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External Drive Has Usb Cord With 2 Usb Connectors - Wtf?


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i think i had heard this is for usb1 incresed speeds. can i just cut it off? is there any benefit to using both w/ usb2? thx in advance.

when i bought my external HD, i have a cable with two usb plug, i ask the shop, they said only plug one in the usb computer. did not cut it !

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If it's a 2.5" drive it will usually draw its power from the USB connection that supplies the data. Some USB ports can't supply enough poweron their own so you may have to plug in both usb plugs to power the drive.

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USB 2 normally has enough power for an external drive but USB 1.1 needs to parallel the ports for the required power. Just tape the 2nd lead back if you don't need it or really lash out and but a single lead about 100 Baht

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USB 2 normally has enough power for an external drive but USB 1.1 needs to parallel the ports for the required power. Just tape the 2nd lead back if you don't need it or really lash out and but a single lead about 100 Baht

I've been using one of these with my old laptop which is usb 1.1. It works fine using only one of the plugs. Do you mean it would work better (faster) if I plugged both in?

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I've been using one of these with my old laptop which is usb 1.1. It works fine using only one of the plugs. Do you mean it would work better (faster) if I plugged both in?
Same with one of my NoteBooks. I do not see and I do not believe you will get an increase in speed using both plugs if you don't have too. Still limited to USB 1.1 performance. Some drives require more power than one USB 1.1 port can provide.
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I have a small USB-powered external and it has a two plug adapter (one black and one red). The red one is for power only if the single plug doesn't provide enough juice. My laptop requires both to be plugged in but my newer desktop doesn't.

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USB ports are supposed to supply 500mA of current , but some just are not up to it ( mostly on older laptops )so you can plug the second plug into a second port and have more current available.

the motor on your hard drive will draw the most current as it goes from stopped up to speed - if you are not having issues you can just use a lead with one plug

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I bought a cheap Taiwanese case for my 2.5' drive.

It only had one plug and did not work well at all.

I changed it for a Toshiba case, with 2 plugs and works like a dream. D


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stumonster - thanks for the science.

yeah, its 2.5" and very portable hence my wanting to cut it. both this and the former external i had perform fine with only the primary plugged in (draws enuff power and ... speeds are good).

well, dont know what to do so ill just leave it be. so much crap to carry... mouse, lock, pad, drive, cables... not much lighter and not any easier in last ten yrs :-)

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