porridge with banana slices which I eat in bed. After that I lay down and she shaves me until my face is smooth as the Thai Lady Guild of Beauticians deems acceptable. (Very smooth, requiring a couple of soapings and tremendous attention to detail). Wipes me down, checks other areas of concern, trims etc and when necessary gives a full pedicure and manicure. After this daily maintenance procedure she gets in the shower with me, soaps me and washes my hair. Dries me off and offers any performs any other personal services I may require. All done with a happy, smiling demeanour.

Thai ladies seem to delight in 'taking care' of their men. Its a cultural thing that is ingrained in them. You can always tell which expats have a live-in by the state of their nails and general maintenance. It also seems to work as a sign to other ladies that this particular walking wallet is already spoken for....rather like western wedding rings.

All these services are carried out without request. My natural inclination was to do these things for myself but I find it makes for better harmony if I let her just get on with it.

Can a farang woman compete?

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I'm not in the services profession, sweetie, so "competition" is not even issue, and this topic is for trolls. :o

Kat, I thought you are a teacher. Isn't that both a profession and a service?


post_snapback.gifCan a farang woman compete?

Oh my word! I think the question really should be "would a farang woman (as well as many other cultures as well as other Thai women)want to compete with that?" :D

I agree. Its a question of cultural values and expectations. Personally I would much prefer to have a little more of my own space and a little less Thai-style 'taking care'. But as I said, for the sake of household harmony, I let my teelac do what comes naturally to her and makes her content and feel fulfilled.

My experience of many Thai dates is that if and when they see my lifestyle,wealth, property, propensity to tip generously and be a jai dee.etc then they quickly target me as a sponsor/long term boyfriend or husband. "I lub you too mutt". Its laughable but endearing. This pattern is repeated daily all over Thailand as farangs arrive on the scene.

My live-in is not a maid (wolf5370).She is my companion. She makes me laugh, feel good about the world and challenges me with her often bizarre beliefs about ghosts and spirits and karma. Together we are a perfect match. Her personality and looks, her sex drive and my fat wallet.

I envy those farangs who have found their soul mates and are in a lifetime committment type relationship. Good luck to them.

But most Thai/farang relationships are merely temporary whilst the Thai transfers as much wealth as possible from the farang to their family. Once the land is bought in the village, house or houses are built, the family's debts repaid, a business or two bought for the "brother", then quite often, the relationship comes to a natural end.

This is all perfectly rational and sensible behaviour on the Thai's part. Wouldn't you do exactly the same if you were in the same dire financial morass and saw such an opportunity? Five star hotels throughout the world are full of attractive young people taking care of older richer partners. Its just another opportunity to get on. I have never yet seen a rich or powerful man or woman who is not surrounded by young potenetial partners of their choice.

So, would a farang woman want to compete? I hope not. She would find it very hard. What she can offer is something else, a similar world view, shared values and common attitudes and a depth of intuitive understanding that a western upbringing gives.

She can truly be a soul mate.

If you really are what you say, happyhappyjoyjoy, I hope our paths cross.

Misty. Even nature has only built into our biology a three year or so period of 'mad passionate white hot love' to keep partners together to protect any offspring. In five-ten years or so I would expect to be on Teelac mark ? (I won't reveal the true figure). Preferably with a farang girlfriend as well to keep some of my brain cells working.

Edited by abcd22
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While Thailand has its specific issues as far as the expats it attracts, the problem with being a single female traveler is not just limited to Thailand. Men still expatriate in larger numbers than women, but often for different reasons. I'm generalizing here but I find that a larger proportion of expat men are "dreamers" that want to escape where they came from, where the women seem to move to different places for a specific purpose. (Like NGO work or a cultural experience.) The dreamers and those overseas for a purpose aren't really compatible in many cases. Part of the problem is that as a woman that has chosen to live overseas, you probably want someone worldly but practical and don't want to have to move based on a partner's job. That alone leaves very slim pickings.

While in Thailand, I think it is really important not to lower your standards of who you'll date. In fact, it's wise to raise them a bit even if that means being single longer. (Strangely enough, doing this can also lead to finding more dates.) Having career options, money in your pocket and looking good can make you a target to be taken advantage of or used as a trophy. Take things much slower and be even more careful with anyone that has recently arrived in Thailand; culture shock can change a person in unpredictable ways. Be careful!

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Nothing from the original poster? Seems she joined just to make this one post:

Joined: Yesterday, 2008-05-04 16:10:57

Last Seen: Yesterday, 2008-05-04 16:58:29

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Nothing from the original poster? Seems she joined just to make this one post:

Joined: Yesterday, 2008-05-04 16:10:57

Last Seen: Yesterday, 2008-05-04 16:58:29

Yeah, something about the wording of the OP makes me wonder if it's a wind-up (not too many foreign women call themselves gorgeous sexy, even if they are), but the discussion has had it's interesting points.

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... I will have no fingernail or toe nails left if I have another manicure/pedicure, my hair is so well groomed from the desire to be touched, even the pain of a thai massage is no longer working, so where do the men with an interest and passion for life hang out?

Also, women just don't talk or think this way about grooming and spa services. This post is in a piss-taking tone towards foreign women in an attempt to troll.

I'm not in the services profession, sweetie, so "competition" is not even issue, and this topic is for trolls. :o

Kat, I thought you are a teacher. Isn't that both a profession and a service?

No, I'm not a teacher and teaching is not a service profession, because your aim is to teach and not coddle, as in customers.

* And you are a newbie, so how would you profess to know anything about me, unless you are an old hat masquerading as a troll.

Edited by kat
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I'm not in the services profession, sweetie, so "competition" is not even issue, and this topic is for trolls. :o

Kat, I thought you are a teacher. Isn't that both a profession and a service?

No, I'm not a teacher and teaching is not a service profession, because your aim is to teach and not coddle, as in customers.

* And you are a newbie, so how would you profess to know anything about me, unless you are an old hat masquerading as a troll.

Yes, this caught my eye as well, kat. Perhaps not the best thing to do, abcd22, is catch the eye of a moderator :D

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