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Hello all .... particularly those who provided useful information to me

For many people this topic has probably been discussed to death but for the newcomer it may be of some help. It's basically my experience with the visa process.

I have known my gf since last July and we have met on two occassions, last November and recently in April. We went to Hong Kong for a few nights and returned to Bangkok for the remainder of my stay. While we were in Bangkok we applied for a tourist visa for my gf to enter Australia. The original application was for 12 month but we were told visa's for this perood would only be granted for exceptional circumstances.

We produced various documentation with the application, eg Western Union receipts, telephone accounts showing text messages, date stamped envelope addressed to me from my gf, emails, hotel and flight documentation showing both our names, proof of income etc .... I also included a stat dec stating I would be responsible for my gf returning to Thailand and would provide financial support while she was in Australia. They were particularly interested in receiving photos taken of me with my gf's family which fortunately we could provide. The only thing I didn't supply was a copy of my passport, which I had to fax to them.

We applied on the Friday and due to a public holiday the visa was approved for three months the following Tuesday.

All in all the process seemed easy ..... this time .... maybe future applications may be viewed or assessed differently. My gf will arrive Perth 8 June 2008.

I hope this has been of some benefit and given hope to future visa applicants


Hello all .... particularly those who provided useful information to me

For many people this topic has probably been discussed to death but for the newcomer it may be of some help. It's basically my experience with the visa process.

I have known my gf since last July and we have met on two occassions, last November and recently in April. We went to Hong Kong for a few nights and returned to Bangkok for the remainder of my stay. While we were in Bangkok we applied for a tourist visa for my gf to enter Australia. The original application was for 12 month but we were told visa's for this perood would only be granted for exceptional circumstances.

We produced various documentation with the application, eg Western Union receipts, telephone accounts showing text messages, date stamped envelope addressed to me from my gf, emails, hotel and flight documentation showing both our names, proof of income etc .... I also included a stat dec stating I would be responsible for my gf returning to Thailand and would provide financial support while she was in Australia. They were particularly interested in receiving photos taken of me with my gf's family which fortunately we could provide. The only thing I didn't supply was a copy of my passport, which I had to fax to them.

We applied on the Friday and due to a public holiday the visa was approved for three months the following Tuesday.

All in all the process seemed easy ..... this time .... maybe future applications may be viewed or assessed differently. My gf will arrive Perth 8 June 2008.

I hope this has been of some benefit and given hope to future visa applicants


To the contrary, Howard, if she acts within the terms of the visa (ie returns to Thailand within the 3 month period), you will probably find the next time is a lot easier.

After that, it is likely to get more difficult, as Immigration will be looking for signs of a long term relationship, and for her to seek a visa appropriate to that status ie a tourist (visitor) visa will be a lot harder to get.


Sounds like you approached this application with a lot of thought and preparation. Well done and good luck for the future for your and your g/f


Well Done Howard......you covered the bases.

The next application should be easier....just include updated evidence including pics of you both in Oz...

The department reserves the right to limit the amount of tourist visas granted to any one person....maybe time to start planning the next step in your journey.

Well Done Howard......you covered the bases.

The next application should be easier....just include updated evidence including pics of you both in Oz...

The department reserves the right to limit the amount of tourist visas granted to any one person....maybe time to start planning the next step in your journey.

Thanks for your encouraging words ..... we already have plans regarding our relationship and further visa applications.

Just out of curiosity .... what are the general rules for reapplying for a tourist visa? Can it be done while my gf is in Australia?

All is good between us and the future looks good ... good luck to future applicants

.... we already have plans regarding our relationship and further visa applications.

Just out of curiosity .... what are the general rules for reapplying for a tourist visa? Can it be done while my gf is in Australia?

You can't. Tourist visas are only granted at overseas posts.

If some "expert" or dodgy agent says they can send the passport overseas to get another visa be aware refusal of entry on the next trip would be likely. In fact she would be interviewed on departure as an unlawful, and subject to a 3 year exclusion period because the granting of a new visa automatically cancells any current one, so the effect would be, she would become unlawful while in Australia.

If her current visa doesn't have the 8503, No Further Visa condition, she could apply for an extension locally.

or: If it does have that condition, but is for multiple entries (not single) she could do a short trip to another country and receive a further stay on return. There's a limit to how many times you can do this before Immigration considers her to be a defacto resident, not a tourist, and cancels the visa at the airport.

