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Cooking Show Programme Was Cancelled Because Of Attempts To Topple Me : Samak


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The rush to push through a new constitution is plainly to neutralise the AEC and render all its investigations 'illegal'.

But Thaksin has always maintained his innocence, so why fear them? And he can afford the best lawyers available.

The courts must do their work, verdicts must be seen to be transparent, and then Thailand can move on.

If Thaksin is guilty then he must face the consequences or flee to Man City, providing the fans have not renamed him Frankenstein.

If he's innocent then obviously he can come back.

All his actions suggest however he's got a lot to hide, and now he's turned his back on his fawning sycophant, 'Eepen' who revealed a little too much with his speech to the foreign journalists.

Questions of guilt and inocence aside. It may well be that the constitution change push to free all the 111 and Thaksin is more to do with timing. Even if he is innocent or even if he thinks he could splash the cash court cases take a long time and then there are appeals. The Newin plan (so we are told) to use constitutional change to remove all cases is a very quick way to deal with everything from the TRT/PPP point of view. It is a bit high risk but the guys we are talking about seem to thrive on high risk strategies, and it is certainly a plan that totally ignores any notion of reconcilliation, which the court cases progressing would have accomodated. It is certainly a worrying time as the stakes are continually cranked higher and higher.

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The AEC must be annihilated along with all the other rubbish left over from the military coup. The military must learn a lesson; the people must speak! Then, and only then, should all the past politicians be held accountable.

What do you know about the members of the AEC to call them rubbish? Have you met Mr Sak or Kaeowsan? Or are you showing your usual ignorance?

I see, anyone who puts forth an opinion different than your own is ignorant. Seems a bit fascist, doesn't it Mr. Militarist?

Mr. Sunrise, why don't you just give some reasoning to your opinion on the AEC. To just state that something is rubbish without saying why isn't necessarily ignorant, but it is certainly worthless.

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The AEC must be annihilated along with all the other rubbish left over from the military coup. The military must learn a lesson; the people must speak! Then, and only then, should all the past politicians be held accountable.

What do you know about the members of the AEC to call them rubbish? Have you met Mr Sak or Kaeowsan? Or are you showing your usual ignorance?

I see, anyone who puts forth an opinion different than your own is ignorant. Seems a bit fascist, doesn't it Mr. Militarist?

Mr. Sunrise, why don't you just give some reasoning to your opinion on the AEC. To just state that something is rubbish without saying why isn't necessarily ignorant, but it is certainly worthless.

The AEC is the brainchild of the military coup responsible for among other things the slaughter of many innocent Thai civilians in 1992. They danced over their cold dead bodies and now are trying to tell the Thai people that they know best what's best for the country. Spin the stench of death anyway you want, I say rubbish!

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The AEC must be annihilated along with all the other rubbish left over from the military coup. The military must learn a lesson; the people must speak! Then, and only then, should all the past politicians be held accountable.

What do you know about the members of the AEC to call them rubbish? Have you met Mr Sak or Kaeowsan? Or are you showing your usual ignorance?

I see, anyone who puts forth an opinion different than your own is ignorant. Seems a bit fascist, doesn't it Mr. Militarist?

Mr. Sunrise, why don't you just give some reasoning to your opinion on the AEC. To just state that something is rubbish without saying why isn't necessarily ignorant, but it is certainly worthless.

The AEC is the brainchild of the military coup responsible for among other things the slaughter of many innocent Thai civilians in 1992. They danced over their cold dead bodies and now are trying to tell the Thai people that they know best what's best for the country. Spin the stench of death anyway you want, I say rubbish!

I say rubbish!

?? Did you mean to say "speak"?

Saying that you hate the military isn't giving a reason as to why the AEC is rubbish, it's just saying that you hate the military.

Makes no more sense than those who rubbish all of Thaksin's policies, just because they were his.

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The AEC must be annihilated along with all the other rubbish left over from the military coup. The military must learn a lesson; the people must speak! Then, and only then, should all the past politicians be held accountable.

