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What The hel_l Is Wrong With These People?


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This is the Third World. We have no laws, no police force and no government (apart from token gestures of all three). Just be glad it’s a little better than Somalia or Iraq.

In Singapore these people would be put in prison and possibly given a flogging – that’s civilisation.

In the words of Thomas Hobbes: Life without strong central government is “nasty, brutish and short”.

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I know I will hear a lot of 'go back to where you came from' and 'no one is keeping you here'. That's fine and I understand the sentiment.

At 6am I awoke to an extraordinarily loud concert right outside my window. Not real pleased, but okay TIT. I woke up a couple hours early, watched some TV and went to work. I returned home at 10pm. They were still at it. Only now even louder. This isn't some organized event. This is the locals and what sounds like their kids screaming into the microphone non-stop. One giant karaoke orgy. It's now 12:30am. Nearly everyone has packed up and gone home. But the MC and two kids remain, seemingly to entertain themselves and a couple friends. The noise reverberates throughout the entire neighborhood. There are major apartment blocks here and rows and rows of houses. There literally must be hundreds of people right now being kept awake by the screeching voices and drums.

Am I being unreasonable to be annoyed? Where is the basic consideration for one's neighbors? I'm not in the city center. I'm in a residential neighborhood. 6am. Alright, I suppose, if you must. 10pm. Okay...TIT. But 12:30am on a Wed. at full blast? Come on. What the hel_l is wrong with these people?

This happened outside my place last week too.

It was an all day party for the son of the neighbour who was becoming a monk.

Free food and booze for everyone, including all Farang neighbours, everyone welcome.

Stopped dead at 11 pm at night as required by the law.

No problems once in a while.

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Add to that the loud TV playing at any restaurant providing you a romantic feast, the pick-up driving by any time promoting his fruit with a 500 watt loudspeaker system and the best: at 6am sunday morning the pouyaban providing some moral teaching to the already wokenup village.

Note I live 1km from the main village loudspeaker tower, good job they did for reaching the rice fields with the message :o

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I would rent some loudspeakers and set them on a timer to start right around the time that they finish. Put in some heavy metal music on repeat, and head to a hotel for the night.

Warning: avoid John Denver music, as it may cause them to come kill you later.

Edited by jstumbo
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I know I will hear a lot of 'go back to where you came from' and 'no one is keeping you here'. That's fine and I understand the sentiment.

At 6am I awoke to an extraordinarily loud concert right outside my window. Not real pleased, but okay TIT. I woke up a couple hours early, watched some TV and went to work. I returned home at 10pm. They were still at it. Only now even louder. This isn't some organized event. This is the locals and what sounds like their kids screaming into the microphone non-stop. One giant karaoke orgy. It's now 12:30am. Nearly everyone has packed up and gone home. But the MC and two kids remain, seemingly to entertain themselves and a couple friends. The noise reverberates throughout the entire neighborhood. There are major apartment blocks here and rows and rows of houses. There literally must be hundreds of people right now being kept awake by the screeching voices and drums.

Am I being unreasonable to be annoyed? Where is the basic consideration for one's neighbors? I'm not in the city center. I'm in a residential neighborhood. 6am. Alright, I suppose, if you must. 10pm. Okay...TIT. But 12:30am on a Wed. at full blast? Come on. What the hel_l is wrong with these people?

To be considerate requires intelligence, education and omni present thinking skills. Traits sadly lacking in the peasantry. You'd have better luck teaching a gibbon algebra than getting these folks to see the err of their actions.

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This is the Third World. We have no laws, no police force and no government (apart from token gestures of all three). Just be glad it's a little better than Somalia or Iraq.

In Singapore these people would be put in prison and possibly given a flogging – that's civilisation.

In the words of Thomas Hobbes: Life without strong central government is "nasty, brutish and short".

then why do you spend your weekends in Phuket!

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To be considerate requires intelligence, education and omni present thinking skills. Traits sadly lacking in the peasantry. You'd have better luck teaching a gibbon algebra than getting these folks to see the err of their actions.

Oh I do agree, kiakaha. I have a neighbor that insists on banging on his bongo drums every single evening. And has done so every evening for the past 4 months. Never mind that he is crap. Never mind that it is so loud it disturbs everyone in the neighborhood until he has had enough. I just feel sorry for his Thai neighbors who have to listen to this idiot farang banging on his drums. Seems he must be lacking these traits as well. Amazing how that can happen. :o

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This is the Third World. We have no laws, no police force and no government (apart from token gestures of all three). Just be glad it's a little better than Somalia or Iraq.

In Singapore these people would be put in prison and possibly given a flogging – that's civilisation.

In the words of Thomas Hobbes: Life without strong central government is "nasty, brutish and short".

then why do you spend your weekends in Phuket!

Family duties old boy. No choice in the matter.