If her current visa is single entry with the 8503 the only choice is to return home to apply again.

.... we already have plans regarding our relationship and further visa applications.

Just out of curiosity .... what are the general rules for reapplying for a tourist visa? Can it be done while my gf is in Australia?

You can't. Tourist visas are only granted at overseas posts.

If some "expert" or dodgy agent says they can send the passport overseas to get another visa be aware refusal of entry on the next trip would be likely. In fact she would be interviewed on departure as an unlawful, and subject to a 3 year exclusion period because the granting of a new visa automatically cancells any current one, so the effect would be, she would become unlawful while in Australia.

If her current visa doesn't have the 8503, No Further Visa condition, she could apply for an extension locally.

or: If it does have that condition, but is for multiple entries (not single) she could do a short trip to another country and receive a further stay on return. There's a limit to how many times you can do this before Immigration considers her to be a defacto resident, not a tourist, and cancels the visa at the airport.

If her current visa is single entry with the 8503 the only choice is to return home to apply again.

A 676 tourist visa can be issued in Australia fee AUD215, chest X ray may be required, proof of support and confirmed air ticket out of Australia. Providing the applicant has not got a 8503 condition on her initial visa to Australia issued offshore it will generally be granted if the applicant meets the criteria.


I've often wondered what triggers the "dreaded" 8503 endorsement on a short visa - is it the paperwork submitted and / or the mood of the issuing officer?

In my case my girl received a 3 month visa without the 8503 - she /we subsequently applied for an extension for a further 9 months which was granted on the conition of a medical and x-ray.

It did contain 8503 as expected

This gave us the opportunity to live together for 12 months, return to Thailand , apply for a spouse/partner visa which was granted in March this year.

Has anybody requested removal of the 8503 on the basis of future plans ?

Has anybody requested removal of the 8503 on the basis of future plans ?

Only exceptional circumstances will see the 8503 removed.....serious illness, etc...

I've often wondered what triggers the "dreaded" 8503 endorsement on a short visa - is it the paperwork submitted and / or the mood of the issuing officer?

In my case my girl received a 3 month visa without the 8503 - she /we subsequently applied for an extension for a further 9 months which was granted on the conition of a medical and x-ray.

It did contain 8503 as expected

This gave us the opportunity to live together for 12 months, return to Thailand , apply for a spouse/partner visa which was granted in March this year.

Has anybody requested removal of the 8503 on the basis of future plans ?

The 8503 condition is common on single entry 676 visas, eg a 6 month single entry visa may have a 8503 condition attached, where a 12 month ME does not.

.... we already have plans regarding our relationship and further visa applications.

Just out of curiosity .... what are the general rules for reapplying for a tourist visa? Can it be done while my gf is in Australia?

You can't. Tourist visas are only granted at overseas posts.

If some "expert" or dodgy agent says they can send the passport overseas to get another visa be aware refusal of entry on the next trip would be likely. In fact she would be interviewed on departure as an unlawful, and subject to a 3 year exclusion period because the granting of a new visa automatically cancells any current one, so the effect would be, she would become unlawful while in Australia.

If her current visa doesn't have the 8503, No Further Visa condition, she could apply for an extension locally.

or: If it does have that condition, but is for multiple entries (not single) she could do a short trip to another country and receive a further stay on return. There's a limit to how many times you can do this before Immigration considers her to be a defacto resident, not a tourist, and cancels the visa at the airport.

If her current visa is single entry with the 8503 the only choice is to return home to apply again.

A 676 tourist visa can be issued in Australia fee AUD215, chest X ray may be required, proof of support and confirmed air ticket out of Australia. Providing the applicant has not got a 8503 condition on her initial visa to Australia issued offshore it will generally be granted if the applicant meets the criteria.