What do you know about the members of the AEC to call them rubbish? Have you met Mr Sak or Kaeowsan? Or are you showing your usual ignorance?

I see, anyone who puts forth an opinion different than your own is ignorant. Seems a bit fascist, doesn't it Mr. Militarist?

Mr. Sunrise, why don't you just give some reasoning to your opinion on the AEC. To just state that something is rubbish without saying why isn't necessarily ignorant, but it is certainly worthless.

The AEC is the brainchild of the military coup responsible for among other things the slaughter of many innocent Thai civilians in 1992. They danced over their cold dead bodies and now are trying to tell the Thai people that they know best what's best for the country. Spin the stench of death anyway you want, I say rubbish!

I say rubbish!

?? Did you mean to say "speak"?

Saying that you hate the military isn't giving a reason as to why the AEC is rubbish, it's just saying that you hate the military.

Makes no more sense than those who rubbish all of Thaksin's policies, just because they were his.

You might want to research the intimate connection between the military junta and the AEC!

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The AEC must be annihilated along with all the other rubbish left over from the military coup. The military must learn a lesson; the people must speak! Then, and only then, should all the past politicians be held accountable.

What do you know about the members of the AEC to call them rubbish? Have you met Mr Sak or Kaeowsan? Or are you showing your usual ignorance?

I see, anyone who puts forth an opinion different than your own is ignorant. Seems a bit fascist, doesn't it Mr. Militarist?

Mr. Sunrise, why don't you just give some reasoning to your opinion on the AEC. To just state that something is rubbish without saying why isn't necessarily ignorant, but it is certainly worthless.

The AEC is the brainchild of the military coup responsible for among other things the slaughter of many innocent Thai civilians in 1992. They danced over their cold dead bodies and now are trying to tell the Thai people that they know best what's best for the country. Spin the stench of death anyway you want, I say rubbish!

I say rubbish!

?? Did you mean to say "speak"?

Saying that you hate the military isn't giving a reason as to why the AEC is rubbish, it's just saying that you hate the military.

Makes no more sense than those who rubbish all of Thaksin's policies, just because they were his.

You might want to research the intimate connection between the military junta and the AEC!

Why don't you just tell us?

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The AEC must be annihilated along with all the other rubbish left over from the military coup. The military must learn a lesson; the people must speak! Then, and only then, should all the past politicians be held accountable.

What do you know about the members of the AEC to call them rubbish? Have you met Mr Sak or Kaeowsan? Or are you showing your usual ignorance?

I see, anyone who puts forth an opinion different than your own is ignorant. Seems a bit fascist, doesn't it Mr. Militarist?

Mr. Sunrise, why don't you just give some reasoning to your opinion on the AEC. To just state that something is rubbish without saying why isn't necessarily ignorant, but it is certainly worthless.

The AEC is the brainchild of the military coup responsible for among other things the slaughter of many innocent Thai civilians in 1992. They danced over their cold dead bodies and now are trying to tell the Thai people that they know best what's best for the country. Spin the stench of death anyway you want, I say rubbish!

I say rubbish!

?? Did you mean to say "speak"?

Saying that you hate the military isn't giving a reason as to why the AEC is rubbish, it's just saying that you hate the military.

Makes no more sense than those who rubbish all of Thaksin's policies, just because they were his.

You might want to research the intimate connection between the military junta and the AEC!

Why don't you just tell us?

Why don't you just deny the connection?

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The AEC must be annihilated along with all the other rubbish left over from the military coup. The military must learn a lesson; the people must speak! Then, and only then, should all the past politicians be held accountable.

What do you know about the members of the AEC to call them rubbish? Have you met Mr Sak or Kaeowsan? Or are you showing your usual ignorance?

I see, anyone who puts forth an opinion different than your own is ignorant. Seems a bit fascist, doesn't it Mr. Militarist?

Mr. Sunrise, why don't you just give some reasoning to your opinion on the AEC. To just state that something is rubbish without saying why isn't necessarily ignorant, but it is certainly worthless.

