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I got a problem with chronic ear infection (swimmer ear). i go swimming nearly every day and shut the ears with a plug, special for swimming, but it is not 100%. infections come and go and come. I was in Chiangmai Ram at EEN for about 20 times in a year...not realy succesful. I try now with Mungkalas chinese medicine!

Anybody has some advice for me.


I have stenosis of the ear canal. Had surgery on one ear but never got around to having done on the other. I find if I use ear drops such as "aqua ear" or similar drops for swimmers ear, it seems to control the problem. I don't know how hard they might be to find here in Thailand as I brought a supply with me from Australia last time I was there.

Good Luck as I know how frustrating and painful an ear infection can be.


i used to suffer badly from swimmers ear, i cured it by not submerging my head for about 3 years, it has worked though, it's the only way.


After you already have an infection, then anti-microbial ear drops are what you need. Here in the US they are usually a combination of something like neomycin and a steroid.

To prevent them, what I do is get a bottle of those commercial ear drops as mentioned above, usually they contain a bit of glycerin or boric acid. Then when its all used up you have a handy container which you can fill with rubbing alcohol. Use it after swimming each time, it dries things out in there.

Good luck.


Use magical "clear ear" - special formulation ( cough )...... had alot of ear infections from diving too.

I used a mix of vinegar and alcohol ( i think - think ratio was 70 / 30 respectively ) , and i put some drops of bentadine in there too. Kinda kills bugs, and from what i heard, re-stores your Ph balance in the ear. ( I think if if becomes alkaline - after swimming, your ear becomes a breeding ground for all kinds of stuff).

Not a Dr. ( very obvious) so try it at your own risk - worked for me.


Adam, best advice I can give you is get the problem properly diagnosed, if you haven't already done so. You need to determine if it is a middle ear infection or not. Do you have a discharge (serous media otitis). Do you become dizzy? (Meniere's Syndrome). You say it is chronic..how long have you had the problem and what treatment have you had so far? Are you just guessing it's Swimmer's Ear?


This is not unusual in the tropics and I began having the same problem as soon as I arrived. Mine comes from the water we shower with.

One of the few things I have found that works wonders is "Vesoph" eye and ear drops. Comes in a blue/white box containing a plastic 5ml bottle. The active ingredient is Neomycin Sulphate.

I used another I liked even more which is also a eye/ear treatment and comes in the same size bottle but with a dark yellow cap. It is what I will purchase again the next time.

Much better is prevention. People are sure to yell about this but go to a pet supply shop and get Witfield's Active Natural Formular pet ear cleaning tonic. Totally harmless and contains Tea Tree oil. citrus (lemon) oil, French peppermint oil and Eucalyptus oil. There are trace things like Salicylic Acid and alcohol to keep it blended and make it not so oily. Put a drop or two in each ear before swimming/showering/whatever and keep the problem from coming up in the first place rather than treating it later.

I got a problem with chronic ear infection (swimmer ear). i go swimming nearly every day and shut the ears with a plug, special for swimming, but it is not 100%. infections come and go and come. I was in Chiangmai Ram at EEN for about 20 times in a year...not realy succesful. I try now with Mungkalas chinese medicine!

Anybody has some advice for me.

thanks guys for your interesting answers. they have a new doctor now in Chiang mai Ram and a camera which shows you inner ear, but the price is up to 850 B for consultation.diagnosis: light infection and a funghi (not deep inside). no medication

"just keep it dry for 1 or 2 weeks". i do it now and eat the chinese pills from mungkala too.it seems working but i miss swimming, wonder what happens if go again. i will try the prevention with "pet-drops" or "vinegar-alkohol". keep you in touch adam


I get ear infections as a secondary reaction to my earwax build-up and go thru the same agony. Had the dr at ram1 irrigate it on a few occasions when it became unbarable and it's like heaven when it's clean again.

What agrivates mine is when i dive into a swimming pool and water pressure of head being just a foot under water drives the plug up deeper into the canal.

Tried many over the counter ear wax softeners and some work a little, some not.

does anyone know of an ear wax softner that does work and available here???

I get ear infections as a secondary reaction to my earwax build-up and go thru the same agony. Had the dr at ram1 irrigate it on a few occasions when it became unbarable and it's like heaven when it's clean again.

What agrivates mine is when i dive into a swimming pool and water pressure of head being just a foot under water drives the plug up deeper into the canal.

Tried many over the counter ear wax softeners and some work a little, some not.

does anyone know of an ear wax softner that does work and available here???

Yes. The same 'pet' ear cleaner I recommended above.

I used to have probs with earwax myself and resorted to digging it out with q-tips and trying wax softeners which were lame indeed. The oils in this cleaner not only protect the ear canal and drum, they soften the wax which is then able to come out of the ear naturally.