I guess when I said she could apply for an extension, in actual fact it means applying for a further visa. Same effect, I'm a little out of date with specific procedures/terminology. :o


As I have a Thai girlfriend and already been down this procedure I can give you a head start

1st This is for a tourist Visa

Tourist Visa means she is visiting Australia as a tourist and expected to look around and visit many places

There fore it is expected that she has or you have enough money to afford this

On a 3 month visa which is what every Thai girls gets on her first visit unless under special circumstances they normally give you the benesfit of the doubt

My best friend applied for a 12 months tourist visa after his 3 months visa and they denied him

Reason he stated he had a job and made enough money to support her on her first visit

Conclusion he could not go on a 12 months holiday with her as he needed to work

So please note what ever you say in your first visa can be and will be used against you in further applications

As I own my own business and has enough money in the bank to support her for 12 months with out having to work she was granted 12 months visa

We made many flights interstate and made booking for future flights to show immigration before leaving for NZ

But she had to leave Australia every 3 months

Warning Here

Make sure you go with here as she will get the 3rd degree when she returns to Australia at the airport, and you need proof she is a genuine tourist

I have heard of Thai girls having visas cancelled as they where susected of living in a spouce relationship nd travelling on a tourist visa

This desicion is at the discretion of the interviewer at the airport, and it all goes down on the computer, so make sure you both have your facts right

Not cheap at $2000 + per trip to NZ

My GF had a 8503 condition on her visa, but because of a medical problem that was unknown to us when she first came to Australia she applied and had the 8503, at this stage her visa expired but we where allowed to make an application in Australia for full spouce visa

After handing over another $2060 a bridging visa was issued and she now has a high chance of getting accepted

Do your home work

and think of the future

Oz immigration know all the tricks

Thai immigration is not a right just because you are Australia

Both you and she must meet the criterea

and you can not find out what this is untill they say yes or no

Best of luck

Hello all .... particularly those who provided useful information to me

For many people this topic has probably been discussed to death but for the newcomer it may be of some help. It's basically my experience with the visa process.

I have known my gf since last July and we have met on two occassions, last November and recently in April. We went to Hong Kong for a few nights and returned to Bangkok for the remainder of my stay. While we were in Bangkok we applied for a tourist visa for my gf to enter Australia. The original application was for 12 month but we were told visa's for this perood would only be granted for exceptional circumstances.

We produced various documentation with the application, eg Western Union receipts, telephone accounts showing text messages, date stamped envelope addressed to me from my gf, emails, hotel and flight documentation showing both our names, proof of income etc .... I also included a stat dec stating I would be responsible for my gf returning to Thailand and would provide financial support while she was in Australia. They were particularly interested in receiving photos taken of me with my gf's family which fortunately we could provide. The only thing I didn't supply was a copy of my passport, which I had to fax to them.

We applied on the Friday and due to a public holiday the visa was approved for three months the following Tuesday.

All in all the process seemed easy ..... this time .... maybe future applications may be viewed or assessed differently. My gf will arrive Perth 8 June 2008.

I hope this has been of some benefit and given hope to future visa applicants


When my gf applied for her first visa we did not have Western Union receipts, telephone accounts showing text messages, date stamped envelope addressed to me from my gf, emails, hotel and flight documentation showing both our names. All we had was pictures to show the embassy. Still no problem for the Visa.

When she applied for the next visa we gave telephone records for the 2weeks in July we were apart and a western Union Receipt. A Multi entry 12 month Visa was given.

Now we keep everything, she has her subclass 820 visa which we applied for in Perth last October approved last month.

It is a good idea to open a joint bank account in Australia this has to be done within 6 weeks of arriving. Get as much paperwork as you can with her name on at your home address.

I hope you have a good Heater the poor girl with freeze.


Myself and a good friend both did pretty much the same thing independently (for our TGFs) about 1 month apart each time and got the same results:

1. We submitted all the relation ships evidence etc including loads & loads of photos - both our TGFs were given 3 month tourist visas after a brief telephone interview which came about 4-5 days after submitting the application.

2. We took loads of photos during the 3 months they were here and included these in our subsequent (separate) applications for 12momth multi entry tourist visas. We each asked for 12 months & stated 6 months would be okay but 12 months desirable.

---Both our TGFs were granted a 12month multi entry tourist visa promptly without even a telephone interview.

---Both got visas that do NOT have the "no further stay" restriction on them.

---Both have max 3 months stay at any one time.

And on top of this I realised later that with my TGFs 12-month visa: It was issued 1st Sept 2007, her first trip landed here Sept 7. But she can now ENTER as late as Sept 1 2008 and get her final 3 months FROM that entry date. So the 12 month visa can actually span stays over almost 15 months.

They can also apply for further stay during the last 3-month period.