The AEC is the brainchild of the military coup responsible for among other things the slaughter of many innocent Thai civilians in 1992. They danced over their cold dead bodies and now are trying to tell the Thai people that they know best what's best for the country. Spin the stench of death anyway you want, I say rubbish!

I say rubbish!

?? Did you mean to say "speak"?

Saying that you hate the military isn't giving a reason as to why the AEC is rubbish, it's just saying that you hate the military.

Makes no more sense than those who rubbish all of Thaksin's policies, just because they were his.

You might want to research the intimate connection between the military junta and the AEC!

Why don't you just tell us?

Why don't you just deny the connection?

At this stage i can't deny it or accept it. I have no evidence of the connection, unlike you. Just tell me what it is and stop dodging the question.

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The AEC must be annihilated along with all the other rubbish left over from the military coup. The military must learn a lesson; the people must speak! Then, and only then, should all the past politicians be held accountable.

What do you know about the members of the AEC to call them rubbish? Have you met Mr Sak or Kaeowsan? Or are you showing your usual ignorance?

I see, anyone who puts forth an opinion different than your own is ignorant. Seems a bit fascist, doesn't it Mr. Militarist?

Mr. Sunrise, why don't you just give some reasoning to your opinion on the AEC. To just state that something is rubbish without saying why isn't necessarily ignorant, but it is certainly worthless.

The AEC is the brainchild of the military coup responsible for among other things the slaughter of many innocent Thai civilians in 1992. They danced over their cold dead bodies and now are trying to tell the Thai people that they know best what's best for the country. Spin the stench of death anyway you want, I say rubbish!

I say rubbish!

?? Did you mean to say "speak"?

Saying that you hate the military isn't giving a reason as to why the AEC is rubbish, it's just saying that you hate the military.

Makes no more sense than those who rubbish all of Thaksin's policies, just because they were his.

You might want to research the intimate connection between the military junta and the AEC!

Why don't you just tell us?

Why don't you just deny the connection?

At this stage i can't deny it or accept it. I have no evidence of the connection, unlike you. Just tell me what it is and stop dodging the question.

The Assets Examination Committee (th: คณะกรรมการตรวจสอบการกระทำที่ก่อให้เกิดความเสียหายแก่รัฐ, Khana Kammakan Truat Sop Kan Kratham Thi Ko Hai Koet Khwam Sia Hai Kae Rat, lit: the Council for Examination of Actions injuring the State), or AEC (th: คตส., Khotoso), is the Thai governmental body in charge of examination of the assets of former Ministers under the premiership of Pol Lt Col Thaksin Shinawatra. Their assets were accused by the Council for National Security, the military junta that overthrown Thaksin's government in 2006, for having been gained wrongfully or through actions which may cause injuries to the State. The Committee was established by the Announcement of the Council for Democratic Reform, later became Council for Natinal Security, No. 30 dated 30 September 2006 which was published in the Government Gazette, vol. 123, pt. 105 ko, dated 3 October B.E. 2549 (2006).

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... As for the divisiveness, it may be that he focused it and that he brought it out, but the there has always been a divide between so many groups in Thailand.

He was the first politician to play on those divisions and draw clear lines between "us" and "them" and he turned these groups into archrival protagonists. He also forced people with no agenda to be identified with one of the two camps. In this climate any attempts to create any neutral grouping are doomed to fail.

True. But at some point it is/was bound to happen - whether it's now with Thaksin or some other guy 20 years later (isn't that why we were all hearing these 'really big deal' rumours going on in the background?). To me, the only thing that matters is whether the country as a whole benefits from ANY change in breaking down the old-family-strangleholds to get rid of the usual power cliques and their brother-cousin-in-law-gaunxi-crap that goes on ad nauseam. (to be clear, 'old family' means the synchophantic grovellers who were given land, status and position within which to benefit their extended families (yes, I'm sure Thaksin's family is in there too - but can this ever end? One can only hope Thai people will one day say enough of the Mercededs' Benz class with nothing to offer their society other than the chin-wong-chan family connections???).

