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Stupid Neighbour And His Dogs

Tony Clifton

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if you even think about killing this dog tony i will see to it that you are prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Does such a law exist in a country where killing and eating dog meat is normal and acceptable.?

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Thanks for sharing your story, Tony. Now people all over the world can join in and laugh at you.

Much more practical to carry a stick, give it a few waves and whacks if needed, and the dogs run away. If these are attack dogs, mace them (any kind of spray aerosol should work as well). If confronted by owner, just say you were defending yourself, then go about your business. If confronted in a hostile manner, again, defend yourself as needed.

Civil and one's blood pressure needn't go up at all.


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if you even think about killing this dog tony i will see to it that you are prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Does such a law exist in a country where killing and eating dog meat is normal and acceptable.?

Yes, it's called wilful destruction of property. In Thailand, a dog can be considered property. The guilty party then has to deal with "Damages for the Injured Person and Compensation and Expense for the Accused in Criminal Case Act, B.E. 2544 (2001)".

As well, anyone that encourages the killing of these dogs is in fact supporting the commission of an illegal act. And if I am not mistaken. Article 116(2) of the Thai Criminal Code states that anyone who publicises either verbally, in writing, or by any other means with the purpose of inciting unrest in the public, is liable to a maximum of 7 years imprisonment.

The OP might also wish to closely read "The Criminal Procedure Code Amendment Act (No. 20) of 1999" The relevant part being

"Section 273 bis.

Before a criminal case shall be indicted in a court, if there is a reasonable ground to believe that the witness, who must be brought to give testimony in the future, has to travel out of the Kingdom, has no definite residence, or lives far away from the trial court, or there may be any other conditions which may cause difficulties in bringing the witness to testify in the future, the public prosecutor, by himself or by receiving the application from the victim or inquiry official, may file an application, specifying all the acts allegedly committed by the offender, to the court in order that the court shall issue the order to examine such witness forthwith.

If someone was planning to leave by a certain date and found that lo and behold he couldn't leave, that might put his knickers in a knot, don't you think?

Overall, I find the conduct of the proponents of the dog killings to be hypocritical. On one hand many of them are the first in line to scream about the Thais inability to respect the rule of law, and yet here we see vigilantism in all of its grim glory. In a civil society we do not have the option of only respecting those laws which we deem acceptable. If we could opt out of the laws we didn't like, I'd be the first to do so. At the present time, I am precluded from throwing rocks at the farangs that speed through my soi on their motorbikes.

I am also somewhat surprised that a thread discussing the merits of an act that clearly violates public order and the law is being discussed at all. Usually when this happens, one is quick to see :o

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I agree 100% that if you seriously want a humane, effective, tried and proven way to solve your problem then use pepper spray on the dog. I have used pepper spray on two occasions when I had problem of a dog trying to attact me any my dog as we walked by and both times were totally effective. Using pepper spray on the problem dog will not only stop the dog in his tracks but also can also can have a very good side benefit since the pepper stays on the dogs coat for some time after it is sprayed. If the owner of the dog, pets or touches the dog not knowing it has been sprayed, the spray residue will get on his hands which because they are tough will not feel the pepper however when he touches his face or any other sensitive part of his body like his privates, the pepper spray residue will again transfer and begin to burn like hel_l. I know because after I had sprayed one of the problem dogs in my neighborhood-I found out later that the owner later that day could not figure out why parts of his body suddenly felt like they were on fire.

Wondering where can find this fantastic pepper spray stuff. The poison alternative will work but I would give the pepper spray a try first if I could find where to buy it (or make it????).

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I agree 100% that if you seriously want a humane, effective, tried and proven way to solve your problem then use pepper spray on the dog. I have used pepper spray on two occasions when I had problem of a dog trying to attact me any my dog as we walked by and both times were totally effective. Using pepper spray on the problem dog will not only stop the dog in his tracks but also can also can have a very good side benefit since the pepper stays on the dogs coat for some time after it is sprayed. If the owner of the dog, pets or touches the dog not knowing it has been sprayed, the spray residue will get on his hands which because they are tough will not feel the pepper however when he touches his face or any other sensitive part of his body like his privates, the pepper spray residue will again transfer and begin to burn like hel_l. I know because after I had sprayed one of the problem dogs in my neighborhood-I found out later that the owner later that day could not figure out why parts of his body suddenly felt like they were on fire.

