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Stupid Neighbour And His Dogs

Tony Clifton

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We have this moron in the moo ban here with three unleashed dogs that terrorize everything that rolls or walk by at the busiest street corner within the village. He can't say he doesn't know what his dogs are doing as he sits inside watching tv and the whole side of his house is made of glass and he can clearly see and hear what goes on outside. There is also a speed bump right there and the dogs charge at people as they slow down on bikes and m'cycles. I've seen countless attacks, some people don't even know they were almost bit from behind. :D I'm not sure if anyone has been bitten yet.

First time was late in the evening, I went to get smokes and slowed down at the speed bump, heard a noise next to me and saw the red dog trying to take a bite out of my leg, he brushed it but did not break the skin, I shouted at it and honked my horn, he stepped back, I dropped the motorcycle and chased him onto the guys side lawn where he keeps a pile of metal scrap. The dog was hiding under so I banged on a metal table as loudly as I could to scared the sh!t out of the dog. Owner walks out drunk and asks what's going on. Told him and left.

Multiple times, the same red dog charged at me only to turn back when he recognized the guy who now chases him on the m'cycle. The same can't be said when on foot and that goes for everyone.

Stupid guy gets two more dogs, they look like labradors but are aggressive. Two weeks ago, I went for my morning m'cycle ride and one of the new dogs tried to take a bit out of my leg as I slowed down at the speed bump. I shouted again and honked, dropped the m'cycle and chased the dog to a dead end on the side of his house, all made of concrete and ceramic tiles, I grabbed scrap metal and threw it in the dogs direction, it was scared sh!tless and jumping about 4 feet high with nothing but a 12 ft high roof for escape. I did not hurt it, only wanted to scare it. Went back to pick up the m'cycle and out comes the proud owner asking what happened. :D This is the second time we meet and I ask him to tie up his dogs, he laughs in my face. I was insulted and I just lost it and started shouting that I'd cut his dog's head off if they tried biting again with a motion of fingers across my throat and left.

Next day, I meet one neighbour looking for the dogs with his slingshot, mad as hel_l, don't know what happened exactly.

This evening, wife and I decide to walk to the local market, take the baby along in the stroller as we often do but I now have to carry a stick about the size of a baseball bat . On the way there, one of his dogs spots us , barks and the other two come out. We were able to walk away because of traffic keeping the dogs from crossing the street. On the way back was a different story, it was dark but they were waiting, as soon as we turned the corner they came charging but stopped when I whacked the street with the wooden bat and started screaming at them ready to beat the crap out of all three when magically, moron walks out of his house and asks me with a stupid smile "Wat appin?" :o (This is our 3rd confrontation) I can't remember exactly what insults I threw at him but I've never shouted at anyone like this, his wife came out and so did his front door neighbour. At one point he was clearly trying to insinuate that I wanted to hit him with the stick so I threw it away in the other direction. My wife stepped in front of him when he started walking towards me trying to explain what was going on and how long and often it goes on, but I doubt he thought she was right.

I told him I'd call the police tomorrow and he laughed in my face again ( so did I inside, police, pffff).

We're going to see the village headman tomorrow and see what will happen.

If nothing is done I'll take matters in my own hands the day we move out soon and feed his dogs, my version of a happy meal. On many occasions I could have simply run them over late at night with the truck while they slept in the middle of the street and now regret not doing so one by one.

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Agreed, you've tried numerious times to be civil, now it's time to show that all actions (or in-action) have consequences, but needless to say don't put yourself or your family in harms way. :o

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Seems like you are trying to behave properly and rationally in the situation. Not as bad for me, but we had to build a fence around the house to keep the roaming dogs from crapping in the yard and scaring the kids. I agree with you. Give the poo yai a shot and if that doesn't work, then it's time for a strychnine-laced doggie treat. Good luck.

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On many occasions I could have simply run them over late at night with the truck while they slept in the middle of the street and now regret not doing so one by one.

Is it too late?

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yep, sounds like dog lovers all over, make sure you use the strychnine in the right dose, try it out on yourself first, just to make sure.