It is not good to remove too much of the wax as it serves not only to protect but to clean the ear canal and repel insects (yes, earwax contains a natural insect repellent). These oils accomplish all three simultaneously.

I get ear infections as a secondary reaction to my earwax build-up and go thru the same agony. Had the dr at ram1 irrigate it on a few occasions when it became unbarable and it's like heaven when it's clean again.

What agrivates mine is when i dive into a swimming pool and water pressure of head being just a foot under water drives the plug up deeper into the canal.

Tried many over the counter ear wax softeners and some work a little, some not.

does anyone know of an ear wax softner that does work and available here???

Yes. The same 'pet' ear cleaner I recommended above.

I used to have probs with earwax myself and resorted to digging it out with q-tips and trying wax softeners which were lame indeed. The oils in this cleaner not only protect the ear canal and drum, they soften the wax which is then able to come out of the ear naturally.

It is not good to remove too much of the wax as it serves not only to protect but to clean the ear canal and repel insects (yes, earwax contains a natural insect repellent). These oils accomplish all three simultaneously.

I can vouch for the drops the Dusty one recommends. Vesoph eye and ear drops.

We use them in our hyperbaric chambers as treatment drops for ear infections, clears the problem very fast indeed. :o



Swimmers ear, or otitis externa is an ear infection in the external ear canal usually as a result of water. If the external ear canal does not dry properly, the warm water then sits there and can harbour many different types of bacterial or fungal infections (and viral). So the best prevention is

- stop the water coming into the ear in the first place either by avoiding putting your head under water, wearing ear plugs (try different ones - plastic ones or ones you can mould into your ear shape, the latter seeming more effective), wearing a swimming cap

After water has entered the ear you can use many different types of ear drops to dry up the water but make sure there is no ear pain..these drops should generally not be used if an infection or pain is already present.

Most of these drops contain ingredients like glacial acetic acid, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) etc which will help the water dry up quicker and PREVENT and infection not TREAT.

Otherwise - if their is already pain indicating an infection you should use an ear drop to treat known bacteria/fungal infections in the external ear. As mentioned earlier....neomycin, framycetin and gramicidin (antibacterials) and then steroids for inflammation and pain. If its really bad oral antibiotics (like amoxycillin with/without clav. acid) and oral analgesia can be used. Otoscope and trained eye gives best diagnosis!


Thanks dustoff...it's off to the vet tomorrow, arf! arf! [bow wow, bark bark]

or as the Thais say hong! hong!....ever heard a dog say that here??

Back to the OP....the wife's cure for ear wax build up is a tiny sharp spoon to scoop the wax out and my mother always told me to never stick anything sharper than my elbow into my ear.

She triend it once on my ear and the feel and scraping sound was just too much to handle, altho the kids love it.

I'll stick to meds.



used it for years....

In the UK its by Prescription/doctors visit only @about GBP.7-10 p but in LOS can pick it up over the counter from Boots or places like Foodland for about 110bt.


Outer ear infections, Eye inflammation Dexamethasone , framycetin sulphate, gramicidin.


How does it work?

Dexamethasone belongs to a group of medicines, known as corticosteroids, used for reducing inflammation. Inflammation occurs as a result of allergy or irritation and is caused by the release of substances that are important in the immune system. These substances cause blood vessels to widen, resulting in the affected area becoming red, swollen, itchy and painful. Corticosteroids work by acting within cells to decrease the release of these substances in a particular area, thereby reducing swelling, redness and itch.

Framycetin sulphate belongs to a group of antibiotics called aminoglycosides. These antibiotics have the ability to destroy a wide variety of bacteria. Framycetin binds to components in the bacterial cell, which results in the production of abnormal proteins. These proteins are normally necessary for the bacteria's survival, therefore the production of abnormal proteins is ultimately fatal to the bacteria.

Gramicidin is also an antibacterial medicine. The combination of these two antibiotics provides treatment against a wide variety of bacteria that may infect inflamed eye or ear conditions :o


Here's the inexpensive preventative cure to ear infections and swimmer's ear:

I moved to Hawaii in 1985, which has high humidity like Thailand, but is a few degrees cooler. On my first Christmas Eve in Hawaii, I came down with the worst ear infection I have ever heard of. Excrutaiting headaches and pus coming out of my ear. Somehow, I got in to see an ENT, who scolded me about my ear care. He cleaned out my ear, prescribed antibiotics, and gave me the best preventative treatment, which I have now used everyday for about 22 years.

The ear infection, or swimmer's ear, is caused when water is trapped in the outer ear, and you have an infection in the inner ear, caused by a cold. Rather than use a cotton swab (Q-tip) to dry out your outer ear, or buying expensive eardrops, mix a solution of 5 parts rubbing alcohol (ethanyl) with 1 part vinegar. I have this stored in a small squirt bottle. Everytime you get water in your ear (after showers and swimming), flush your ear with a few squirts of this solution. It gets rid of the water and dries out on its own. Don't use Q-tips or towels to dry your ears. No wax buildups, no ear infections, an easy and inexpensive solution.