Surely many would agree with that?

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I fully agree with ya Gene,

Was checking in for a flight this Monday and was told it was a VIP flight so I got some sticker.

Immigration as usual, very long lines, but hey they directed me to a seperate counter and only one person waiting.

A bit surprised but ok it is for free so why not.

Once I entered the gate I could see them, three (Feeling/showing they were) highest class lady's and four guys all nicely dressed up in their black suits and white shirts.

Flashing their badges, wide smiles and many wai's.

Before the announcement to board was made the group was kindly asked to board first.

And there they went, noses high up and peaking left and right with big smiles on their faces.

After about five minutes we could board.

Guess what, they were flying economy!!!!

But but but!

They were blocking both paths into the airplane, chit chatting and have the occasional laugh together.

After a few minutes more waiting for them to clear the entrance I kindly asked the two lady's if they could make some space so me and other passengers could go to our seats.

No reaction at all, they just kept talking!!!

My blood started boiling so I decided to just push them out of the way while asking who you think you are, huh?

OK me and other passengers could finaly walk through.

Once we landed, directly after hitting ground the three lady's started to open the luggage bins and get their and the guys bags out, and the whole group stand up and walked to the exit, waiting for the doors to be opened.

Mind you, during the flight those lady's did all the work, asking for drinks for the guys, asking tissue papers, telling the air hostess to fill in the immigration forms and so on.

What a bunch of useless people, but hey, this is Thailand and this is Thai culture, right?

I almost puked....

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Yes I've experienced (worse) that before too.

It's a patronage society - we're supposd to live with that. But what happens if someday, Thai people - maybe my own kids (as opposed to 'foreigners' married to Thais (like me) - but, hey, maybe me too), stand up and say HEY - <deleted>+K OFF! Not you first.. ME FIRST!! OR at least ME FIRST -- AND THEN "YOU" -- AS EQUALS! Not just on a bloody airplane - but at school, university, entry into employment as a professional..(who actually "DID" the thesis!!), etc.

Some say it will never happen..But I say, hope springs eternal.

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Back to topic:

EC receives Samak's defence on the two cooking shows

BANGKOK: -- The Election Commission has received a statement from Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej defending his involvement in two cooking shows as an honourary presenter without any job contract, EC member Sodsri Sattayatham said on Friday.

The Samak's defence has ruled out the employee status because he had never earned a salary, Sodsri said

-- The Nation 2008-05-23

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He was the first politician to play on those divisions and draw clear lines between "us" and "them" and he turned these groups into archrival protagonists.

True. But at some point it is/was bound to happen

Not at all.

He could try to reconcile and unite, instead he chose to divide and conquer.

Political leadership DOES have an effect on how racial/ethnical/class divisions play out in the end.


Someone brought up an old interview where Samak said he recieved 80k salary for his shows that he donated to some charity.

His defence doesn't make any sense - it's as if he can provide some real inside information to anyone who pays, as long as it's booked as "consulting services" and he is not on their employee roster.

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I fully agree with ya Gene,

Was checking in for a flight this Monday and was told it was a VIP flight so I got some sticker.

Immigration as usual, very long lines, but hey they directed me to a seperate counter and only one person waiting.

A bit surprised but ok it is for free so why not.

Once I entered the gate I could see them, three (Feeling/showing they were) highest class lady's and four guys all nicely dressed up in their black suits and white shirts.

Flashing their badges, wide smiles and many wai's.

Before the announcement to board was made the group was kindly asked to board first.

And there they went, noses high up and peaking left and right with big smiles on their faces.

After about five minutes we could board.

Guess what, they were flying economy!!!!

But but but!

They were blocking both paths into the airplane, chit chatting and have the occasional laugh together.

After a few minutes more waiting for them to clear the entrance I kindly asked the two lady's if they could make some space so me and other passengers could go to our seats.

No reaction at all, they just kept talking!!!

My blood started boiling so I decided to just push them out of the way while asking who you think you are, huh?

OK me and other passengers could finaly walk through.