Now they have all this on file, plus I have all the docs/application letters (can be used as templates) etc on my PC, I think the likely spouse visa application will be relatively easy (despite the likely waiting time). It will really help that the embassy itself has a distinct record of our relationship so far already.

Tezzainoz: Not sure where you are coming from by saying “tourist visa is for tourists” – I never heard of that. People come here on tourist visas for all sorts of things (visit friends, relatives, go to a wedding, funeral, visit BF GF) – all are considered legit reasons for a tourist visa. Just because its called a tourist visa does not mean you have to be a tourist. Even our TGFs visa applications made it clear that they were coming here to see us, not to travel about & see the country etc… Notably, in the UK the equivalent visa is simply named a “visitor visa” – essentially this is what a tourist visa is for.

I speculate that you are simply reading too much into the (poorly thought out) visa title. Also note that there is no visa entitled “visit friend”, “attend wedding” etc, so naturally a “tourist visa” is intended to cover all sorts of non tourist purposes, but is simply poorly titled. If you had to be a tourist it would clearly state something to this effect on the actual visa under the conditions section.

I think your friend was the victim of an incompetent visa clerk unless they intended to say he could not afford to support her, I’d be trying to talk to an Aussie at the embassy about this if I were him. Its hard to get hold of someone but if you just keep dialling (the embassy not the VFS office) you will eventually get someone – I was quite shocked at how immensely helpful and encouraging the person was once I finally got to speak to someone.

Interested to hear you applied for the spouse visa here – since my TGF does not have the “no further stay” restriction could we apply for the spouse visa here or was that only down to the medical condition? Apart from the benefits of applying here, its cheaper – the embassy in Bangkok has a “rate of exchange” of about 10 baht to the dollar (okay not really that bad but worse than the insulting forex rates charged by Thomas Cook, AMEX or even a hotel, notwithstanding the fact that there is a SCiB branch in the lobby of the VFS building offering the best A$ rate on the planet!.) the whole thing makes a mockery of the A$ application fee that DIMIA say is to be charged (I also think it is not only illegal but rude for the Aussie embassy not to accept A$ - just because it normal practice for embassies to do this does not make it legal for a government to refuse to accept its own currency – someone should challenge this one day – I might even do it myself).


The info RE: visitors Visa

is what was given to me by an immigration office at Brisbane airport, when my TL tried to re enter the country after a NX Border Run

She made it clear that even though my Thai lady has a 12 month multiple entry visa it is in her power to cancel this visa on entry if she feels she is living here in a relationship and not as a genuine tourist

Since this time I hav actually talked to people who have had this happen to them

So I leave nothing to chance with Australia Immigrations

The info RE: visitors Visa

is what was given to me by an immigration office at Brisbane airport, when my TL tried to re enter the country after a NX Border Run

She made it clear that even though my Thai lady has a 12 month multiple entry visa it is in her power to cancel this visa on entry if she feels she is living here in a relationship and not as a genuine tourist

Since this time I hav actually talked to people who have had this happen to them

So I leave nothing to chance with Australia Immigrations

That information is correct one can not use a 676 visa as a substitute for a spouse visa, if you use a 676 visitors visa in this manner you may be stopped when entering Australia, and questioned by an immigration official.


Hi.. I'm leaving early June for 3 weeks holiday in Thailand to meet a awesome Thai girl. Obviously I would like to bring her back with me to Perth for a 3 month holiday and the info here has been just great... thanks to everyone.

Just a couple of things I'd like to ask and If anyone would like to help.

1. Someone told me that when showing her bank account for a visa, she would need to have a least AU$5000 in her account to show she can sustain here 3 month holiday. is this true? I don't think she has that much money and It is too soon for me to start putting cash into her account.

2. A aussie guy I spoke with the other day who is married to a Thai told me not to apply for a Visa for her this time as she won't get it. Says I should wait until we meet a second time when I go back again in a few months.

Any thoughts?


Hi.. I'm leaving early June for 3 weeks holiday in Thailand to meet a awesome Thai girl. Obviously I would like to bring her back with me to Perth for a 3 month holiday and the info here has been just great... thanks to everyone.

Just a couple of things I'd like to ask and If anyone would like to help.

1. Someone told me that when showing her bank account for a visa, she would need to have a least AU$5000 in her account to show she can sustain here 3 month holiday. is this true? I don't think she has that much money and It is too soon for me to start putting cash into her account.