On the contrary, there's no such thing as a bad dog, only bad dog owners. I happen to really like dogs, as long as they are well behaved and no threat to others. But I'm sorry. If it's the choice between dealing with some ignorant dog owner, risking a bite from a potentially rabid or distempered dog, and getting rid of the pesty dog, well the dog's days are numbered. This ain't a "Dog Whisperer" situation.

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First time was late in the evening, I went to get smokes and slowed down at the speed bump, heard a noise next to me and saw the red dog trying to take a bite out of my leg, he brushed it but did not break the skin, I shouted at it and honked my horn, he stepped back, I dropped the motorcycle and chased him onto the guys side lawn where he keeps a pile of metal scrap. The dog was hiding under so I banged on a metal table as loudly as I could to scared the sh!t out of the dog. Owner walks out drunk and asks what's going on. Told him and left.

comes the proud owner asking what happened. :D This is the second time we meet and I ask him to tie up his dogs, he laughs in my face. I was insulted and I just lost it and started shouting that I'd cut his dog's head off if they tried biting again with a motion of fingers across my throat and left.

when I whacked the street with the wooden bat and started screaming at them ready to beat the crap out of all three when magically, moron walks out of his house and asks me with a stupid smile "Wat appin?" :o (This is our 3rd confrontation) I can't remember exactly what insults I threw at him but I've never shouted at anyone like this, his wife came out and so did his front door neighbour. At one point he was clearly trying to insinuate that I wanted to hit him with the stick so I threw it away in the other direction. My wife stepped in front of him when he started walking towards me trying to explain what was going on and how long and often it goes on, but I doubt he thought she was right.

Agreed, you've tried numerious times to be civil, now it's time to show that all actions (or in-action) have consequences, but needless to say don't put yourself or your family in harms way. :D

Hmmm... must have missed that part about numerous times trying to be civil.

Well, since you've already antagonized your neighbor, it is most likely too late now to attempt to negotiate. It sounds like your neighbor is not Thai so perhaps, if the puyai ban is not willing to get involved, you should go to the police and file a complaint. It doesn't take much to get them interested in helping out.

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Yes it is about the owners. I am a dog lover too until I came to Thailand. I have a new lovely little cross mungrel of some sort. Very intelligent and very territorial at 4 months. She even chased a dog 5 times her size out of our yard bitting at its ankles. However I can't walk her down the soi as to many stray mungrels wanting giving us a hard time. If you are in Pats then go to the council and maybe take a video. They are supposed to be sorting this stuff out. I hear they are culling the soi dogs in BKK and are supposed to be starting here in Pats soon. (I hope)

Anyway if you don't give them the big sleeping tablets then I would assume someone else will going by what you say.

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If nothing is done I'll take matters in my own hands the day we move out soon and feed his dogs, my version of a happy meal.

If you're going to kill them then please do it humanely. One of my dogs was poisoned by a burgler once, not a nice sight :o

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I am very sorry to read of the problems with the dogs and agree with Spee - unfortunately so many dogs are owned by Thais who have no idea how to look after them.

It is possible in Thailand to take out what in UK we would call a restraining order or injunction to prevent someone acting unreasonably. If your chat with the village headman does not come to anything I suggest that you find a solicitor to act on your behalf to get the nuisance stopped.

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It is sad really that the dogs are not to blame...they are just doing what dogsdo if left untrained/cared for by their owner....so use the tazer on the owner! (This is a JOKE!)

Taser the owner?? :o

Just burn his house down, might not solve anything though

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ammonia in a squirt gun.

My dad used this when jogging, many years ago....said it worked wonders...dogs ran away from him when they saw him coming.

Buy a couple of dozen squirt guns and pass them along to the neighbors as well.

The dogs will soon change their tune.

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Yeah, it might be worth getting a cheap stun gun. Just the crackling of it may be enough to get their attention, stop them in their tracks, and scare them off. After enough times doing that, it might even condition them to avoid you altogether. If one does actually get close enough to nip you, let the dog have a good jolt. Evidently the owner isn't doing anything to teach them to behave. A lot of the cheap stun guns don't seem to last very long though. No guarantee, but it might be worth a try.


Like mentioned, a good ammonia blast on the snoot with a squirt gun should stop the dogs as well.

