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Marry Me , Pls Prepare A Car / A House !


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This is a very hot topic in China.. :o

this is true happened in the city where i live now...a car..or a house...become to the first condition the girl wants to date with you....so the man become very stressful..and strong competition are around of them...

What about in Thailand ?

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In China there is a general shortage of women so the competition might be getting really hot.

In Thailand it's ok if the young family can buy a house and a car in credit but generally families help a lot with the initial set up.

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i watched a program the other day about a old guy in china , he has been trying to get a wife for 10 years ,he is 68 and wants a wife of 52-60 but when he went on any dates the women always said that they wanted his house ,house first husband second , it was funny watching him telling them that they where wrong and it should be the other way round , but none of them would budge so his search goes on


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I guess generally women don't go for homeless guys in any country.

you know...a few of my friends would like to work hard with the man to buy a car or a house together...and 1 of my friend think it's not so important to have them..it's enough to have a last love with the man.....

and most of my girl friends think her bf must have the car or house..it's the basic thing they should have...then they will consider to get married..

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Here it's 'buy a house and car for my family' before I marry you.....

No it's not. A very small percentage of Thai women say this, usually the ones sent to Pattaya or other sexpa areas to find a farang "ngo". More recently, they are finding their prey on online dating services.

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This is a very hot topic in China.. :o

this is true happened in the city where i live now...a car..or a house...become to the first condition the girl wants to date with you....so the man become very stressful..and strong competition are around of them...

What about in Thailand ?

I wonder what the chinese man expects in return

Virginity ? A certain minimum level of attractiveness ?

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Basically prostitution.

You give me money, house and car and stable secure life. I'll have sex with you (to a carying degree!), have your babies, and maybe keep the house.

On reflection I guess that works for many and is the historical tale of marriage anyway. No wonder men shag around and visit prostitutes when this is the basis of their marriage (the sexual part). Depressing.

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So what is so odd about a girl in this part of the world not wanting the best for her family. My wife is like any good wife; she wants the best for our child, best health school etc.

That’s why many marry farang they know the can provide all the things they need for the family.

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This is a very hot topic in China.. :D

this is true happened in the city where i live now...a car..or a house...become to the first condition the girl wants to date with you....so the man become very stressful..and strong competition are around of them...

What about in Thailand ?

Silly me, here I thought you were proposing to me ! :o

No car, no house. Will a leased apartment and a Harley-Davidson be acceptable substitutes ? :D

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So what is so odd about a girl in this part of the world not wanting the best for her family. My wife is like any good wife; she wants the best for our child, best health school etc.

That’s why many marry farang they know the can provide all the things they need for the family.

If supporting her family is part of the deal then no deal.

I'll keep looking. Maybe I'll find an only child orphan.

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This is a very hot topic in China.. :o

this is true happened in the city where i live now...a car..or a house...become to the first condition the girl wants to date with you....so the man become very stressful..and strong competition are around of them...

What about in Thailand ?

For a date? NTHX!

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depends on how u look

I told every girl i met that i was dirt poor and they all wanted to be with me

may it be a bar girl, freelancer, rich girls, studious girls, virgins.. whatever .. also most of them are older than me because im only 21 so im def ffresh meat

if you're a regular 35yo+ you do need the whole package to get anything decent... most's only option is to take out a poor bargirl out of the sex scene and waste all his money on her family

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if you find a rich Thai/Chinese girl, then you can turn the tables on them and have them pay for everything, but the majority go for the financially disadvantaged girls and things turn out this way.

Smarten up ppl, find the rich girls :o

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This is a very hot topic in China.. :o

this is true happened in the city where i live now...a car..or a house...become to the first condition the girl wants to date with you....so the man become very stressful..and strong competition are around of them...

What about in Thailand ?

CG, I think you should advise your Chinese girlfriends not to play too hard to get or maybe all those guys without gals are going to

target Thailand soon in their search for a bride.

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This is a very hot topic in China.. :D

this is true happened in the city where i live now...a car..or a house...become to the first condition the girl wants to date with you....so the man become very stressful..and strong competition are around of them...

What about in Thailand ?

Yes, these things happen in China, but only if the girl is exceptionally beautiful. I personally know quite a few attractive girls, Ladies, women of various ages who would love to marry, but preferably with a white/farang man without asking for a house or car or asking too much. But, they speak English. Besides, they know that most men in the west have a house and car anyway :o

And...Thai girls know about that too :D


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Well, in Thailand.. I don't see this kind of requirement that much for local Thai men to do before proposing.

But it is...for Foreign men, if they like to marry Thai girls.

Whilst it is so popular here with finding "Farang husband"

"Farang husbands" mostly come in full options... married then big house, car, motorbike will come after that.

Some, no needed to work for whole family.., they are going to be rich, no doubt.

Farang husbands will help financial support... :o

So bad that nowadays, some of very young kids don't dream of being doctor, teacher or scientist anymore.

They dream of being Farang's wives!!!! :D

But this doesn't mean to all Thai-Westerner couples,

There are so many to married with love, actually... :D

My aunty is one of them, to a gud American man..They are lovely couple, eventually...

It is always best to get married with feeling love...I wish I would, one day..eieiei :D

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So bad that nowadays, some of very young kids don't dream of being doctor, teacher or scientist anymore.

They dream of being Farang's wives!!!!

Name a single woman/girl that aspires to marry a poor man.... ain't going to happen. If you bother to turn on the TV you will see soaps brain washing girls in to this thought process. Rather than working for their own coin... it is best to just become a "long time" ho (wife).

I think that is why I am attracted to women with degrees and real jobs.... They have gone beyond the long term concept. Trouble is with these types of women, often times their "carrer comes first" even if the man makes twice they make in the relationship, they still want to give the job top priority....