2. A aussie guy I spoke with the other day who is married to a Thai told me not to apply for a Visa for her this time as she won't get it. Says I should wait until we meet a second time when I go back again in a few months.

Any thoughts?


When my TL applied for her 1st visa she had $0.00 in her Bank account

I thought about putting 20.000 baht in there untill I was told Oz Immigration is onto this trick

The money must be in her account long term, not to prove she has money but to prove she has a Thai income, or property, for this reason she will return to Thailand at the end of the Visa

You must prove you have been in a serious relation ship for an extended period of time

this requires photos (dated) of both of you together

Bank transfers

Phone accounts on a bill

If you have these then go ahead

If you do not start up a proff of being together folder and apply next time

and send her money every week as proof you support her

  • 3 weeks later...

Some good information on this thread. I have a situation that is slightly different than most here and I'd like to get some advice/opinions.

I am a US citizen & reside in the US. I will be going to Aust in July on a business/personal trip - about 2-3 weeks. It will be my first visit to Aust also...

I'm thinking of inviting a Thai girl I know. She is not really a gf - we are still in the "getting to know each other" phase. I travel to BKK 4-5 times a year...I have known her since Nov 07.

Here are the facts -

I do not "support" her in any way. She has a job...office work. But salary is low (typical Thai - maybe ~10-15k baht/month). She has minimal savings in her bank account. She does own land in Surin...if that means anything. Family land.

She has never worked in a bar or any other "hospitality" sector. I know they all say this....but I'm fairly confident that its true in this case. I have been to her room - Suk Soi 103, Bangna area. Have seen her work business card & called her on her office land-line.

So my question is - if she applies on her own for a Aus tourist visa. What are her chances? I will not be able to be there to appear with her. Can I write a letter stating that she will be travelling with me. I will be providing her ticket/travel/housing expenses, etc. No more than a 3 week visit.

I know with this type of info I would expect her chances of a US visa to be no better than 1:20 (5%). From what I have heard Europe maybe alittle higher (20%?). Is there a better chance for Aus? Or is this a real-long shot? And what else could I do to aid in the situation?

We do have some of the things discussed here - namely picture from 3 visits. Us in various locations in BKK, a trip to Pattaya & Ko Samet, etc.

Thanks for any advice anyone can offer...

Some good information on this thread. I have a situation that is slightly different than most here and I'd like to get some advice/opinions.

I am a US citizen & reside in the US. I will be going to Aust in July on a business/personal trip - about 2-3 weeks. It will be my first visit to Aust also...

I'm thinking of inviting a Thai girl I know. She is not really a gf - we are still in the "getting to know each other" phase. I travel to BKK 4-5 times a year...I have known her since Nov 07.

Here are the facts -

I do not "support" her in any way. She has a job...office work. But salary is low (typical Thai - maybe ~10-15k baht/month). She has minimal savings in her bank account. She does own land in Surin...if that means anything. Family land.

She has never worked in a bar or any other "hospitality" sector. I know they all say this....but I'm fairly confident that its true in this case. I have been to her room - Suk Soi 103, Bangna area. Have seen her work business card & called her on her office land-line.

So my question is - if she applies on her own for a Aus tourist visa. What are her chances? I will not be able to be there to appear with her. Can I write a letter stating that she will be travelling with me. I will be providing her ticket/travel/housing expenses, etc. No more than a 3 week visit.

I know with this type of info I would expect her chances of a US visa to be no better than 1:20 (5%). From what I have heard Europe maybe alittle higher (20%?). Is there a better chance for Aus? Or is this a real-long shot? And what else could I do to aid in the situation?

We do have some of the things discussed here - namely picture from 3 visits. Us in various locations in BKK, a trip to Pattaya & Ko Samet, etc.

Thanks for any advice anyone can offer...

She would be applying in her own right anyway....

She can fill out the section of the application dealing with additional funds provider citing you as a funds provider.....She can include any evidence to support her application...things such as; a letter of invite from you, photos of the two of you together, certified copy of your passport and your visa to Oz.

She needs to provide a reason to return to Thailand.....If you are travelling together and your visits are for the same dates, then that helps. Land ownership will help as well. A letter from her employer granting leave for the dates required would also be a big assist.

Australia has tough immigration laws but they are not obstructive...the chance of success depends on the strength of the application.

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