Once we landed, directly after hitting ground the three lady's started to open the luggage bins and get their and the guys bags out, and the whole group stand up and walked to the exit, waiting for the doors to be opened.

Mind you, during the flight those lady's did all the work, asking for drinks for the guys, asking tissue papers, telling the air hostess to fill in the immigration forms and so on.

What a bunch of useless people, but hey, this is Thailand and this is Thai culture, right?

I almost puked....

And what odds they paid for their own tickets. It would explain why they were in economy. At least a little of the pampering may be unravelling.

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Yes I've experienced (worse) that before too.

It's a patronage society - we're supposd to live with that. But what happens if someday, Thai people - maybe my own kids (as opposed to 'foreigners' married to Thais (like me) - but, hey, maybe me too), stand up and say HEY - <deleted>+K OFF! Not you first.. ME FIRST!! OR at least ME FIRST -- AND THEN "YOU" -- AS EQUALS! Not just on a bloody airplane - but at school, university, entry into employment as a professional..(who actually "DID" the thesis!!), etc.

Some say it will never happen..But I say, hope springs eternal.

Be careful what you wish for... If a few of the things you dislike about Thailand change suddenly, then maybe a lot of the things you do like about the place may disappear also. It is all related.

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I think we're just days or maybe a week or two away from another coup..Hope not, but I've got a bad feeling about this. They'll try to 'justify' it by saying the Govt was attempting to 'meddle' with the constitution for self-serving interests and wasn't attending to the matters of state (both of which are probably true).

More dark days ahead I think..

Come on, where's this coup then?

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I think we're just days or maybe a week or two away from another coup..Hope not, but I've got a bad feeling about this. They'll try to 'justify' it by saying the Govt was attempting to 'meddle' with the constitution for self-serving interests and wasn't attending to the matters of state (both of which are probably true).

More dark days ahead I think..

Come on, where's this coup then?

After the flashpoint between PAD and the others (if it happens) - but before any referendum on changing the Constiution can take place that's for sure. I think they're gong to wait and hope that the Government collapses first if some of these factions leave..

You don;t see any dark days? What do you call today?

Edited by thaigene2
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If the MPs withdraw their support for amendment bill, as was reported, situation will be diffused in a few days.

Samak will have to wait until the new referendum law is in place, which could be as late as August. PAD will have to stop their protests, too.

Move along, nothing to see here today.

Or Samak can try to push for his stupid, meaningless referendum until someone challenges its legality in court. In this case PAD will have to keep vigil.

Unfortunately Samak is a rather minor figure, Newin and co have their own agenda.

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If the MPs withdraw their support for amendment bill, as was reported, situation will be diffused in a few days.

Samak will have to wait until the new referendum law is in place, which could be as late as August. PAD will have to stop their protests, too.

Move along, nothing to see here today.

Or Samak can try to push for his stupid, meaningless referendum until someone challenges its legality in court. In this case PAD will have to keep vigil.

Unfortunately Samak is a rather minor figure, Newin and co have their own agenda.

As I said before - good. If there is no flashpoint, then the coup-plotters have to go home and scartch their heads for a while. I'm all for Samak's minority govt hitting the skids.

But let's hope that whatever comes next benefits the majority ok Plus? And not just the cushy middle and upper classes. But I highly doubt it. Instead there will just be more guanxi deals to build more shopping malls and expressways with sub-standard parts already schemed up by the families set to profit. Plus ca change.

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...the coup-plotters have to go home and scartch their heads for a while.

I think the potential coup plotters will be glad that this is all over. They might be able to pull off a coup, but running the country is a royal pain the ass, no one wants any of it.

But let's hope that whatever comes next benefits the majority ok Plus? And not just the cushy middle and upper classes. But I highly doubt it.

Sorry to disappoint you, but the only hope for Thailand is to start Bangkok mass transit projects ASAP. Without that investment the government won't have any funds to "benefit the majority.

Samak's government is not too hot on helping the poor anyway. They haven't eaten themselves yet.

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