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Having watched with growing horror the disaster in Burma why don't the self proclaimed police of the world [uS,UK and the rest] do the right thing and bomb these inhumane gits out of power and send in aid. It might even be good press for a change, we are happy to take out Afghanistan because of heroin, happy to invade Iraq cos daddy did'nt get it right last time and we get loads of oil.

Lets see these countries sort something out for the sake of human suffering instead of what me might get.

I doubt anyone would mourn the passing of the Burmese junta, but then again there is no tactical reason to be in the country and they have no reserves worth a shit, therefore it is soundbites of concern and nothing gets done whilst hundreds of thousands die.

It makes me ashamed of being a 'rich' farang. I despair of my country.


Burma is of no threat to people outside of that country.Out of sight out of mind.Too much to loose politically by going in if it all goes wrong.

But yes i feel for the people.Now they have to endure natural disasters,as well as the worldwide joke thats ruling their country.

Having watched with growing horror the disaster in Burma why don't the self proclaimed police of the world [uS,UK and the rest] do the right thing and bomb these inhumane gits out of power and send in aid. It might even be good press for a change, we are happy to take out Afghanistan because of heroin, happy to invade Iraq cos daddy did'nt get it right last time and we get loads of oil.

It makes me ashamed of being a 'rich' farang. I despair of my country.

Well, let's see now, because it's an Asian crisis and it is up to Asia to come up with a solution. India, China, Bangladesh and Thailand have to step up. These countries have the means available to ensure aid is brought in. However, the oil and natural resources they salivate for are in the hands of their buddies the junta.

Western countries can't invade countries in China's backyard. That's how you start a regional war with global consequences. China is looking for a reason to expand and nothing would give it greater joy then to send troops into Burma or to annex parts of Burma. That's what will happen if we encourage foreign military intervention.

Leave the USA & UK populace out of it. They are weary of war and the cost of Iraq has pushed the USA into a debt crisis that it may never recover from. The USA is running on borrowed money and can't afford any more foreign adventures.

Afghanistan was a training ground for terrorists and a safe haven from which attacks were launched. It wasn't drugs that caused the invasion. For the millionth time, the USA is not relying on oil from Iraq. The largest consumers both direct and indirect are China and certain EU nations (all of which are non contributors to the Iraq war such as Italy and Germany) The USA sources most of its oil and gas from Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuala and Nigeria. The USA and UK have neither the legal grounds nor the moral basis to justify a military intervention. Besides, it's gettiing close to national elections in the USA and UK. The voters are fed up with kids coming home from foreign lands maimed or in body bags.

If you want to do something, then contribute to a reputable NGO or volunteer to help with the Burmese refugees in Thailand, or better yet, try not to support the people that exploit them.

Well, let's see now, because it's an Asian crisis and it is up to Asia to come up with a solution.
Western countries can't invade countries in China's backyard. That's how you start a regional war with global consequences.
Leave the USA & UK populace out of it.
If you want to do something, then contribute to a reputable NGO or volunteer to help with the Burmese refugees in Thailand, or better yet, try not to support the people that exploit them.

That all sounds like a pretty good response

Having watched with growing horror the disaster in Burma why don't the self proclaimed police of the world [uS,UK and the rest] do the right thing and bomb these inhumane gits out of power and send in aid.

I think many people share your frustration.

But you have to understand that the core of the issue is not the insane burmese junta... It's China.

Burma is nothing but a colony of China.

The status quo is defended by China, everywhere (North Korea, Darfur/Sudan, other delicious african didactorships....), when its interets are in stake.

Therefore, you need to go until the end of the reasoning : China is the enemy.

Now are you ready to fight China ? To declare war to China ?

The answer is no.

The western world has already lost its soul. Our politicians are kissing China's arse.

It's over.

The optimistic rozy, and other PC, people still think that China will change. How many times we read, ear this motto ?

Sure, China changes. Apparently. Apparences. Buildings, modern life etc. But China doesn't change its core. Its regime is brutal, careless, and don't give a rat shit about human principles, justice and other western values.

The fact that the current regime, since WWII is "communist" is totally irrelevant. That's a blip over China's history. This country was always been led by brutal regimes. A real change is very unlikely.

Now I don't say that China is a threat for our vital interests. China won't attack us. But clearly, they are doing and will continue to do as they please in South East Asia.

For that matter, Thailand will follow. It will be totally infeoded to China. And will act as... a garden for China. To grow food. Nothing more, nothing less.

The evil pact that chinese leader "propose" to leaders of other asian countries is very simple : "You are corrupted like we are. You will remain free to do what you want in your country, to keep the power, to be authoritarian, even to kill your own people, we'll protect you. But in exchange, you'll have to protect our interests and to do as we say".

RIP burmese people. They are lost.