Good luck to us all

Edited by Dakhar
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So bad that nowadays, some of very young kids don't dream of being doctor, teacher or scientist anymore.

They dream of being Farang's wives!!!!

Name a single woman/girl that aspires to marry a poor man.... ain't going to happen. If you bother to turn on the TV you will see soaps brain washing girls in to this thought process. Rather than working for their own coin... it is best to just become a "long time" ho (wife).

I think that is why I am attracted to women with degrees and real jobs.... They have gone beyond the long term concept. Trouble is with these types of women, often times their "carrer comes first" even if the man makes twice they make in the relationship, they still want to give the job top priority....

Good luck to us all

That is so true about the TV soaps here in Thailand

I have witnessed them change a whole country with in years. Korea!

All the girls start to believe they want to be treated like little princesses

The U.S and the A.U Koreans are ok easy going and down to earth.

But if they take a visit back home they are brainwashed in a matter of weeks.

Korean dramas are influencing people all over Asia as well.

And Thai soaps are catching on as well.

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this is true happened in the city where i live now...a car..or a house...become to the first condition the girl wants to date with you....so the man become very stressful..and strong competition are around of them...

yeah right! because virtually each and every eligible chinese male can easily afford to buy a car or a house :D tell us some more of these amusing fairy tales please :o

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I'm a professional with a 25-year career... and I never date with bar girls... only "regular" Thai women....

But I've been more a bit surprised at the high percentage of Thai women I've met in BKK (all 20s and 30s in age, and variously employed) who have the idea of a future relationship being either a) that they'd simply stop working and/or :D that they'd stop working to have baby/babies.

In my idea and life, work (within reason) is something of value that builds character and experience and knowledge, in addition to earning money. I've always thought a fair proposition for a future wife would be to say, I'll support our household entirely, but you keep working (for some time) and whatever you earn can go toward your/our savings or toward helping your family.

But that kind of arrangement seems to be a pretty "foreign" idea around these parts....

At least with a BG, you can think, they're pretty committed to keeping their "career"!!! :D

Some, no needed to work for whole family.., they are going to be rich, no doubt.

Farang husbands will help financial support... :o

So bad that nowadays, some of very young kids don't dream of being doctor, teacher or scientist anymore.

They dream of being Farang's wives!!!! :D

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I guess generally women don't go for homeless guys in any country.
In China there is a general shortage of women so the competition might be getting really hot.

In Thailand it's ok if the young family can buy a house and a car in credit but generally families help a lot with the initial set up.

I really like the first quote and in general it is true. Now I am really not sure, if I belong to the category "homeless", because I stay in the house of my sweetheart.

The second quote is a typical Thailand issue. Why the hel_l not rent and just drive a motocy? Why do they have to start right away with a house, a car and subsequently lots of debts on their back, if they cannot afford it?

Yes, the family will help if they can, but that is not always the case.

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From few women's point of view: there is a hidden rule that applies which is:

It's important to find:

A man who has money,

A man who adores you,

A man who is great in the sack.

It's also important that these 3 men should never meet!

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I'm a professional with a 25-year career... and I never date with bar girls... only "regular" Thai women....

But I've been more a bit surprised at the high percentage of Thai women I've met in BKK (all 20s and 30s in age, and variously employed) who have the idea of a future relationship being either a) that they'd simply stop working and/or :D that they'd stop working to have baby/babies.

In my idea and life, work (within reason) is something of value that builds character and experience and knowledge, in addition to earning money. I've always thought a fair proposition for a future wife would be to say, I'll support our household entirely, but you keep working (for some time) and whatever you earn can go toward your/our savings or toward helping your family.

But that kind of arrangement seems to be a pretty "foreign" idea around these parts....

At least with a BG, you can think, they're pretty committed to keeping their "career"!!! :o

jfchandler, i agree with you actually. People who don't work, seem like they don't see how value are their self-esteem.

I am not yet married with the reason that I afraid I will no more allowed to work and earn money myself from my BF's family.

Maybe I will not get married at all due to my freedom to do everything and go everywhere I want to is the most important in my life.

I cannot just ask for the money from my husband-to-be every month,

I afraid he will control my personal expense that I am so sure I will use it to buy something silly in his eyes.... :D

I am self-centered person and too selfish, actually...Never imagine myself as a perfect wife and perfect mom to the kids.

So better be single, I guess... :D:D

For the girls you experienced that they tend to stop working after the marriage.

Yes, some of them think like that...(maybe more and more)

but most of them I think come from up-country or employed but not in quite good positions in their companies.

Roughly said, they may get salary 10,000-25,000 baht a month still whilst the cost of living here in BKK is higher and higher.

Why not just get married and let the husband raise themselves, it is more easier living, right?

Most of my friends are same as me...we are so spoiled in having liberty to live our lives....

I am just so lucky, born in good family, we are not wealthy but my daddy always says "get best education that I can and always be pride in ownself."

I do trust in him...forever... :D

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This is a very hot topic in China.. :o

this is true happened in the city where i live now...a car..or a house...become to the first condition the girl wants to date with you....so the man become very stressful..and strong competition are around of them...

What about in Thailand ?

I wonder what the chinese man expects in return

Virginity ? A certain minimum level of attractiveness ?

All the love back to the man ! and have a happy family ! :D

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This is a very hot topic in China.. :o

this is true happened in the city where i live now...a car..or a house...become to the first condition the girl wants to date with you....so the man become very stressful..and strong competition are around of them...

What about in Thailand ?

Most Thai girls easily 'give in' to men eventhough they have nothing, and would soon be forced to seperate.

The others usually would want more than just a car or a house or both.

I dont know though, they said "Thai guys who always flirts are charming."

Not that I agree with that.

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