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Tata Young

DJ Pat

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She's been Thailands most 'influential' and sucessful person and was a child star and the public apparently love her.

Her video "Dhoom Dhoom" is a Kylie / Christina / Britney rip off and the song's <deleted> but walk around any mall and there'll be crowds of Thais awestruck watching it. But hang on, I thought the Thai public hated her?

The Thai press said that video had her "looking like she was being raped".

You can't go to many places without hearing her unmistakeable "Sexy Naughty Bitchy" on some stereo somewhere, or "I Believe" or the awful "Cinderella"

Sha won two awards at some place two weeks ago and 'sang' three songs, sounding absolutely awful doing so. I mean, she couldn't sing live at all. And this is Thailand's top star?

Why do we never see "Tata Young Live at Impact arena" advertised? Other Thai stars seem to be able to do it. Why can't she?

What are your views on this bizarre situation? Do the locals love or or hate her? I'm confused!

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Pat - She was particularly unpopular when she was dating Paradorn. My students used to take great delight in 'slagging' her every day.

Is she in her mid-20's? I've always thought she looks older, although she does look sexy in the new vid!

It's a sad reflection on the music industry that such talentless artists become so popular.

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All marketing - some people ain't soft.

(According to my g/f) Her video for "Dhoom Dhoom" is banned in Thailand, which may explain the curiousity seen in the malls by Thai people.

Worked wonders with Frankie Goes To Holywood - Relax. Video was banned by the BBC and it shot straight to #1. Wonder if this is the producers for Tata have in mind? :o

Regardless, I think she's <deleted>.

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I got 2 different tones of replies when questioning my Thai friends on TTY:

1. We love her because she is Thai but she behaves not like one: she do what she wants and express herself as she wishes.

2. We hate her because she is Thai but she behaves not like one: she cannot do what she want in Thailand because she is offending Thailand image being that immoral w8ore that she is.

Go figure :o

No doubt she is sexy but her songs are definitely hot off the pop-factory shelves - she's better off as a super model or something.

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She passionately believes that all (ill-informed) Thais see her as Thailand's Britney Britney - absolute b.ollocks :D , I should say.

And DJ Pat, you were wrong in saying that she's the most successful and influential celebrity in Thailand. Thongchai McInthai, despite being a p.oof, has always been regarded as Thailand's number 1 star. In fact, he's 100% Thai, not a half-caste like this tarty slapper :D .

Of course, as a mixture in farang-mad Thailand, she has always enjoyed expressing her 'perceived racial superiority' which I reckon is an absolute disgrace. :o

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according to my very observant girlfriends, she had a boob job done recently, a remark that raised just enough interest in me for a few moments of intense squinting at the music video, where i could just about make out the fuller form in the scene where she rolls around in the mud with the indian guy (the Dhoom Dhoom video incidentally isn't banned, i keep seeing it on Thai MTV). the theory is she went for one of those silicon injections rather than an implant. so there.

anyway, now that i have once again been lured out of my utter indifference to make yet another simmeringly braindead comment about her, it dawns on me that she does have a way of keeping herself on people's lips, which is a trait that goes a long way in sustaining popularity. and i suspect its a similar situation for you, Mr DJ, since you obviously dislike her but somehow was compelled to start an entirely new thread on her.

okay, enough already.

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And DJ Pat, you were wrong in saying that she's the most successful and influential celebrity in Thailand. Thongchai McInthai, despite being a p.oof, has always been regarded as Thailand's number 1 star. In fact, he's 100% Thai, not a half-caste like this tarty slapper :o .

Bird is streets ahead of Tata in a million ways. He's nice, can sing, plays to the public and is known for charity work.

I thought he was half Scottish?

Oh well apologies for saying Tata was the most successful. ONE of the most successful then.

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I keep on hearing about this Tata Young Lady, but I've never heard of her music...Maybe I have, and didn't know it...... I know my Thai friends told me about her.... :D

I doubt that she will make any headway into the American Market though.... :o

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