Edited by AmeriThai
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Aggressive dogs are usually the products of environments where they are cruelly treated. Aggression is a manifestation of fear. Therefore, engaging in confrontational actions only reinforces the defensive and fearful behaviour. There are easier and more effective methods such as the use of a spray bottle containing a pungent yet harmless liquid. Think of the skunk. Once animals experience skunk spray, they steer clear.

You have stated several times you are leaving Thailand without delay. If that is the case, what is another week or so? Or is this more about exacting vengeance on a neighbour that you feel has wronged you? Are you protecting yourself from the dogs or are you intent upon teaching the neighbour a lesson to show him who's boss?

For someone that harps about responsibility and says that Thais need to be told to take responsibiltiy, are you afraid of going to this fellow and telling him that if you are attacked by his dogs, that you will hold him responsible and will share the pain of injury?

Or is poisoning the dogs your way of avoiding the difficulty of practicing what you preach?

Would you be proud of giving a mistreated dog a long painful death? Is this the kind of moral quality you wish to teach your child? Would you tell him hey Daddy poisoned some dogs and they really took a long time to die, hahaha. Could you look your co-workers in the eye and tell them what you did? If you would hesitate to tell people what you did or afraid to take responsibility for your actions, which is the theme of all of your posts, then what does that say about you?

All that will happen once you poison the dogs is that the bozo will go out and get new ones and the same thing will occur again. Step up and be a man and deal with the bozo, not the dogs.

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All that will happen once you poison the dogs is that the bozo will go out and get new ones and the same thing will occur again. Step up and be a man and deal with the bozo, not the dogs.

Exactly couldn't have said it any better.!!!!


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Aggressive dogs are usually the products of environments where they are cruelly treated. Aggression is a manifestation of fear. Therefore, engaging in confrontational actions only reinforces the defensive and fearful behaviour. There are easier and more effective methods such as the use of a spray bottle containing a pungent yet harmless liquid. Think of the skunk. Once animals experience skunk spray, they steer clear.

You have stated several times you are leaving Thailand without delay. If that is the case, what is another week or so? Or is this more about exacting vengeance on a neighbour that you feel has wronged you? Are you protecting yourself from the dogs or are you intent upon teaching the neighbour a lesson to show him who's boss?

For someone that harps about responsibility and says that Thais need to be told to take responsibiltiy, are you afraid of going to this fellow and telling him that if you are attacked by his dogs, that you will hold him responsible and will share the pain of injury?

Or is poisoning the dogs your way of avoiding the difficulty of practicing what you preach?

Would you be proud of giving a mistreated dog a long painful death? Is this the kind of moral quality you wish to teach your child? Would you tell him hey Daddy poisoned some dogs and they really took a long time to die, hahaha. Could you look your co-workers in the eye and tell them what you did? If you would hesitate to tell people what you did or afraid to take responsibility for your actions, which is the theme of all of your posts, then what does that say about you?

All that will happen once you poison the dogs is that the bozo will go out and get new ones and the same thing will occur again. Step up and be a man and deal with the bozo, not the dogs.

If I poisoned the mutt to protect my family, pride would not be my feeling I would have, just a sense of duty and the action being done without remorse or regret. Kind of like killing a musquito.

That said, I would get the BIB and give them a little money, take them to dinner etc, and they will be more cordial regarding your complaints. (at least I would try that first)

Edited by Dakhar
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Poisonning the dogs, what a good idea.

Some idiot was upset with my neighbours 3 dogs barking and laid down poison near our house.

Mine was first to die in my hands.

If I can get hold of the poisonner I will have him drink his own potion :o

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We have two things in our favour:-

A Puya Baan who has a low tolerance to unmanaged dogs and regular visits from the Sakhon Nakon dog catchers.

Go to the Puya Baan with a few of your disgruntled neighbours and put your case, they are elected representatives so the more the better will get his attention.

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i lived in a soi once that had so many dogs i couldnt even get home late at night they would chase my bike down the soi scared the shit out of me . and during the day there would be up to 15 dogs laying around the soi waiting for someone that they didnt reconised so they could scare the shit out of that person .

The only way i solved the problem was to move , if i had of taken the law into my own hands or payed someone to kill the dogs i think sooner or later someone in that soi would have done something to me so i moved and looking back that was the best move i could have made .remember your in Thailand.


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