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Just being a wise ars as usuall. Based on some of the recent ridiculous discussion proposed abut how Thais are much happier than we from other countries.

Ahhh, missed the sarcasm bit, don't come here oft, of late. :D

The General section is mostly BS. saber rattling, dellusion and not to forget, illision.

As good as that, eh. :D

Please try to not take anything you read here to seriously.


It shuod be just for fun as most is just a f@ckking joke... :D



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They just don't see it as inconsiderate because they all do it. I think that they do practice "the golden rule" but most of this stuff dosen't bother them and they can't understand why it bothers us.

Well, with the exception of the guy who shot 7 because of it. It is one of the things that I can't stand about Thailand.

We were up in the village a month or so ago and the noise there was driving me crazy. Two times during one night the dogs went off then it started at 4:30 with chickens and geko's and dogs, and then grandma talking to a neighbor three houses down, and then the temple drum, and the anouncements that went on for 2 hours. I am usually pretty tolerant but it was making me crazy. I bailed and went back to Pattaya where I could find some quiet.

My other pet peve is people pushing in front of me in line at 7-11. I don't tolerate it anymore and if I stayed in Thailand it would likely get me killed. That's one of the reasons that I cannot live there.

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Yeah, I'm working on getting that kick@ss sound system I saw the other day at Numchai Electronics, grandpa!

You're more than welcome to come over and check it out.... or just stay where you are and we'll just turn it up for ya'! *lights up bong*


Thais who spend considerable time in the west usually change. Sometimes they adopt the best characteristics of both cultures.

Many times they create a character that includes the worst of each .. and we say they have California Disease.

Are you talking about me or the devil's advocate stoner character I created just for this thread (because I really hadn't given him a nationality or origin yet... that's still in development).


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Warning: avoid John Denver music, as it may cause them to come kill you later.

no joke...in the PH, a lot of men (mostly too drunk) have died because of ol' Frankie's "My Way"... there seems to be something in the song... it seems to snap some people off when someone sings this, esp off key and with some trigger-happy drunks around... really, ask a PH person you know and confirm this!

anyway, i would suggest, if you cant beat em, join em. really, why not walk over (can you self-invite yourself in this kind of gathering?) and try to sing with them... :o not kidding. and sing to your heart's content. be a mic-hugger. two things can happen. if you have a bad voice, either they will themselves close the karaoke to stop you from singing, or if you go along, it is can be a good exercise, stress reliever and who knows, you might have a voice to "discover". :D

i wouldnt do what i just preached simply because i dont like the music my neighbors play but this gives me an idea... hmmm, next time... why not... :D

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Some good tracks to combat other people's loud music are the various cd's of famous monk's preachings (usually about how we should all drink less, smoke less, have less sex, etc.).


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Just being a wise ars as usuall. Based on some of the recent ridiculous discussion proposed abut how Thais are much happier than we from other countries.

Ahhh, missed the sarcasm bit, don't come here oft, of late. :D

The General section is mostly BS. saber rattling, dellusion and not to forget, illision.

As good as that, eh. :D

Please try to not take anything you read here to seriously.


It shuod be just for fun as most is just a f@ckking joke... :D




Hey are you laughing at me? :D

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Some good tracks to combat other people's loud music are the various cd's of famous monk's preachings (usually about how we should all drink less, smoke less, have less sex, etc.).

I wonder how many people wish that your parents had had less sex :o

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Thre does seem to be something about noise thats less disturbing to Thais than westerners tho.. The 6am village speaker systems.. The sound trucks advertising.. The wail of boxing promotions... Etc etc etc.. I swear my GF is immune to it.

Was in TOT to sort a problem out.. Crowded waiting room, everyone with those take a number scenes.. This woman comes in, sits down, takes out her cellphone and gets it playing flat out a scratchy tinny MP3.. The whole thing is so distorted you cant hear anything 'musical' about it but she thinks she s the bees knees waving around a noise maker..

What floored me more than the act, more than the selfishness and lack of consideration, more than the complete lack of shyness about doing it.. Was no one in the room reacted, no one even raised thier eyes or made any indication that they could hear it but me.

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Thre does seem to be something about noise thats less disturbing to Thais than westerners tho.. The 6am village speaker systems.. The sound trucks advertising.. The wail of boxing promotions... Etc etc etc.. I swear my GF is immune to it.

Was in TOT to sort a problem out.. Crowded waiting room, everyone with those take a number scenes.. This woman comes in, sits down, takes out her cellphone and gets it playing flat out a scratchy tinny MP3.. The whole thing is so distorted you cant hear anything 'musical' about it but she thinks she s the bees knees waving around a noise maker..

What floored me more than the act, more than the selfishness and lack of consideration, more than the complete lack of shyness about doing it.. Was no one in the room reacted, no one even raised thier eyes or made any indication that they could hear it but me.