Having watched with growing horror the disaster in Burma why don't the self proclaimed police of the world [uS,UK and the rest] do the right thing and bomb these inhumane gits out of power and send in aid. It might even be good press for a change, we are happy to take out Afghanistan because of heroin, happy to invade Iraq cos daddy did'nt get it right last time and we get loads of oil.

It makes me ashamed of being a 'rich' farang. I despair of my country.

Well, let's see now, because it's an Asian crisis and it is up to Asia to come up with a solution. India, China, Bangladesh and Thailand have to step up. These countries have the means available to ensure aid is brought in. However, the oil and natural resources they salivate for are in the hands of their buddies the junta.

Western countries can't invade countries in China's backyard. That's how you start a regional war with global consequences. China is looking for a reason to expand and nothing would give it greater joy then to send troops into Burma or to annex parts of Burma. That's what will happen if we encourage foreign military intervention.

Leave the USA & UK populace out of it. They are weary of war and the cost of Iraq has pushed the USA into a debt crisis that it may never recover from. The USA is running on borrowed money and can't afford any more foreign adventures.

Afghanistan was a training ground for terrorists and a safe haven from which attacks were launched. It wasn't drugs that caused the invasion. For the millionth time, the USA is not relying on oil from Iraq. The largest consumers both direct and indirect are China and certain EU nations (all of which are non contributors to the Iraq war such as Italy and Germany) The USA sources most of its oil and gas from Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuala and Nigeria. The USA and UK have neither the legal grounds nor the moral basis to justify a military intervention. Besides, it's gettiing close to national elections in the USA and UK. The voters are fed up with kids coming home from foreign lands maimed or in body bags.

If you want to do something, then contribute to a reputable NGO or volunteer to help with the Burmese refugees in Thailand, or better yet, try not to support the people that exploit them.

Good reply, whowever Afghanistan might might have been a training ground but all the bloodshed has done is move the training ground. The USA doesn't rely on oil form Iraq but it is the worlds most oil hungry nation on earth and if you don't believe that the Iraq war was all about oil you are either simple or American. It's helped George make mega bucks after all

Having watched with growing horror the disaster in Burma why don't the self proclaimed police of the world [uS,UK and the rest] do the right thing and bomb these inhumane gits out of power and send in aid.

I think many people share your frustration.

But you have to understand that the core of the issue is not the insane burmese junta... It's China.

Burma is nothing but a colony of China.

The status quo is defended by China, everywhere (North Korea, Darfur/Sudan, other delicious african didactorships....), when its interets are in stake.

Therefore, you need to go until the end of the reasoning : China is the enemy.

Now are you ready to fight China ? To declare war to China ?

China is already struggling with the shit over the olympics, do you really think they would stop humanitarian aid to dying people? It would be the death knell to the olympics more than the Soviet /American farce twenty years ago.

It seems everyone is kneeling to China, these people are dying, tell Beijing let us in or there is no olympics, we will restrict your trade in crap cheap goods and I will restrict your future investment. The change would be in hours.

Time for the west to grow real balls instead of bombing pathetic targets.

The answer is no.

The western world has already lost its soul. Our politicians are kissing China's arse.

It's over.

The optimistic rozy, and other PC, people still think that China will change. How many times we read, ear this motto ?

Sure, China changes. Apparently. Apparences. Buildings, modern life etc. But China doesn't change its core. Its regime is brutal, careless, and don't give a rat shit about human principles, justice and other western values.

The fact that the current regime, since WWII is "communist" is totally irrelevant. That's a blip over China's history. This country was always been led by brutal regimes. A real change is very unlikely.

Now I don't say that China is a threat for our vital interests. China won't attack us. But clearly, they are doing and will continue to do as they please in South East Asia.

For that matter, Thailand will follow. It will be totally infeoded to China. And will act as... a garden for China. To grow food. Nothing more, nothing less.

The evil pact that chinese leader "propose" to leaders of other asian countries is very simple : "You are corrupted like we are. You will remain free to do what you want in your country, to keep the power, to be authoritarian, even to kill your own people, we'll protect you. But in exchange, you'll have to protect our interests and to do as we say".

RIP burmese people. They are lost.


Very funny to read all the replies.

You all do not know the real reason of why US invaded Iraq and Afganisthan.

Please read: War of the worlds by Niall Ferguson.


War isn't needed just the removal of about 100 people connected to the power to see some change. As for China, we'll they are getting greedy for foreign assets like the rest of the world. That bothers those who have been in the greed game for a long time, doesn't it?


Please follow the thread in Farang and pub.

Look for they say you should never answer a question with a question.

Many answers and questions there for those of you that have an open mind.


You can discuss the Burma situation in the SE Asia forum, and this is most certainly NOT the place to discuss the war in Iraq


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