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New Border Checkpoint To Boost Thai-cambo Tourism


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New border checkpoint to boost Thai-Cambodian tourism

SI SA KET: -- A new border checkpoint on the Thai border with Cambodia is expected to boost tourism in Si Sa Ket and other provinces in Thailand's northeastern region.

The planned checkpoint is certain to make Si Sa Ket a major gateway to ancient Khmer attractions, like Angkor Wat, the Deputy Prime Minister Suwat Liptapanlop told TNA after an aerial inspection of the Chong Sa-ngam temporary checkpoint in the province's Phusing district earlier this week.

The government plans to build permanent border-checkpoint facilities at Chong Sa-ngam and a road linking Thailand and Cambodia.

The project is expected to cost 300 million baht.

The deputy prime minister said he expected the number of foreign tourists visiting Si Sa Ket to increase ten fold in the future.

Currently there are 10,000 visitors a year.

Of the 12 million foreign tourists visiting Thailand each year, less than 700,000 of them -- or about 5 percent -- travel to the country's northeastern provinces.

The deputy premier said that with future campaigns by the Tourism Authority

of Thailand (TAT), including the Road of Culture Tour, would bring more tourists to several local sites with Khmer-style architecture.

The Northeast should get a higher share of foreign tourists visiting Thailand, possibly as much as 20 per cent, he said.

--TNA 2004-10-16

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This crossing has been open for nearly a year now - I did a 90 day crossing there in December last year.

There are mobile huts (with aircon) on the Thai site.

There were no limbless beggars or begging children then! - but don't hold your breath! Also unlike Chong Chom ( which is about 40km West) no Casino(s) (Yet!!)

The crossing is only about 600 metres from Pol Pots grave/cremation site. It is only another 12 km to the town of Anlong Veng From Anlong Veng its only about 100km to Siem Reap (Angkor Wat)

I was shown the grave by a Cambodian Immigration officer as it is not too clearly marked.

A small market has sprung up by the roadside and the cremation site is about 60 metres behind it, over a small stream amd along a path (keep to the path!)

The last 14 km to the crossing on the Thai side is on dirt road - pick-up advised.

The Cambodian officials told me then that Thailand was constructing the road to Anlong Veng.

It will be a major route in a few years, as it will be the quickest way (and cheapest) to Angkor Wat by road from Thailand.

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