Wondering where can find this fantastic pepper spray stuff. The poison alternative will work but I would give the pepper spray a try first if I could find where to buy it (or make it????).

The same stalls that sell the Tazors, knifes, flashlights etc...I seem to remember it being quite expensive through. I wouldn't want to wasting a few hundred baht of pepper stray on some dogs every time i walked past.


To: geriatrickid

Should the OP actually be bitten by the dog, and was writing this from hospital with an infected wound; what you then recommend be done about the dog (seeing as you seem to be such a strong proponent of protecting the dogs)?

Edited by dave111223
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I had the same problem with some soi dogs on my street. I bought some doggy treats/chews (very cheap). I would then ride by, and when the dogs came out, I tossed them a doggy treat/chew (doggy baht as I called it). After about a week they looked at me as a friend. They no longer bark or chase me, other than wanting a treat. I still do tip the dogs for not chasing or barking at me. The baht I spend on doggy baht or treats is well worth it, as nobody gets mad at the farang (including the dogs) and no potential legal problems. :o

Tony, I hope you'll try this...and other legal and non lethal measures before doing something you'll regret.

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Thanks for sharing your story, Tony. Now people all over the world can join in and laugh at you.

Much more practical to carry a stick, give it a few waves and whacks if needed, and the dogs run away. If these are attack dogs, mace them (any kind of spray aerosol should work as well). If confronted by owner, just say you were defending yourself, then go about your business. If confronted in a hostile manner, again, defend yourself as needed.

Civil and one's blood pressure needn't go up at all.


You'd be better off with the pepper spray, then you could spray the owner in the event of a secondary hostile attack. A stick upside the head is going to get you into more trouble.

But in the end, I think Jimmi has the best next step...doggie baht bribes.

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Article 116(2) of the Thai Criminal Code states that anyone who publicises either verbally, in writing, or by any other means with the purpose of inciting unrest in the public, is liable to a maximum of 7 years imprisonment.

The demise of Thaivisa.... as according to a sample screening, 83.2% of the threads on this forum can fall into the category if it is going to so loosely interpreted as in this instance.

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I had the same problem with some soi dogs on my street. I bought some doggy treats/chews (very cheap). I would then ride by, and when the dogs came out, I tossed them a doggy treat/chew (doggy baht as I called it). After about a week they looked at me as a friend. They no longer bark or chase me, other than wanting a treat. I still do tip the dogs for not chasing or barking at me. The baht I spend on doggy baht or treats is well worth it, as nobody gets mad at the farang (including the dogs) and no potential legal problems. :o

Only because the dogs are to busy eating while you make your retreat.

What about the man ,woman or child who ventures down there and the dogs rush out expecting a treat and get nothing. Ruff,Ruff, all over red rover.

IMHO it would only encourage the dogs to race out everytime somebody goes by,bad behavior should not be rewarded.

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I agree 100% that if you seriously want a humane, effective, tried and proven way to solve your problem then use pepper spray on the dog. I have used pepper spray on two occasions when I had problem of a dog trying to attact me any my dog as we walked by and both times were totally effective. Using pepper spray on the problem dog will not only stop the dog in his tracks but also can also can have a very good side benefit since the pepper stays on the dogs coat for some time after it is sprayed. If the owner of the dog, pets or touches the dog not knowing it has been sprayed, the spray residue will get on his hands which because they are tough will not feel the pepper however when he touches his face or any other sensitive part of his body like his privates, the pepper spray residue will again transfer and begin to burn like hel_l. I know because after I had sprayed one of the problem dogs in my neighborhood-I found out later that the owner later that day could not figure out why parts of his body suddenly felt like they were on fire.

