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Visa To Us

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I have a female friend who has been to US before but had a bad experence while here. She would like to try again since she has met me and found someone she can trust. How hard is it to get a visa and work in US after she's here. She's 36 so she's no youngster or play girl.

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It's pretty much a crap shoot.... depending on the lady's personal circumstances...

The govt. web page another poster cited gives some good indicators of the kinds of things the U.S. Embassy here would be looking for...to give some proof that the lady would be planning to return to Thailand after her stay in the U.S. That's supposedly what they focus on.

However, the application of that policy, in individual circumstances, seems to vary WIDELY... So, best bet is do all the document preparation and coaching about the interview, and then pay your/her money and take a shot...

Legally, a foreign person in the U.S. on a tourist or student visa cannot legally work. But, if there is a Thai community of any sort where you live, that can be overcome....

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Sounds like two options are available.

First, fiance visa. This is long term, and will provide the route for a green card, thus making it possible to work. The embassy will base granting a visa on the strength of your relationship. Process for this visa is quite long 8-12mo.

Second, tourist visa. This is short term (<30 days), and as mentioned not possible to work legally. The embassy will grant based on the applicants ability to prove that they will not overstay the visa, and leave the country as intended. If your friend did not violate the terms of her first visa to US, then this will likely be a big plus. Process for this visa is relatively short 1-2 days after interview.

Lots of information on this site on the process. Biggest piece of advice is to provide as much relevant documentation as possible to make your case.

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I have a female friend who has been to US before but had a bad experence while here.

Is that last word really "here" or did you mean "there"? if it was 'there' (in the US), was anything of the incident recorded in her passport file? If not, I think if she's gotten a tourist visa for US before, then she's probably in good shape. Even if she can't get it, the Canadian and Mexican officials would look highly on a former US visa acceptance, so u could take her there too.

She can't 'work' on a tourist visa of course, but that's really just a joke; she can and should (IMHO)work as much as she wants (just to get back at our $hit-brained immigration system). It won't be higher-pay work unless she has connections to American Thais or Lao who would unofficially take her into their business. But yeah, don't worry about her not finding work, the police can't legally stop or ask anyone for ID unless a crime is being committed.

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To work legally in the US, you must first have/obtain a social security number. A tourist on a visa does not quality for a social security card.

There are numerous foreigners (many thai) at come to the US on tourist visa and overstay (forever). They do find work "under the table" in their respective communities. And some get lucky and find a spouse and eventually become legal.

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I have a female friend who has been to US before but had a bad experence while here. She would like to try again since she has met me and found someone she can trust. How hard is it to get a visa and work in US after she's here. She's 36 so she's no youngster or play girl.

I don’t really have enough information,on your case, to give you good advice, But I will tell to this, If you want your friend to work legally in the USA, The way to go, is a fiancé visa,[/size][/font]

To get a fiancé visa you need to apply ( application fee is $455.00) and provide all required documentation asked for in the application. You must be able to prove that you know the girl, and that you have meet in Thailand, (pictures of you and her, receipts from airlines etc), The application will take 8-12 months to process , Upon issuance of fiancé visa, the girl is free to travel to the USA , you have 3 months to marry and change her status to permanent resident, and a path to US citizenship. If you need help call your local Congressman or Senator and ask him/her for help, [/size][/font]

Good Luck [/font][/size]

PS : I am going thought he process of trying to get a fiancé visa for the girl I love , and I was not getting any where until I called my congressman ,

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I live in the US and I work with my girlfriend who is Thai. She is now working at a five-star hotel in Bangkok and we are trying to get her a work visa to come back to the US. Is she able to live in the US while we apply for the fiancee visa or does she need to remain in Thailand until we secure the visa?

Thank you for any insight.

I have a female friend who has been to US before but had a bad experence while here. She would like to try again since she has met me and found someone she can trust. How hard is it to get a visa and work in US after she's here. She's 36 so she's no youngster or play girl.

I don’t really have enough information,on your case, to give you good advice, But I will tell to this, If you want your friend to work legally in the USA, The way to go, is a fiancé visa,[/size][/font]

To get a fiancé visa you need to apply ( application fee is $455.00) and provide all required documentation asked for in the application. You must be able to prove that you know the girl, and that you have meet in Thailand, (pictures of you and her, receipts from airlines etc), The application will take 8-12 months to process , Upon issuance of fiancé visa, the girl is free to travel to the USA , you have 3 months to marry and change her status to permanent resident, and a path to US citizenship. If you need help call your local Congressman or Senator and ask him/her for help, [/size][/font]

Good Luck [/font][/size]

PS : I am going thought he process of trying to get a fiancé visa for the girl I love , and I was not getting any where until I called my congressman ,

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I live in the US and I work with my girlfriend who is Thai. She is now working at a five-star hotel in Bangkok and we are trying to get her a work visa to come back to the US. Is she able to live in the US while we apply for the fiancee visa or does she need to remain in Thailand until we secure the visa?

Thank you for any insight.

For a fiance visa, she must be in Thailand. She cannot apply for one from within the US

But, if she gets the work visa, you can wait a few months after she arrives and then get married while she is on the work visa. You then have her file for adjustment of status in the US.

Probably best to wait a few months after she arrives on the work visa before getting married, so it does not look like the real reason she came was to get married.

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