  • 4 weeks later...


The above-mentioned Witfield's ear formula and I had my wife buy three (200 ml) bottles at 85B each.

Just south of the southern end of the airport runway on HangDong Rd is the intersection with the new Ring Road - the one with the count-down traffic lights.

Take the Ring Road West to Canal Rd and turn left. Go past the market, past the back entrance to Koolpan Ville, and watch for a small brown-colored complex on the left with a few shops including the Pet Center. If you get to the gas station on the left, you have gone too far.

The lady at this Pet Center speaks excellent English, has about anything you could want for a pet including good advice for pet problems and remedies.

I have found this Tea Tree Oil good for just about any skin rash or bites and find that I only need to put it into my ears about once every 2-3 weeks unless I am swimming extensively or our shower water is the pits this week.

This is the best remedy I have found for minor ear ailments here in Asia. If this doesn't do it, see a doctor!


Hmm, aluminum acetate? I may want to stick with Tea Tree Oil..

Are your chambers in Chaing Mai? What do you treat mainly?

Umm, dude, as a commercial diver, you may want to look up "hyperbaric chambers".

Trust me, it is not a treatment center...

Hmm, aluminum acetate? I may want to stick with Tea Tree Oil..
Are your chambers in Chaing Mai? What do you treat mainly?

Umm, dude, as a commercial diver, you may want to look up "hyperbaric chambers".

Trust me, it is not a treatment center...

Yo, DUDE, hyperbaric chambers are used extensively for treatment. Its called hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Google it, and read the hundreds of articles. Also, chambers are used to treat something called "the bends", aka decompression sickness.

One of the best treatment for burns is hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and many of the larger burn hospitals now have them on site. Also used to treat diabetic ulcers, carbon monoxide poisoning, gangrene, and many many others. I have spent my fair share of time in chambers, so please trust me on this.

And whats wrong with aluminum acetate? Its not like he has to drink a glass of it, just put a few drops in the ear canal, whats the big deal?? But teatree is great stuff, just not sure if it is good for swimmers ear. Just letting them know what is the norm in the industry. It works and I have never heard of any side effects, but to each their own.

Oops, my bad..

I had no idea about the other uses of hyperbaric chambers, just that Austhaid is a diver and his comment was not aimed at the theraputic uses of the chambers but in keeping with the intent of this thread.

Otherwise, I tend to go with nature rather than chemistry and likely went with my own reaction to 'aluminum acetate' over something natural and gentle that I have found to be very effective indeed and if you are "not sure if it is good for swimmers ear", perhaps you could give it a try someday.


The above-mentioned Witfield's ear formula and I had my wife buy three (200 ml) bottles at 85B each.

Just south of the southern end of the airport runway on HangDong Rd is the intersection with the new Ring Road - the one with the count-down traffic lights.

Take the Ring Road West to Canal Rd and turn left. Go past the market, past the back entrance to Koolpan Ville, and watch for a small brown-colored complex on the left with a few shops including the Pet Center. If you get to the gas station on the left, you have gone too far.

The lady at this Pet Center speaks excellent English, has about anything you could want for a pet including good advice for pet problems and remedies.

I have found this Tea Tree Oil good for just about any skin rash or bites and find that I only need to put it into my ears about once every 2-3 weeks unless I am swimming extensively or our shower water is the pits this week.

This is the best remedy I have found for minor ear ailments here in Asia. If this doesn't do it, see a doctor!

Not to mention that she is a bit of a pet, herself :o

/ Priceless

  • 4 months later...

I went to my doctor here in Maryland and he said it was due to my sinuses, he gave me something clear up my sinus but instead of taking it I remember I had a netti pot (not sure about spelling) and after running the salt water through the nose a few times everything got better. I now do this often just to stay clear.


I've not had time to read through all of the posts on this thread so forgive me if somebody else has already addressed this point. The OP says somewhere down the first page that the ear infection is fungal in which case all you folk suggesting antibiotic ear drops are way off. Using antibiotic drops on a fungal ear infection will only increase the problem, as it will further upset the flora balance in the ear canal, allowing the fungus (possibly candida albicans or sthg similar) that has already gotten the upper hand, to increase its presence.

If the Chinese medicine does not work then the clotrimazole (anti-fungal) eardrops you can get from most pharmacies should do the trick. Alternatively, tea tree oil diluted in extra virgin coconut oil is a good natural solution. The tea tree oil is highly anti-fungal and the coconut oil contains caprylic acid that has a similar fungicidal action.

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