Wondering where can find this fantastic pepper spray stuff. The poison alternative will work but I would give the pepper spray a try first if I could find where to buy it (or make it????).

Chilli powder + water + water pistol = home made pepper spray?

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dont full agree with you tony but if i was in your situation and a a guys dog bit my kid i would have no hesitation in kicking it so hard i would smash the dogs teeth out,so at least the thing cannot bite another child.people sometimes forget that a soi dog snarling can be quite frightening and should not be out on the streets.in parts of the world the police would come out and shoot the thing.

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Wondering where can find this fantastic pepper spray stuff. The poison alternative will work but I would give the pepper spray a try first if I could find where to buy it (or make it????).

Chilli powder + water + water pistol = home made pepper spray?

Thanks for that. I did a "google search" and kind of came up with the same. Should work....now I need to find a way to test it......oh, wait....there was a reason I asked the question. :o

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dont full agree with you tony but if i was in your situation and a a guys dog bit my kid i would have no hesitation in kicking it so hard i would smash the dogs teeth out,so at least the thing cannot bite another child.people sometimes forget that a soi dog snarling can be quite frightening and should not be out on the streets.in parts of the world the police would come out and shoot the thing.

The fact is many dog bites to Thai children require more medical treatment because when the doctors ask if the family to keep an eye on the dog to see if it shows sign of being rabid, the Thai family has already killed it. :o

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The fact is many dog bites to Thai children require more medical treatment because when the doctors ask if the family to keep an eye on the dog to see if it shows sign of being rabid, the Thai family has already killed it. :o

I did read somewhere (perhaps on TV a while ago) that if you go, or take someone, to hospital for treatment of a dog bite you should take the head of the dog that did the biting with you!

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"I went to get smokes and slowed down at the speed bump, heard a noise next to me and saw the red dog trying to take a bite out of my leg,"

Hi Tony, maybe time to quit smoking for the sake of your health :o ???

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"I went to get smokes and slowed down at the speed bump, heard a noise next to me and saw the red dog trying to take a bite out of my leg,"

Hi Tony, maybe time to quit smoking for the sake of your health :o ???

I believe Tony has been smoke-free for about 5 months now. Good on him!!

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What gives a dog more right to life than a tic, mouse or rat for that matter?

Sure some are cute cudly etc, but when they have no use and are a threat to me and my family.... I really don't have much sympathy. Really, on the scale of things.... what matters more, your family or some mangy mongrel?


Or you for that matter?

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As I may have mentioned before on this forum, Thailand is a Third World country. We cannot expect First World behaviour from Third World people in a Third World country. As soon as we make the decision to live or to spend time in a Third World country, we must abandon all hope of First World behaviour.

20% of Thais are suffering from malnutrition, so many Thai women are selling themselves to support their families, there is precious little in the way of national health, pensions, unemployment benefits, policing, law and order…

Just be glad the dog owner didn’t murder your entire family and just be glad this is a little more civilised than Iraq, Somalia or the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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"I went to get smokes and slowed down at the speed bump, heard a noise next to me and saw the red dog trying to take a bite out of my leg,"

Hi Tony, maybe time to quit smoking for the sake of your health :o ???

I believe Tony has been smoke-free for about 5 months now. Good on him!!

Hi twschw, thanks, I didn't realise that, however it would seem our Tony's stress levels have developed over this period. I'd assumed from his posts this was down to our canine friends, but now you mention it, perhaps it could be down to a nicotine defficiency :D ?

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We have this moron in the moo ban here with three unleashed dogs that terrorize everything that rolls or walk by at the busiest street corner within the village. He can't say he doesn't know what his dogs are doing as he sits inside watching tv and the whole side of his house is made of glass and he can clearly see and hear what goes on outside. There is also a speed bump right there and the dogs charge at people as they slow down on bikes and m'cycles. I've seen countless attacks, some people don't even know they were almost bit from behind. :D I'm not sure if anyone has been bitten yet.

