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How Do I Get Get A House Number For My "new Build" House

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My house is half built and we have the Town Hall /Planning Depts. authorisation documents of our architects house plans. We have also been given a two sided form which we are told needs to be presented to obtain our house number.

The form seems to have some form of expiry date as the date it was prepared and a date of a year later is also on the form (no idea what it is as it of course is all in Thai).

I have a Usufruct on the land (owned by my wife) and my wifes tells me the form bears my yellow Tabien ban address where we live now and my name.

Does anybody know:

1) what the procedure is for getting a house number?

2) what documents are required to be taken to the Municipal Offices to get the house number?

3) do I have to wait until the house is completed or can I get the number now that the building is in progress and plans approved?

4) Regarding the plans and approval by Planning Dept. Is the approval IT (finished) or do they need to approve the finished works (or progress stages along the the building time-line)?

If someone knows of a website in English covering the above questions I would appreciate knowing, as my wife really has little knowledge of such things. I can make educated questions having been a home owner 4 times in UK and Spain but I do not have any Thai language ability (blind leading the blind so to speak :o ) and I wish to ensure no regulation errors occur due to our innocent ignorance

Many thanks for any info


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If I recall correctly, only the land title deed and the building permit are needed to apply for the housebook (which will have the house number).

Basically you'll need a housebook to get your utilities hooked up (water and electrics).

Until you have a housebook, the electricity company will only install a temporary meter, on which the units are billed at a higher price then a permanent meter.

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Dave. Our builder gave my wife the blue house book with the address long before the house was finished.

It must be down to him to do.

Does the blue house book have to be the same as the id card address?

If so

Does this not cause problems in tracking a thai down if the house is not finished? (police etc etc)

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