So who is right? The people who ignore or the person who gets uptight? The noise, the hustle, the bustle of Thailand is what appeals to me.

People who come to a country to live should not try to remake it in the fashion of the country they left

The fundamental religionists wanting to impose their systems on the country they migrate to is wrong. We see in Australia, the US, the UK and elsewhere accommodation being made to minority newcomers.

In the same way, newcomers should adopt the local attitudes and follow the lead of the locals.

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Some good tracks to combat other people's loud music are the various cd's of famous monk's preachings (usually about how we should all drink less, smoke less, have less sex, etc.).

I wonder how many people wish that your parents had had less sex :D

Judging from my TV fan mail / hate mail ratio... I'd say the split is about 60-40.


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So who is right? The people who ignore or the person who gets uptight? The noise, the hustle, the bustle of Thailand is what appeals to me.

People who come to a country to live should not try to remake it in the fashion of the country they left

The fundamental religionists wanting to impose their systems on the country they migrate to is wrong. We see in Australia, the US, the UK and elsewhere accommodation being made to minority newcomers.

In the same way, newcomers should adopt the local attitudes and follow the lead of the locals.

:D:D Newsflash: The assumption that this is how all thais behave and that somehow being inconsiderate and rude is "natural". The poor heathen savages just don't know any better, right? WRONG :o

A great many Thais do not appreciate the loud noise either. Try doing that in some Thai hoods and you will soon find the power cut or multiple heavyweights explaining the facts of life from the viewpoint of a Thai that wants to sleep.It's just not the well to do that object. My friend who hails from Isaan and has been known to polish off a whiskey bottle all by himself is far from being a pristine angel. He was so incensed at being woken from his drunken sleep that he ran out of the apartment one morning in his boxers and started throwing trash at the poor fellow that decided to leave his hits of Mumbai running at full blast. Thais do not normally show skin. For him to run out like that was a tip off to me that he was not going out their to say, hey thanks for sharing.

Please do not assume that because this behaviour is seen in some areas that it represents the "locals". If I go into Compton, California, the locals often engage in drive by shootings. In Montreal or Vancouver, Canada the locals can have a night of looting and burning following a hockey game etc. etc. Does this mean that this is the local attitude and I should follow the lead of the locals? You'll find that it is a small minority that engage in such behaviour and not the majority of locals.

The reality is that there is not much one person can do. However, push them too far and they can go off in a frenzy. Had there been a firearm in our place at the time, I think my friend would have pumped a few rounds into the crooner and his music making machine.

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So who is right? The people who ignore or the person who gets uptight? The noise, the hustle, the bustle of Thailand is what appeals to me.

People who come to a country to live should not try to remake it in the fashion of the country they left

The fundamental religionists wanting to impose their systems on the country they migrate to is wrong. We see in Australia, the US, the UK and elsewhere accommodation being made to minority newcomers.

In the same way, newcomers should adopt the local attitudes and follow the lead of the locals.

:D:D Newsflash: The assumption that this is how all thais behave and that somehow being inconsiderate and rude is "natural". The poor heathen savages just don't know any better, right? WRONG :o

A great many Thais do not appreciate the loud noise either. Try doing that in some Thai hoods and you will soon find the power cut or multiple heavyweights explaining the facts of life from the viewpoint of a Thai that wants to sleep.It's just not the well to do that object. My friend who hails from Isaan and has been known to polish off a whiskey bottle all by himself is far from being a pristine angel. He was so incensed at being woken from his drunken sleep that he ran out of the apartment one morning in his boxers and started throwing trash at the poor fellow that decided to leave his hits of Mumbai running at full blast. Thais do not normally show skin. For him to run out like that was a tip off to me that he was not going out their to say, hey thanks for sharing.

Please do not assume that because this behaviour is seen in some areas that it represents the "locals". If I go into Compton, California, the locals often engage in drive by shootings. In Montreal or Vancouver, Canada the locals can have a night of looting and burning following a hockey game etc. etc. Does this mean that this is the local attitude and I should follow the lead of the locals? You'll find that it is a small minority that engage in such behaviour and not the majority of locals.

The reality is that there is not much one person can do. However, push them too far and they can go off in a frenzy. Had there been a firearm in our place at the time, I think my friend would have pumped a few rounds into the crooner and his music making machine.

If you didn't know better would it still be as annoying. Thais think nothing of talking with their mouth full but will use a cleanex when picking their teeth, and think nothing of picking there nose in front of you. Its your programing, unbringing. Not to say it isn't a little annoying but our own state of mind can compound the problem.

Loud music played here for one night and a day in my neighbor hood. I wondered what it was about. No one seems to care and they just shut it out or tolerate it until its their turn to have a party and then they can expect no complaints. Aloha

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