First time was late in the evening, I went to get smokes and slowed down at the speed bump, heard a noise next to me and saw the red dog trying to take a bite out of my leg, he brushed it but did not break the skin, I shouted at it and honked my horn, he stepped back, I dropped the motorcycle and chased him onto the guys side lawn where he keeps a pile of metal scrap. The dog was hiding under so I banged on a metal table as loudly as I could to scared the sh!t out of the dog. Owner walks out drunk and asks what's going on. Told him and left.

Multiple times, the same red dog charged at me only to turn back when he recognized the guy who now chases him on the m'cycle. The same can't be said when on foot and that goes for everyone.

Stupid guy gets two more dogs, they look like labradors but are aggressive. Two weeks ago, I went for my morning m'cycle ride and one of the new dogs tried to take a bit out of my leg as I slowed down at the speed bump. I shouted again and honked, dropped the m'cycle and chased the dog to a dead end on the side of his house, all made of concrete and ceramic tiles, I grabbed scrap metal and threw it in the dogs direction, it was scared sh!tless and jumping about 4 feet high with nothing but a 12 ft high roof for escape. I did not hurt it, only wanted to scare it. Went back to pick up the m'cycle and out comes the proud owner asking what happened. :D This is the second time we meet and I ask him to tie up his dogs, he laughs in my face. I was insulted and I just lost it and started shouting that I'd cut his dog's head off if they tried biting again with a motion of fingers across my throat and left.

Next day, I meet one neighbour looking for the dogs with his slingshot, mad as hel_l, don't know what happened exactly.

This evening, wife and I decide to walk to the local market, take the baby along in the stroller as we often do but I now have to carry a stick about the size of a baseball bat . On the way there, one of his dogs spots us , barks and the other two come out. We were able to walk away because of traffic keeping the dogs from crossing the street. On the way back was a different story, it was dark but they were waiting, as soon as we turned the corner they came charging but stopped when I whacked the street with the wooden bat and started screaming at them ready to beat the crap out of all three when magically, moron walks out of his house and asks me with a stupid smile "Wat appin?" :o (This is our 3rd confrontation) I can't remember exactly what insults I threw at him but I've never shouted at anyone like this, his wife came out and so did his front door neighbour. At one point he was clearly trying to insinuate that I wanted to hit him with the stick so I threw it away in the other direction. My wife stepped in front of him when he started walking towards me trying to explain what was going on and how long and often it goes on, but I doubt he thought she was right.

I told him I'd call the police tomorrow and he laughed in my face again ( so did I inside, police, pffff).

We're going to see the village headman tomorrow and see what will happen.

If nothing is done I'll take matters in my own hands the day we move out soon and feed his dogs, my version of a happy meal. On many occasions I could have simply run them over late at night with the truck while they slept in the middle of the street and now regret not doing so one by one.

A 9mm works wonders for terrorizing dogs

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As I may have mentioned before on this forum, Thailand is a Third World country. We cannot expect First World behaviour from Third World people in a Third World country. As soon as we make the decision to live or to spend time in a Third World country, we must abandon all hope of First World behaviour.

20% of Thais are suffering from malnutrition, so many Thai women are selling themselves to support their families, there is precious little in the way of national health, pensions, unemployment benefits, policing, law and order…

Just be glad the dog owner didn't murder your entire family and just be glad this is a little more civilised than Iraq, Somalia or the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

I agree also, maybe not the 20% part. I would say 10% but whats the diff.

People expect Thailand to become like the UK, Australia or US over night. They have come alon way in 20 years.

Now just get rid of that dog by what ever method you like

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As I may have mentioned before on this forum, Thailand is a Third World country. We cannot expect First World behaviour from Third World people in a Third World country. As soon as we make the decision to live or to spend time in a Third World country, we must abandon all hope of First World behaviour.

20% of Thais are suffering from malnutrition, so many Thai women are selling themselves to support their families, there is precious little in the way of national health, pensions, unemployment benefits, policing, law and order…

Just be glad the dog owner didn’t murder your entire family and just be glad this is a little more civilised than Iraq, Somalia or the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

...a glimpse into a strange and tortured mind there perhaps?

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We have this moron in the moo ban here with three unleashed dogs that terrorize everything that rolls or walk by at the busiest street corner within the village. He can't say he doesn't know what his dogs are doing as he sits inside watching tv and the whole side of his house is made of glass and he can clearly see and hear what goes on outside. There is also a speed bump right there and the dogs charge at people as they slow down on bikes and m'cycles. I've seen countless attacks, some people don't even know they were almost bit from behind. :D I'm not sure if anyone has been bitten yet.

First time was late in the evening, I went to get smokes and slowed down at the speed bump, heard a noise next to me and saw the red dog trying to take a bite out of my leg, he brushed it but did not break the skin, I shouted at it and honked my horn, he stepped back, I dropped the motorcycle and chased him onto the guys side lawn where he keeps a pile of metal scrap. The dog was hiding under so I banged on a metal table as loudly as I could to scared the sh!t out of the dog. Owner walks out drunk and asks what's going on. Told him and left.

Multiple times, the same red dog charged at me only to turn back when he recognized the guy who now chases him on the m'cycle. The same can't be said when on foot and that goes for everyone.

Stupid guy gets two more dogs, they look like labradors but are aggressive. Two weeks ago, I went for my morning m'cycle ride and one of the new dogs tried to take a bit out of my leg as I slowed down at the speed bump. I shouted again and honked, dropped the m'cycle and chased the dog to a dead end on the side of his house, all made of concrete and ceramic tiles, I grabbed scrap metal and threw it in the dogs direction, it was scared sh!tless and jumping about 4 feet high with nothing but a 12 ft high roof for escape. I did not hurt it, only wanted to scare it. Went back to pick up the m'cycle and out comes the proud owner asking what happened. :D This is the second time we meet and I ask him to tie up his dogs, he laughs in my face. I was insulted and I just lost it and started shouting that I'd cut his dog's head off if they tried biting again with a motion of fingers across my throat and left.

Next day, I meet one neighbour looking for the dogs with his slingshot, mad as hel_l, don't know what happened exactly.

This evening, wife and I decide to walk to the local market, take the baby along in the stroller as we often do but I now have to carry a stick about the size of a baseball bat . On the way there, one of his dogs spots us , barks and the other two come out. We were able to walk away because of traffic keeping the dogs from crossing the street. On the way back was a different story, it was dark but they were waiting, as soon as we turned the corner they came charging but stopped when I whacked the street with the wooden bat and started screaming at them ready to beat the crap out of all three when magically, moron walks out of his house and asks me with a stupid smile "Wat appin?" :o (This is our 3rd confrontation) I can't remember exactly what insults I threw at him but I've never shouted at anyone like this, his wife came out and so did his front door neighbour. At one point he was clearly trying to insinuate that I wanted to hit him with the stick so I threw it away in the other direction. My wife stepped in front of him when he started walking towards me trying to explain what was going on and how long and often it goes on, but I doubt he thought she was right.

I told him I'd call the police tomorrow and he laughed in my face again ( so did I inside, police, pffff).

We're going to see the village headman tomorrow and see what will happen.

If nothing is done I'll take matters in my own hands the day we move out soon and feed his dogs, my version of a happy meal. On many occasions I could have simply run them over late at night with the truck while they slept in the middle of the street and now regret not doing so one by one.

A 9mm works wonders for terrorizing dogs

Anybody else find quoting a long, long post with a single line response irritating?

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4] as a last resort, exterminate the dog with Carbon Monoxide (exhaust gases from a petroleum powered vehicle). Carbon Monoxide poisoning will first put the victim to sleep & then they will die without apparently being traumatised. Exhaust gases from a diesel powered vehicle will not work.

I often wonder why they do not use this for executions. I guess they figure it takes too long and no one wants to wait around for it.

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